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1、八年级英语阅读课教学设计  Unit 4 How do you get to school?                           Section B授课课型:读写课【教材分析】本单元以Transportation 为话题设计教学内容,旨在教会学生使用How引导的特殊疑问句谈论How to get to

2、places ,使学生熟练掌握描述交通方式的相关短语、句型及在句中的表达方式,掌握有关Transportation 的相关词汇,同时复习一般现在时态的用法。本节课在承接前面课时所进行的以听说为主的词汇、句型训练的基础上,选用了一篇介绍世界各地学生怎样到校的短文展开阅读训练。通过本节教学可以使学生循环巩固前面课时所学语言知识,学习新的词汇,并通过教师的指导提高学生的阅读技巧。【教学目标】. 知识目标. Words and expressions:north  part  thing  other  depend  river 

3、 boat  must  more  than  means car;  North America  depend on  by boat  . Sentence:How do students around the world get to school ?How do .get to.?  . Grammar:How questionMust 表示推测. 能力目标   Enable Ss to read a passage easily.  

4、; Improve the students reading and writing abilities. 情感目标本单元的话题取材于学生的日常生活,是学生们熟悉的交通方式和交通工具,这个话题是学生们每天都要说和做的事情,和学生很亲近,因此学生对这部分知识的学习会很感兴趣。本节课通过设计学生调查How students get to your school 教学环节,可以增进学生之间相互了解,从而加深友谊。在教学中结 合在生活中交通拥挤的现象,对学生展开交通安全教育和热爱生命教育。. 重点i. Be able to use take a bus/ go by boat/ ride bikes.

5、to describe how to get to school . Be able to use the Present Indefinite tense correctly.ii. Be able to master the skimming and scanning reading skills. 难点i. Be able to understand some clauses appeared in the passage.ii. To develop studentsability of reading comprehension and communication.iii. Attr

6、act the studentsinterests to attend the study activities. 教具a tape-recorder, .学法指导教会学生使用skimming 和scanning的阅读方法,提高阅读速度,学会从文章中查找问题答案,以及如何有效进行小组合作学习,如何进行调查等。指导学生对所学知识进行有效的概括总结,提高学生的自学能力。.过程与方法采用Communication,question,explaining,Listening and repeating, Practicing, Comparing和Role playing的教学方法, 利用教学图片、多

7、媒体和录音机等搅局辅助开展课堂教学活动。通过男女生PK,抛硬币决定回答问题资格等学生喜爱的小游戏激活课堂,让学生在轻松、活泼、快乐的氛围中学习。通过读、写训练, 复习、 巩固和运用谈论交通方式的目标语言。【教学过程】Step 1. Warming up  5Devide the class into two groups, Boys,Group1, girls,Group2. Sing an English song and play aguessing game to have a competition between them.T: Good morning, boys and

8、 girls!S: Good morming, Miss Pang!T: Last week we learned an English song , the more we get together, do you like it?S: Yes, we do.T: Can you sing it?S: Sure, we can.T: Boys, can you?B: Yes, we can.T: Girls, can you ?G: Of course , we can.T: Now lets have a PK and see who can sing it better. Boys fi

9、rst, Girls second ,OK?S: OKBoys sing the song , Girls listen.T: Now Girls, What do you think of their performance?G: Good, but we can do better than them!T: Really? Please go, let me see if it is so!Girls sing, Boys listen.T: How about their singing, Boys? Its beautiful, isnt it?B: Yes, but we didnt

10、 do badly, either.T: Well, you both did very well. But I think the girls voice is sweeter and the boysvoice is louder. So I cant see who is better. I have a coin here, lets throw the coin and decide the result, OK?S: OK!T: Each of you have five chances to guess up or down. The winner is the better o

11、ne. First boys throw, girls guess. Then exchange. Please catch the chance!Play the guessing game with the students.【设计意图】学唱英语歌曲和做游戏都是学生们感兴趣的活动,尤其是将学生分成男女两大组展开比赛更能激发他们的学习兴趣和积极性。这样可以很快将孩子们的心从上节课的学习或课间活动中转移到英语课堂学习中来,接下来的英语学习搭建起男女生竞赛的平台,有利于培养学生的团队精神和竞争意识。Step 2: Leading in   2T: Congratulation

12、s, Boys/Girls! Youre the winner. Please look at the screen, I have a gift for you,a nice beautiful flower! Do you like it?B/G: wow! Thank you,Miss Pang!T: Come on, Girls/Boys! Dont worry! You have chance to beat the boys/girls in the next section. This class were going to learn 3a-4 Page23. Please l

13、ook at the screen and see what well do today.1. Learn 3a, make sure you can do this below:a. Understand the article and be able to ask and anwer questions about the article.b. Learn the new words.c. Find out your difficult points and try to solve them.2.Learn 3b:a. Be able to read the chart and catc

14、h useful information from it.b.Be able to use the information and complete the article.3.Writing practice(3c-4):a. Make a survey how your classmates get to school.You can use the messages in 4.b. Write a survey report.【设计意图】总结唱歌和游戏比赛情况,利用多媒体赠给学生一个喜爱的标志作为比赛获胜的礼物,既可以激励学生在接下来的学习活动中继续展开竞赛,又可以以礼物的多少记录学生的

15、比赛成绩,引导学生整节课保持高昂的学习兴趣。布置本节课的学习任务和要达成的学习目标,可以让学生整节课有目的地进行学习,提高学习效率Step 3: Reading practice  15 1. Skimming  3:  Ask the students to read the article as quickly as possible and answer, “How many places does the writer talk in the article? What are they?”T: Now class, open your book

16、 and turn to Page23. Look at 3a. Please read the article as quickly as you can. And answer the questions below: How many places does the writer talk in the article? What are they? (Show the questions on the screen.) I want to see who is faster ,boys or girls. And who can answerthe questions correctl

17、y. If you have finished, please hands up.When the students read the article, walk through the class and see who is fast.T: Well stop, boys and girls! I see most of you have finished. And I see Girls are a little faster than Boys. So Girls get the chance to answer the questions. Now Girls whod like t

18、o answer the questions?Choose a girl to anwer the questions.G: Three. T: Is she right?S: Yes!G: OK!Underline North America, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan and <st1:country-region w:st="on">China in the book.T: Now class, in this section the girls are the winner.

19、I have a beautiful present for them. A beautiful flower! Do you like it, Girls?G: Yes, thank you very much!【设计意图】略读是一种很好的阅读技巧,它可以帮助学生在有限的时间内迅速了解阅读材料的大致内容,得到对一篇文章的粗略印象,判断文章中是否有自己需要的信息,可以有效地提高阅读速度和阅读效率。2. Scanning  5: Show some questions on the screen. Ask the students to read the questions first

20、,thenask them to read the article and find out the answers.T: Next, please look at the screen. I have some questions here.They can help you to understand the article.1. How do students in North America go to school?2. How do students in <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan go to schoo

21、l?3. How do students in <st1:country-region w:st="on">China go to school?Now please read the article carefully and try to underline the answers in the article.The students read the book. I walk through them to offer help when necessary. When most students have finished, get them to a

22、nswer the questions in class.T: I see most of you have finished. Now who can answer the first question, how do students in North America go to school? First give the chance to Boys. x x , please!B: Most students go on the school bus, some walk or ride bikes.T: Is he right?S: Yes, he is.T: x x, you d

23、id very well, thank you,sit down, please!Write North America: go on the school bus /walk/ride bikes on the Bb.T: Question2, how do students in <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan go to school? This time, a girl. x, please.G: Take trains, walk or ride bikes.T: Do you agree with her?S:

24、 Yes, we do.Write <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan: take trains/walk/ride bikes on the Bb.T: Thank you very much,good job! Question3,how do students in <st1:country-region w:st="on">China go to school?Boys or Girls?S: Boys! / No, Girls!T: Dont quarrel! Lets throw t

25、he coin to decide it, OK?S: OK!T: If the coin is up, boys answer. If the coin is down, girls answer. Do you agree?S: OK!Throw the coin and decide who answer the question.T: Congratulations, Boys/Girls! You get the chance! X X, please!B/G: It depend on where you are. In big cities, ride bikes or take

26、 buses. In places where there are rivers and lakes, go by boat.S: Yes, we do.T: Thank you, sit down, please! Now class, in this section, Girls/Boys win.Another present for you! Congratulations!Clap hands with the students to encourage the winner.【设计意图】跳读即“搜寻式阅读”。学生在略读环节中已经对文章从整体上把握了一遍。现在让学生带着问题再读文章,

27、学生就会做到心中有数,有目的地从文章中查阅到所需的信息,快速地解决问题,从而节约时间把精力放在重点需要突破的地方上,然后再去仔细阅读文章彻底理解课文。跳读是一种很重要的抢时间的阅读方法,教会学生跳读有利于提高学生的阅读能力。3. Reading exercises and explaining language pionts  5: Do excercises below the article.T: We have read the article twice. I think most of you have caught it now. There are five sente

28、nces below the article. Please look at your book and read them carefully. Say T or F.Give the students 2 minutes to do the exercises alone. Then check the answers.T: Well stop! Time is up. Ill ask some of you to tell us the answers. Lets see who is better in this section. When you answer the questio

29、n, please read the sentence first, second tell us your answer T or F, and then give us your reason. Ok, lets begin. No.1, Girls, give you the chance. X X, please!G: In North America, not all students take the bus to school. It is true.T: Right?S: Yes!T: Please read the sentence about this statement

30、in the article.G: In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes.T: Good job! No.2, Boys.,please.B: Other parts of the world are different from the <st1:country-region w:st="on">United States. It is T. Because in other parts of t

31、he world, things are different. 这儿in other parts 指的是North America 以外的地方,the United States属于North America。T: Pretty good! Do you agree with him?S: Yes, we do.T: OK, lets go on. No.3, Boys, X X, please!B: In <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan, the three most popular ways of getting to

32、 school are bus, train and bike. Its F. Because in <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. The three ways should be train, bike and walk. T: Very good! Thank you! No. 4, Girls, X X, please!G: In chi

33、na, bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. Its F. Because in <st1:country-region w:st="on">China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. So the sentence should be In <st1:country-region w:st="on&

34、quot;>China, in big cities bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation.T: Do you agree with her?S: Yes, we do.T: OK, the last one, Boys or Girls?S: Boys!/Girls!T: Dont quarrel! Let the coin decide again! Up is for boys, down is for girls! Go! Its down/up! Girls/Boys get the chanc

35、e! X X, please.G/B: Students in Hongshanhu and Kaishandao have to take a boat to get to school. Its T.T: Please read the sentence in the article.G/B: And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat.T: Very good! Please sit down. N

36、ow Boys and Girls, in this section you both did very well. Your answers are wonderful. So I give you each a present. Congratulations! (Clapping hands) But the girls answered one more question, I give you another flower. Boys, come on! OK, lets see the topic question: How do students around the world

37、 get to school? Answer together!S: Go on the school buses, walk, take trains, take buses, ride bikes, go by boat.T: You can either say go to school by bus/train/boat/car/bike.or take trains/busesto school, ride a bike/car to school. Of course, walk to school means go to school on foot. Therere many

38、ways /means to go to school. Choose a right one for yourself. But the traffic is busy today. Please take care and obey the traffic rules.Write go to school by bus/train=take a bus/train to school, walk=go on foot, go to school by bike/car =ride a bike/car to school,  ways=means on the Bb.T: I t

39、hink you have understood the article thoroughly. Do you have anything difficult?T: OK, though you have no problems, I have some questions here. I need your help. Please look at the screen:1. In <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan, most students take trains to school, although others

40、also walk or ride their bikes. 这句话中although 的用法我不大明确,谁能帮助我?2. Depend on is a new phrase. Can you make a sentence for me?3. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. must 在句中好像不能翻译成必须了,那么它是什么用法呢?Ask the students to answer them. If they cant, Explain the knowledge for them.【设计意图】学生通过前边两个环节的阅读,对文章

41、内容已经基本把握。这时让学生做文章后的判断是非题,可以说是轻车熟路了。跟上这组题目的训练后,学生对文章就能彻底理解。在学生理解课文的基础上再让他们梳理知识,就会达到事半功倍的效果。等学生没有疑问了,教师再对重、难点进行质疑,可以更好地帮助学生理解课文和新知识。4.Reading after the teacher and the tape  2”:T: OK, Boys and Girls, open your books at Page112, read the new words after me. Make sure you can read the words correct

42、ly. Then read them by yourselves once.T: No problem?S: No.T: Turn to Page23, Listen to the tape and read the article after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图】本节课的单词虽然简单,但对基础差的学生来说,缺少听读训练这一环节还是不行的。因此在学生充分理解知识的基础上再集中领读单词可以降低学困生的学习难度,有效降低两级分化现象。让学生坚持跟读课文录音,是训练学生的语音语调,锻炼听力的最好方法。

43、Step 4: Reading and writing exercises  5:T: 3b is a chart reading material. It is very important to learn how to read a chart and get information from it. First, look at the chart, and tell me what the chart is about?S: Its about how students get to Garden High School.T: How many means/ways do

44、they get to school? What are they?S: Five. Walking, bus, bike, subwayand car.T: Which is the most popular way?S: Bike.T: OK, you know how to read the chart, dont you?S: Yes.T: Now please complete the article, using the information in the chart.Give the students 2 minutes to do this. Then check the a

45、nswer.T: Have you finished? Give Boys a chance . X X, tell us your answer.B: At Garden High School, most students ride their bikes to school. Many students walk to school. Some students go to school by car. Other students take a bus to school. A small number of students goto school by subway.T: Is h

46、e right?S: Yes, he is.T: Boys, give you a present!【设计意图】阅读图表完成短文是考查学生读写能力的一种重要方式,因此教会学生阅读图表的方法很重要 。3b 是一个很简单的图表,表中信息一目了然,教师稍加引导即可。本练习的关键是通过图表训练学生本节课所学知识,让学生以填空完成短文的方式输出知识的同时提高写作能力。Step 5: Survey and writing  13 :Devide the girls and boys into 4 small groups each. Each small group has six member

47、s. Then ask them to turn to Page82.T: Please turn to Page82, look at the chart Unit4, SectionB, activity4. What information can you get from the chart? Please ask 3 questions according to the message.S: How far do you live from school?T: What else?S: How do you get to school?T: Next?S: How long does

48、 it take you to get to school?Write the questions on the Bb.T: Very good! Now please use the three questions to make a survey in your group. When you do it, please fill in the chart below. It can help you later on. NameHow do you get to school?How far do you live?How long does it take?       &#


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