



1、现在开始学习内分泌系统的生理功能,那么内分泌系统呢主要是有机体内各种内分泌腺以及分散存在于某些组织器官中间的内分泌细胞共同组成的一个信息传递系统。那么这些组织器官可以包括肾啊,肝啊,肠道啊等等Now, we begin to study the physiological functions of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is mainly an information transmission system composed of various endocrine glands and endocrine cells scatt

2、ered in some certain tissues and organs. Then these tissues and organs include kidney, liver, intestine, etc.机体内的内分泌腺有很多种,我们可以依次看到下丘脑,松果体,脑垂体,甲状旁腺,甲状腺,胸腺,还有肾上腺,胰腺,卵巢以及睾丸等等。There are many endocrine glands in the body. We can see the hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland, parathyroid gland, thyr

3、oid gland, thymus gland, and adrenal gland, Pancreas, ovary, testicles in turn.那么内分泌系统在我们动物体内发挥着非常重要的作用,首先他能够维持内环境的稳态,比如说它可以保持这个酸碱平衡,可以维持温度的稳定等等这些。The endocrine system plays a very important role in our animals. Firstly, it can maintain the steady state of the internal environment, such as maintaini

4、ng acid-base balance and temperature stability.第二个, 内分泌系统它能够调节新陈代谢,包括我们的三大营养物质的物质代谢以及整个的能量代谢的过程。Secondly, the endocrine system can regulate metabolism, including the material metabolism of our three major nutrients and the entire energy metabolism process.第三方面,内分泌系统他能够保证我们机体的正常的生长发育和功能的活动。此外, 内分泌系统,

5、他还能够调节机体的生殖繁育,那么来保证个体生命的延续和种系的繁衍。Thirdly, the endocrine system can ensure the normal growth, development and functional activities of our body. In addition, the endocrine system can also regulate the body's reproduction to ensure the continuation of individual life and the reproduction of germ l

6、ines内分泌系统,它都是通过释放具有生命活性的物质,也就是激素。我们通常称之为荷尔蒙来调节靶细胞,靶组织或者是靶器官的活动。The endocrine system releases substances with vitality, called hormones , to regulate the activity of target cells, target tissues or target organs.对于整个机体而言,内分泌系统实际上它是包括靶细胞在内的一个非常庞大的稳态调节系统。For the whole body, the endocrine system is actu

7、ally a very large steady-state regulation system including target cells.我们来了解一下激素。激素是由内分泌细胞或者是神经内分泌细胞所分泌出的一类具有高度生物活性的化学物质。他能够控制或者调整一定细胞和器官的生理、生化活动。Let's take about hormones. Hormones are a class of highly biologically active chemicals secreted by endocrine cells or neuroendocrine cells. It can c

8、ontrol or adjust the physiological and biochemical activities of certain cells and organs.激素可以通过远距离行分泌,旁分泌, 自分泌和神经分泌等等多种方式来传递相应的化学信息,然后作用于它的靶器官和靶组织。Hormone can transmit chemical information in various of ways ,such as telecrine, paracrine , autocrine and neurocrine, and act on the corresponding targ

9、et organs or target tissues to regulate their metabolism and function.激素可以经过血液运输,也就是内分泌的这个方式呢,运送到它的靶细胞发挥它的作用,如果分泌这个激素的细胞又是神经细胞的话呢,这种过程就称之为神经分泌,Hormones can be transported through the blood, which is endocrine, to their target cells for action. If the cell producing the hormone is also a nerve cell,

10、this process is called neurosecretion.当然分泌出来的激素也可以通过旁分泌,也就是通过这种扩散的方式作用到它的靶细胞,发挥生理功能,同时这种激素它本身还可以对分泌它的这些细胞发挥它的一个调节功能,称之为自分泌。Of course, the secreted hormone can also act on its target cells through paracrine, that is diffusion, and perform physiological functions. At the same time, the hormone itself

11、can also play a regulatory function on the cells secreting it, which is called autocrine.:我们通常将激素分为三大类,第一类是多肽或者蛋白质类等激素,其中肽类的激素主要包括有下丘脑的激素降钙素,胰岛素胰高血糖素。胃肠道激素,促肾上腺皮质激素,促黑激素等。蛋白质类的激素呢,就主要有生长素,催乳素,促甲状腺素和甲状旁腺素等等,We usually divide hormones into three categories. The first category is hormones suchas peptid

12、es or proteins. Among them, peptide hormones mainly include hypothalamic hormones, calcitonin, and insulin glucagon. Gastrointestinal hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormones, melanocyte stimulating hormones, etc. Protein hormones include auxin, prolactin, thyrotropin, and parathyroid hormone, etc.第二类

13、是胺类激素,主要都是酪氨酸衍生物。包括甲状腺素,儿茶酚胺类激素。褪黑素等等。儿茶酚胺类素呢,通常就是包括有肾上腺素,去甲肾上腺素,多巴胺等。因为胺类、肽类和蛋白质类激素都含有氮元素,故把他们又合称为含氮激素。The second category is amine hormones, mainly tyrosine derivatives, including thyroxine, catecholamine hormones, melatonin and so on. Catecholamines, including epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamin

14、e, etc. Because amines, peptides and protein hormones all contain nitrogen, they are collectively called nitrogen-containing hormones.第三类是脂类激素,他们都是脂质的衍生物,包括有类固醇激素。比如皮质醇、雌激素、雄激素等等,以及固醇激素,比如 1、25-二羟维生素D3。以及脂肪酸的衍生物,例如前列 腺激素等等这些激素。The third category is lipid hormones, which are derivatives of lipids, in

15、cluding steroids, such as cortisol, estrogen, androgen and so on, as well as sterol hormones, including 1, 25- dihydroxyvitamin D3, and fatty acid derivatives, including prostate hormones.激素它有它的作用特点,首先它是起到一个信息传递的作用,也就是说激素它本身不会引起机体的反应。它只能将这个信息传递到他的靶细胞作为一种第一信使的作用,然后引起细胞内产生第二信使的改变,然后引起后续的效应。The charact

16、eristic of hormone is to play a role of information transmission, it does not cause the body's response itself, and can only use the role of the first messenger to send this information to its target cells, and then cause the second messenger changes in the cell, causing the subsequent effect.激素

17、的作用还有特异性,也就是说它具有组织特异性、效应特异性。也就是说,他只针对它的靶组织,它会发挥它相应的作用。The function of hormone also has the specificity. It has the tissue specificity and the effect specificity. It only acts on its target tissue.第三个,激素的作用具有高效性,我们来看一下激素作用的一个高效能生物放大系统.我们可以看到下丘脑分泌0.1心g的CRH,腺垂体呢,就分泌 1心g的ACTH,肾上腺皮质呢,会产生40 ag的糖皮质激素。这样的话整

18、个效益就放大了400倍。这就是体现出来我们激素的高效性。Third, the effects of hormones are highly effective. Let's take a look at a very efficient bioamplification system for hormonal action. We can see that for every 0.1 心 g of CRH secreted by the hypothalamus, the adenohypophysis secretes 1 心 g ACTH, which then causes th

19、e adrenal cortex to produce 40 心 g of glucocorticoids. So the overall benefit is magnified by 400 times, which shows the efficiency of hormones.第四个作用特点就是激素相互之间它会有一些相互作用,比如说协同作用,胰高血糖素和甲状腺激素,他们可以协同的升高血液里的血糖浓度。而胰岛素是降低血糖激素。它的作用和胰高血糖素就会起到颉颃的作用。Fourth, there are some interactions between hormones, such as synergy. Glucagon and thyroid hormones can synergistically to raise blood sugar levels. Insulin, on the other


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