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1、对应的新标准:DL/T 5047-95(锅炉机组篇)(修订本)SDJ 245 88主编部门:水利电力部基本建设司水利电力部电力建设研究所批准部门:中华人民共和国水利电力部实行日期:1998 年 7 月 1 日中华人民共和国水利电力部关于颁发(锅炉机组篇)(修订本)的通知(88)水电基字第1 号为了适应我国电力工业建设发展的需要,我部组织有关单位对1980 年原电力工业部颁发的电力建设施工及验收技术规范(锅炉机组篇)DLJ 52 81进行了修订。修订后,定名为电力建设施工及验收技术规范(锅炉机组篇)SDJ 245 88 (修订本),现予颁发,自1988 年 7 月 1 日起执行。希各单位在执行中

2、注意总结经验,若发现问题,请及时告我部基本建设司。一九八八年一月十四日第一章 总 则般规定第1.1.1条 本规范适用于容量为25600MW,主蒸汽压力为 3.8218.3MPa(39186.5kgf/cm2),主蒸汽温度为450555c的国产机组的施工及验收。对于大于或小于上述容量和参数的机组的施工及验收工作可参考使用本规范。国外引进机组的施工及验收工作应执行制造厂的规定。如制造厂无明确规定,则应执行本规范。第 1.1.2 条 锅炉机组安装工程必须按设计和设备技术文件施工,有关管道、焊接、泵类和热工测量仪表管道等部分应与本规范相应专业技术规范配合使用。一、 锅炉范围内的蒸汽管道、给水管道和工业

3、水管道的安装应执行电力建设施工及验收技术规范(管道篇 ) (DJ 56 79)。二、承压管道配制和安装中的焊接工作应执行电力建设施工及验收技术规范(火力发电厂焊接篇)(SDJ 51 82)。重要钢结构、承压部件上焊接的非承压件应由适合于该项工作并经考试合格的焊工进行焊In orderto ensure normalteaching orde r, protecting st ude nts'healthy growth,ensuring that national(property) isnot lost ,topreventor minimize theoccurrence ofsa

4、fetyaccidents,foll ow the"preve nt,rescueea chothe r, ensuresafety andreducelosses" principle,according to thelocalconditions, makethe management system.1,thepri ncpialis there sponsibility ofschool safety,schoolse curityunderthe leadershipofPre side ntse curityworklea dinggr oup.The head

5、tea cherto theleadership team isresponsi blefor,im plementation ofthea ccountabilitysystem.2,schoolmont hlystude ntknowle dge about safetyeducati on,education should be diversified in theform every safetyeducationforst ude ntsofclasses perweekshould betargeted.Tocarryon emergency issue s deali ngwit

6、h education in General,self-helpand mutual rescue knowledge. Emergencycalls (such as 110,119,122, 120, andsoon) use commonse nseineducati on.3,theesta blishment ofmajoracci dent re porting sy stem.Schoolstudents reportmajor accident withina nhour ofeducation;studentrun and disappearancestoreport; re

7、 portofthe accident to awrittenreportintriplicate,a corre ctional ce ntre,a police station,a tow nshippeopl e'sGovernme ntshall not concealt heaccident.4w eek,teachers are on dutysystem,establish and improv e thelea dershipvalues; stre ngthe nthe e du cation, manageme ntofteachingactivitiesin sc

8、hools toe nsure normalteaching or der;responsi ble forschool safetyleadershipalwaysmaintaine d close contact a nd districtpoli cestations, canvassingsupportfrom thepoli cestationonschoolsafetyand help. 5,strengtheningteachers 'morale ducation,establi sha dedicatedl ove, improvi ng educati on qua

9、lity,observet he students' psychologicalchangesata nytime andtake preventive measures,no cor poral punishme ntand cov ert cor poral punishme nt on student s,student outoftheclassroom, schools maynot be. 6, unit sor departmentsusestudentStreetpropaganda or partici patein t hece lebrations,aswell

10、as partici pating i nothersocialw ork,wit houtapprovaloftheCorre ctionalCe ntre,school principals consent,without organizati on. Wit houtthea pproval ofrelevantde partments,mayorganizest udentsto partici patein firefighting, disaster re liefand so on.7,schools should e ducate stude ntstoobeytheschoo

11、lrule s and regulati ons, on time, on time home toprevent accidents. 8,schoolto school inspe ctions ona reg ular ba sis,found hidden in time,a nd i n sever ecase s,itis hardto eliminate immediatelyclosed, andreportedtothe localpeople'sGovernment,educati on,a nd r uleoflaw section.9,t heschoolsho

12、uld a lways check the internalwalls,retaini ng wall s,ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors, Wi ndows,staircasesand avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities,facilitie ssuchasfire safety,i nfrastruct ure se curity,unsafefacilitytoimmediatelyrepaira nd demoliti onto ensure thatteachers a nd studentsw

13、ork,lear n, live ve nuesand facilities are safe andreliabl e. Song n Xi angLiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMar ch 2016songLin Xia ngLi uJiapi ng primaryschoolfiresafety systemstoenhancefire safety,protecti on of public property andthe life and propertysafety of teachers andstudents,schoolfiresafetyinto d

14、ay o-daymanageme nt,is developing t hefollow ingfiresafetysystem.1,strengthe nfiresafetyeducation ofthewholeschool.According to therequirementsofthe FireServi cesAct,sothateveryonehasofkee ping firecontr olsafety,protecti ngfire contr olfacilities,firepr evention,reportsoffire接。三、泵类安装应执行电力建设施工及验收技术规

15、范(汽轮机机组篇) (SDJ5383)。四、热工测量仪表安装应执行电力建设施工及验收技术规范(热工仪表及控制装置篇) (SDJ5779)。五、锅炉本体受热面及其他有关管系的防腐要求应执行电力建设施工及验收技术规范(火力发电厂化学篇 ) (DLJ 5181)。第1.1.3条设计变更按规定办理手续后,方准施工。设计变更资料应及时整理,妥善保管。第1.1.4条新产品和新设备的施工技术要求,如制造厂无明确规定时,应由施工单位、运行单位、设计和制造单位共同研究制定,施工中遵照执行。第1.1.5条锅炉机组安装施工,除应按本规范规定外,并应遵守国务院及有关部门颁发的安全技术、锅炉监察、劳动保护、环境保护、防

16、火等的规定和电力工业技术管理法规、电力建设工程施工技术管理制度的规定。第 1.1.6 条 锅炉机组在组合、安装前,必须按本规范的规定对设备进行复查。如发现制造缺陷,应联系制造厂研究处理。由于制造缺陷致使安装质量达不到本篇规范的规定时,应由施工单位、制造单位和运行单位共同协商研究,另行确定安装质量标准后方可施工。设备复查和缺陷处理应有记录和签证。第 1.1.7 条 凡属锅炉监察范围内的锅炉部件,必须取得制造厂的设备技术文件,证明所用材料和加工工艺符合劳动人事部颁发的蒸汽锅炉安全技术监察规程和水利电力部颁发的电力工业锅炉监察规程(SD 16785)的规定后,方准施工。第 1.1.8 条 安装设备和

17、安装材料均应有产品合格证书,在查核中对质量有怀疑时,应进行必要的检验鉴定。承重钢材、耐火保温材料、润滑油脂、水泥和焊条等应确认符合技术要求后,方准使用。第 1.1.9 条 现场自行加工的成品或半成品(包括烟、 风、 煤管道等)和自行生产、配制的材料(包括炉墙、保温材料等)应按本篇规范和有关规定的要求进行检查,符合要求后方准使用。第 1.1.10 条 设备吊装前,应对设备的临时加固设施进行全面检查,对承力焊缝应进行细致的外观检查。第1.1.11条设备安装过程中,应及时进行检查验收;上一工序未经检查验收合格,不得进行下一工序施工。隐蔽工程隐蔽前必须经检查验收合格。第1.1.12条施工中必须经常保持

18、现场整洁。设备安装结束后封闭前和锅炉机组启动前,必须彻底检查和清扫,内部不得有杂物存留。第1.1.13条锅炉机组的启动和验收,必须按原电力工业部颁发的火力发电厂基本建设工程启动验收规程(80)电基字第44号 的规定进行。第1.1.14条锅炉机组安装结束后,应有完整的施工技术记录,并经检查验收,证明符合设计、设备技术文件和本篇规范的规定。第1.1.15条锅炉机组安装结束后必须具备下列技术文件:一、设备缺陷记录和签证。二、设计变更资料(包括必要的附图)。三、隐蔽工程中间验收记录和签证(见下列各章)。四、安装技术记录和签证(见下列各章)。五、安装竣工图。第 1.1.16 条 起重运输机械的设计、制造

19、和维护使用,均应按照有关规程和规定进行。新装、拆装或大修后的起重运输机械在使用前应按规定进行负荷试验,并检验保护、刹车和灯光信号指示,符合要求后方准使用。司机或操作人员应经考试合格,严禁违章作业。lectricity li nes,equi pmenti nspecti ons,found hidden i n time for rectificati on,mai ntena nce, andse curity.9, do notuse an open flame in t he classr oom, pr ohi bitburni ng stove, lit ca ndle s, mos

20、quit o repel lent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messywiring. Without usingany household a ppli ances is not allowed. 10, live on campusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,a nd e ducate families a nd chil drenrea dytofire.11,householduseofgasinschools, to master properusage,payattenti ontot he leak -pr

21、oof,explosion-pr oof, fireproof,closingvalve afterusetoensure security. 12, dini ngroom mustbe qualified,and annual testing ofpre ssure vessel s,to reg ularlycheck,the cantee nw orkersmustbe certifie d,strictly by operation operation,gastankand stovesafety distanceof1.5meters,to preventaccidents. 13

22、,the adverse conse quences ca used byig noringfiresafety regulations,willbe punishe d,untilinvestigatedforlegalresponsibility. S ongLin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementaryschoolMarch2016 Xia ng Liu Jia pi ngelementary scho ol,pine sl opessurroundi ngsafety manageme ntsystem 1 teachers a nd st udents,t hes

23、urroundi ng area oftheschoolgovernancecovers personal a ndfood hygie ne, culturalev entsand ot heraspe cts,integratedg overna nce shall obtai nwide supportand f ullcooperation ofthecommunit y.On the surroundinge nvironmentin schools shouldbecl osely monitore d.2,schoolwork at the sametime,should pay

24、attenti on to t hesaf etymanagementofschoolenvir onme nt, shoul d takethe initiativeto conta ctthe district police station,thevillage Committee,Corre ctionalCe ntre,Township g overnment,business managementand ot herde partmentstodo ag ood jobmanagement. 3,tea cher ondutywith t heexce ption ofinspe c

25、tionsinschool s,should also payattenti ontoenvironmentali nspectionsnearthecampus,foundthatthejoblessmigrants fromruralarea s,for example,harassmentofstudents and avarietyofacci dent s,accordingto different situations reporte d schoolofficial sor thepolice stati on i n atimely manne r,topr otectthes

26、afety ofstudents.4,everyday beforeschool,teachers remi nd st udents,pay attentiont otrafficsafety. 5,should educate students to respectsocial ethics,andvarious regulations,maintaining public order,and fightthebadguys,and graspthe correctwaysand meansofmaintaining and improvi ng student s'self-ca

27、re a bilit y.6,theestabli shment ofemergency rescueteamsofteachers inschools,onhig h alertand de ployed.Song Li nXia ng Li uJiapinge lementary schoolMarch2016song Lin XiangLiuJiapi ng primaryschoolteachersandstudents organizations out of safety management systemorganization activities betwee n teach

28、er s a nd stude nts,todrawupa preci se pla nand se curitymeasures mustbesig nedbythe schoolofficial s to reviewthe programme of activitiesagreed upon CorrectionalCenteragre ed toimpl ement. Organizati ontothe field relatively faror activities requirea ppr ovalbythe DeputyDirectorofthe Educati on Bur

29、ea u inchargeofse curit y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoul dhave aspecificresponsibility, payattention tothepersons age,physicalmatch.Route 3,activities, l ocati on, fiel d survey sshould be carried out ina dvance.4,activitiesforthe means oftransportshoul d explai nthe situationtothe schoolto complywith vehi

30、cle,safetyrequir ements, before theli neforrepairs.5,ea cha ctivitymusthave security,emergencyresponse plan foracci dents. 6,pi cni cs, hiking, picnict o payattention to fireprevention,food poisoning,prevention offallaccidents7,t he activitie s nearthe rivers, reservoirs, no measuresor donot meet th

31、ese curity re quireme ntsofthe Organization andnot let students intothe waterIn orderto ensure normalteaching orde r, prote cting st ude nts'healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national(property) isnot lost ,topra corre ctional ce ntre,a police station,a tow nshippeopl e'sGovernme ntshall not co

32、ncealt heaccident.4w eek,teachers are on.I - .I. . I. -. . I _ I- cidents,foll ow the"preve ne thelea dershipvalues; stre ngthe nthe e- 一 1 - I _ osses" principl e,accordi ng to thelocalconditi ons, makethe management system.1,the pri ncpialis there sponsibility ofschool saschools toe nsur

33、e normalteaching or der;responsi ble forschool safetyleadershipalway smaintaine d cl ose contact a nd districtpoli. . I . 一 . _ . I , 一 II I . . _ . I _L I 1_1.1I . ._LI . . 1 一 一 dershipofPre side ntse curityworklea dinggr oup.The head tea cherto thelea dership team isresponsi blefor,im plementati

34、on ofthea ccountabilitysystem.2,schoolmont hlystude ntknowle dge about safetyeducati on,education should be diversified in theform every safetyeducationforst ude ntsofclas ses perweekshould betargeted.Tocarry on emerge ncy issue s deali ngwith e ducation in Ge neral,self-hel pand mutual re scue know

35、ledge. Emergencycalls (such as 110,119,122, 120, andsothepoli cestationonschoolsafetyand help. 5,strengtheningteachers 'morale ducation,establi shadedi catedl ove, improvi ng educati on quality,observet he students' psychologicalchangesata nytime andtake preventive measures,no cor poral puni

36、shme ntand cov ert cor poral punishme nt on students, student outoftheclassroom, schools maynot be. 6, unit sor departments usestudentStreetpr opaganda or partici patein t hece lebrations,a swell as partici pating i nothersocialw- -_ L_ L - .L .< I 1_ |_ I. >I. .1. I .一一 .一 |_| - I_ _LI _. >

37、; - 1 一 . . _|-一一.”. .一 _. I 一一 l_. I . _I - _|,_ .一 . I I ,I .on) use commonse nsei neducati on.3,t heesta blishment ofmajora cci dent re porting sy stem.Schoolst udents reportmajor accident wit hina nhour ofeducati on;studentrun and disappearancestoreport; re portofthe accide nt to awrittenreporti

38、ntriplicate,ork,wit houtapprovaloftheCorre ctionalCe ntre,school principals consent,without organizati on. Wit houtthea pproval ofrelevantde partments,may organizest udentsto partici patein firefighting, disaster re liefand so on.7,schools should e ducate stude ntsto.I- Ld_L I-I 一 _. I L . I. IL . |

39、 _ _> .11. . |_ I _ 一 . _ I一.-. - _ II, L . 1 L . I _elctivitiesin obeytheschoolrule s and regulati ons, on time, on time home toprevent accidents.8,schoolto school inspe ctions ona reg ular ba sis,found hidden in time,and i n sever ecases,itis hardto eliminate immediatelyclosed, andreportedtot h

40、e localpeople'sGovernment,educati on,a nd r uleoflawsection.9,t heschoolshould a lways check the internalwalls,retaini ng wall s,ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Wi ndows,stair casesand avarietyofsports,extracurricular activities,facilitiessuchasfire safety,infrastruct ure se curity,unsafefaci

41、litytoimmediatelyrepaira nddemoliti onto ensure thatteachers and studentsw ork,lear n, live ve nues and facilities are safe andreliable. SongLi n Xi angLiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMarch 2016song Lin Xia ngLi uJiapi ng primaryschoolfiresafety systemstoenhan cefiresafety, protecti on of public property

42、 andthe life and propertysafety of teachers andstudents,schoolfiresafetyintoday-t o-daymanagement,is developing thefollow ingfiresafetysystem.1,strengthe nfiresafetyeducation ofthewholeschool.According to therequirementsofthe FireServi cesAct,sothateveryonehasofkee ping firecontrolsafety,protecti ng

43、fire contr olfacilities,firepr evention,reportsoffire第1.1.17 条施工人员在施工前应学习本篇规范、安全规程和技术操作规程的有关部分,并经安全考试合格方准上岗工作。第1.1.18 条设备安装前的保管应按存放地区的自然情况、气候条件、周围环境和存放时间的长短,参照水利电力部基本建设司颁发的电力基本建设火电设备维护保管规程(SDJ 6884)和设备技术文件的规定作好保管工作。第 1.1.19 条 冬季和炎热季节施工都应根据设备特点和工艺要求制定防止损坏设备和保证质量的措施。第1.1.20条设备堆放位置应按施工组织设计的规定,尽量避免二次搬运。

44、第1.1.21条设备开箱应会同有关方面进行检查清点,作出记录。检查清点后,应及时妥善保管,防止丢失、损坏和变质。开箱的设备技术文件应专案保管。第1.1.22条对存放保管时间较长或放置在带有腐蚀性气体的环境中的锅炉机组设备,在安装前应全面检查腐蚀情况,根据情况作出处理。第二节 对建筑工程的配合要求第 1.2.1 条 锅炉机组开始安装时,安装现场一般应具备下列条件:一、 完成设备基础、地下沟道和地下设施以及厂房内各层混凝土平台的土建施工;按设计做好安装范围内的地面回填夯实,尽量做好混凝土毛地面;完成进入厂房的通道或铁路。二、设备基础按国家标准钢筋混凝土工程施工及验收规范(GBJ20483)的规定检


46、得在其上施焊。由于施工必须进行上述工作时,应经有关部门批准。打砸孔洞应选用适当工具。第1.2.4条扩建工程施工时,基建厂房和生产厂房间应有适当的隔离设施。第二章 锅炉构架和有关金属结构第一节 一 般 规 定第 2.1.1 条 本章适用于锅炉构架(包括钢立柱、钢管混凝土立柱、钢筋混凝土立柱、横梁、顶板、桁架和护板框架等)、密封部件(包括盖板、墙皮等)台、梯子、炉门、炉墙零件、燃烧装置、灰渣室和空气预热器等有关金属结构的施工及验收。第 2.1.2 条 锅炉构架和有关金属结构主要尺寸的测量和复查,必须使用经质量检查部门鉴定合格的钢尺,土建、安装、建设单位应统一钢尺。为使测量准确,可用弹簧称拉紧钢尺测

47、量,测距相同时紧力应相同。lectricity li nes,equi pmenti nspecti ons,found hidden i n time for rectificati on,mai ntena nce, andse curity.9, do notuse an open flame in the classr oom, prohi bitburni ng stove, lit ca ndle s, mosquit o repel lent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messywiri ng. Without using any household

48、 a ppli ances is not allowed. 10, liveon campusfaculty members, mustleadbyexample,a nd e ducate families a nd chil drenrea dytofire.11,householduseofgas inschool s, to master properusage,payattenti ontot he leak -proof,explosion-pr oof, fireproof,closingvalve afterusetoensuresecurity. 12, dini ngroo

49、m mustbe qualified,and annual te sting ofpre ssure vessel s,to reg ularlyche ck,the cantee nw orkersmust be certifie d,strictlyby operation operation,gastankand st ovesafety dista nceof1.5meters,topreventaccidents. 13,the adverse conse quences ca used byig nori ng firesafety regulations,willbe punis

50、he d,untilinvestigatedforlegalresponsibility. S ong Lin XiangLiu Jia ping elementaryschool March2016 Xia ng Li u Jiapingelementary school, pine sl opessurroundi ngsafety manageme ntsystem 1 teachers a nd st udents,t hesurrounding area oftheschoolgovercovers personal a ndfood hygie ne, culturalev ent

51、sand ot heraspe cts,integratedg overna nce shall obtai nwide supportand f ullcooperationofthecommunity.On the surroundinge nvironmentin schools shouldbecl osely monitore d.2,schoolw ork at the sametime,shoul d payattenti on to t hesaf etymanagementofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe initiativeto c

52、onta ctthe district police station,thevillage Committee, Corre ctionalCe ntre,Township g overnme nt,business managementand ot herde partmentstodo ag ood jobmanagement. 3,tea cher ondutywith t heexce ption ofinspe ctionsinschool s,should al so payattenti ontoenvironmentali nspecti onsnearthecampus,fo

53、undthatthejoblessmigrants from ruralarea s,for example,harassme ntofstudents a nd avariety ofacci dent s,accordingto different situati ons reporte d schoolofficial sor the police stati on i n atimely manne r,topr otectthesafety ofstudents.4,every day beforeschool,teachers r emind st ude nts, pay att

54、e ntiont otrafficsafety. 5,should educatestudents to respectsocial ethics, andvariousregulations,maintaining public order,and fightthebadguys,and graspthe correctwand meansofmaintaining and improving students'self-care a bilit y.6,theestabli shment ofemergency rescueteamsofteachers inschools,onh

55、ig h alertand de ployed.Song Li nXia ng Li uJiapinge lementary schoolMarch2016 songLin Xiang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolteachersand students organizations out of safety management systemorganization activitiesbetwee n teachersand students,todraw upa preci se planand se curitymeasures mustbesig nedbyt

56、he schoolofficials to reviewthe programme of activitiesagreed upon CorrectionalCenteragreed toimpl em ent. Organizati ontothe field relatively faror activities requirea ppr ovalbythe DeputyDirectorofthe Educati on Burea u inchargeofse curit y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshouldhave aspecificresponsi bility, pa

57、yattention tothepersons age,physicalmatch.Route 3,activities, l ocati on, fiel d survey sshoul d be carried out ina dvance. 4,activitiesforthe means oftransportshoul d explai nthe sit uationtothe schoolto complywith vehicle,safetyrequir ements,before theli neforrepairs.5,ea cha ctivitymusthave security,emergencyresponse plan foraccdients. 6,pi cni cs, hiking, picnict o payattentionIn orderto en


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