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1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。d筑粒轻质混凝土地面保温垫层施工方案无锡阳光城市花园二期合成化工厂地块住宅筑粒轻质混凝土地面保温垫层施 工 方 案北京顺港筑邦环保科技有限公司北京市顺义区仁和镇临河村南环路 电话61496314(传真)10applicable laws, improve the social credibility of mediation agreement. Strengthening judicial confirmation of the conciliation agreement

2、, enhancing conciliation authority. Three efforts to strengthen community corrections, placement assistance and education. Standard law enforcement, investing in special crowd control management. Learn General Secretary stressed that law enforcement agencies to complete the glorious mission entruste

3、d by the party and the people, must be strictly law enforcement, fair administration of Justice. Advancing community corrections penalty, the key is to carry out standardization, strictly implement the measures for the implementation of community correction, and the provisions of the regulations on

4、community corrections in Jiangsu Province, with a focus on ensuring safety and stability in order to improve the quality of correction as the core, actively improve the mechanisms and innovation initiatives, enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement of penalty such as Community Corrections Act. I

5、mprove the professional quality of law enforcement. Thoroughly implement the opinions on strengthening the construction of professional social workers, improving community corrections law enforcement personnel examination and assessment and permit issuance system, further optimize the structure. Eff

6、orts to increase education and training. Held community correction work business courses, organization business skills level test, improve line community correction staff of penalty implementation professional level and combat capacity, on received declared, and management education, and assessment

7、rewards and punishments, and lifted terminated, law enforcement behavior specification unified, strictly implementation supervision management and education correction measures, ensure community correction law enforcement work of seriousness, promote law enforcement quality consciousness and law enf

8、orcement responsibility consciousness of improve, upgrade community correction law enforcement effectiveness. Strengthening science and technology changing work. Strengthen risk assessment and classification management active information management system of community correction function, ensure the

9、 object monitor rate of 100%. In accordance with the unified arrangement of the City Office, fully intelligent platform for enabling integration of the administration of Justice, placement assistance and education of community correction system and strengthen law enforcement records management and o

10、ther law enforcement equipment, law enforcement links with multi-sectoral for internal and external coordination and joint supervision and management, advance the settlement in the pipe is not controlled problem. Penalty released personnel placement help and education, continue to deepen, . Peoples

11、needs as the starting point of the work of legal services, promote, and further deepen the Government legal system, promoting the construction of public legal service system that covers both urban and rural residents and strengthen the livelihood of legal services in the field, improving the legal a

12、id system, expanding the scope of legal aid. Optimize free legal service channel. To spent big strength, and Xia really Kung Fu continues to perfect one-on-one government counsel system, established sound school, and hospital, and focus Enterprise counsel system, adjustment Government Counsel missio

13、n members, perfect legal consultant mission participate in system, in full implementation a第10页,共8页目 录No table of contents entries found.筑粒轻质混凝土地面保温垫层施工方案 一、编制依据1、居住建筑节能设计标准(DBJ01-602-2004);2、建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范(GB50411-2007);3、居住建筑节能保温工程施工质量验收规程(DBJ01-97-2005,J10530-2005);4、采暖居住建筑节能检验标准(JGJ1252-2001);5、

14、建筑机械使用安全技术规程(JGJ33-2001);6、住宅装饰装修工程施工质量验收规范(GB50327-2001);7、建筑工程质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001);8、建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范GB50209-2010;9、施工图纸;10、技术洽商;11、图纸会审记录;12、国家及地方现行的技术标准、规范。二、系统组成和特性:2.1 系统组成:地面保温系统是在结构基层上分别由筑粒混凝土垫层、地面装饰面层组成。如有地暖构造时,直接将地暖管道敷设在筑粒混凝土上,然后做地面装饰层。2.2 系统特性2.2.1 无地暖保温垫层构造: 相对于传统混凝土垫层高热传系数,保温隔热性能

15、优越; 轻质高强,容重仅为混凝土的十分之一至八分之一,减轻结构自重,节省建筑物主体钢筋以及混凝土用量; 施工简便,机械化浇灌,节省人工,降低综合成本; 作为地面垫层使用时抗击声压等级高,隔声效果优异。2.2.2 有地暖保温构造: 相对于挤塑板,筑粒混凝土抗压强度高,抗冲击性能良好,无需加钢丝网固定地暖管; 免去混凝土地面垫层施工工序,节省房屋建筑成本; 与结构基层粘结力高,干燥收缩率小,不会产生空鼓开裂现象; 整体性好,可进形成连续无接缝保温层,不会因拼缝产生冷热桥现象; 保温耐久性

16、好,高温时无有害气体产生。传统地暖保温构造 筑粒混凝土地暖保温构造三、施工准备:3.1 主要材料和机具: 3.1.1 水泥:32.5号及其以上普通水泥或复合水泥。 3.1.2 筑粒骨料:平均粒径36mm。3.1.3 其它掺合料:无。3.1.4 主要机具:带预搅拌砂浆喷涂(泵送)机、平锹、小水桶、半截桶、笤帚、2m靠尺、杠尺、木抹子、钢丝刷、凿子、锤子、铁抹子等。3.2 作业条件: 3.2.1 结构工程完成,水电管道已铺设完毕,并经有关部门验收,达到合格标准。3.2.2 将地面外露的钢筋头、铁线等彻底清除,处理点应抹入水泥砂浆,将屋面板上的混凝土、砂浆等污物彻底清理干净,经检查验收合格,方可铺设

17、保温材料。3.2.3 穿过结构的管根部位,应用细石混凝土堵塞密实,以使管子固定。3.2.4 室内墙面已弹好+50cm水平线。四、施工工艺: 找标高、弹控制线基层处理洒水湿润挂线贴灰饼浇筑筑粒混凝土养护4.1 找标高、弹面层水平线:根据已有的水平标高控制线,测出屋面面层厚度的水平控制线,弹在四周女儿墙面上。4.2 基层清理,将屋面结构层表面杂物、灰尘清理干净。4.3 洒水湿润:在施工前一天对基层表面进行洒水湿润。4.4 抹灰饼:通过已弹出的屋面层水平标高控制线,横竖拉线,用筑粒混凝土相同配合比的拌合料做灰饼,横竖间距不超2m。4.5 筑粒混凝土搅拌:先将水泥与水搅拌,然后按设计配比需求加入骨料再

18、一同搅拌均匀;如使用专用机械搅拌每罐搅拌时间不少于2分钟,至灰浆搅拌均匀后即可进行泵送浇筑。4.6 垫层筑粒混凝土铺设:将搅拌好的混凝土铺抹到屋面基层上,紧接着用2m长刮杠刮平即可。五、施工要点:5.1 为了控制筑粒混凝土的厚度,施工前必须做灰饼。5.2 要保证面层层和保温层之间的施工间隔时间,要让保温层稳定后再进行面层的施工。上人过早会使轻质混凝土表面骨料脱落,影响下步工序。5.3 要注意保温层的养护,养护时间必须严格按照施工工艺中提供的养护时间。5.4 施工时如下层已经开始进行顶板装修,建议在轻质混凝土施工前在地面上铺设一层防潮层后再施工,以免灰浆、水分向板下渗漏。5.5 施工温度宜控制在5以上,如低温施工时应采取防冻保护措施。5.6 如使用筑粒混凝土作为轻钢楼面结构板施工时,需按设计要求在混凝土内增设钢筋网片。5.7 由于筑粒轻质混凝土流动性较好,在施工洞口处施工时请在洞口处做10cm宽细石混凝土挡墙,高度同轻质混凝土垫层厚度。5.8 地面垫层施工宜采用3#或4#配合比


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