



1、教学内容Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Section A (3a-4)课时Period 2教学对象九年级设计者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级第八单元第二课时。本节课的主要教学目标任务是在进一步巩固学习情态动词must, might, could 和cant表示进行推断,学习(3a-4)让学生通过阅读,进一步学习、体会、掌握其用法。 二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1.知识和能力Knowledge objects:(1) 能够熟练掌握情态动词的用法。(2) 能够在适当的语境中正确使用情态动词。(3) 能够用情态动词对各种情况进行推断。Abil

2、ity objects:(1) Enable students reading skill.(2) Enable students communicative competence using the target language.(3) Enable students ability to deduce.2.情感态度与价值观: be kind to others and be ready to help others.三、重点、难点读懂短文,并理解其中用情态动词must,might,could,cant表示推断的用法。四、教法选择与学法指导“三一三”模式;阅读技巧训练。小组合作。

3、五、资源准备1. A computer for multimedia use.2. A tape recorder.六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备情景导入1. Greeting.2.show the convertion and ask ss to answer.1. Greeting. 2.Ss think and answer.复习导入主题。预习展示Ask some students to do the exercise on the blackboard.The others try to find the mistakes . Write the an

4、swers on blackboard.Check the answers and read the article.通过检测,教师能根据结果判断学生预习的情况,为后面的教学策略提供决策依据。展示交流Task1(3a). 1.point to the picture and ask ss to describle it.2.Make ss understand the meaning of the instruction of 3a and invite a student to read the passage to the class.3.Get Ss to choose the best

5、 title and give the reason.Task2(3b):1.read the instruction to the Ss and invite a pair of ss to do a pair work.2.read the instruction to the ss and ask them to finish 3b individually.Task3(3c):1.Ask students to read 3a together and underline the people who gave opinions in the passage.2.Ask student

6、s to take out a red colored pencil, read the passage together and underline the opinions each of the above people gave.3.Get students to finish 3c individually。Task4:(language point)Ask Ss to translate them and momerise.3a:1.Look at the picture and say something about the picture.2.a student read it

7、 ,others circle the words they dont know.3.choose the title and give the reason.3b:1.one of them reads one of phrases to the class. the other ss makes a sentence with this phrases.2.understand and finish 3c:1.read it together and underline.2.finish 3c.language point :Ss translate them and momerise.让

8、学生先理解题目要求。然后带着要求去读,能让学生掌握短文的主要内容,对整篇短文的大意有所了解,为后面的学习打好基础。在3b 中,先让学生读短语并用短语造句,既能让学生掌握短语意思,有能运用。更能帮助学生在原文中找到同义词。在做3c前,先引导学生把3c 的要求分解成两个要求,这样能降低学生做题难度,提高学生自信,并能更正确的完成3c 的表格。利用这种模式进行阅读教学,并设置相关练习促使学生理解短文内容,进一步提高学生口语。反馈提升1. 1 show the exercise on the screen and ask students to finish it.2 organize student

9、s to check the answers if necessary.1 select the best answers according to the context.ask for others for help if you need it.2 check the answers and get the mistakes right.通过反馈提升部分来检测本节课的教学效果。让老师对学生本节课掌握知识的情况有了了解。拔高题让有余力的学生拓宽知识面。Homework 1.Memorize the useful language points.(A&B)2. Review the article.(A) Do the homework.作业分A、B两组布置,分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。七、板书设计Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A(3a4


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