1、Mdule 1 Unit 1We lived in a small house【教学目标】(一)知识目标:1.New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady2.New sentences:There were/werent. We livedmany years ago.There are.We livenow.(二)能力目标:1.能根据情境正确使用There be,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型谈论生活
2、、学习中的事物2.培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。 (三)情感目标:使学生体验学习,参与,合作,竞争的乐趣。比较过去和现在的生活,体会我们现在生活的幸福,激发学生爱国,爱亲人的情怀,并培养学生热爱生活,积极向上的思想【教学重点】新单词和新句型的教学与运用。【教学难点】如何让学生在课堂上学会“There be,We livedmany years ago. We livenow .”句型,并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。【教学过程】Step1.Warming up教师与学生自由会话,教师可以问学生:“Did you have a good time in your holidays?Were
3、 there any happy things in your holidays?What did you do in your holidays?Where did you go?-How did you go?”等通过这样的师生交流,教师可以帮助学生回顾相关的语言知识,例如:一般过去时的用法、常用词汇等,为后面的教学做铺垫。Step2.Presentation1、热身活动以后,教师告诉学生:In the winter holiday you are older ,you had a lot of changes.”教师边说边把新单词“change”板书到黑板上,出示课题“changing”
4、(To explain changechanging)。“Everything is changing. No change, no progress.”2、出示旧社会人们的生活照片:3、出示新中国人们现在的日常生活照片:告诉学生:“Look. Life was very different many years ago .But how was it different?今天我们就要学习比较过去和现在生活的不同,之后也请大家谈谈我们生活的变化。”Step3.单词课文教学1、出示单词卡片,教授新单词。2、围绕新单词,开展小游戏。a.单词卡片快速竞赛;b.师生大小声朗读。3、教师出示多媒体课件:
5、展示课本活动二的图片,让学生自己谈一谈图中的内容,要鼓励学生用英语讲,用上以前学过的句型:“There is/are”,然后,老师总结学生的描述。4、教师出示多媒体课件:播放课文录音,让学生在听录音的同时找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。life, different, ago ,any ,television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady; There be, We livedmany years ago ,We livenow.5、进行游戏“火眼金睛找生词新句”。让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。6、在让学生初步了解了课文
6、内容后,教师再次播放录音,让学生大声跟读课文。7、重点句式操练Listen and say。先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们灵活运用句式:There is/are/There was/were造句,并听音判断下列句子的正误:a. The programme is aboutChina.( )b. There werent any buses. ( )c. They lived in a big house before.(
7、)d. They didnt have enough books. ( )e. There arent lots of buses and cars.( )f.Chinais changing. ( )g. Amy misses her grandma. ( )8、拓展延伸,让学生准备,谈论图中内容,然后选择几个代表来讲给全班同学听。9、复述课文并背诵文中重点句型。There werent any buses. There werent any televisions. We
8、 lived in a small house. We didnt have enough food.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. We have got lots of food. I watch TV everyday.Step4. Practice出示活动三的图片,让学生仔细观察,谈谈图中的内容,鼓励学生用今天学过的句型:来描述过去和现在不同的景象。学生分组合作交流。如:There was a small house. There is a big house.Step5.consolidat
9、ion1、学生展示自己搜集的照片,分小组活动,用今天学过的There was/were和There is/are进行描述2、新旧中国的生活给了你什么启示呢?对学生进行爱祖国,爱亲人,为祖国的繁荣富强而努力学习的情感教育。Step6.Homework做小小调查员:采访爷爷奶奶、外公外婆,看他们的生活以前与现在有什么不一样,把采访的结果画一画,写一写,下节课和同学交流。【板书设计】Unit 1 We lived in a small house.Change grandchildrenThe past life: There wer
10、ent any buses.Life us We lived in a small house.Different grandmother Now:ago lady &
11、#160; There are lots of buses and cars.any television We live in a big house.
12、0; Unit 2She didnt have a television.教学目标:1,知识目标:(1)新单词fire, radio telephone, field, hope (2)音标教学,字母组合ai/ay, al/au, ar 的发音规则。(3)时态一般过去时的教学:She didnt have a television. She worked in the fields.2,技能目标:(1)培养学生听、说、读、写、做的能力(2)掌握字母组合ai/ay, al/au,
13、 ar 的发音规则。(3)谈论人们过去和现在的生活。3,情感目标:(1)使学生体验学习、参与、合作、竞争的乐趣。(2)比较过去与现在的生活体会到我们现在生活在幸福的社会主义,让学生感觉到社会主义就是好,培养学生的爱国主义情操。4,创新目标:在知识目标和技能目标掌握的基础上,发挥学生的想象力,激发学生的灵感。教学重点:单词和音标教学,用过去时谈论生活中发生的事。教学难点:一般过去时的运用。教学准备:音标卡、收录机和磁带、贴纸教学过程:Step1:热身复习根据前一节课老师布置的作业,让个别学生到前面来用英语谈论他或她的爷爷、奶奶、外公或外婆过去的生活与现在的生活。也即处理Unit2, Part2:
14、Think and talk about your grandparentsStep2:课文导入告诉学生:“自从Lingling昨天在英国看了那个关于中国的节目,她就非常想念自己的奶奶,于是她写信给Daming,讲述她看到的那个节目并倾诉她对亲人的思念。下面我们一起来听听她在信中是如何描述节目中那个老奶奶过去的生活的。”在听的同时,请把你不认识的单词用横线画出来。Step3:课文教学先让学生听录音,找出新单词,然后教师叫学生根据所学过的音标把单词一个个读出来,接下来老师把新单词教给学生。再让学生听第二遍录音并回答以下问题:What programme did Lingling watch la
15、st night? What was the old ladys life like many years ago? Who does Lingling miss?教师播放第三遍录音,学生大声跟读课文。Step4:音标教学把字母组合ai /ay, al/au, ar 及相应的音标卡写、贴在黑板上先让学生读出这些音标,老师再纠正教授音标。学生跟磁带读音标和单词。Step5:游戏:听音标竞赛这是一个训练学生听音标的游戏,教师准备两套音标卡片,并将全班分成两组,每人发一张卡片,教师快速念音标,持有该音标卡片的学生应迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站出来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。
16、Step6:Chant的教学让学生先跟老师熟读各句,然后听磁带合着节拍一起说Chant,最后让学生组与组竞赛说,看哪组说得最好。Step7:游戏:Do, ask and answer (拓展部分)A: Where were you three days/ weeks/ months/ years ago?B: I wasA: What did you do there?B: IStep8:Homework用英语写封短信给老师:介绍你的爷爷/ 奶奶/ 外公/ 外婆去生活和现在的生活板书设计:Module1 Unit2 She didnt have a televisionNew words: N
17、ew English sounds: New drill:fire ai / ay / ei/ A: Where were you three days/ weeks/ months/ years ago?radio al/ au / c: / B: I wastelephone ar / a: / A: What did you do there?fields ar /c: / B: IhopeMdule2 Unit1 she learnt English1、 &
18、#160; 教学内容学生用书:module2 unit1 she learnt english. 2、教学目标2.1技能与知识目标a基本要求 基本能听懂、会说词汇:be的过去式was, were的用法 learnt(learn 的过去式) these dancer class study hard retired foreign language基本能听懂、会问:“did you/he/s
19、he +verb-ed.?” 的语言结构,并会做答“yes, i/he/she did. no, i/he/she didnt.”b初步要求初步感知特殊疑问句的提问与回答。初步感知语音元音音标的正确发音。c复习巩固talking about things with past tense.ask things with past tense,beginning with “did.?”2.2运用能力目标运用所学语言结构询问与描述过去的事情并能与现在的事作比较。3、教学重点词汇: be的过去式was, were的用法 learnt(learn 的过去式)
20、0; these dancer class study hard retired foreign language句式 “ subject+verb-ed”“did you/he/she +verb-ed.?” “yes, i/he/she did. no, i/he/she didnt.”4、教学难点be的过去式was, were的用法 foreign language的读法 “d
21、id you/he/she +verb-ed.?”“yes, i/he/she did. no, i/he/she didnt.”unit1 she learnt english. (第一课时)1、复习greetings: tss(2) game: “two p” past tense and present tenset:dance s: danced. eg.“is ,are ,do ,buy ,go ,eat ,have ,run ,meet”2、导入 (leading)(1)
22、0;question:t: what day is it today ? what day was it yesterday ? what did you do yesterday ?students answer teachers questions in order to review the past tense. (2)leading:t: oh, you did lots of things, do you want to know what are lingling ,amy and sam doing now? lingling re
23、ceived some photos from china, lets see how did they talk about the photos .3、呈现(presenting) (1)s open their books (2) listen to the tapequestion:1. what was linglings grandmother?2. which language did she learn?3. wh
24、at was linglings grandfather?4. did he learn a foreign language?5. what is that? (3) repeat after the tape. (4) student answer those question. (5) teacher explain the text and student practice the key points.the key
25、points : was, were/is, are learnt these/this retired foreign language question: why answer: because“did you/he/she +verb-ed.?” “yes, i/he/she did. no, i/he/she didnt.”(6) students practice to make sentences with the key po
26、ints.4、操练与指导(drilling and counselling)(1)完成sb第一单元活动3,教师先做示范,然后同桌之间练习对话。(2)game 1:“question king”a.一个同学做动作,老师提问:“did he/she.?”其他学生回答:“yes, he/she did或 no, he/she didnt”,若干次后由学生来代换老师提问。b.同桌之间互相练习对话(3)game2: “guessing game”:学生们三人,两个背对背,另一个与其一面对面。面对面的一个做动作一个问,背对的同学猜“yes or no”,如下:s1: (do action)s2: did
27、he/she play basketball?s3: yes, he/she did. no, he/she didnt.做若干次这样的练习。(5)全班齐读课文,回顾知识点,教师讲解本课学习中所存在的问题。5、任务完成(task-fulfilling)小组活动6教师板书: “did he/she?yes, he/she did.no, he/she didnt.”Unit21、教学目标(1)知识目标:a、Words: study hard retiredb、Sentences: Mr Li was
28、a teacher. He studied very hard.c、识别并区分元音 (2)能力目标a、正确使用一般过去时b、掌握单词的发音规律。2、教学重点:、一般过去时的句型3、教学难点:retired的发音二、课堂教学程序1、warm upT: Do you know Mr Song? The headmaster of Class 1?S: Yes.T: This class Ill tell you something about us.2、呈现(Presentation)(1)T: Ten years ago, Mr Song was a teacher in Middle scho
29、ol of Tang Shan. He taught Chinese. (教学taught这个单词 teach-taught)(2)T: I was a good student in his class. I studied very hard.(教学study这个单词 studystudied,同时帮助学生理解hard的意思并教读发音。)T: Who studied very hard in Grade 1 or Grade 2?S: .studied very hard in Grade1/2.(通过询问让学生复习巩固重点句型。)(3)T: Now, Im a English
30、 teacher, we work in the same school. And we all teach you. Its very interesting. Yes?3、T: This class Chen Hai will tell us a story about himself. Its more interesting. Lets have a look.OK?(1)Listen and answer the question:What does the word ”retired” mean?(2)通过听录音,理解课文,讲解retired这个单词。(3)make sentenc
31、es with the word”retired”, eg:My grandpa was a worker. Now he is retired.Let students make sentences.(通过学生说句子巩固单词。)(4)Listen and repeat(5)Read it in groups.4、操练与指导(Drilling and Counselling)Part 2 Look and say.Part 5 Game: look ,ask and answer.三人一组开展游戏,一人问,一人做动作,一人回答,来复习巩固一般过去时。5、发音部分(1) draw s
32、aw aw字母组合的发音 chair hair air字母组合的发音class pass ass字母组合的发音让学生自己通过读单词总结发音规律(2)Game:单词小博士把一些学过的具有此类发音规律的单词写到黑板上,学生通过读单词,判断发音,写到相应方框下面。如:bear, pear, glass, grass(3) listen and repeat .6、poem(1) read the sentences, and learn the words: leaves, move, thr
33、ough(2) read and understand the meaning.(3) listen and repeat(4) say and do the actions.7、Homework:谈一谈自己或父母,朋友在过去和现在在学习、工作、生活等各方面的变化。Mdule 3 Unit 1She had eggs and sausages教学目标:知识目标:1.学习单词egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious, hamburger. fish and chips.2.掌握句型:用一般过去式,询问别人曾经吃过什么。What did she/he
34、 have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? She /He had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips.能力目标:1、学会用What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips/询问及回答自己一日三餐的饮食情况2.通过学习培养学生听、说、读、写和灵活运用语言的能力,培养学生的竞争和参与合作的意识。情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们树立说英语的信心。教育
35、学生养成良好的饮食习惯,有利于健康。学会与人交流,培养合作能力。教学难点:1.掌握单词和词组:egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious, hamburger. an email from Lingling, English food, fish and chips, traditional English dinner2.学习并掌握句型What did she/he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? She /He had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish an
36、d chips.的表达方法。Step 1.Warming up 1. Greetings. Class begins. Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?(课前简单的问候,能拉近与学生之间的距离,让他们快速调整学习状态,营造英语学习氛围)2. Divide groups:4 groups ( egg group, sausage group, sandwich group, fish and chips group)(以要学习英国食物的单词的名字命名小组,与本课内容相关)3. Say a Chant. “Noodles and rice are
37、very very nice.”Step 2 .Leading-in1.以旧带新,引入课题T: I like noodles very much. What is your favorite food?Ss:is my favorite food.T: Yesterday I had noodles for breakfast, I had meat for lunch, and I had rice for dinner.What did you have for breakfast /lunch/dinner yesterday?S1: I hadS2: S3: T: OK. Now th
38、is class well learn more about food. M3U1 She had eggs and sausages. (板书课题) Please turn to Page 10.Step 3 .Presentation1. Listen to the tape, and think about the question“Whats the email about?”Talk about in your group, then tell me. 2. Listen again, answer the questions:(课件展示) What did L
39、ingling have for breakfast?What did she have for lunch? What did she have for dinner?Does Lingling like English food?Answer the questions by yourself, then talk about in your group.Now Check the answers.(以抢答的形式回答,尽量做到公平,每个小组回答一个问题) She had eggs and sausages.She had sandwiches.She had fish and chips.
40、Yes, she does.3. Group work: Read the text in roles: Daming, Fanfan.Step 4.Consolidation and ExtensionLook at the pictures, ask and answer:A: What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? B: I had Talk about in your group. Step 5Summary and homeworkT: This class you all did very well.
41、 What have you learnt?Ss: Thank you, everyone. Lets look at the blackboard.Which group is the winner? Thats all for today, Bye-bye. (总结本课所学的重点内容,单词,短语,句子;对本课小组或者个人的表现情况进行评价) Homework:You can choose one or two.(自由选择)1、Read the text in roles with your partner,then change the roles.2、Make a healthy men
42、u (健康食谱)for our class.Unit2Sam ate six hamburgers一 Teaching aims: 1、 认知目标: Words:ate hamburger gave tonightSentence : What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank What are you going to eat/drink to
43、night? Iam going to eat/drink 2、能力目标:通过两个不同时间的单词(last night, tonight)的比较,使学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。:3、情感目标: 让学生了解中西方饮食的差异,并表达好自己的喜好,提高与其他同学的交流。二、Teaching key and difficult points: words and sentence三、Teaching tools:Pictures , cards a record四、Teaching method: co-oprate , discussing 五、Teaching st
44、epsStep 1. Warmer 1)、Greet: T: Good morming, boys and girs. How are you! Ss: I am fine, thank you, And you ? T: I am fine ,too2) Revise: T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?Ss: I had T: What did she/he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?T: Whats your favourite food?Ss: My favourit
45、e food isStep 2、 Presentation:1)lead inTake out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “Whats this?” “How many hamburgers can you see? Students answer the questions. T: Lets count how many hamburgers Sam can eat. Then write the title on the board. Do you know what are you gong to le
46、arn today? Look at pictures and answer What can you see in the picture? Can you tell me some words about food you know? Ss: fish sandwich, noodles , cakes , rice, milk 2)learn words and sentencesLook at pictures and say hamburger - eat hamburger milk - drink milk apple - give me an apple3) T: I am f
47、ull now, because I had so much food last night What did you eat/drind last night?4) Learn words ( eat-ate : drink drank )eat ate late drink drankthank-bank5) Activity and practiceWhat did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank Then students practise What did she/he eat/drink last night6) Make a dialo
48、gue Do you like Chinese food. Yes, I like Chinese food, too. Mum is going to cook Chinese food tonight. Teach words: tonight , last night, today , tonight T: Are you hungry ? What are you going to eat/drind tonight. Ss: I am going to eat/drink.7) Student work in pair 8) Chant I like rice and I like
49、milk, last night, last night.I eat fish and I drank milk, I like chip and I like juice.Tonight ,tonight. I am going to eat chipsI am going to dring juice. Mmm,Mmm,Mmm. They are all very nice.Step 3 TextMdule 4 Unit 1Where are the books about computers, please?知识目标:1、能熟练运用Where are theaboutplease?的句型
50、,并能表演对话。2、听、说、读、写本课的单词library find CD-ROM bring use card easy情感目标:1、让每个学生都能积极互动参与课堂教学活动,增强他们学习英语的信心,从而更加热爱英语。2、通过小组竞赛活动,培养学生的团结协作精神和竞争意识。能力目标:1、让学生能用英语查找资料2、 以任务活动发展学生的语言交际能力和创新能力。教学重点、难点:“四会”单词和会话表演教具准备:单词卡片、挂图、录音机、粘贴教学过程:Step1 Warming up1 、Sing a song、Play
51、a guessing gameStep2 PresentationT: I need a book about English food. What can I do?Ss: You can buy the book.T: I can have it in the library.学生可能不知道library这个词,这时教师板书该单词,领读单词,请学生跟读。T: Amy和Lingling 昨天也去了图书馆,我们一起来听听她们为什么借书,是怎样借的。Step3 Teach new lesson1、教师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放课文录音,请学生边听边理解课文大意。2、教师再次播放录音,请学生边听
52、边用笔勾画出课文中的生词、短语以及不熟悉的句子,并根据上下文和图片猜生词的意思。3、教师将生词写在黑板上,为同学示范发音,并逐个讲解。4、教师播放录音,请学生跟读、模仿语音语调Step4 Practice1、让学生四人一组,分别扮演Amy, Lingling, librarian, 和Ms Smart,进行对话表演。教师请几组学生上台表演,比一比哪组表演的最生动,并发给每人一个小贴纸以奖励。2、全班完成活动手册中的练习1和练习2。Step5 SummaryStep6 HomeworkAsk them to make up a dialogue with the new drills and n
53、ew words.Unit2Where can you find out about animals?一、教学目标1.理解并掌握几个词语:train information,timetatble,words,dictionary,weather,newspaper2.重要句型:Where can you find out about animals?You can find out about inon .3. 学会辨别几个音标发音。二、教学重点:Where can you find out about animals?You can find out about inon .三、教学难点:
54、几个元音的发音与辨别四、教学用具:录音机,磁带,字典等实物五、教学方法:情景法、游戏法教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings2.say the poemStep 2 presentation1.T:Im going to go to America next week.This is the first time for me to go to America.And I want to find out some information about America.Can you help me?(学习新单词information)课件出示需要查询的信息T:I wan
55、t to know the plane information.Where can I find out about it?(学生提示:on the computer)T:Yes, I can find out about the plane information on the computer.Because there are lots of timetable on the computer.(课件出示学习新词timetable)T:Where can I find out about the weather in America?(学习新词newspaper)Where can I
56、find out about American food?My English is poor.Where can I find out about English words?(学习新词words/dictionary)2.group work:My penfriend is going to visit me from England this weekend.He know little about China .Now he is in trouble.Can you help him?(Ss can get help from the tape比一比,看哪组提供的途径多为胜)Wher
57、e can he find out about train information?Where can he find out about roads?Where can he find out about Chinese food?Where can he find out about Chinese words?Where can he find out about games?Where can he find out about toys?Where can he find out about animals?Where can he find out about Chinese bo
58、oks?Step 3 practice1. listen to the tape,read the text2.listen and choose找出划线字母发音不同的单词Step 4 HomeworkListen and read the text for at least 3 timesMdule 5 Unit 1Its big and light.教学目标1 )语言知识目标:学会heavy, light,broken, pocket等单词,并会使用。学会用英语描述事物的特征。让学生学会比较事物之间的不同,能够根据描述指出说的是哪一个东西。2).语言技能目标; &
59、#160;能根据图片听、说相应的单词与句子,能用 Its big and light. Its .big and nice .its big and heavy 描述生活中物体的特征3)情感态度目标; 培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口,主动参与课堂实践活动,培养良好的协作精神。 4)学习策略目标通过对话培养学生学习的参与意识,团结合作意识;培养学生的注意力和观察力,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力. 教学重点:学习掌握本课新词汇:light broken heavy pocket wheel学习掌握本课的句型:Its big and light. Its got two pockets.its big and heavy. 教学难点:学会用英语描述事物的特征。教学过程一、Warming up1、 Greeting2、 Lets chant and act My eyes big, big ,big My mouth small, small, small My close nice,nice
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