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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上宜兴实验中学20192020学年度第一学期期中考试初三年级英语试卷 第卷(客观题 共70分)一、 听力部分(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。1. What is the boy going to learn?2. What did Betty watch in the afternoon?3. What is the weather like?

2、4. What is Jane doing?5. Why didnt the woman see the man?A. Because the woman had left before the man came.B. Because the woman didnt want to see the man.C. Because the man had left before the woman came.6. How much did the womans daughter pay for the scarf?A. $100 B. $150 C. $2007. Why didnt Tom wa

3、tch the film?A. He had to wait for his uncle B. He went to see the film C. He didnt like to watch it8. How long has Mrs. White taught in No.2 Middle School?A. For five year B. For seven years C. For ten years9. How does the boy like computer games?A. He doesnt like them at allB. He dislikes playing

4、them with his friends.C. He likes playing them very much.10. What does the woman mean?A. They wont have any more cups. B. She doesnt know why people like coffeeC. They will get some more coffee第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答第1112

5、小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。11. Why is the boy unhappy?A. He is not feeling wellB. He cant think of a topic for his writingC. He cant find his pictures taken In Xi an.12. What does the girl tell the boy to do?A. To take a course in writing.B. To go on a visit to China.C. To write about his travel in c

6、hina.听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。Welcome to our party!Time to start 13 Place 14 For whomOur foreign teacher Mr. GreenTime to bringA small presentActivities 15 13. A. 7:30 tomorrow B. 2:30 this afternoon C. 7:30 tonight14. A. Green park B. School meeting room C. Sch

7、ool dining room15. A. Eat and talk B. Listen to music and dance C. Drink and sing听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. Where is Jack? A. At an airport B. On a plane C. In a foreign country17. Why is Jack going abroad?A. Because he will study there B. Because he will visit he friend. C. Because his parents are abroad

8、18. How is jack feeling now?A. Excited and afraid B. Lonely but not worriedC. Excited but lonely and worried19. How soon will Jack be in a new country? A. In four hours B. In three hours. C. In two hours20. Which of the following worries Jack?A. Flying over an ocean without his family. B. His family

9、 and friends are at home.C. Where he will learn enough English. 二、单项选择 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷相应位置写下答案。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)21. What a bad day I have today!Everyone has a day like this when _ goes right. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing22. My sister has just won a _ to th

10、e Beijing University, she is always the pride of our family.A. scholarshipB. championshipC. friendship D. leadership23. The fans _ excitedly when the pop star finally appeared.A. were shouting B. shouted C. would shout D. had shouted24. Doesnt your father work in a big state-owned enterprise(国有企业)?

11、_, he used to, but he started his own business a year ago.A. No, he doesB. No, he doesntC. Yes, he doesntD. Yes, he does 25. My mother shops for clothes every week, she says, “As a woman, I _ have too many clothes.”A. needntB. shouldntC. cant D. mustnt26. “With a computer _ to the Internet, I can ge

12、t all the information.” He stepped into the office, _.A. connecting, smiling B. connected, smiling C. connecting, smiledD. connected, smiled27. My teacher is always strict _ me and thats why I can make so much progress _ English. A. in, in B. in, on C. with, on D. with, in28. My parents have a low o

13、pinion of K-pop, they think most Korean songs are not worth_ at all. A. listening to B. being listened to C. listening D. being listened29. The national writing competition is around the corner, but I havent got anything ready. Start now! _.A. Better late than never B. Two heads are better than oneC

14、. Many hands make light workD. You are never too old to learn30. I learned that a female actress died in Korea last month? Really, do you know _?A. if she was killed or not B. who she was killed C. what caused her deathD. that who she was31. Where can I find something about the latest development of

15、 the colour therapy?Theres _ information about it on the Internet, I think thats enough for you. A. A great many B. A great deal of C. A great number of D. A little bit 32. Would you _ milk or coffer? _, I just want a glass of water.A. rather, neither B. prefer, neither C. rather, none D. prefer, no

16、ne33. Tom achieved success _ he left college, _ his brother began his career in his forties.A. while, when B. when, when C. while, while D. when, while 34. I heard that the NBA games will not be covered on CCTV. _. My son will be disappointed(失望), hes such a fan .A. What a shame B. I cant agree more

17、 C. Dont mention it D. Thats not the case三、完形填空  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卷相应位置写下答案。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) I stopped to watch my little girl Suzie busy playing in her room. In one hand was a toy 35 , in the other a toy broom. I listened as she was speaking to her ma

18、ke-believe little friend and Ill never forget the words she said, even though it was imagined.She said, “Suzies in the corner because shes not been very good. She didnt listen to a 36 I said or do the things she should.” In the corner, I saw her baby doll all dressed in lace and pink. It was 37 shed

19、 been put to sit alone and think.My daughter continued her “conversation”, as I sat down on the floor. She said, “Im all fed up. I just dont know 38 to do with her any more. She cries whenever I have to work and wants to play games, too. She never lets me do the things that I just have to do. She tr

20、ies to help me with the dishes, but her arms just cannot 39 . And she doesnt know how to fold towels. I dont have the 40 to teach. I have a lot of work to do and a big house to keep clean. I dont have the time to sit and play - 41 what I mean?And that day I thought a lot about making some 42 in my l

21、ife, as I listened to her words that cut me like a knife. I hadnt been paying enough attention to what I hold most dear. Id been caught up in responsibilities(责任) that increased over the years.But now my attitude has changed, in my heart, I realize that Ive seen the world in a different light throug

22、h my little darlings eyes. So, let the cobwebs(蜘蛛网) 43 the corners and the dust bunny rabbit rule the floor. Im not going to worry about keeping up with them any more.Im going to fill the house with 44 of a child and her mother, for we have only one childhood, and we will never get another.35. A. ta

23、ble B. camera C. car D. phone36. A. story B. word C. joke D. sentence37. A. possibleB. clear C. common D. unusual38. A. whatB. whether C. why D. how39. A. solveB. arrive C. rise D. reach40. A. ability B. duty C. energy D. reason41. A. mind B. see C. feel D. learn42. A. influence B. changes C. plans

24、D. troubles43. A. have B. manage C. make D. stop44. A. conversations B. messages C. imaginations D. memories四、阅读理解  阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷相应位置写下答案。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分) AHow to clean the keyboard Turn off your laptop before you do any cleaning. Even though you wont be pu

25、tting water directly onto your laptop, you should turn off the power to make sure nothing gets damaged if a little water does get inside. Turn the laptop upside down and gently tap or shake it. This will remove big pieces of dirt, crumps (碎屑) or other debris (碎片) thats hiding in your keyboard.Tip: I

26、t may help to spread a towel under the laptop before you shake it, to make cleanup easier. Spay between the keys with compressed(压缩的) air to remove dust. The air of the force will blow the dust thats trapped between and under the keys. Remove dirt with a cotton ball and alcohol (酒精). Alcohol evapora

27、tes (蒸发) quickly, making it a safe alternative(替代品) to using water on your laptop. Alcohol is especially good at removing the dirt left by your fingers. In addition, alcohol is good at removing germs (细菌)45. To remove big pieces of dust in our keyboard, we can _. A. put the keyboard under the tap an

28、d wash itB. shake the laptop hard until the dirt falls out C. turn the laptop upside down and gently shake itD. remove the dirt with a cotton ball and alcohol46. Using alcohol is safer than using water on keyboard because _. A. alcohol can remove germs B. alcohol can disappear faster when it is used

29、 C. alcohol can protect our fingers D. alcohol is good for cleaning oil47. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the steps? A. What should we do before cleaning.B. How to remove big pieces of dirt. C. How to remove the dust between the keys.D. How should we clean the screen.BRick is a student a

30、t an expensive private university. He is lucky because he has a wonderful offer from the universitys sports department. He can study for free because he is a great basketball player, and the team needs him.But Rick likes going to parties more than studying. He goes out with his friends four or five

31、times a week. Rick misses a lot of classes because he usually doesnt feel well in the morning after partying all night. He tries to do his best at basketball practice, but he feels sick there sometimes, too.Rick gets some teammates to go out with him on a Wednesday night. They are all having lots of

32、 fun very late that night and drinking a lot. They decide to play basketball outside. As they play, one teammate falls and breaks his arm. They have to take him to the hospital, and they are all very upset.Naturally, Ricks coach is very angry. “I spoke to your teachers,” his coach says. “You miss lo

33、ts of classes and your grades are very bad. And if you do not improve your grades, you will have to leave the team and the university. You have some thinking to do.”Rick is shocked at his coachs words. He does not want to leave the team! He thinks about his parents and his grandparents. They are so

34、proud of him, and his little brother told Rick he was his hero. Rick knows that he can do much better.Rick wants to show his family and his team that he is responsible. And most of all, his dream is to play basketball at a big university! He will not throw it away by partying and drinking too much.F

35、rom now on, Rick decides to be temperate (节制的) and enjoy what he loves most.48. Which of the following about Rick is TRUE? A. Rick likes studying more than he likes going to parties. B. Rick decides not to party and drink too much any longer. C. Rick misses a lot of classes because he practices play

36、ing basketball. D. Rick studies in the university for free because he does well in all subjects.49. Which is the correct order according to the passage? Ricks coach is very angry with his bad grades. One of Ricks teammates falls and breaks his arm. Rick enters an expensive private university. Rick o

37、ften goes to parties instead of studying. Rick decides to do his best to study and practice harder. A. - B. - C. - D. -50. What is the best title for this passage? A. Never give up B. Never show off C. Better late than never D. Practice makes perfectCCharacters:Becky: a nine-year-old girl Peter: Bec

38、kys teacher Bugsy: a fireman Mrs. Willoughby: the owner of a catScene One Beckys classroomBecky: (Writing) What I want to be when I grow up. (Looking up) I want to be (Getting on idea) a race car driver! (Pretending(假装) to drive a car and see a car ahead; crash) Oh! But thats too dangerous! No, no,

39、no! (Marking it out)When I grow up I want to bea ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员)! Yes! Thats what I will be! (Getting up dancing and falling) Oh, but Im not good enough I could never be a ballerina (Crying)Peter: (Coming to Becky My dear child, what seems to be the problem?Becky: I have to give a speech tomorrow

40、. And Im afraid to talk in front of a lot of people. PeggyAnd Raymond always laugh at me. And whats worse, the speech has to be titled “What I want to be when I grow up”. I dont know what I want to be. It all seems so hardgrowing up, I mean.Peter: Well, my dear, as for your shyness, that is not such

41、 a bad trait(品质), it shows that you have modesty(谦逊)and honesty. My dear, there are any number of truly useful and productive things for a little girl to be when she grows up.Becky: (Standing and walking away in frustration(沮丧) But Im not just any little girl. Im ME! I dont think I can do anything.

42、Ill probably grow up to be a big nothing.Peter: Well, let me see (Thinking) What would interest you? (Getting an idea) I know! Have you ever thought about public service? You could be a police woman, perhaps or a firefighter!Becky: Do you really think so?Peter: I do. And all you have to do is think

43、you can. Lets give it a try.Scene Two A cat is trapped in the tree.Mrs.Willoughby: (Wiping her tears) Oh, fireman Bugsy, you have got to help me!Bugsy: (Comforting her) Dont worry .We will get that little kitty down. (Looking up) This is a serious problem! Looks like I need some help. This little ca

44、ts really high up. I will ask for instructions from the Chief. (Crossing to Becky) There you are, Chief. Im afraid we have a serious problem.Becky: (Looking frightened) But what can I do?Bugsy: You just have to give us leadership.Becky: But I dont think I have any.Bugsy: But you have to.Becky: (Thin

45、king of Peters works “all you have to do is think you can” and then coming to the tree) He s really high up, isnt he?Bugsy: Yes, so what will we do?Becky: (To herself) What will we do? What will we do? (Getting an idea) I know! Mrs Willoughby, bring me a saucer of cream. (Putting it at the bottom of

46、 the tree) Supper is ready The cat climbs down from the tree and begins to lick the cream.Becky: (jumping and clapping) I made it! I made it!51. What does Peter think of shyness?A. It is useful for little girls. B. It shows the trait of honest.C. It helps people become productive.D. It will dis appe

47、ar when people grow up.52. Which of the following can best describe Becky?A. Worried but imaginative.B. Strict but imaginative.C. Worried but patient.D. Strict but patient.53. What can we infer from the text?A. Facts speak louder than words.B. We are to learn as long as we live.C. Do one thing at a

48、time, and do well. D. Believe in yourself, and you can make it.DAs is often the case, parents are very shocked to discover their children have lied to them for the first time. But new research has suggested many parents may not even notice many of the lies their children tell them.Psychologists have

49、 discovered that most parents are over-confident in their childrens honesty and this may impair their ability to discover a lie.The findings may help to explain why some parents seem to be willing to let their children get away with almost anything even in the face of the evidence (迹象). Th

50、ey say parents suffer from a “truth bias (偏见)” with their own teenagers, but when faced with lies from other peoples children, they have less difficulty telling if a statement is true or not.Dr Angela Evans, a psychologist at Brock University in Canada, said, “The close relationship that parents sha

51、re with their own children may lead to parents failing to discover their childrens lies. Parents truth bias may result in parents being less doubtable of their children, allowing them to successfully cheat (欺骗) them.”Most children are thought to start lying as early as two years old but start tellin

52、g more believable lies at around the age of four years old. Learning how to lie is considered as a key part of cognitive (认知的) and social development in children. But many parents are shocked when their children start lying to them. In their study, Dr Evans and her colleagues filmed 108 children age

53、d between 8 and 16 as they performed a test after being asked not to look at the answers. They were then asked afterwards if they had looked, with 50 truthfully denying (否认) looking, 49 lying about looking and 9 admitting (承认) to looking.Videos of those denying looking were then shown to 152 parents

54、 of children aged 8 to 16, 80 of whom had children who had taken part in the test. The researchers found that the parents were less able to discover lies told by their own children than by other peoples children.54. What does the underlined word “impair” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Show. B. Harm.C. Realize.D. Develop. 55. When lying to their parents, children cant be easily found because _.A. their parents arent prepared for the liesB. their parents cant notice any of their liesC. they are very good at telling liesD. they know how to lie to their parents56. What does Dr E


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