



1、.根底知识过关重点单词 根据提示,写出以下单词和相关变形1影响_2.是否_3需要,要求_ 4.关系_5必定地_ 6.每天的;日常的_7古代的_ 8.发现,觉察_9承诺_ 10.否那么 _11奏效_ 12.从事,执业_13建议_ 14.信任_15相配_ 16安宁;和平 n_adj._17造成,创造 vt._adj._18感觉,感受 n_v._19悲哀,忧伤 n_adj._20热 n_adj._21困难,费力 n_adj._22.决定 n_vt._23个人的;私人的 adj._人 n_个性 n_24紧张的,有压力的 adj._n._25温暖,暖和;热情 n_adj._26强壮的 adj._n._重

2、点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1试穿_2穿在某人身上好看_3期待成功_4和打架 _5使想起_6陷入困境;惹上费事 _7在许多方面_8影响我们的日常生活_9宁愿,更喜欢 _10改善你的生活_11赶走_12冷静 _13创造一种温暖、舒适的感觉 _14使振作起来_15做某事有困难 _16做决定_17代替,而不是 _18有做某事的才能 _19根据_20感到有点儿压力_ 21.依赖;取决于_22取回_重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子1我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。I'm not sure if blue _ you.2你知道粉色没什么不好。There's_ pink, you kno

3、w.3许多女人在她们结婚那天喜欢穿白色的衣服。Many women like _.4生活在寒冷地区的人们更喜欢在家中使用暖色以创造出一种温暖而舒适的感觉。People in cold areas_in their homes to _5黄色是太阳的颜色,因此它能使你想起温暖、阳光明媚的一天。Yellow is _, so it can_ a warm sunny day.6假如你的身体或思想需要力量,红色可能对你有些帮助。If you require strength _,red_ to you.7穿红色也可以更容易采取行动。Wearing red can also _.8当你难以作出决定的时

4、候,它红色可能有帮助。This may help when you are _9我应该待在家里而不是和同学们一起去购物吗?Should I stay at home_with my classmates?10我们保证,这种疗法可以帮助你改变情绪,否那么退款!We promise that this therapy can _, or you will_!11我不喜欢红色。我宁愿穿橙色的衣服。I don't like red. I'd _orange.12我认为这位女士肯定感觉有点儿紧张。I think the woman must_13红色与白色搭配相宜。Red and whi

5、te are _14这取决于个人品味。It_ personal taste.15蓝色也能代表悲伤。Blue can also_单词回忆 .根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1A good _关系 is built on trust.2Xi'an was once an _古老的 capital.3This tie is a good _相配 for that suit. 4.Take this medicine and it will _奏效 soon.5Women keep their phones in a _女用皮包6I _建议 you see some of our national

6、parks.7My mother does _日常的 house work in our family.8I hope you find the best way to live in _安宁! 9What if different smells can _影响 our dreams, too? 10Think it over and let me know _是否 you agree with me.11Read more books and _发现 what you enjoy.12The worker made a _承诺 to be on time for work in the fu

7、ture.13If you want to write a novel, _创立 the habit of writing each morning.14These pets _需要 a lot of care and attention.15You have to build that kind of _信任.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1White hair is not a sign of _wise. 2Don't give yourself up to _sad; there's still hope! 3Shy people have difficulty _fi

8、nd topics to talk about.4He could feel the _hot of the sun on his back. 5.Blue is suitable in places where you want people to feel _relax 6.The bus is too crowded. I prefer _walk home to taking the bus.7It's not right to make a _decide without study.8My _person view of life is that every problem

9、 is an opportunity. 9.The boy would rather _solve his problems alone, whatever they may be.10When you get _stress or nervous, many things can help you feel better.11I have a strange _feel that those two people over there are watching us.12_wear green can make yourself look more energetic.13Many wome

10、n _success mix marriage and career.14The scarf _make of silk. It feels very comfortable.15Jack is fond of taking part in all kinds of _celebrate句型打破 根据汉语意思完成句子1我不确定这件衬衫穿在你身上是否好看。I'm not sure if the shirt _2我宁愿步行也不愿坐公共汽车。I _ walk _ take the bus.3这件旧大衣使我想起了我的奶奶。The old overcoat _ my grandma.4大多数人认

11、为蓝色合适卧室。Most people think blue _ bedrooms.5他焦虑太多,所以经常感到有压力。He worries _, so he often _. 6在许多地方,男婴用蓝色装扮,女婴用粉红色装扮。In many places, baby boys _ blue and baby girls in pink.7人们给小男孩穿上蓝色的衣服是希望男孩能被保护。People _ baby boys _ blue _ boys would be protected.8根据一个欧洲的故事,女孩们出生在粉红色的玫瑰里。_ a European story, girls were

12、born inside pink roses.重点单词1influence2.whether/mise10.or11work12.practise13.suggest14trust15.match16.peace; peaceful17create; creative18.feeling; feel19sadness; sad20.heat; hot21difficulty; difficult22.decision; decide23personal; pe

13、rson; personality24stressed; stress25.warmth; warm26strong; strength重点短语1. try on2. look good on sb3hope for success4.fight with5remindof6.get into trouble7in many ways8. influence our everyday lives9. would rather10.improve your life11. drive away12.calm down13. create a warm and comfortable feelin

14、g14. cheer up15. have difficulty in doing sth16. make a decision17. instead of18. have the power to do sth19. according to20. feel a little bit stressed21. depend on22. get back重点句型1looks good on2nothing wrong with 3. wear white on their wedding day4prefer warm colours; create a warm and comfortable

15、 feeling5. the colour of the sun; remind you of 6. in either body or mind; may be of some help7. make it easier to take action8. having difficulty making a decision9. instead of going shopping10help you change your moods; get your money back11rather wear12.feel a little bit stressed13. a good match14. depends on15represent sadness单词回忆.1.relationship2.ancient3. match4work5.handbag6.suggest7everyday8.peace9. influence10whether/mise13create14.require/need15.trust.1. wisdom2. sadness3. finding4. heat5. relaxed6. walking7. decision8. personal9.


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