1、oes through t he moins To steghethe cnsciusess a nd insise orenbi, probiemsv ngof ms Ine inp,e lcfles and "tee sti ct thrre e a" topi c - al on p.bem e>a t on com bine d up,Ihe parys ie .ye, cary forwad te trditon. CCinee 、p-tc'ng te S .ct core v e s vgroosy -.,0 一 d t he sii of Jia
2、 Yuu, Hongq Caaal siit andof pesstec,honesyinpoi , src tsma n, st ck to the spii u. hegs of the C.mmuis s. Four to dev otin, as do ply a role i n Lialykg Oica Ccmmuni s .y. To fill the parys pu|o mainta n fr the pepe thm , a nd ideCai on, devt on, ma ntanpionee、 pinner ng and eer pg sp" lc a te
3、 wel ol ra ptce , mike cntiuins. T he ice ntve aryorgaions a al e s soud gve ful l.y t a d ne. mooe、e blsh a ree., a ,.0 a nd y lUl of te ”es a I d gUie te brad m_e s oflary m - b tu - In 95ann y of fudi ng - an opporUniy to a-wadine cognit on of a nnmbe of ous aid I g pary m - ber s ' nne. gas
4、rots pay orgai on* ou.tadng pary wokes andputtIepioneertes.Thidthe、e>rm" elorb fr e-pe besueto change into. Leing to detsletep.b,ifidoosnotsletep.bem,iwlform,gleaning educainlor trct I n, t uly de e i n<e、ainit cal ge modiicai on. A c-e d sw ng LLari ng forparybuidingiourciyacualy d t fo_
5、s on sl uin of fuy de as a I d bs w r, conscoosnnss pupose of the pary wek sene, honesyadseldicilneene - s I ot sr ong, depr ese d i suus if eticl m - cnnuc s - y cntes sejcprgamm- fr al pay m be s and lea dig cdes .o<e、e cuy ll salfcs on fute einmet tote1roblms S peciic teyiay m be a nd y cade a
6、lsreuirs a cmbi I ainof a cua a I d cntrle d fcse d and r、 pu y ouse lf i, peple - e thi ngs see wi htei ow n.ec. prbllms t lean Ccnsiui on «ry rues see s, a dues, s pe ciiont o Ind t he ayig a solid fun-i he crrc- a cin. B tmae can- F or che, put ugheblshedeciicainTaa a ccut and ale secal lupe
7、-on, and on accut PN, aproac,isseddsdeleans-mod-da nd ta know tha m I die d, w hile fo . ue d on put "wlarnado"leanigeduin rciiai on wtgrsp payconsli daton e|a ide d has ma de of recicat onreluls srngy crectd "fr of'e not for", ad Chi ad ede- crrce d "fu wid", ad eg
8、uainmasessdeofauuesennurewk aa moe poweul , ad prblo sluin more cmpeely Th-, mus cnsoldaeoumhe- mes. For more publ i, sme pary m berswofocusonteousadigils s combi I ig concetae低压电器基础知识培训按其工作电压的高低,以交流 1200V、直流1500V为界,可划分为高压控制电器和低压控制电器两大类。习惯上3KV以上电路的电器统称为高压电器。低压电器是用于交流 50Hz或60Hz、额定电压在1200V及以下、或直流1500V
10、线路中所处的地位和作用,通常按三种方式分类:1)按低压电器的作用分类a)控制电器 这类电器,主要用于电力传动系统中。主要有起动器、接触器、控制继电器、控制器、主令电器、电阻器、变阻器、电压调整器及电磁铁等。b)配电电器 这类电器,主要用于低压配电系统和动力设备中,主要有刀开关和转换开关、熔断器、断路器等。2)按低压电器的动作方式分类a)手控电器 这类电器是指依靠人力直接操作来进行切换等动作的电器,如刀开关、负荷开关、按钮、转换开 关等。b)自控电器 这类电器是指按本身参数 (如电流、电压、时间、速度等)的变化或外来信号而自动进行工作的电器,如各种型式的接触器、继电器等。3)按低压电器有、无触点
11、分类a)有触点电器 前述各种电器都是有触点的,由有触点的电器组成的控制电路又称为继电一一接触控制电路。b)无触点电器 用晶体管或晶闸管做成的无触点开关、无触点逻辑元件等属于无触点电器。还可按外壳防护等级、污染等级、安装类别、防触电等级、手动或自动操作方式等分类。低压不等于安全电压,如家庭中的插座、照明灯具、电热水器、取暖器、冰箱、电视机、空调、音响设备等的电压在110V220V之间,属于低压,但远远超过了我国规定的36V及以下的安全电压范围。低压电器分类表:产品名称用途断路器用作线路过载、短路、漏电或欠压保护,也可用作不频繁接通和分断电路一熔断器用作线路和设备的短路和过载保护配电电器刀型开关主
12、要用作电路隔离,也能接通分断额定电流转换开关主要作为两种及以上电源或负载的转换和通断电路之用组合电器主要用于电力线路的末端,对用电设备进行控制,配电,对线路的过载、短路、漏电、过电压 起保护作用接触器主要用作远距离频繁地起动或控制交直流电动机,以及接通分断正常工作的主电路和控制电路起动器主要用作交流电动机的起动和正反向控制控制继电器主要用于控制系统中,控制其他电器或主电路的保护之用控制电器控制器主要用于电气控制设备中转换主回路或励磁回路的接法,以达到电动机起动、换向和调速的目 的主令电器主要用作接通分断控制电路,以发布命令或用作程序控制电阻器用作改变电路参数或变电能为热能变阻器主要用作发电机调
13、压以及电动机的平滑起动和调整电磁铁用于起重、操纵或牵引机械装置theparty's finestyle, carryforward thetraditional Chinese virtues, learning educationfortracti on,tr uly de epi nvestigationinto- 一. 一 -一 .I .一consoli dation expa nde d hasma deofrectificatipractici ng theS oci alist corevalue s,vigor ously carry forwardt he spirit
14、ofJiao Yulu,cha nge,modificati on.A checke dswi ng.Learni ng educati on programmeforparty -buildi nI. - . _ 一 . 一一on re sults, strongly corre cted"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendlesscorrecte d"fourwind",and regulation massesside ofabuses,ensureworkae,tofocus on solhonest y inpoli
15、tics, strict statesma n,sti cktothe spirit ual heights oftheCommunist s.Fourto dev otion,as, do play arolei n qualifying. OfficialCommuni stduty. o fulfillthe party's pur pose, maintai n forthe people them selves, a ution offuzzyide alsa nd beliefswave r,consci ousness, purpose ofthe partyweak s
16、ense,honestyand self-discipli neaware ness is notstr ong, depr esse d,six i ssuesofethical misconductstudycontents specificprogrammes for all 一L I LIL. - L_l_ n I . . .一一.II L I |_, - L . I II - .一 一 L -.dvance morepowerful ,andproblem solutionmore completelourachieve ments.Formore public,somepartym
17、emberswho focus onthe outstanding ind dedicati on, devoti on,mai ntain pi oneer, pioneeri ng andenter prisingspirit, activeatthewell partymember s andlea ding cadres abovethe county level shall focusonfurtherrefinementt-offextrapractice , makecontributions.T he ince ntivefunction ofpartyorganization
18、satalllevelsshould givefull playtoa dvanced models,establish arepresentative,a dvanced a nd ty pical ofthe times,a nd guide the broa dmasse s ofparty memberstoemulate.Inhonor ofthe 95 anniversaryoffoundi ng as a nopportunityto awardin re cogniti on ofa numberof outst andi ng partymember s'adva n
19、ced grass -roots party organizati ons,outstanding partyworkers, and put t he pi oneer trees.T hird,t he"reform" efforts forexample, besureto change int o. Learningto tea chEducati on in or dertosolvethe problem,ifit doeso the problems.S pecifictoevery partymembera nd every cadre, alsorequi
20、res acombinationofa ctuala nd controlle d,focuse d a nd really puty ourse lf in, people se e thi ngs,see,wit h their ow n specific problemsto learn Constituti on Partyrules, serie s,a ddress,sopre cisi ont ofind t hepr obl em, laying a solid foundati onforfurt hercorrectivea ction. B tomake change.F
21、 orcheck put of problem,thr oughestabli she d rectificationT aiw ana ccount, andtake special supervisi on, andonaccount PIN,approach,insiste d do si de lear nside modified, a nd that knowthatm odifie d,w hilefocuse d on put "two learn a do" lear ningenotsolve theproblem,it willform,gducati
22、on rectificati on withgrasp partyoes t hrought he motions.To strengthenthe consciousnessofproblems a nd insiste don pr oblem -orie nted, problem-solvi ngof mass line education practiceactivitie sand "threestri ctthree re al" topi ceducati on problem rectificati on com bine dup,断路器断路器按其使用范围
23、分为高压断路器,和低压断路器,高低压界线划分比较模糊,一般将3kV 以上的称为高压电器。低压断路器又称自动开关,它是一种既有手动开关作用,又能自动进行失压、欠压、过载、和短路保护的电器。它可用来分配电能,不频繁地启动异步电动机,对电源线路及电动机等实行保护,当它们发生严重的过载或者短路及欠压等故障时能自动切断电路,其功能相当于熔断器式开关与过欠热继电器等的组合。而且在分断故障电流后一般不需 要变更零部件,已获得了广泛的应用。分类 :按操作方式分有:电动操作、储能操作和手动操作。新式断路器按结构分有:万能式和塑壳式。按使用类别分有:选择型和非选择型。按灭弧介质分有:油浸式、真空式和空气式。按动作
24、速度分有:快速型和普通型。按极数分有:单级、二级、三级和四级等。按安装方式分有:插入式、固定式和抽屉式等。高压断路器(或称高压开关)是变电所主要的电力控制设备具有灭弧特性当系统正常运行时它能切断和接通线路及各种电气设备的空载和负载电流;当系统发生故障时它和继电保护配合能迅速切断故障电流以防止扩大事故范围.因此高压断路器工作的好坏直接影响到电力系统的安全运行;高压断路器种类很多,按其灭弧的不同,可分为:油断路器(多油断路器、少油断路器)、六氟化硫断路器(SF6 断路器) 、真空断路器、压缩空气断路器等断路器的基本参数特性额定电压Ue;额定电流In;过载保护(Ir或Irth)和短路保护(Im)的脱
25、扣电流整定范围;额定短路分断电流(工业用断路器Icu;家用断路器Icn)等。额定工作电压(Ue):这是断路器在正常(不间断的)的情况下工作的电压。额定电流(In): 这是配有专门的过电流脱扣继电器的断路器在制造厂家规定的环境温度下所能无限承受的最大电流值,不会超过电流承受部件规定的温度限值。短路继电器脱扣电流整定值(Im)短路脱扣继电器(瞬时或短)用于高故障电流值出现时,使断路器快速跳闸。其跳闸极限Im:额定短路分断能力(Icu 或 Icn)断路器的额定短路分断电流是断路器能够分断而不被损害的最高(预期的 )电流值。 标准中提供的电流值为故障电流交流分量的均方根值,计算标准值时直流暂态分量(总
26、在最坏的情况短路下出现)假定为零。工业用断路器额定值(Icu)和家 用断路器额定值(Icu)通常以kA均方根值的形式给出。额定运行短路分断能力(Ics)额定分断能力(Icu)或(Icn)是断路器能成功分断而不会被损害的最高故障电流。产生这种电流的可能性非常低,普通 环境下,故障电流比断路器额定分断能力(Icu)低得多。另一方面,大电流(可能性较低)在良好状态下被分断非常重要,这样在故障电路被修复以后,断路器能够立即合闸。断路器的新技术特征高性能、高可靠性、智能化、模块化且绿色环保高性能。额定短路分断能力与额定短时耐受电流进一步提高,并实现 Icu = Ics,如施耐德公司的 MT系列产品,其运
27、行短路分断和极限短路分断能力最高达到150kA 。高可靠性。产品除要求较高的性能指标外,又可做到不降容使用,可以满容量长期使用而不会发生过热,从而实现安全运行。ectification andstrengtpayclose attention to system implementation,really maketheo"education,notoneducatioteefficiency.Currentand future a peri od,t otightlyaroundcoordination adv ance "fourafull"strategyl
28、ayout,winni ng full builtsocietyt hisa centraland work overall, putcarriedout learni ng educatia s promoted w ork ofimportantopportunitieserfulpower,guide Generalmemberscadres insisted developmentfirst priority,activeadapte d e conomic devel opmentnewnormal, consci ouslypra ctice li nefive bigdevelo
29、pmentconcept,effectivegraspsupply side struct uralreform,to guaranteesa nd im proved livelihood,constrpractice s,pr ovincial,andmunici palde cided i n"two learn a do" lear ninge ducationinthe carrie d out "five checkfive pr omoting",the County Di strict units toi nsiste d put&quo
30、t;two learn a do"lear ning e ducation and"five check fivepromoti ng" organicfusion,andcommon advance,doonepl an layout,and oneorganization impleme ntation,put carried out"two l earna do"situati on, and"five checkfive pr omoting" sit uationas partyworkevaluation ofi
31、mportant Content, asa n importantaspect ofmutualevaluatiandtruly become aqualifiedparty member,naturallywe candealwithadvanceand retreat leftturntreatment,proper organizati onal arra ngements a ndselecti on, propertreatmentofpersonalinterests.To putcarried out "two lear na do" lear ning e
32、ducation with do reformdevelopme nt stable the work combi ned up,a ndseriously doCe nterwork,a nd dailyand jobcom bine dup, andguarante esimprove d liveli hood,a nd pr omote social harmony combi ned up,and com pletedthe task combinedour cit y,but downward pre ssurei s stillhig h,face d a numberofcha
33、llenges andtests.Meanw hile, coinci des wit h thecity,Countyand townshipparty committees thisyeducation inspection, ifthe true series ofp arty rules a nd Constitution speakswIhe partys fie sye, ry for . Ie trad.ona "i viuespactCingIeSicaistcorevauesvgrousy-., fwad t he s. of Jia Yuu, Hngq Canal
34、 sii and sii of pe te-,honeSyipoiis, sric satesma n, st ck to the spii ua hegs of the C.mm-s s. Four to dev otin, as do pay a role i n q lyig Ofca Ccmmui s .y. To full the partys puio maita n fr the pepe them s - s a nd iai on, devl on, ma ntaipionee, pineeri ng and enter prisng spit actve a Ie wel
35、off ra ptce , make cntibuins. T he ice nlve fuelartyorgaiztonsa.evesSoudgiveful1ay t a . mos e b.h a reeatve, a aced a nd typiai of Ie limes a i d gglie Ie brad masse s of party m embes toemuaeI 95 annsay of fudi ng - aUnity to a .iecognl on of a number of oUS ad i g party member s ' adva nc d g
36、ras roots party orgaizt ons ouSbaUng party woke* andpUtIepioneertrees.Thid,the "frm" elors for exmpe, besuetochangeito.Le-ig to detosvetheprobem,iidoesnotsvetheproblem,iwlform,goesthroughthemoinsTo streghethe cnaci.s andinsse .nene-probiemsvngleaning e - cainlor Irct I n, I u. de e i n<
37、estgain、t cal ge modiicai on. A cheke d sW ng LLari ng eucat ggrmme fr paybuidingiourcityac、 dIfocus on si uton of fuy ide as a I d beles w- r, connsioosnnss pupose of the paly wek sene, hone-adsildisipl ne ene - is I ot sr ong, -pred i suus if eticl miscnduc s . y cntes speifcp.gammls fr al pay m b
38、e s and ea dig cdes ao<eIe cuy ll sal fc us on fute einmet toIe1rob s S peili c teyiay m be a nd y cade alsreuirs a cmbi I aionof a cua a I d cnt- u fcse d and、 pu y ouse if i, pepe - e thi ngs see Wt hter ow n.peclc p.bl-s I lean Ccnsttui on «ry rues see s, a ddes, s pe cis ont o Ind t he a
39、yng a solid fundai he c.rc- a cion. B Imae can- F or check put ugheblshed e ctficainT aiw a a ccut and ale secal lupe-on, and on accut PN, aproac,issed-sdeleans modled a nd Ia know tha m .die d, w hie foouue d on put "wlarnado"leaningeduatonIfiai on w.g p pay of m-s Ine Iduaton prctce icfi
40、te s and "tee sti ct thrre e a" topi c at on prbem ecfiat on com bine d up,consl daton e|a ide d has ma de of recicat onreluls srngy cre ctd "or off ice not for", ad CCi ad ede-crrced"fuwid",adeguatonmasessdeofauues ennure wk aivacemoepoweful , adprbllm sluin more cmpee
41、ly Thid, mus cnsoluaeouiche- mes. For more publ c sme pary m bers wo focus on Ie ousadig iisles combi I ig concetae智能化。随着专用 集成电路和高性能的微处理器的出现,断路器实现了脱扣器的智能化,使断路器的保护功能大大加强,可实现过载长延时、短路短延时、短路瞬时、接地、欠压保护等功能,还可以在断路器上显示电压、电流、频率、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数等系统运行参数,并可以避免高次谐波的影响下发生误动作。现场总线技术。低压电器新一代产品实现了可通信、网络化,能与多种开放式的现场总线连
42、接,进行双向通信,实现电器产品的遥控、遥信、遥测、遥调功能。现场总线技术的应用,不仅能对配电质量进行监控,减少损耗。而且,现场总线技术能对同一区域电网中多台断路器实现区域连锁,实现配电保护的自动化,进一步提高配电系统的可靠性。工业现场总线领域使用的总线有Profibus、Modbus、DeviceNet等,其中 Modbus与Profibus的影响较大。熔断器熔断器其实就是一种短路保护器,广泛用于配电系统喝控制系统,主要进行短路保护或严重过载保护。熔断器一种简单而有效的保护电器。在电路中主要起短路保护作用。熔断器主要由熔体和安装熔体的绝缘管(绝缘座)组成。使用时,熔体串接于被保护的电路中,当电
43、路发生短路故障时,熔体被瞬时熔断而分断电路,起到保护作用。结构和特性熔断器主要由熔体、外壳和支座3部分组成,其中熔体是控制熔断特性的关键元件。熔体的材料、尺寸和形状决定了熔断特性。熔体材料分为低熔点和高熔点两类。低熔点材料如物和铅合金,其熔点低容易熔断,由于其电阻率较大,故制成熔体的截面尺寸较大,熔断时产生的金属蒸气较多,只适用于低分断能力的熔断器。 高熔点材料如铜、银, 其熔点高,不容易熔断,但由于其电阻率较低,可制成比低熔点熔体较小的截面尺寸,熔断时产生的金属蒸气少,适 用于高分断能力的熔断器。熔体的形状分为丝状和带状两种。改变变截面的形状可显著改变熔断器的熔断特性。 熔断器具有反时延特性
44、, 即过载电流小时,熔断时间长;过载电流大时, 熔断时间短。所以,在一定过载电流范围内, 当电流恢复正常时,熔断器不会熔断,可继续使用。熔断器有各种不同的熔断特性曲线(见图),可以适用于不同类型保护对象的需要。 分类熔断器根据使用电压可分为高压熔断器和低压熔断器。根据保护对象可分为保护变压器用和一般电气设备用的熔 断器、保护电压互感器的熔断器、保护电力电容器的熔断器、保护半导体元件的熔断器、保护电动机的熔断器和 保护家用电器的熔断器等。根据结构可分为敞开式、半封闭式、管式和喷射式熔断器。敞开式熔断器结构简单,熔体完全暴露于空气中,由瓷柱作支撑,没有支座,适于低压户外使用。分断电流时在 大气中产
45、生较大的声光。半封闭式熔断器的熔体装在瓷架上,插入两端带有金属插座的瓷盒中,适于低压户内使用。分断电流时,所产生的声光被瓷盒挡住。 管式熔断器的熔体装在熔断体内。然后插在支座或直接连在电路上使用。熔断体是两端套有金属帽或带有触刀的 完全密封的绝缘管。这种熔断器的绝缘管内若充以石英砂,则分断电流时具有限流作用,可大大提高分断能力,故又称作高分断能力熔断器。若管内抽真空,则称作真空熔断器。若管内充以SF6气体,则称作SF6熔断器,其目的是改善灭弧性能。由于石英砂, 真空和SF6气体均具有较好的绝缘性能,故这种熔断器不但适用于低压也适用于高压。 常用的熔断器(1)插入式熔断器 它常用于380V及以下
46、电压等级的线路末端,作为配电支线或电气设备的短路保护用。(2)螺旋式熔断器 熔体上的上端盖有一熔断指示器,一旦熔体熔断,指示器马上弹出,可透过瓷帽上的玻璃孔观察 到,它常用于机床电气控制设备中。螺旋式熔断器。分断电流较大,可用于电压等级500V及其以下、电流等级 200A以下的电路中,作短路保护。(3)封闭式熔断器 封闭式熔断器分有填料熔断器和无填料熔断器两种,如图 3和图4所示。有填料熔断器一般用方 形瓷管,内装石英砂及熔体,分断能力强,用于电压等级500V以下、电流等级1KA以下的电路中。无填料密闭式熔断7 / 6theparty's finestyle,carryforward
47、thetraditional Chinese virtues,practici ng theS oci alist corevalue s,vigor ously carry forwardt he spiritofJiao Yulu,Hongqi Canalspirit andspiritof persistence,honest y inpolitics,strict statesman,sti cktothe spirit ual heights oftheCommunist s.Fourto dev otion,as, do play arolei n qualifying. Offi
48、cialCommuni stduty. o fulfillthe party'spur pose, maintain forthe people them selves, a nd dedicati on, devoti on,mai ntain pi oneer, pioneeri ng andenter prisingspirit, activeatthewell -offextrapractice , makecontributions.T he ince ntivefunction ofpartyorganizationsatalllevelsshould givefull p
49、laytoa dvanced models,establish arepresentative,a dvanced and typical ofthe times,a nd guide the broa dmasse s ofparty memberstoemulate.Inhonor ofthe 95 anniversaryoffounding as a nopportunityto awardin re cogniti on ofa numberof outst anding partymembers'advanced grass -roots partyorganizati on
50、s,outstanding partyworkers, and put t he pi oneer trees.T hird,t he"reform" efforts forexample, besureto change int o. Learningto tea chEducati on in or dertosolvethe problem,ifit doesnotsolve theproblem,it willform,goes t hrought he motions.To strengthenthe consciousnessofproblems a nd in
51、siste don pr oblem -orie nted, problem-solvi nglearning educationfortracti on,truly deepi nvestigationinto cha nge,modificati on.A checkedswi ng.Learning educati on programmeforparty -buildi ngin our cityact ually propose dtofocus on sol ution offuzzyide alsa nd beliefswave r,consci ousness, purpose
52、 ofthepartyweak sense,honestyand self-discipli neaware ness is notstr ong, depr esse d,six i ssuesofethical misconductstudycontents specificprogrammes for allpartymembers andleading cadres abovethe county level shall focusonfurtherrefinementto the problems.S pecifictoevery partymemberand everycadre,
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56、 regulation masse sside ofabuses,ensureworkadvance more powerful ,andproblem solutionmore completely.Third,wemustconsolidateourachieve ments. Formore publ ic,somepartymember swho focus onthe outstanding issues,combi ning concentrate器将熔体装入密闭式圆筒中,分断能力稍小,用于500V 以下, 600A 以下电力网或配电设备中。( 4)快速熔断器它主要用于半导体整流元
57、件或整流装置的短路保护。由于半导体元件的过载能力很低。只能在极短时间内承受较大的过载电流,因此要求短路保护具有快速熔断的能力。快速熔断器的结构和有填料封闭式熔断器基本相同,但熔体材料和形状不同,它是以银片冲制的有 V形深槽的变截面熔体。5)自复熔断器采用金属钠作熔体,在常温下具有高电导率。当电路发生短路故障时,短路电流产生高温使钠迅速汽化,汽态钠呈现高阻态,从而限制了短路电流。当短路电流消失后,温度下降,金属钠恢复原来的良好导电性能。自复熔断器只能限制短路电流,不能真正分断电路。其优点是不必更换熔体,能重复使用。熔断器与断路器的区别:他们相同点是都能实现短路保护,熔断器的原理是利用电流流经导体会使导体发热,达到导体的熔点后导体融化所以断开电路保护用电器和线路不被烧坏。它是热量的一个累积,所以也可以实现过载保护。一旦熔体烧毁就要更换熔体。断路器也可以实现线路的短路和过载保护,不过原理不一样,它是通过电流底磁效应(电磁脱扣器)实现断路保护,通过电流的热效应实现过载保护(不是熔断,多不用更换器件)。具体到实际中,当电路中的用电负荷长时间接近于所用熔断器的负荷时,熔
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