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1、教学设计Teaching Aims 教学目标:1. Knowledge objects( 知识目标 ):(1) Get th e stu dents to learn th e usefu l new words and expressions in this part.学习文中出现的重点单词和短语。(2) Enable stud ents to kno w cl early about Act1 Sce ne3 ofThe Milli on Pound Bank Note , and get the detailed information.通过精读细读等阅读任务,让学生熟知本课内容 -百

2、万英镑第一幕第三场 , 并且获得细节信息内容。(3) Analyze th e ch aracters in th is scene. 根据人物的语言和动作,分析此场中人物的性格。(4) Learn the elements of plays.了解戏居ij要素。2. Ability objects( 能力目标 ):(1) Stu dents develop th eir abiliti es of read ing , speaking and liste ning . 在阅读过程中培养听说读写的能力。(2) The stu dents im prove their read ing ski

3、lls, especi allyund ersta nd th e developm ent of plot, and locati ng detailed information.提高学生的阅读能力,从整体入手,从细节把握,能找出故事情节发展顺序,捕捉细节知识。(3) The stu d ents ca n develop teamwork th rough acti viti es.学生能通过小组合作的方式来学习本课内容,发挥各小组的集体力量。(4) Enable stu dents to und ersta nd and act out th e play. 使学生能够理解戏剧并将之表演

4、出来。3. Emotion objects( 情感目标 )(1) Sti m ulate st ud ents interests of learning Eng lish byreading and acting the play.通过阅读和表演戏剧,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。(2) Develop stu dents sense of cooperati ve learning . 培养学生合作学习的意识。Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点:1. Teaching Important Points:(1) To kno w clearl

5、y about Act1 Sce ne3 of The Milli on PoundBank Note , and get the detailed information.熟知本课内容- 百万英镑第一幕第三场 , 并且获得细节信息内容。(2) Train th e stu dents ability to cooperate with others. 训练学生合作学习的能力。2. Teaching Difficult Points:To analyze th e characters in th is sce ne. 根据人物的语言和动作,分析人物性格。Teaching Methods 教学

6、方法 :1. Task-based teach ing and learning .2. Coo perative learning .3. Discussion.Teaching procedures (教学步骤) :Step 1. Pre-reading1. Leading in .Ask stu dents to th ink about the qu esti on: Im agine a richperson gives you a large sum of m oney to spend as you like.What would you plan to do with th e

7、 money?设计意图:因为本单元的标题是百万英镑,所以一开始就让学生想象:如果一个有钱人给你一大笔钱随你花,你会怎么处置这笔钱?这样的导入开门见山,在最短的时间内让学生进入角色,有助于对本课这一场景的学习进行预热。2. I ntroduce Mark Twain and his worksbriefly.Tell th e stud ents : Such a lucky th ing really happ ens to a young m an in Mark Twain s short sto ry, The Million Pound Ban k Note . Just li ke

8、Mark Twain s oth er sto ries, it is interesti ng , hu morous, and unb elievable. And th e sto ry is adapted to a play.设计意图:把学生从美好的想象中拽回来,告诉他们这样幸运的事就真的发生在 Mark Twain 的短片小说百万英镑里,而且这个故事充满了趣味 和意想不到的事情,激发学生的好奇心和阅读兴趣,顺利进入话题。3. Factors of a playAsk the stu dents to sca n th e text to find out the facto rs

9、of the play, thu s they can kno w som ething about plays.设计意图:这是必修教材中唯一出现的一部戏剧,有必要让学生了解有 关戏剧的知识和戏剧要素。Step 2. Fast readingTask 1: Scan what the narrato r says and find out th e background of the story.设计意图:快速阅读讲述者”所介绍的故事背景,找到此场景中的一些 简单要素,如时间、地点、人物、前情介绍,描述人物形象,为学生更好地 理解戏剧冲突和剧情发展做好准备。Task 2: Go through

10、 the conversation to find out what an experience Henry has and fill in the form.About a month agoHenry was out of the bay;Towards nightfallHenry found him selfout to seaby a strong wind ;The next m orn ingHe'd just given himself up when he wasby a ship;LaterHenry earned his by working onth e shi

11、p as an unp aid hand, whichhisin Lond on.NowHenry wasin London andin the street.JustatthatRoderickhim and asked him tomomentste p in.设计意图:按照事件发展的顺序,弄清Henry的经历和他来到伦敦的过程,这对于了解戏剧的发展情节很重要。Step 3. Detailed readingTask 3: Character analysis. Read Act , Scene 3 again to findout what kind of people the char

12、acters are by find ing what they say or do.Divide th e class into two groups. One group find out what kind of person Henry is by fi nd ing what he says or does, andth e other group analyze the brothers characte rs. Ask the stu dents to have a discussion in group s of four.设计意图:这个环节要求学生捕捉课文中各种语言信息,包括

13、人物的对话、眼神、态度、动作等,然后透过这些信息推理分析人物微妙的情感变化,目的是引导学生深入研究戏剧语言,正确理解剧本内涵。Step 4: Post-readingDi scu ss: Why did th e brothers choose Henry for their bet?设计意图 : 这是一个语言输出的环节,学生可以根据上一环节对人物性格分析所习得的语言进行讨论,根据自己的理解发表个人看法,拓展思维。Step 5: Enjoy the film.Let stu dents enjoy th is part of th e fi lm . Tell them to payatt e

14、ntion to the characte rs facial expressions, intonati on andth eir speaki ng sty les while watching .设计意图 : 在精读剧本,分析人物性格,感受戏剧冲突之后,让学生欣 赏原汁原味的电影片段,学生不会有害怕看不懂的畏难情绪,反而会有 一种学习后的成就感,也会激发他们学习英语的兴趣。提醒学生注意观 察人物的面部表情、动作、语音语调,为下一环节的表演做好准备。Step 6: ActingBecause of th e lim ite d tim e, ask stu dents to practice act ingout one part of Act , Scene 3 in groups. Tell students to actacco rd ing to th e sta ge directi ons.设计意图:英文戏剧表演对激发学生的英语学习兴趣,扩大词汇量、复习语法和提高口语水平都会起到很好的推动


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