1、苏教版五年级英语下册阅读理解HEN SyStem OffiCe room HEN 16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688阅读理解My nameisYang am a StUdentinaPrimarySChOOIhereIhaVefOUrIeSSOnSinthemOrningandthreeIeSSOnSintheafternOon. IhaveChinese, M aths, Art, SCienCeJ SOCiaISCienCeandCOmPUterStUdieS IiikeMdthSdndArt BUtmyf riendLilydoesnt t ShelikeSArtand
2、COmPUterStUdieS ManyStUdentSinOUrSChOOlI ikeArtverymuch TheylikedraWingPiCtUreS SOmeStUdentSlikeSPOrt TheyUSUalIy PIayfOOtbalIandbaSketbalIafterSChOol. OnSdtUrddySdndSUndays, IUSUalIydOhOU SeWOrk SOmetimeSlmakemOdeICarSWithmyCIaSSmateSO 1. HOWTmanyIeSSOnSdOeSYangLinghaVeadayA. FOUr B. SiX C. SeVen.(
3、)2.¼rhoisLilyA. YangLingt Sfriend B. YangLingt SSiSter C. Sorry, IdOnt tknow.()3. WrhatSUbjeCtSdOeSLiIyIikeA. ArtandMathSB. ArtandCOmPUterStUdieS C. ArtandSOCiaISCienCeO 4. WrHatdosomestudentsusuallydoafterschoolA. PIayfOOtbalIandbaSebaI1. B. PIaybaSketbaIIandfOOtbaI1C. PIayfOOtbalIandVOlIeybaI
4、1.O 5. WrhatdOeSYangLingUSUalIydOattheWeekendSA. Dra%rpicturesB. DOhOUSeWOrkandmakemOdeICarSC. DOhOmeWOrkandmakemOdeIPIaneSAIt is a hot day in SUnlmer A IiOn is WaIking along a Iake He isIOOking for SOmething to eat He is Very hungry. A duck is SWimming in the Water The IiOn is Very happy to See him
5、. "Aha, there is myIUnCh' The IiOn SayS to himself'HelIOJ Mr. DUCk!t “Go away, bad lion!, SayS the duck41 havegood news for you. ' 4%rhat is it' asks the duck41 don' t Want Otheranimals to hear it. PIeaSe COme here' SayS the IiOn The POOr duck gets OUt Of the Water and r
6、uns to the lion. The IiOn eats him up.阅读短文,判断句子与短文内容是否相符,用T/F表示。()1TheIiOnis hungry.()2.TheIiOnhas goodnewsfortheduck()3TheduckWantS toknowthenews Verymuch()4.At last,the IiOrIis the duck,S IUnCh()5 The ChineSe meaning(S) Of the WOrd "news' is "消息.BHanS is a POOr (贫穷的)ShOemaker (鞋匠)and
7、 JOe is a rich trader(商人)o They IiVe in the Same house HanS IiVeS downstairs (楼下)and JOe IiVeS UPStairSHanS IikeS Singing Very much He always SingS WhiIe mending (y(修补) ShOeS He SingS IOUciIy (大声地) JOe doesnt t Iike Singing SO he SayS to Hans, UHanSJ I' 11 give you a bag Of money every day if yo
8、u StOP Singing''"Very well, n SayS the ShOemakerSO he StOPS Singing and gets a bag Of money from the trader every day. Day after day, he becomes (变得)richer and richer, but he fells UnhaPPy and falls ill.One day, he COmeS to Joe* S home With all his money. He SayS to him, UTake your mone
9、y back, I Cant t StOP Singing It is my Iife''Then he goes home and SingS IOUdIy.() and JOe are A. friends B. brothers C. neighbours (令B居)()2 JOe gives Hant S SOme money because he A. 1 ikes HanS B. thinks that HanS is POOr C. doesn, t Want to IiSten to his Singing()3. HdnS gets a IOt Of money, and heA. becomes happy B. InakeS friends With JOe C. becomes rich, but he is UnhaPPy()4. One day, HanS gives back JOet S money, becauseA. he doesn, t Iike money B. he is rich C. he Cant t
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