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1、大学英语综合课程(二)第一单元 QUiZPart 1 Fill in the bla nks With the help Of the first Ietter(S)(每小题1分,满分10分)DireCtions: Fill in the blanks With the help of the first Ietter(s).child Seemed completelyin WatCh ing the kids play ing game that he completely forgotto buy Vin egar asked by his mother.(SUggeSted first

2、 Ietter(s): ab )by the fascinating SCeneries, he tried tothe beauty of the great Waterfalls in histraveli ng report.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): Ca )additi On to the dow ntur n in economy, low collected tax and high State SPe nding have resulted in a budget .(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): d )think that

3、taking a job for a year or two is morethan ContinUing my educatiOnimmediately because I n eed more work experie nce.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): be )as people have different reactiOnS to medicine, it could CaUSe fatal reactiOnS in the individuals who areto bee-st in gs.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): all

4、 )research team has found some interesting evidence that inCreaSedto SUnIight maydecrease the risk of breast cancer.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): ex )don't agree With the PraCtiCe that OnCe the CertifiCate is issued there is no further CheCk on the Ian guageof the PerS on.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s

5、): pro )or eight OffiCiaIS are believed to have bee n in volved in the and the mayor has decidedto look into the affair in PerS on.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): SC )you have some other choices, you'll n ever Want to be a SCie ntific researcher Unl ess you like low pay, andwork for Iong hours.(SUgg

6、eSted first Ietter(s): te )football team members, though Very PreStigiOUS and popular nationwide, had a lot of resp On SibiIitieSUPon them by their fans and the PUblic.(SUggeSted first Ietter(s): th )Part 2 Fill in the blanks With the given words(每小题:1分,共20分)DireCtions: Fill in the bla nks in the Se

7、ntenCeS With the words give n in the box. Change the form Where n ecessary.QUeStiO ns 1 to 10 are based On the follow ing PaSSage or dialog.excurs ionadvisableSUbSta nceadequatedistressignorancein adequatedesperateadvisoryCon fusi On1. EVeryth ing that Seemed to be so Won derful at first is now awfu

8、l, and everyth ing makes me feel(1) 一and tired.2. After the disastrous earthquake, the SUrViVOrS in this area Were in (2)n eed of water,food, cloth ing, and SheIter.3. For those SUfferi ng from fatigue and poor PerfOrma nce, it is (3)to eat red meat SinCe itContainS the most easily absorbed form of

9、iron.4. The (4)COmmittee is expected to PUbIiSh Global CanCerCon trol Strategy by early n extyear to reduce CanCer rates and improve quality of life for CanCer Patie nts.5. AS a defe nse aga inst air pollutio n damage, many pla nts and ani mals employ a(n) (5)toabsorb harmful chemicals.6. I am SUre

10、these docume nts are Very esse ntial and importa nt to your pla n, and (6)of them Can Iead to many troubles.7. I realized that even a Iifetime Of WatChing AmeriCan televisiOn WaS not (7)forappreciati ng and cop ing With AmeriCa n culture.8. He Strongly argued that all the SPeeCheS should be as direc

11、t as they are honest and thatfrien dly SPeeCheS should leave no room for (8) .9. "An OPti On al (9) has bee n Orga ni Zed for every day of your holiday to a n earby place ofin terest," Said the tourist age nt.10. She did not go to either of the AmeriCa n schools that admitted her in 1998,

12、because her (10) En glish kept her from gett ing a visa.QUeStiO ns 11 to 20 are based On the follow ing PaSSage or dialog.COmPete ntefficie ntPrOfiCie ncyaccuracyCon SiSte ncyflue ntCiViIiZati Onassass in aterepetitio nn egotiate1. In regards to the development of moral Standards in the growing chil

13、d, (11)is Veryimporta nt in Pare nts' teach ing: Do not allow a thing One day and excuse it the n ext.2. COmPUterS are the most (12) SerVants We have ever had, and there is no limit to theWay they Can be USed to improve our lives.3. Good COmPUter skills and high En glish (13) should enhance your

14、 Cha nces of gett ing anice job With high pay.4. In the US, however, it is take n as a Sig n Of skillfu In ess or being (14) to solve a problemor fulfill a job SUCCeSSfully With speed.5. AIfred Bern hard Nobel WaS a COmPete nt ChemiSt by age 16 and WaS (15)in En glish,Fren ch, Germa n, RUSSia n as w

15、ell as Swedish.6. The strike, havi ng bee n going On for almost three mon ths, WaS CaUSed by the man ageme nt'srefusal to (16)With the unions.7. COmPUterS PrOVide the means for greater SPeed and (17)in work ing With ideas tha nhad PreViously bee n possible.8. (18)USt days after the Union ViCtOry

16、 in 1865, Abraham LinColn Came to be regarded ashero and martyr by later gen eratio ns of AmeriCa ns.9. The dragon, the symbol of oriental (19)for 5,000 years, implies the natiOnal SPirit ofChina as being profo und, powerful, and gra nd.10. The music WaS no ted for its USe of (20)as SoUndS Were PIay

17、ed over and over toCreate a Certa in feeli ng.Part 3 Fill in the bla nks With PrePOSiti OnS or adverbs(每小题:1分,共10分)DireCtions: Fill in the blanks in the following SentenCeS With appropriate PrePOSitiOnS or adverbs. Fill in each bla nk With Only ONE e With me to revisit our UniVerSity. It is

18、Very likely that you would run a friend thatyou have n't See n for a Iong time.is SearChing in his house as well as in his OffiCe any cigarettes, ashtrays, and lights. Hehas determ ined to Say goodbye to smok ing forever.two people are in love, they feel drawn to One another, greatly enjoy each

19、other's company, and are attractedOne ano ther.people from the StateS have decided, just curiosity, to make a tour in the SPaCe eventhough it will cost about tens of millio ns of US dollars.our new SemeSter, another two Phonetic labs will also be equipped COmPUterS andvideo CameraS for our On Ii

20、 ne Ian guage Iear ning.IeCtUrer PreSe nted a PiCtUre of our future POSSibIe Career in SUCh a ViVid Way that We became absorbedWhat he WaS Say ing and did n't no tice it WaS dinner time.the bulkthe work WaS SUPerViSed by the in experie need young lady, the exact cost isdifficult to calculate.to

21、the SChedUle, SCie ntists will hold a ConferenCe this month a bid to highlight WayS tohelp people SUrViVe n atural disasters and accide nts.One is going to appreciate you if you end making Changes WhiCh will CaUSe real troubles and problems in OUr work.you focusa PerS On you have an encoun ter With

22、for the first SeVe n SeC On ds, you'll likelyPiCk UP a lot of in formati On about the PerS on.Part 4 Banked Cloze(每小题:1分,共10分)DireCtions: Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing PaSSage by SeIeCt ing SUitabIe words from the word bank. EaCh word Can be USed Onlyonce.QUeStiO ns 1 to 10 are based On

23、the follow ing passage.A. adequateB. deficitC. CaPtUreD. escapeE. evide ntlyF. Un believableG. exactlyH. obligedI. addictedJ. absorbedK. adjustL. adoptM. dutyN. fun ctio nO. assetFor those who are complaining about excessive advertisements, they are Unaware of What adva ntages the advertis ing has O

24、ffered us.We must not forget it is 1. because of the heavy advertis ing that Con SUmer goods are socheap. WithOUt it, n ewspapers and COmmerCiaI radio could n't bala nce their finan cial 2.The fact that We Pay so little for our daily PaPer and for many broadcast PrOgramS is en tirely due to the

25、money from advertiseme nts. JUSt thi nk What a n ewspaper would cost if We are 3.toPay its full price!For ano ther example, if We are to buy a new refrigerator, We will be 4. in SUCh details asthe model, PrOPer OPeration, and COmPetitiVe price. They can't 5.our attention, butWith advertisements,

26、 We Can make POSSibIe COmPariSOnSand 6. our PUrChaSing StrategieSWithOUt PerS On ally going to the shop. AS a result, We Can buy PrOdUCtS With better quality and less mon ey.Ano ther equally importa nt 7.of advertis ing is to in form. There is a SeCt ion in everynewspaper and magazine, exclusively f

27、or small advertisements, WhiCh is 8. beneficial tous. If We try to look for a job, buy or sell a house, We will be in evitably SearCh ing for releva ntinformation in this advertisement SeCtion. We need 9.information to help US makedecisions. SUCh informatiOn is PrOVided in a newspaper. It is an 10.t

28、hat We Can't liveWithout, so We Can't just ig nore the adva ntages that advertiseme nts have brought us.Part 5 VOCabUIary and StrUCtUre(每小题:1分,20分)DireCtions: For each of the followi ng Senten CeS there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best One to complete each sentence.me t

29、he most is that these butterflies return to the Very Same tree in MeXiCO that their great-great-gra ndpare nts USed for the Win ter before.A. That amazedB. It amazedC. WhiCh amazedD. Whatamazedis announ ced, the CoUntry has IaUn Ched a Iarge-SCaIe moveme nt to WiPe out hun ger, poverty, and diseases

30、 in the Wide rural areas.A. WhatB.ThatC. ASD.WhiChStUdents expected there more reviewing CIaSSeS before the college entranceexam in ati on, but, to their disappo in tme nt, all the CIaSSeS Were fin ally Can celed.A. beingB.would beC. have bee nD.to beUn ited StateS is proud ofgreat writers, especial

31、lyin the 20th Cen tury SUChas Mark TWain and Ern est Hemin gway.A. its . thoseB. the . WhiChC. her . WhatD. his . thatfinancial deficit for the banks will be going from bad to worse Unless their plan for economic reformmiracles.A. worksB. are workingC. WOrkedD. will beworki ngall the exercises Unfin

32、i shed, heto WatCh the football match yesterday evening eventhough he WaS so an xious and excited about it.A. mustn't go B. wouldn't go C. oughtn't D. shouldn't have gone7. - "Do you regret Paying So much for the dog"- "No. I would be happy to Payfor him."A. aS mu

33、ch aS twice B. twice aS much C. twice aS manyD. much twice, he haS earned himSelf a lot of reSpect, yet he iS alwayS modeSt and acceSSible.A. With all hiS profound knowledgeB. Through all hiS profound knowledgeC. With hiS all profound knowledgeD. By all hiS profound knowledge9. - "You Won't

34、 follow his inStrUCtions, Will you"-". I don't think he is right."A. Yes, I willB. No, I won'tC. No, I willD. Yes, I won'the drives so carelessly, there is very hope that he will survive the car accident onfreeway.A. fewB. a fewC. muchD. littlefor a long time, the fields a

35、re all dried up and the farmers are worried about this year's crops.A. There having been no rainB. There been no rainC. There having no rainD. There being no rainthe emergency rescue supplies are , the earthquake survivors will be in great troubleand they may be on the edge of death.A. incapable

36、B. inadequateC. invalidD. invisiblesuspected man may deny a charge, but his fingerprints can h i m even when there isnothing else to even say who he is.A. justifyB. simplifyC. identifyD. notifyare many well-known professors in our university, of which he is the most one in hisspecialized field.A. di

37、strustfulB. distinguishedC. disgracefulD. differentcombination of virtual and traditional learning will the scope of every lesson andincrease the students' interest.A. exceedB. expandC. exploreD. exhausthaving been living in the States for more than 10 years, she still has a British accentwhen s

38、he talks.A. sensitiveB. narrativeC. distinctiveD. representativeto the unpredictable changes of weather, we bought an extra supply of coal of asevere winter.A. in anticipationB. in obligationC. in associationD. in cooperation's not that he should be assigned to the job since he is new and has no

39、 experience at allin this particular field.A. advisoryB. advisableC. advisedD. advisingaverage life for Americans is now more than 74 years because of their more activelifestyles and good medical care for senior citizens.A. potentialB. expectationC. spanD. lengththe president that inflation was a mu

40、ch more serious threat to the sliding nationaleconomy and that what was needed was a much tighter control of the money supply and the budget deficit.A. proclaimedB. supportedC. exclaimedD. sustainedPart 6 Reading comprehension(每小题: 2 分, 20 分 )Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each p

41、assage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.People use more than just words to communicate. In fact, some researchers

42、 claim that less than half of a spoken message's real meaning is in the words used in the message. They say that most of a message's meaning comes from understanding how the speaker uses things like tone of voice and body language.Body language includes such things as the expression on the s

43、peaker's face, gestures that speaker makes with his or her hands, and the position of the speaker's body. Just as there are many different languages spoken around the world, there are many different ways for people to use body language, too. For example, gestures may imply different meanings

44、 in different cultures. Making a "thumbs up" sign in America means, "Great!" However, in Arab cultures, this gesture is extremely offensive.Although many gestures can be interpreted differently by different cultures, there are also many gestures that are almost universally interp

45、reted in the same way. For example, by and large, a smile is understood as a sign of friendship or good will around the world. Also, using an open hand to gesture toward something is viewed as polite or friendly in most cultures.There are also some forms of body language that can be universally read

46、 with the meaning, "I am interested in you" or "I like you." Sometimes this kind of body language is used unconsciously between two people. These signs of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground, mirroring or using the same gestures as the other per

47、son, and turning one's body to fully face the other person.Body language experts point out one important thing. The person's culture is only one factor that can influence his or her use of body language. The time and place where the body language is being used can have a lot to do with a per

48、son's body language. If the person has had a bad day or if a meeting takes place in a crowded place, the body language a person uses may be very different from under other circumstances.to the passage, more than half of a spoken message's real meaning comes from .A. words used in the message

49、B. things used in the messageC. the speaker's tone of voiceD. the speaker's tone and body language second paragraph describes .A. an example of a gesture not used in IndiaB. different meanings of gestures in different culturesC. how gestures can change the meaning of wordsD. useful gestures

50、in Arab culturesa person starts copying your body language, what does this suggestA. He/She is interested in you.B. He/She isn't interested in you.C. He/She doesn't agree with you.D. He/She agrees with you.may use different body languages .A. only in different placesB. only at different time

51、C. under different circumstancesD. under few circumstancesis the main idea of the passageA. Body language is an important part of communication.B. Body language is affected by culture.C. Body language can be extremely offensive.D. Body language can tell you whether people like you. Questions 6 to 10

52、 are based on the following passage or dialog.Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar and think it is the most boring part of lea

53、rning a new language. Whatever opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game

54、. If there are no rules, or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down. It's the same with language; without rules we would not be able to communicate with other people.So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is the best way to learn gramma

55、r You can learn the rules of a game by simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any game, but in fact this is exactly how you l

56、earned your own language. Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing up but now you never make a grammar mistake.Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are just as many di

57、fferent opinions about teaching grammar as there are about learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises. Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different language activities without

58、 focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever your opinion about grammar and whichever is the way you are taught, you need to use different strategies to help you learn grammar more effectively.is grammar defined in the passageA. Grammar is something you cannot escape from.B. Grammar is a kind of game that requires a lot of practice.C. Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.D. Grammar is a strategy that consists of rules.to the passage, why is learning gramm


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