五年级英语下册 Unit 3《Asking the way》2 牛津版_第1页
五年级英语下册 Unit 3《Asking the way》2 牛津版_第2页
五年级英语下册 Unit 3《Asking the way》2 牛津版_第3页
五年级英语下册 Unit 3《Asking the way》2 牛津版_第4页
五年级英语下册 Unit 3《Asking the way》2 牛津版_第5页
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1、 Warm upWhere is the shop?go alongWhere is the zoo?turn leftWhere is the cinema?turn rightget on get off注意:这边的介词用的是on和off,于此相类似的短语还有put on(穿上)take off (脱掉),turn on(打开) turn off (关掉)Left,right, left,right;Get on the bus,get on the bus;Turn left,turn right;Get off the bus,get off the bus. Look and say

2、 Look and sayPhrases:1.excuse me (2) 表示有礼貌地询问某事或请求允许,意为:请问;对不起。如:Excuse me, Miss Gao, whats this in English? 高老师,请问这个用英语怎么说?(3) 用来对有失礼仪的行为表示抱歉。如:打嗝时说一声 Oh, excuse me. (4) 表示不同意或不赞成,纠正别人的错误如:Excuse me, sir, but you cant park here. 先生,对不起,你不能在此停车。(1) 用来向不熟悉的人打听情况如:Excuse me, does this bus go to the st

3、ation? 请问这公共汽车去车站吗?take a/the +交通工具,如take a/the metro 是动词短语;by+交通工具,如by metro是介词短语。2.ask the way the千万不能少。the way to.去。的路the way to the cinema3.take的用法Phrases:take 三单takes take现在分词taking你学会了吗?你学会了吗?ride a bike by bike 骑自行车骑自行车 walk on foot 走路、步行走路、步行take the subway by subway 乘坐地铁乘坐地铁take the train 乘

4、坐火车乘坐火车take the car 乘坐小车乘坐小车take a taxi 乘出租车乘出租车take the bus 乘坐公车乘坐公车take the boat 乘坐船乘坐船e out from.从。出来 反义词:come in与from有关的短语: Phrases:be far from 离。远come from 来自be from 来自1、ask the way2、get to3、visit ones new house4、take the metro5、get on6、get off7、walk to 8、on the street9、next to10、come out from1

5、1、ask. . . for help12、excuse me13、go along14、turn right15、traffic lights16、on your right17、turn left1、问路2、到达3、拜访。的家4、乘地铁5、上车6、下车7、步行到8、在街上9、在。的旁边10、从。出来11、向。求助12、对不起,打搅一下13、沿着14、向右转15、交通灯16、在你的右边17、向左转Game time32 40 41 50 60 32 40 41 50 60 forty-six fifty-eight sixty-one 46 58 61考考你的记忆力考考你的记忆力! !How

6、 does Liu yifei get to the cinema?Go along this street.How does Yao ming get to the hospital?Go along this street and turn left at the traffic lights.How do Susu and Qingxue get to the shop?Go along this street and turn right. Exercises:一:单项选择( )1.How do I _the train station ? A. get to B. get on C.

7、 get off( )2.Go _ this street , youll see it . A. on B. along C.long( )3.You can get off _ Renmin Park Station . A. of B. at C.in( )4.The school is_ your right. A. on B. near C.in( )5.Look!WangBing is getting_ the bus. A. on B.up C.away二:按要求改写句子。 1.The park is on Renmin Road.(对画线部分提问) _the park? 2.W

8、hich is the way to Wujiang Park?(写出同义句) _ do I _ Wujiang Park? 3.You can see a shop on your right?(改为一般疑问句) _ _ see a shop on your right? 4.Turn left at the traffic lights.(改为否定句,句意不变) _ turn _ at the traffic lights.ByebyeThank you! Cartoon time Cartoon timeon the map在地图上墙上的地图the map on the wall Car

9、toon time Cartoon time Cartoon time Cartoon timestop(站)同义词stationfull(饱)反义词hungry Cartoon time Cartoon timetoo many:太多too many+可数可数名词的复数形式 Cartoon time Cartoon time Discussion Discussion Cartoon time Cartoon time Culture time Culture time Culture time Culture time Culture time Culture time Culture t

10、ime Culture time Culture time Culture time 很早以前,厕所很早以前,厕所Toilet里都有水箱里都有水箱water closet, 人们一提到人们一提到water closet就想到了就想到了toilet,因此,因此water closet就成了就成了toilet的代名词。的代名词。后来为了方便,后来为了方便,人们就用人们就用water closet的开头字母的开头字母W.C.来代替来代替toilet。 但但wc是一种很粗俗的表达方式(相当于中国乡村常在是一种很粗俗的表达方式(相当于中国乡村常在厕所中标厕所中标“大便处大便处”“小便处小便处”),是英美

11、等国一二),是英美等国一二百年前使用的,现在一般不用百年前使用的,现在一般不用WC,而使用,而使用Toilet等较等较文雅的词。文雅的词。WC在中国传入多年,许多中国人都知道在中国传入多年,许多中国人都知道WC是公共厕所的英文简称,但实际上此缩写在英文是公共厕所的英文简称,但实际上此缩写在英文国家根本就不使用。取而代之的是国家根本就不使用。取而代之的是Toilet 或者其他单或者其他单词。词。 在美国,绝对没有人使用这个缩写的。一般称为在美国,绝对没有人使用这个缩写的。一般称为Restroom 或者或者 Bathroom,有些地方也用,有些地方也用 Washroom。 Sound time S

12、ound time sh组合组合 Sharon is in the shoe shop.She likes shiny shoes.But there are so many.She doesnt know which to choose.sheep ship show brushsugar Exercises:一.判断划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。( )1.shiny ship ( )2.school choose ( )3.dress drive ( )4.which when( )5.who which ( )6.shiny many 二.选出划线部分与其他三项不同的单词。( )1

13、.A .fish B.ship C.machine D.watch ( )2.A.take B.name C.table D.has ( )3.A.think B.mouth C.there D.thank ( )4.A.family B.try C.fly D.bye ( )5.A.shop B.colour C.come D.son Exercises:三.英汉互译1.看一场电影_ 2.在公共汽车站_3.太晚_ 4.乘地铁_ 5.去电影院 _ 6.too many_7.on the street_ 8.get in a taxi _9.The bus is full. _ 10.The film is over ._四.找出错误选项并在横线上改正。( )1.Turn right


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