五年级英语下册 Unit 4《Seeing the doctor》2 牛津版_第1页
五年级英语下册 Unit 4《Seeing the doctor》2 牛津版_第2页
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五年级英语下册 Unit 4《Seeing the doctor》2 牛津版_第4页
五年级英语下册 Unit 4《Seeing the doctor》2 牛津版_第5页
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1、Unit 4Seeing the doctorStory time Step 1 Warming up Lets play a game to review the words in Story time (Tips:看到汉语大声说出相对应的英语单词,看到单词说出其汉语意思,看到空白大声说 “bang”)喝水喝水休息休息brush ones teeth吃药吃药eat sweets刷牙刷牙take medicinehave rest看医看医生生应该应该感觉感觉toothacheStep2 Revision and lead-in Su Hai and Mike want to go to the

2、 hospital, lets see how do they go to the hospital?苏海家附近的地图苏海家附近的地图Step3 presentationWatch and complete some tasks.Task1 Translation 1.看医生 2.你哪里不舒服 3.头痛 4.感觉冷 5.发烧 6.吃一些药7.休息 8.喝一些温水9.牙痛 1 0.去看牙医11.吃很多糖果 1 2.刷牙1 3.在早上 1 4.在就寝前KEYS:1.see the doctor 2.Whats wrong with you? 3.have a headache 4. feel co

3、ld 5.have a fever 6. take some medicine 7. have a rest 8. drink some warm water 9. have a toothache 10. go to see the dentist 11. eat a lot of sweets 1 2. brush ones teeth 1 3. in the morning 1 4. before bedtime(词组互译)(词组互译)Task 2 Ask and answer1.Whats wrong with Su Hai?2.Whats wrong with Mike?She ha

4、s a headache.He has a toothache.3.Why .?4.What should .?does she have a headache?she do?Because she has a fever.She should have a rest, take medicine and drink warm water. 5.Why does he have a toothache? 6.What should he do?Because he eats a lot of sweets.He should brush his teeth in the morning and

5、 before bedtime. He shouldnt eat too many sweets.Task 3a. Lets read with the video in a a. Lets read with the video in a whole.whole.Step 4 Reading跟录音一起读,跟录音一起读,看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦。看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦。b. Lets read together(大声而充满热情地!)c. Lets act在小组内分角色朗读,看看哪组读的最好!Step 6 Summary1.当询问别人有没有什么地方不舒服,我们可以用句型:Whats w

6、rong with ?2.询问我应该做什么,我们可以用句型:What should I do?3.建议别人应该做什么,不应该做什么,我们可以用句型:You shouldYou shouldntLets say more1.earache 耳朵痛耳朵痛2.backache 背痛背痛 3.stomachache 胃痛胃痛4. cough 咳嗽咳嗽5.Ouch 哎呦(疼痛时哎呦(疼痛时的叫声)的叫声)1. The first wealth is health.健康是人生的第一财富。2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作、不玩耍,聪明小伙也

7、变傻。3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果, 无需医生进门/日食一苹果,医生远离我。4. Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口利于病。Lets enjoy!读一读有关健康的谚语吧!读一读有关健康的谚语吧!Homework1.Recite the dialogue.2.Tell your parents how to keep ourselves healthy.Mr:Whats wrong with Su Hai? Liu:She has a .Mr:Why does . have a .? Liu:.Mr:What should .do? Liu:.Yes.Step 5 Practice and ConsolidationHi, Liu Tao. Su Hai and Mike arent at school today. Do you know why?根据提示同桌讨根据提示同桌讨论补全对话吧论补全对话吧。Mr:Wha


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