



1、11 月 17 日雅思考试内容解析考试概况:本次考试选填比 1:1。很多同学反映此次的题 H 偏难,特别是 S3 部分, 语速也偏快导致部分同学跟丢。S1 、S2、S3 为新题,词汇处于中等难度,但是涉及同义替换和干扰项 在日常做题建议大家结合听抄进行精听,并积累题中岀现的同义替换。S4 为旧题,做题时大家应注意单词积累以及拼写细节。二 . 具体题目分析Section 1场景:咨询朋友航空公司工作 题型:填空 参考答案:1? 10) completion 1. 空乘人员需要负责的内容: money2. 岗位的必备要求,必备的身高要求:1683. 需要掌握的技能: math4. 最好再会另一门语

2、言: language5. 飞行中会出现的情况 : illness6. 空乘人员需要掌握的必备能力: swim7. 需要具备的各个国家的: cultures8. 航空公司的名字: Eurontas9. 个人介绍里应该提及的志愿者项目: team10. 不必准备的东西: uniformSection 2场景:服务行业的奖学金题型:单选 +多选参考答案:11-14 ) Multiple Choice11. A (奖学金对有工作的人开放)12. D13. B14. D15-20) Multiple Choice15. B ( 从另一个地方进入 entrance)16. B17. A18. B19.

3、C20. ASection 3场景:两个人对于一个 House 的功能介题型:单选 +匹配参考答案:21-26) Matching21. fresh air is removed22. fresh air is pulled in -balcony 的作用23. old air is removed24. temperature is checked25. heat cross is reduced ? -window 的作用26. 待补充27-30 ) Multiple Choice27. B28. A29. C30. ASection 4场景:介绍了纺织厂和一个课程的信息 题型:填空 参考

4、答案:31. Subject: engineeringwork with .in . ? business faculty 确定)32. Goal: the printed textile (印花纺织品)33. focus on global market34. in the 2nd year: demonstrations/documentation and suggestion学主35. students can be offered tutorials which help students make decision 被提供辅导课来帮助他们做决定)36. traditional too

5、ls for commercial uses (传统 i 筍业用途的工具)37. reflective practice (反思性实践)商业计38. In the fourth year there is a computer aid design programme for makingbusiness plan. (在第四年的时候,计算机辅助设计项目将用来做 划)39. future job of journalism (将来的新闻学工作)In anyone interested in it, please contact us.40. At last there will be a sh

6、ort interview. (最后将有一个短的面试) 阅读部分考察摘目文章标题文章类界J考试难度考察题型miPassage One竹子(A won der pla nt)7填空题4简答題2文0IK述了竹子的迈要性(生物贯要性,经济价值),以及介 绍 主旨竹子快更火绝的原因是因为栖息地M破坏.最后提议重视 竹子.答案1-11僻卜充12soil erosi on13paperPassage Two疋向越野(Otienteering)运动案嘶题55咱空题4主旨介紹了宦向越野的起源,分类,鸞理组织架掏”以及说明定向越野虽然不能成为輿运硕目?但仍然很受欢迎.答案虹空題:military, card,

7、flags. OlympicsPassage Three以貌取人(Appeara nc e and characters)人文朴科判断题5配对題5瞅选题4:血尔文因为外規差点被拒绝登船的故事为引入, 介绍了几 个 科学家对于人外貌和tl格的硏究最后得出通过外貌来 断定人 的性格等有时并不准确.答頁待补充今天的阅渎考试滿都出现兀配题,难座乂 I:新台阶?考场上的帀戦发挥的如何 ,炊迎各 位在文章下方留盲写作部分TASK1图形为三线图,分析1980至2000年一个欧洲国家林木业中木材(timber),果浆(pulp),纸(paper)的生产量变化。重难点 1)题目中出现 timber 和 pulp

8、 两个关于林业的单词,且分别有 动词和名 词的词性,在写作中要能够分清用法; 2)图中线条不多也并 不复杂,所以需要 细致分析每个支线的总体变化趋势:上升,下降,波 动,交叉,平行,以及特殊 点的描述,包括峰值,转折点,交叉点等;3)注意过去时态的准确使用TASK 2Qualities ( a person needs ) to become successful in today's world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institutions. To what extent do you agree

9、 or disagree?题目分析: 题目类型:教育 / 社会类提问方式:同意与否类Success, an expected good result that a person may reach, is dedicated by various qualities including personal characters, knowledge accumulation, and cooperative spirit. That universities or colleges could educate such qualities for a person to succeed is a

10、 too narrow belief.To begin with, individual personalities and characters are the initial keys to potential achievements, as the road to success is full of thorns, requiring the person to be prepared for optimism, calmness, and perseverance to strike the hedge and step forward to the established goa

11、ls. These characters, in fact, are formed based on the influences from families, schools, and wider societies during the self-development process, which cannot be learnt at once or in any single place.The second key is knowledge base. Knowledge is widely regarded as one of the most powerful competen

12、ces for a person to make a differenee, but knowledge and information storage is built and developed in accumulation, starting from antenatal training, then to babbling, and moving on to receiving basic educations at primary and secondary schools. In other words, learning knowledge needs a solid foun

13、dation ? Without the paved footstone, university and academic study would be as unrealistic as a castle in the air.Further, the sense of being collaborative plays an indispensable role. Only when an individual learns and knows how to effectively interacts and coordinates with others at growth can he

14、 or she acquire parents 1 support, teachers' guidance, and friends 5 coordination the imports nt sources to help the person to become successful. Thus, it would be too late if a person starts learning such quality at university.University education is the final stage of formal learning after sec

15、 on dary schoolings. This means, university is the place where students could further enhance and strengthen the key qualities, regardless of personal characters, knowledge system, or cooperative consciousness via more professional and well-focused instructions and assignments; rather a kindergarten

16、 for nurturing baby learners.(314 words)口语部分 一 . 考试概述:以下为 9? 12 月高频题,请考生扎实准备。Part 1: 考频 TOP 151Work or studies2Accommodation3Cities4Hometown5Holiday6Shoes7Weather8Music9Cooki ng10Plants11Sports12Rainy days13Park/garde n14Foreign food15MoviesPart 2 : 考频 TOP 15想学的外语2 有趣的地方3好法律最近读的书5美丽的城市6有趣的动物7安静的地方8开

17、心经历9有趣的地方常用网站11特定场合穿的衣服12最喜欢的歌13建筑14乘坐公交工具旅行15上网搜信息二、具体题目分析Describe a sport that you have watched before and you want to tryYou should say:What it isWhen you first watched the sportWhat you like about the sportAnd explain why you would like to try this sportTalking about a sport that I want to try,

18、Zumba springs to my mind. I remember, one day two years ago, when I walked around the sports centre, a piece of passionate Latin music caught my attention. I followed the music and came to the dance studio. Actually, that was the first time when I got to know Zumba and I immediately fell in love wit

19、h it.I enjoy it as the music is really my cup of tea. The up-tempo music would add more happiness to the exercises .In this case, I would forget about all worries in my life and live in the moment.Without doubt, I would love to try this sport ? Firstly, as a kind of aerobic exercise, it can strengthen all muscles of the body and burn calories? After long-termexercises, it could lower the risk of developing illness, such as heartdis


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