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1、.高考英语一轮复习预备书面表达:“洛阳亲友如相问,就说我在写作文【考察才能】组织母语;转化英语;词汇语法【考场用时】不多于 35 分钟含填涂答题卡用时【方法概述】假设你是李华,学校聘请的外教Mrs. Wilson将 于下周来学校。请用英文给她发邮件,说明以下事 宜:1.已为她安排公寓,位置便利,设施齐全;2.教学可用学校教材,也可自备材料;3.询问航班信息,以便安排接机。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连接;3.开头结语已为你写好。Dear Mrs.WilsonSincerely yours#:一、 才能要求:组织语言【中文】,转化语言【中译英】高考英语作文评分标准细

2、那么档次规定任务覆盖内容要点语法构造词汇复杂构造、高级词汇连接成分与构造写作目的完成情况第五档2125完全完成覆盖所有应用较多尽力使用语法构造词汇允许有些错误有效使用连接全文构造紧凑完全到达第四档1620完成漏掉一两个次要点满足要求词汇语法构造使用根本准确简单使用连接全文构造紧凑到达第三档1115根本完成漏掉一些内容满足要求有些错误,但不影响对写作内容的理解简单使用连接全文内容连接根本到达第二档610未恰当完成漏 掉 一 些 内 容, 写了 无关 内容语法单调词汇有限有些错误,影响对写作内容的理解较少使用连接内容缺少连接信息未能清楚的传达给读者第一档15未完成明显遗漏主要内容语法单调词汇有限错

3、误较多影响裂解缺乏连接成分内容不连接信息未能传达给读者第零档无与要点无关内容太少无无未能传达任何信息²²中文定档,英文定分,卷面定调【八大书信体】推荐信 申请信 咨询信 求助信 感谢信 抱歉信 介绍信 建议信二、操作步骤:1. 审题找点【中文】:逐字逐句读题,找出要点并标号2. 裂点成刚【中文】:要点划归段落,适度裂解次要点3. 创造衔接【中文】:要点介绍顺序,大写凸显忌冗杂4. 准确翻译【英文】:确定初级版本,有把握选择晋级5. 工整誊写【专注】:按定方案操作,沉着适速上线写 三、例题讲解:假设你是李华,学校聘请的外教Mrs. Wilson将于下周来学校。请用英文给 她发

4、邮件,说明以下事宜:1.已为她安排公寓,位置便利,设施齐全;2.教学可用学校教材,也可自备材料;3.询问航班信息,以便安排接机。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连接;3. 开头结语 已为你写好。1. 审题找点【中文】:逐字逐句读题,找出要点并标号2. 裂点成刚【中文】:要点划归段落,适度裂解次要点 段一:我是李华,我校已为您安排公寓,离教室很近位置便利,根本生活设施物品都有设施齐全 段二:教学可用学校教材,您也可以自备教材 段三:请告知您的航班信息,以便我们安排接机。期待您的到来。3. 创造衔接【中文】:要点介绍顺序,大写凸显忌冗杂段一:您好,很快乐莅临我校,我是李

5、华,作为学生会主席由我代 表学校和您说一下本次行程安排。我校已为您安排公寓,离教室很 近,根本生活设施物品都有,只需携带随身物品。段二:我们学校有自己的教材,当然,您也可以根据自己的需求自 备教材。段三:请告知我们您的航班信息,以便我们安排接机。期待您的到 来。4. 准确翻译【英文】:确定初级版本,有把握选择晋级 段一:您好,很快乐莅临我校,我是李华,作为学生会主席由我代 表学校和您说一下本次行程安排。我校已为您安排公寓,离教室很近,根本生活设施物品都有,只需携带随身物品。We are so glad to know you will visit our school. Im Li Hua a

6、nd on behalf of the school as the Chairman of Students Union, Im just writing to inform you that we have already prepared an apartment for you. It is inside our schoolyard and conveniently close to theteaching buildings, which will save you much time on the road. Besides, basic living facilities are

7、 available in the apartment, and you just have to bring your personal belongings.段二:我们学校有自己的教材,当然,您也可以根据自己的需求自 备教材。We have our own textbooks at hand, from which you can choose one. Of course, you can develop your own teaching materials according to your teaching requirement.来。Id appreciate it very m

8、uch if you could let me know the detailed information about your flight, which will be helpful for us to meet you at the airport.Looking forward to seeing you soon.5. 工整誊写【专注】:按定方案操作,沉着适速上线写性格 描 述easygoing 温和的outgoing 外向的 aggressive 有进取心的 energetic 精力充分的 honest 老实的 independent 有主见的 enthusiastic 热情的

9、straightforward 坦率的 ambitious 雄心壮志的 hard-working 勤劳的 friendly 友好的helpful 乐于助人的considerate 体贴的gentle 有礼貌的frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 大方的 humorous 幽默的 patient 有耐心的warm-hearted 热心的selfless 无私的 sincere 真诚的 straightforward 坦率的 kind-hearted 好心的 optimistic 乐观的工作 能 力capable 有才能的 devoted 有献身精神 的competent 能胜任的 inv

10、entive 有创造才能的 creative 富创造力的 efficient 有效率的 active 主动的,活泼的 aggressive 有进取心的 earnest 认真的ambitious 有雄心壮志的 hard-working 勤劳的 adaptable 适应性强的 confident 有信心的 cooperative 有合作精神的dependable 可靠的disciplined 守纪律的 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 hospitable 殷勤的loyal 忠心耿耿的modest 谦虚的punctual 严守时刻的rational 有理性的 reasonable 讲道理的 rel

11、iable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 self-conscious 自觉的人际 交 流friendly 友好的helpful 乐于助人的 considerate 体贴的 gentle 有礼貌的frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 大方的 humorous 幽默的patient 有耐心的warm-hearted 热心的selfless 无私的 sincere 真诚的 straightforward 坦率的 kind-hearted 好心的 strict 严格的知识 水 平intelligent 有智慧的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的we

12、ll-educated 受过良好教育的experienced 有经历的 versatile 多才多艺的兴趣 爱 好工作相关Reading newspaperWriting novel/articles/easyReading books Taking photos Record and shareSports fitness building Foreign language using业余爱好Playing balls football, basketball, volleyball Listening to musicOutdoor recreations swimming, runnin

13、g, jogging, climbingplaying the instruments violin, guitar, pianoplaying chess【问候】熟人之间How are you doing?How is everything going? How is life treating you?【自我介绍】2,句型积累I am Li Hua, a 18-­year-­old boy currently studying in XXX middle school. My name is Li Hua, I am a boy/ girl at the age of

14、18.As a boy/girl of 18, I am XXXI am a student from Class XXX Grade XXX from XXX school.【性格描绘】1.Im easygoing and independent.2.I am a bright and cheerful boy from3.As a boy/girl of 18, I am full of energy and ambition to4.Actually, I am a humors and optimistic boy, being friendly to everyone5.Being

15、patient and warm-­hearted, I often【写信背景】I heard that +事件My teacher told me+事件I am informed that+事件I learned that+事件我得知 I read in your newspaper/ micro-­blog /website that+所获信息You said in your last letter that+详细情况【写信目的】I am writing to do sth.I am writing this letter/ these few lines to do

16、sth.自荐信:I am writing to apply for the job/position.感谢信:I am writing to show / express my heartfelt gratitude to you.邀请信:I am writing to invite you to join/enjoy/experience the + 活动 + as ourguest / judge / instructor.建议信:I am writing to suggest / propose / recommend you+事件求助信:Now, I am writing to ask

17、 you to give me a hand/ do me a favor.抱歉信:Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt apology to you.告知信:Now, I am writing to tell you about the details.【表示感谢】1.Many thanks for +事件2.Please accept my sincere thanks for your+事件3.It was so kind/ nice of you to help me.4.I really appreciate your hel

18、p.5.Im much obliged to you for+事件【表达喜欢】1.Like/enjoy/love doing sth deeply/every much2.Im alover3.I m keen on doing4.My favorite is./is my favorite5.Prefer to do/doing6.My interests/hobby is7.During my spare time, I often do【表达歉意】8.I am/feel very/ terribly/ extremely/ deeply sorry for / about doing s

19、th.9.I am / fell very/ terribly/ extremely/ deeply sorry that+从句【期待回复】1.I am looking forward to your reply.2.I am looking forward to hearing from you.3.Your prompt response will be much appreciated.【性格描绘】1.Im easygoing and independent.2.I am a bright and cheerful boy.3.As a boy/ girl of 18, I am ful

20、l of energy and ambition to do sth.4.Actually, I am a humorous and optimistic boy, being friendly to everyone.5.Being patient and warm-­hearted, I often do sth.【人际交往】1.Im ready to help others at any time.2.Im willing to help others.3.Im eager to help people;4.Im generous in giving help5.I get o

21、n well with others and have good communication skills6.Friendly and patient as I am, I treat everyone as my friend.【个人才能】1.I am good at +能力 and working with children as well.2.I was elected as monitor as I get on well with others and have good communication skills.3.I can do well in +工作4.I have grea

22、t capacity for/ in +工作5.Taking good care of children is my strength6.I am responsible for every task that I do7.I have a strong/ high sense of responsibility8.I am teamwork-­oriented.9.I have good team work spirit【知识程度】1.I have been a xxx in xxx, which made me experienced in doing sth.2.My Engl

23、ish is good enough to deal with such a job.3.I have wider range of knowledge and become more experienced after three years of working.4.I have made a lot of progress during the last X years, and my range of knowledge is widened.5.These experiences greatly enlarge my knowledge scope and improved my a

24、bilities.【带来好处】1.建议内容+ be good for ones health/ knowledge/ life/ skills2.建议内容+enrichs ones daily life.3.建议内容+records ones happy moments/ memory/ daily life.4.It can make ones lifelives colorful / meaningful.5.it can cultivate ones taste/ nourish souls/ mentality.6.事件+gives me a lot of fun and helps me to develop in an all-­roundway at the mean time.7.They not only color my life but also improve myself in all-­round way.【获奖经历】1.After winning the second award in the Beijing Photo Contest of youth group,


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