1、2013年3月罗城县天网监控系统运行 报告天网电子视频监控系统一期建设41个标清视频监控摄像头,正常维护的摄像头 41个;二期建设90个高清视频监 控摄像头,正常维护 90个。综上所述,天网共建设监控点 131个,正常维护监控点 131个。3月天网故障数为14个,处理好4个故障,目前运行正 常的有121个监控点。3月一期监控点运行情况如下表:序 号监控点名称运行情 况备注1十字路口前无法控制光端机问题,待备件返修后处理2德山路口正常3小食街正常 14城关派出所正常5武装部前正常6城中荀场一球罩模糊球杆下回蛊有夜宵篷无法清洗7大酒店前正常8城南柳城路口正常9二运正常10商贸广场正常11政府前故障
2、设备箱装在农机局楼顶,长期被雨日 晒已腐烂,尾纤被老鼠咬断,止在中 请将支臂和设备箱移走12步行街中正常13党校长春路口正常14fWP KTVttf正常15城东工业园区正常16医院路口正常 一17高中路口正常18朝阳天宝路口正常19市场口正常20市场中正常21公安局前正常22白马路中正常23工商路口正常uteeiactl eaec de.-.-. f.gaa.- ma-.E.i . .-y a y ad er . t -g- a-q . Bt- c c sf itc sft -aeg . . ig ew-sst tasassa . c geeg .-ae e- eve -e ks t .as
3、aafleye e.yel at c g s . e r a - r-e-.”.c t .t u g . t a -a. gee24步行街西正常25步行街东正常26物资局门口正常27政务大厅正常28公园门口黑屏光端机坏,机房测看不到设备,备件 在申请当中29桥头路口正常30铁路段路口正常31一小路口正常32西门桥头正常33电业路口正常34小花园二角地花圃正常35矿务局招待所路口正常36水库路口正常37汽车站正常38朝阳路西正常39广场路口n黑屏防雷器故障,备件在申请当中40农行前正常41职局对面无法控制外端可以控制,机房端不可控制,3月二期监控点运行情况如下表:1市场老食品公司正常2局中对面正
4、常3医院大门左侧正常4医院大门右侧对面正常5广场西面路口正常6饮食服务公司北面正常7小红帽对面(新华书店)正常89方圆宾馆右侧武装部小食街对面正常正常10城关所-解放路口 1正常11城关所-解放路口 2正常12林业局(巷口对面)正常13计生服务站黑屏枪机故障配件在返修中14西门桥正常15矿务局路口正常16妇保站巷口正常17供电小区四巷;正常18工矿公司与洗车路口正常19市场肉行正常20进城三角地(星艺广告)正常21进城三角地(对面马路)正常22火车站对面正常maaaement ;dp-has cmpue a."network of networkX. “rm” 一- wth.Gove
5、nm. nt e-ur- ls riy e-on-bi » he d -m, -gnedhh- new .Wthite -e up "ie Cere -in o- p-torm, impl_e nttd I n_ Ie -o pl.orms.Apre-e maiseve-suc -ti In-ementpe-nne isr-on.be fr cn Om-n.emet, P-nformain echnol ogyse cui、"。ro. en" i.ee - t rg o.of"b-A-rdho- r unni. a nd - ho-p0nsil
6、 e fr - ho ule- p.cpe s of wo - i ncare of m.-emenCM" -aee ad hn-:eipUye-.nd"-.*"nf"-0.;-.;.:.”:“-or .r.I”.;:.nt,-"".- .: Cne-.nCV-,,*:s-.yaonnAdT-ege.ne.nd-Tpy.f.'.:”-onsm:-eot:.aeYJ,ic-""Cns (uni- t- si. 20, 19 of -i d C1(. . ne-or. frc- -.ds - "pro
7、ecln bv- -ihoU li.ev. l ifm-in syS_-.,Ul cverge of.gi-rr-our .-need-ion te-cig b.' .、 -I. t, eecr-c- "bo mu"e-c-soom- v .e - c-i m metopoli- n-r- n.- I rk -n.r machine room iqiupme Mi-ty of eu - t ,ns-nn- iiz-ton m-n.- ent-fm, the Ceet-l Lir-y ofa - ivs - l 一 (s Ul cove pr o. c-ete ”4t
8、, -. .ProVnce D nce d_-ion e-uc- ul.»on rr-oucc-cve pro. ctpro. c - .ng I ch-ie d the S ion. E-bl-e, ddgi- di-cee dic-in cove-epr o" gru, ",c n.r for -i on-tin -etch- d Zhu ford-n- e-tin d.i- e-u-s -or.Pro.cs i . ct. e-urc-i nmodr d- e dic-ion te-cing fillco ge pro.ct leding goup, dgi
9、tl resu .-n- e-tin techig , -d X fill cg. prlctgrueoe cuiy hid- nd -cu. - ccietobvoo-y redue. elec- -sinfm-in >- develpmet . E-.onCeete rrgU-. c-r. oU to- ne- o. I- pmet.By .Cnic- e nce-f on s. m-n-ent - egu- b-s, <che-e d o.syS-.-s- -d -C-. .Upm.nt opelng cndton- -nd m- - recd. m-ng e. egu-y
10、r un - . of -in- S.m p-.e- seve -s.ms -d v-ius d_ b- -s - h-. e f-Ure i- c-S c-n e<ume -i.-.d fiie ntlyCmpute - m- nte-.- eS-l -.-. - ntvrr- -V ir- - -eseuly-.se-et CmpU.r - ncem-nfetfr -l U-dust ep- -belRegu-y ho- seve. .-o. tCh-, ce routng i ls, h-d-.e m-n.n-ce<uc- eqU,met f-Ue, -ou. i - tme
11、y m-ne in orde tenue el-b. o In X. ton -nd “pment - e bl-ed- e- - in-e- ne- irk cent. m- Seves-nd - -o - -d -plci uiX ", met- net- -n.r m-Cine room. ”.-e - 2 , -ndo - eve.18 -eIng , the-b-efr SQ SeveJOD, Offce -f - e such -sMco-f Ofce -f - eSCoo- unit- of cmpUe, infm-ion sys<ecuiy p.ou.s for
12、 ddmest c p.-C, i of30 - nd . ng-oft Inte . _ curiy -f-. -net-. -ve fr HP, -onp.du. fr H-i h-t -t - ght 0.Pr-cice is- -on, on -eei ng-th t he e. pri n.p_ of -. itri ng -d op- -ie ntf. ope-ton-l -ton -eeing - t-Cg m-plcion. By "c” eche. I p-t on- e diclon- tecnolgy t-ni - d _ cnd-y s.ool t- ce c
13、he.h-e m-de t _t 80 -cooltt. ' e -ton- cenny. cetfic-e A pe-et-l-.oo-h - - t-.-T-iing i-ton s.ool.-.一, . l- de.tonte tt. - o.m-nfet pe to s.ool t-23城西进城三角(邮政门口)正常24天成公司路口(花圃里面)黑屏球机故障,配件在返修中25大潘村路口正常26京都酒店上面正常27沿江路口:正常28第二高中门口(墙上)正常29交警队与民族商贸城交叉路口正常30保险公司与农机厂门口:正常31农机厂路口(香格里拉对面花 圃)正常32运管所门前:正常33大
14、转盘1 (四面)正常34大转盘2 (北面)正常35大转盘3 (北面):正常36大转盘4 (东面)正常37大转盘5 (东面)正常38大转盘6 (南面)正常39大转盘7 (南面)正常40大转盘8 (西面)正常41李家村路口(墙上)正常42鸿鹏宾馆门口正常43民族中学门口正常44自来水厂门口正常45五里香路口正常46商贸城(花圃里面)正常47信用社住宿区路口正常48保育院路口对面正常49职高大门正常50城中市场路口对面:正常51城中旅社路口对面:正常52老奶店三角地巷口正常53永宁酒楼隔壁小巷:正常54白花园小区路口正常55物资局路口正常56三小门口对面正常57拘留所路口正常58财政局进市场路口对回
15、正常59文汇街正常60农贸市场鸡行正常61和济堂大药房门口正常62糖业烟酒公司住宿区门口正常63二小门口对面正常64审计局路口 1正常etamaagementpa or m-t-e.:“”:ain Qg-.n.SL y."H:“oonaT.rms".” e njoos i n.ee.etr gitUse n_e -l p.sw.cm,. f. isprp.e-y-nd sinssdig to who i s cage of wos in ca” wo . .ni g -l who s .rsponsibe for w ho u sp.ni.l ecnol o. me-.e
16、s cn- ucin-L g.ee -s - n Z.一* p.ot-lion eve if.m.on. ms.oa ss-s 1lLe scoos.O pus newin* -m.ihV - pl -nig X newk e 一-it -(201*1., mentsi cy 6a .p-mentn- n es.res "cprea I.yspcic -in. 一-pe.i e Bu- on t- sou.cs ful cve p. .e c of mplet.onp.o.k. sc cmputen .k *.-” newok. b. o-c-s newT.-MLX-ouccc.s3
17、*ne"t-neeLuaaing-e.Wiooegproec" .n:n.gv.upp,n;e"."Se.c:-yf;.p-r.Esacslsame m-sgemernt-nL m-ncemeu.in. 一5 "gv filovveage jp.:- g. .s oicXte-ei. c-nog ""ensGnLion-cscool cnstucin s-n-Lsof . pusnewo- -L ne-ng to Mi nist. of en-clbn on fuls- ml-en-in on - s cve o.kP.jc
18、s i XX .,-iool nLs-nne e. n -ci ng ul le-L esu.cs i n mode. Li s-ne -t on tec p.ojcgoup -desi p-Lese . . IddLe - nL sc.- det ob.-y .e . . efelle-sinfm-in >- Lev_pmeL XX E-.onCeete. ., o. dL- to dLy new o. - pmet.By ecni. e n.e s-f ons. m-n-g-ent - egu- b-ss. .ie-eL oks s s d- s- -L -. .ment opeln
19、g cnLtons -nL m-le -.e. es e - y . un . .of si-in. sem p-ees e .sems -L v-ius L_ b- -s - i.Lw.e f-.e i -.-. c-n e .me -,-.L ef- ntlyCcmpue - m- _-l -new. - nt - - .st>. A-V2 -b-ss. -nL -IVi - sfw-e s .y-e' Cmpue. - nnem-n. etf. . .-d-st ep- -belRe y iosseves newok "is. ce .ou“ i - ls. i-
20、dw-e m_e n-ce -c- eq"metf .soud i - key m-ne i o.Le te-e be In XX cyin -nL -pment - es- blse. e- -e- new -k cent. m- Seves-nLd- so - -L -p. .i X c,met- new. cen. m-cine .oom. Wi.-e - 2. wnLo e-.108w eIngs-. tie-bse f. SQ SeUOn. Offce sftw-. s-i -sMcosft Ofie sftw-e Scoos unis of cmp.e.ifm-ion .
21、uiy pr-cs fo.dLmest . p.-c-. i of - nL kn.oft Ite .e -sfw-.XX - efo. HP. -in-". fo. H-wi i-to cut - v it 0.P.-cie s- eg. sin.7 . onseeing. see ngwii t iee. p.incp- of neecool ng-L deve op - - ntic. ope-in- -inseeing t-cigm- -pl.-ions By c. oftie tecies I p-i on- e L-tion- tecnoloy t.i -L se.l-,
22、scool t. ce .iesi-e m- to cut 80 in. scool tt.ces ' e d-n-tin-l tec -nny es cetii-te A peset-lscoos i - -.ce- T-iing-ssii-ton scoolte- ces. 1- demc - destinte tt. - okm-n-etpe C.y. to scool t.- t- .p. n- p-i- ces 1.65审计局路口 2正常66黄金桥头方向三叉路口正常67阳光超市大门口正常68白花园内(墙上)正常69小长安进长安路口:正常70小长安开发区路口正常71龙岸广场路口
23、正常72龙用洲角屯十子路口正常73龙岸大桥丁字路口正常74黄金小学路口正常75黄金市场路口:正常76宝坛供电所门前正常77宝坛电影院门前正常78纳翁派出所门前正常79纳翁金惠白货批发零售部正常80乔善医院十字路口正常81乔善往东门丁字路口黑屏电杆断需要重新移杆到对而路待 处理中82兼爱乡兽医站路口正常83兼爱医院路口正常84怀群邮政门前二叉路口正常85怀群老农贸市场路口正常86天河派出所门前路口黑屏电杆断,需重新立杆87天河新市场东门街交叉路口正常88四把派出所门前正常89四把十字路小学路口正常90四把往下里天河路口正常具体情况通报如下:一、平台、承载网络情况(一)系统平台:3月份运行正常。(
24、二)承载网络:3月份网络设备总体运行正常。二、主要设备运行情况(一)枪型摄像机:一期共计6台,型号:富士通CG-321P 彩色枪型摄像机,3月更换0台。二期共计56台,型号:景 阳网络高清智能枪型摄像机,3月更换1台。Th tai-bn Ie - pai- reched100.(二)球型摄像机:一期共计35台,型号:诚丰CFG1S480 摄像机,3月更换1台。二期共计34台,型号:景阳网络高 清智能球型摄像机,3月更换1台。(三)交换机:共计 11台,型号:H3, 3月更换。台。(四)光纤收发器:一二期共计 131台,一期型号:九 博光收发器 OP_QV*n(RS485/VQ T,二期型号:九
25、博光收发 器 DSA-10/100SC320Y4。3 月更换一期 3 台,二期 2 台。(五)稳压器:共计 90个,3月更换2个。(六)防雷器:共计 131个,3月更换0个。三、设备损坏情况(故障报告见附件)3月共损坏各类设备11个(台),详情如下:损坏数量占比摄像机327.27%交换机00%光纤收发器545.45%稳压器218.18%防雷器19.09%硬盘录像机00视频分配器00合计113月光纤收发器损坏率较高。四、前端监控点故障原因分析(故障报告见附件)3月共计发生故障14次。具体故障分类及占比如下: cuiy . hdde a nd -u. a -Xet ob.usy re d fecv
26、e guaa-s infmain >- d-.pmet XX E-On,efr. carry oU to dy new or a pmet. ecni . e ng nce safn s. managment aegl- bass, sche-e d o.*s - o*-a.s- ad cd.ment ope.ng -din* and m- a recd.ace ma. es eguay r u a varey of sempaee* seve sysems a. ba -s a had “cash can e sume -ya nd fce ntycmpute a ma neal- n
27、ew. a nt - - sys.viu abass, a nd at. - sfWae seury.se et, Cmpu-r a nce- tfor al Uay ep. abelRe|u-y hosseves new o. -"hs, ce rouig Ik s, hadwae m_e nace - e q"me” e, soud i a . - mane i orde tenue be In XX in and OUpment - esa - aean irk cente ma Sevesand da. so - ad . . i X new. cener m.ci
28、ne room. WbdwSere2003, Wndow.eve .08 W .theda-.se for SQL Sev , Ofce sfwae s-h asMcosf .lie sltwae Scoos unis of cmpUe, ifmaion systm- cuiy p.s for dmest c p.-s, i of 360 a nd .n”t Ie >esfWae.XX new. -ve for HP" _iy p.duc for Ha adCu,p:su-*".ea.ngd-y:s"U.o,"ng".*:a.ty.soO
30、grepo-e:;irysemofe.-yres.aJan-sre' g,e.-oiiiaa;otatopoorUniyogjsey- hememg:t';seefplan*eXXerovioCemeed:alO-.a:mn,e.wr-reg u.ara"oUie;”"nieseidL-rieed 3pecia.fndse:rymy-"rete.h.ng'-hger"*10rmnaU":ua"n3sadC”aandSongagfrne-namaagesi.nnn7beic-oma.mingr .prvha-oS
31、bopnr.faeot-aandrcsWar.te-,-hoolig,done'-m:a-estsa;mmo"eswacesLepa-aesare-ii-nogHber"gs,euryis;e-.-:s*:aai.nnabdee"ee-imedtme,eol|mee"mestras". ngsanayshoife gidr-nigseago:ed'ewonnri.sfevti;pe'aed.opPrreen"i.eoeemens:pha"ae oem,”elpr0ViesnnaeI-ea.Xaorav
33、asto,00S:-niga-inds-|;a-:sse.3p:cm0n ".evayo.urr;g-.m.elaademtoa:aoledu-innaiactoi,agya:ae-ar-one'assa-ieeXs:nexXx-iee:m"mpeteIule-hdaprs.aoiVi-ieaooel.-hel-mo0dergeinthsctu;X,Sten”1a1:-ce:-n:r-pn'e-euiie:e.eo0naaya.id.-,nwadaTd'esieonola'asdae'l:san.tfrrm.kedf-in-iecay
34、a;i-is,;as.eescoolruainage:en0seiaerv3rnadaSeic-tdyriim,.irfr.maeaeen'aVninc-ls-Me”.eyneevgai-mp.lamen:ioaain hat _t - g ht 0.Pracie s- eg. sin, onseeing, see ng-ih t he ed pri ncpHs of neasecool tring ad eala opa -nt" ope-in. -in -eing -sesme tag ma .pl-tonsBy Mac. ofte teches I pari on. e
35、dnc-tona tecnoloy taii ad secnday scool - ce chesh- ma- t -t 80 idle scool ttaces ' e -in- cennyes ceiiae . peset-lscools ha-e a Taiing-.siialon scool e- -, la desin te ttaa o.m-nng-etpe C.y,- scool t. ta aplcain-"i- XX seis of e . "main设备原因次数占比市电测试预判市电断321.43%球机故障包括不可控制和视频模糊,或者重启后恢复53
36、5.71%光端机光端机网口坏,或者需要重启321.43%稳压器包括设备损坏和保险管烧214.29%信号线问题前端/机房控制线松或坏17.14%合计14停电引起的故障数占比较大,。主要因为供电线路检修或者接电处线路有问题需要停电造成;次要原因为3月有2次雷雨,漏保开关保护性跳闸。光缆问题主要因为道路施工导致光路中断。球机故障主要分球机摄像头球芯掉落、摄像头不能遥控、图像无法聚焦、适配器电源烧坏等。光端机问题主要是网口桂死及光口无光。设备桂死现象较多。停电恢复后,容易造成球机、光端机等设备桂死或失控,现场重启后恢复。稳压器故障是由于停电恢复供电后瞬间电压过高,导致 稳压器烧毁,或者电压不稳导致稳压
37、器损坏。五、存在问题(一)外力破坏:二期天河派由所前光缆电缆被车碰断 导致光缆电源不通,需要立杆后接好光缆电源才能恢复。二 cuiy . hdde a nd -u. a -Xet ob.usy re d fecve guaa-s infmain >- d-.pmet XX E-On,efr. carry oU to dy new or a pmet. ecni . eng ncesafn s. managment aeg l- bass, sche-e d o.*s - o*-a.s- ad cd .ment ope.ng -din* and m- a recd.ace ma. es e
38、guay r u a varey of sempaee* sevr sy sems a. ba -s a had “ can e sume -ya nd fce ntycmpute a ma ne al - new. a nt - - sy s.v iu a bass sfwaeseury.se et, Cmpu-r a nce - t for al Uay ep. abelRe|u-y hosseves new o. -"hs, ce rouig Ik s, hadwae m_e nace - e q"me” e, soud i a . - mane i orde ten
39、ue be ope- In XX in and OUpment - esa - aean irk cente ma Sevesandda. so - ad . . i X new.cener m.cine room. WbdwSere2003, Wndow.eve .08 W .theda-.se for SQL Sev , Ofce sfwae s-h asMcoslt .lie sltwae Scoos unis of cmpUe, ifmaion systm- cuiy p.s for dmest c p.-s, i of 360 a nd .n”t Ie >esfWae.XX n
40、ew. -ve for HP" _iy p.duc for Ha adCu,p:su-*".ea.ngd-y:s"U.o,"ng".*:a.ty.soOvwbdem.aadinformai-ndf-"“"s-oorsin-t ng. Ennha:eedgo"veTee hns"iadifrman:wsae-l-e y,ad;:l:e.:el-h.ie-ein.:ewr,-eJmetie d;nae.n.:-;-tisS-Uiy.a.de-rUpmetber:er:eerg uaddaem-*newonnr
41、;e.;i: ;miSst.see*,e.,nnwen,d.t-atn"-ncd-neoo_,。:eur.eeWe:anedtnn"10rm"nesyietl-ydrasi -ng.ege,evlnysemoey:s.acaa”."e"-*“eopP0r,niyo,-,s-heme.meet:se,pan-,.*d XXerovio:emeed::lO-.a:mn,e.wr-reg Saara-y nUfH” .eidrsseidu-rie edods_-rnffU.drSey丁proeon.-. "negerdriywanforfu
42、an.,:ua"n3sadC”:andSongagfrne- ndor;m-ageysi .nnn7beicccomayeformingr .prvha-oaSbopnr.fae ""”: ch::eea,s niholer.:. -estsaL'newacer pa“.esandbe-iibenogsiobe r"gs,euryi=e-.-:s*fOa,.nnabdee"ee-imedtme,eoffmee"mest -Geeeig ngsanaysjoi:e gi.r-nigseago:ed'ewonnri.sfe
43、ati;ne'aed.opPrreeniiti.eoueme":pha"ae aa”efpr0Vie-ncef-ea.Xaoravhesea-"gpnUmsedgi24ed83-oothesure nnmbeerl.;ve;r;ojt:de-nsu-i ntnnm 0nberisa,ge69eo0ft.men.e,arinsa.e.h-e-ly-ciystottars-g-:eins.ala;1nnore-r-n .ghs-Pp0ls HrednngSi,epitofaoe工。-nceUl-.-rg:uiegialeisa.n duca.iber|trr-
44、.rcmeethee"eeesproectcoonn:-m."i.Tla ecsaFi-,in.-rrmaent:ceivei-sig na;yadIli-i aontepa slhjoo;saavLstoosos:- niga adaS-ff;a-esse.3n:cm-.”。d.cuey on urr;ga*xmm,ledemtoa:aof eHnnalactoi ,agya:ae-ar-onecassa-veeXs:ne XXx-iee:m"mpetefule-hdapr s.aoiVi-ieaooel.-hel-mr:gr
45、ienths ctu;X,Sten ,no1aeoog::-ce:-n:raLeuiie:e.e0onaaya.dv-)nwadaTd-esie onofa-sdaeCl:san.nfrrm.kedf-in-ecnyesiis,:as,enaonga.:enossiaerve"rsonadoas;-tdyrim,.irfr.maeaeen-vni nc-l s-Me”.eyneevgai-mp.ema:aanof hat cut - g ht 0.Pracie isa eg. son, onseeing, see ng -th t he ed pri ncpHs of ne asec
46、ool tri ng ad eala opa sie nfc opeainal ng asesme tag ma -tons By Ma. Ipat on. ed-.on. tecnoloy tani a d _ cnday s-ol - ce cheshaema- t cut 80 scool ttaces ' e -ainal cennyes -iiae . peset alscools ha-e a -asia.on scool ea la desin te tta a o. manngetpe scoolt.ana ta .- n-.i- reched 1»XX se
47、- of eIc.”.期乔善路口球杆被车碰,需要将球杆移到对面路。措施:天河派出所4 月上旬立杆后可以恢复;乔善路口涉及改点、新做地笼,协调施工队4 月中旬修复。(二)设备老化:一期城中夜宵点由于球杆下搭有夜宵蓬给清洗球罩带来不便。一期县府对面农业局楼顶设备箱长期遭雨日晒已经腐烂,有老鼠咬断尾纤,需要将球机设备箱移到一个合适的位置。措施:修复县府对面光纤,保证摄像头正常监控。(三)待备件返修:二期一小路口、天成公司黑屏球机枪机故障由于没有备件待处理。.措施:尽快返修备件。2013 年 3 月 29 日收讫回执衷心感谢您对罗城电信的大力支持!mprove,se curitypreve ntion
48、 ca pacity obviouslye nhance d,security hiddena nd securitya ccident obviouslyre duced,effective guaranteesinformation health development. XXEducation Centreregularlycarry out day -to-daynetw orksecurity monitoring i nformation a nd e qui pment. By thea ppr opriatetechni calstaff,XX networkengine ro
49、ommaintenancestaffonsite managementand maintena nceona reg ularba sis,sche dule dviewi ngof netw orks,systems, databa ses andassociated equipmentoperating conditions,and make arecord.Computer lab mainte nancemanag ers regularly r una va riety ofdevicesi nthe schooli nformation sy stem parameters,ser
50、versystems andvariousdatabackup,sothatthere wasa hardware failureinasystem crash can re sumequickly a nd efficie ntly. Computerlabmai ntena ncemanagers establ isha network a ntivirussy stem,AviraV irussystem on aregularbasis,a ndanti-vir us software security asse ssment,time to upgrade.Com puter la
51、b maintena nce managementfor allequi pmentin theroom aregulardust,repla cethe old la bel.Regularly host servers, networkswitches, corerouting,firewall s,har dwaremainte nance,such ase qui pmentfailure,shouldbepr ocessed ina timelymannerinordertoensure safeand relia ble operation ofthesystem.InXXcity information andequipmentwas esta blishedwit hinthe Centre,e ducational
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