



1、高二英语选修Unit 3根底知识测试题共95分班别 座号 成绩该单词的提示词,写出单词的正确形式。每题1分,总分值10分1.1 watched them leave and the n drove off in the 相反的directi on .2. There is going to be an年一次的 school con cert in our school nextFriday.3. The escaped prisoner was拖,拉out of the cave.4. The little girl kept jumping and singing for hours wit

2、hout any 暂停.5. At the sound of the gun ,the birds in the tree 逃跑in all directions.6. We will find a wonderful world at the deep of the sea.7. The citizens of the city 催促the government to build a new hospital some years ago and now their wish has come true.8. Two witness said they had seen UFO while

3、working on the farm .9. I need to sharp my pencil before I draw these lines .10. The embassy is an obvious目标for terrorist attacks.二、完成句子。每空1分,总分值20分1. 当我看到这恐怖的一幕的时候,我吓得要死。I when I saw the horrible scene.2. 抽点时间仔细考虑你未来的方案。Take some time to your future plans.3. 只有当他孤独的时候,他才会意识到友谊的重要性。Only when he was

4、alone he the importanee of friendship .4. 我正在整理我女儿的作业簿。I my daughter s exercise books.5. 我希望上医学院,这期间,我打算学化学I hope to go to medical college. , I am going tostudy chemistry.6. 我们有可能提前完成这项任务。It is possible that we can finish the task .7. 我的房子正在装修,所有的东西都乱七八糟的。My house is being decorated, so everything i

5、s .三、单项填空。 每题 2 分,总分值 20 分 1. Please excuse my in without .A. come; askingB. coming; askingC. to come; being askedD. coming; being asked 2. No one can prevent the plan .A. from carrying outB. to be carded outC. being carried outD. to carry out 3. 1. Luckily, the cat being caught.A. escaped B. tried

6、C. fled D. managed 4. from other continents for millions of years, Australia has manyplants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A. Being separatedB. Having separatedC. Having been separatedD. To be separated 5. - Did you have a good time at the party?- Thanks. I appreciated to yo

7、ur home.A. to be invitedB. being invitedC. to have invitedD. having invited 6. It was a time the killer whales helped the whalers catch the baleenwhales.A. that B. when C. thenD. which 7.Usually a child s behavior is a of his family environment.A recognitionBreflectionCreturnDrecord 8.clearly aware

8、of the danger ahead,he accepted the task without fear.AAs ifBThoughC IfDAs though 9 The search was when night came, even though the child had notbee n found.A . approved B. acquired C. achieved D. abandoned10. They were about to go outit bega n to rain.A. asB. whileC. whe nD. the mome nt四、语法填空。(每题分,

9、总分值15分)My friend Vernon Davies kept birds. One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week. He asked me to feed 1 birds for him and said that he would leave the key _2 his front door in my mailbox.3 (fortunate), I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to retur

10、n. What was worse, 4 was already dark whe n I arrived at his house. I soon found that the key Ver non gave me could not uni ock either the front door 5 the back door. I was getting desperate. I kept thinking of 6 Vernon wouldsay whe n he came back.I was just going to give up 7 I noticed that one bed

11、room window was slightly open. I found a barrel 大桶 and pushed in under the window. As the barrel was very heavy, I made a lot of no ise. But in the en d, I man aged to climb 8 and ope n the win dow.I actually had one leg in side the bedroom whe n I sudde nly realized that some one 9_(shine) a torch

12、up at me. I looked dow n and saw a policema n and an old lady, one of Vernon rseighbours. “ Whatare you doing up there? aid the policeman. 10bird(feel) like a complete fool, I replied,“ I was just going to feed Mr Davies五、完型填空。(每题2分,总分值30分)There was a store a half hour s walk from my apartment, and

13、it was the cheapestplace to buy food for us stude nts study ing abroad in Fran ce, 1 there was always a long checkout line. On a cold March day, I spe nt my time shopp ing, got what I n eeded and 2 the checkout._ , the lines that day were long. There were people everywhere. I was sta nding 4_.in lin

14、e because I just was n con ficfertt about my French yet. Any time that I had to 5 with the n atives, I got a little n ervous.When my 6 came, I bega n to put my things on the cashier desk, hop ing that the cashier would n 7 t me. With n ervous en ergy, I was shak ing back and forth, but I didn t even

15、 notice I was continually 8 a security alarm!The en tire store was watch ing me now. To my surprise, the store man ager came to me a few moments later. She started to question me in French. Then she realized that I spoke no French. The next five minutes were spent _9_ me: my backpack, my coat pocket

16、s, my jea n pockets. And there were hands 10. Every one was look ing,poin ti ng, and 11 .I stood embarrassedly all the while; the alarm was still ringing out.The n I12 this had happe ned to me before in the States. New clothes alwaysequal alarms. The clothes contain small sensors (传感器)that you are s

17、upposed to 13 before wearing. So I grabbed my shirt and turned it 14 . There was a “ RemoveBefore Washing tag in it.15 I could say anything, the managerbrought a pair of scissors and the n cut off the tag.I packed up my backpack, and marched out of the store with a stra nge mixture of embarrassme nt

18、 and pride.()1. A. whe nB.becauseC. soD. or()2. A. headed forB.looked forC.askedD. turned to()3. A. In factB. Un expectedly C. As usual D. Un luckily()4. A. hopefullyB. thoughtfullyC. fearfully D. n ervously()5. A. stayB. playC. studyD. com muni cate()6. A. turnB.timeC.billD.wait()7. A. findB.recog nizeC.speak toD. look at()8. A. sett ing upB.sett ing offC.making upD. making out()9. A. search ingB. catch ingC. watch ing D. greet ing()10. A. somewhereB. any


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