九年级上册Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English wellSection A导学案(无答案)_第1页
九年级上册Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English wellSection A导学案(无答案)_第2页
九年级上册Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English wellSection A导学案(无答案)_第3页
九年级上册Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English wellSection A导学案(无答案)_第4页




1、.Project English Grade NineUnit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well ?Section A 导学案备课组:九年级英语备课组 主备人:_ 时间: 一、学习目的: 1、理解英语根本构词法; 派生词和复合词。2、复习上个话题的重要,如如今进展时表将来时。二、教学重点:单词:accent, oral, dare, sleepy, final, real,retell, indirect, granddaughter, pro

2、nounce, dialog, composition, copy, notebook, diary 词组: have been to, places of interest, make oneself understood, get into trouble, have long conversations with sb, work hard at, dare not do sth, be afraid of doing sth, make progress, what to do, at times, feel like doing sth, give up, take part in

3、the English corner, keep a diary in English句子: Could you make yourself understood in the USA? At times, I feel like giving up.三、教学难点语法:情态动词:dare + 动词原形/ dare not + 动词原形 派生词构词法:前缀dis,un,im,in 和后缀er, or, tion, ness.四、课时安排:1课时五、教学过程:一知识回忆课前检测. 默写本课重点词汇。对号互改1.想睡的 2.真正的 3.外孙女 4.发音 5. 对话 6.抄写 7.笔记本 8.日记 9

4、.写日记 10.磁带 二新知学习:1、自主学习:1a,1b2、合作探究及展示提升对学/群学:语法:情态动词dare 【例句】 If you dare tell anyone about this, Ill never speak to you again. 假如你敢告诉其别人这个事, 我以后不会再和你说话。 The boy dare not go out in the dark. 那个男孩晚上不敢出去。 How dare you shout at your brother? 你怎么敢冲你哥哥喊叫? Dare you say that again? 你敢再说一次吗?【结论】1 dare可用作情态

5、动词, 没有人称、数和时态的变化, 后跟动词原形。构成 否认句时, 要在dare后加 ;构成一般疑问句时, 要将 提到句首。  【例句】 Mary dares to drive a car alone. 玛丽敢自己开车。 My friends dont dare to swim. 我的朋友不敢游泳。 Did he dare to tell her the news? 他敢告诉她这个新闻吗? 【结论】2 dare可用作实义动词,有人称、时态和数的变化,其后多跟带to的动词不定式。在疑问句和否认句中需要借助于助动词 , 或 。 【练习】昨天我妹妹不敢喂这只鹅。My sister _ _

6、to feed the goose yesterday.或My sister _ _ feed the goose yesterday.派生词构词法dis- + agree同意 不同意un- + tidy整洁的 不整洁的im- + polite礼貌的 不礼貌的 in- + correct正确的 不正确的【结论】dis-, un-,im-,in-表示 的含义【练习】re- + write写 重写【结论】re-表示“再 【练习】invent创造 + -or 创造家work工作 + -er 工人invent 创造 +tion 创造 happy 快乐 +ness 快乐【结论】er, or, tion,

7、 ness等可以构成名词【练习】rain雨 + -y 下雨的help帮助 + -ful 有帮助的hope希望 + -less 希望渺茫的eat吃 + -able 可吃的【结论】-y,-ful,-less,-able可以构成形容词【练习】slow慢的 + -ly 慢地 【结论】-ly可以构成副词【1a】知识点:1. Im really afraid of the final exam.我真的很害怕期末考试。 be afraid of doing sth 害怕做.【练习】 我害怕掉进泳池里。I into the swimming pool.【拓展】be afraid to do sth. 不敢做.

8、【练习】 大多数女孩不敢走夜路。 Most of the girls at night.2. At times I feel like giving up.有时候我都想放弃了。 1feel like sth / doing sth 想做某事【练习】妈妈今天如此累以致于不想做家务。My mother was so tired that she didnt the housework today. 2 give up sth / doing sth 放弃做某事 尽管他病得很严重了,他还没有戒烟。Although he was seriously ill, he didnt . 3. 辩词:feel

9、 sleepy, fall asleep和sleep sleep 动词 睡觉asleep 形容词 睡着的、麻木的be asleep或fall asleepsleepy 形容词。困、昏昏欲睡的feel sleepy【练习】选用sleep, sleepy或asleep填空。1 Did you _ well last night?2 He was very tired, so he fell _ soon.  3 I feel a little _ now. 4. It seems that 看来 相当于seems to do It seems that she was able

10、 to do the work.= She able to do the work. 系表构造:seem + 形容词【练习】 她看来总是开心的。 3. 达标测试及稳固提升: 1. Could you please tell me _ the Christmas tree? A. how to decorate B. how decorate C. how to decorating D. how decorating 2. No one can tell me _ next. A. what to do it B. how do it C. how to do D. what to do 3. Speak louder, or you cant make yourself _ . A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hearing 4. Im sorry but I _ you to tell a lie, or my father will punish me. A. not dare help B. dare not help C. dont dare help D. dare help not4、学习反响课堂小结:学习了什么,得到什么收获,还有什么疑问。5. 拓展延伸:1. 我认为写日记是进步写作才能的好方法。 I think


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