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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上xxxxx有限公司危险源识别及风险评价控制程序Hazard source identification and risk evaluation control procedure文件编号Document No.XXXX-IMP-xx文件版本Document Rev.A/0文件编号Document No.:XXXX-IMP-xx发行版次Document Rev.:A/0生效日期Effective Date: 2011年12月1日总页数Total page: 5(包括本页) 制定Prepared by:_日期Date:_确认Reviewed by:_ 日 期Date:_审

2、批Approved by:_日期Date:_印有受控印章为受控文件,请参阅受控版本The document with this controlled stamp is identified as a control document; please refer to the controlled revision of the document.受控印章 受控印章Controlled stamp1.目的Purpose: 对本公司能够控制和可望施加影响的危险因素进行辨识和评价,并从中评价出重要危害因素,为建立职业健康安全目标指标实施运行控制和改善安全卫生行为提供依据。To identify an

3、d evaluate the controllable and excepted and influenced hazard aspects, identify the important hazard aspect, provide the reference for the establishment of the occupational health and safety objectives and the implementation of the operational control and the improvement of safety and health behavi

4、or. 2.适用范围Application scope:本程序适用于公司产品、活动及服务等危害辨识和危险评价。It is applicable to the hazard identification and evaluation for the companys products, activities, services and etc. 3.定义Definition:无 N/A4.职责Responsibility:4.1 各部门:负责辨识和评价本部门的危害因素。4.1 Each Department: To identify and evaluate the hazard aspect

5、within the department. 4.2 人力资源部:负责辨识和评价相关方的危害因素及危险因素的汇总审核组织评价和确定重要危险因素各部门协助。4.2 Human Resources dept. : To summarize and review the identification and evaluation of the related hazard aspect and risk aspect and organize to evaluate and define the important risk aspect, coordinate with each dept. 4.

6、3 管理者代表:负责重要危害因素评价结果的审批。4.3 Management Representative: To approve the result of the important risk aspect evaluation. 5.程序Operational procedure:5.1危害因素的辨识与风险评价Risk aspect identification and risk evaluation5.1.1危害因素的辨识与评价范围分两大部分:5.1.1 The scope of the risk aspect identification and evaluation includi

7、ng two parts: 公司内部:即公司各部门自身的日常活动及有行政管理活动范围。 Internal of the company: The daily activities of the company's various departments and administrative activities. 相关方:即公司对行政管辖区域内建筑施工或供货商等可施加影响的活动产品服务范围。 The related parties: the activities, products and services scope can b

8、e affected by the construction or suppliers etc. within the administrative jurisdiction of the company .5.1.2 各部门首先应按照本程序的内容和要求,分别识别出内部自身的和对口业务相关方的能够控制和可施加影响的危害因素,并加以判断评价出具有重大危害影响或可能具有重大危害影响的因素。辨识和评价的结果应分别填写在危害辨识与风险评价清单上经部门负责人审核确认后上交人力资源部。5.1.2 Firstly each department, based on the content and requi

9、rements of this procedure, separately identify the hazard factors from their own and interface business related parties can control and give the influence and to judge and determine the factors with significant impacts or possible have significant impact; the identification and evaluation results sh

10、ould be separately filled in the “hazard identification and risk evaluation list”, and provided to human resources department after checked by the department responsible staff. 5.1.3 安全主任对各部门上交的结果进行复核,必要时加以补充,将最终整理出的结果填写危害辨识与风险评价清单,交管理者代表审核。5.1.3 Safety Officers re-check the results from each depart

11、ment, if necessary, provide some supplement; and finalize the results in the “hazard identification and risk evaluation list” to management representative for approval; 5.1.4 各部门将本部门确认后的危害辨识及风险评价清单留存一份,向本部门的员工进行宣传,以便明确本部门的危害因素对其加以控制和施加影响。5.1.4 Each department should keep one copy of the confirmed ha

12、zard identification and risk evaluation list and publicize it to their employees to clarify the department's hazard factors and then control and affect them;5.1.5 危害辨识与风险评价工作每年进行一次,由人力资源部组织进行。5.1.5 Hazard Identification and risk evaluation should be organized by human resource department and con

13、ducted once per year; 5.1.6 各部门在发生以下情况时应重新辨识与评价危害因素,及时更新:5.1.6 each department should re-identify and re-evaluate the hazard factors and update it timely for the following cases: 管理体系或产品、活动及服务发生重大变化(增加或减少)。 significant change(increase or decrease) for the management system or products

14、 , activities and services. 有关的安全法律、法规修订或废止。 the relevant safety legal and regulatory are amended or repealed. 本公司的发展规划作调整或开发建设发生较大变化。 adjust the companys development plan or bigger change for the development and construction5.1.6.4 定期测量结果发生变化。 results change for t

15、he periodical measurement; 材料、设施或设备发生变更。 materials, facilities or equipment change5.1.6.6 发生了紧急情况或安全事故。 undergone emergency or security incidents. 相关方有建议或抱怨。 suggestion or complaint from the related parties; 重新辨识和评价危害因素的程序按5.款进行。 re-

16、 identification and evaluation of risk factors according to the clause 5.1.1,5.1.2,5.1.3,5.1.4;5.2 在进行危害因素评价时应考虑以下方法:各部门负责人对各自辨识出的危害因素逐一进行评价,评价时可采用是非判断法作业条件危险评价法进行。5.2 When conduct the risk factors evaluation, should consider the following methods: each department responsible staff should evaluate t

17、heir own identified risk factors one by one, can use the yes-no judgment method and operation condition risk evaluation method for implementation; 5.2.1 是非判断法。凡属于以下情况之一者就可以直接评价为重要危害因素5.2.1 Yes-no judgment method. Where belongs to one of the following can be directly evaluated as significant risk fac

18、tors :5.2.2 违反相关的国家或地方法律法规的要求。5.2.2 in violation of the requirements of the relevant national or local legal and regulatory;5.2.3 可能在紧急情况下产生重大危害影响或人员伤亡的。5.2.3 likely to generate significant hazard impacts or injuries in case of emergency.5.2.4 违反相关方的合理要求或相关方有严重的合理抱怨的。5.2.4 in violation of the reason

19、able demands of related parties or reasonable complaints from related parties.5.2.5 作业条件危险评价法。不能用是非判断法直接评价的,可以采用半定量计算法,也即作业条件危险评价法,计算每种危险源所带来的风险采用如下方法:D=LEC L发生事故的可能性大小。将发生事故可能性极小的分数定为0.1,而必然要发生的事故的分数定为10,介于这两种情况指定为若干间值,如下表:5.2.5 Operation conditions risk evaluation method; when can not make the dir

20、ect evaluation with yes-no judgment method, can use the semi-quantitative calculation method, that is operation condition risk evaluation method, to calculate the hazard posed by each risk using the following method : D = LEC L-possibility of accidents occurrence; define the value for the very small

21、 possibility of the incidents occurrence as 0.1 , and the values for the incident is bound to be occurred as 10 , between these two cases define a number of specified values as the following table:分数值Value事故发生的可能性possibility for incidents occurrence10完全可以预料Is fully expected6相当可能Is likely to3可能、但不经常P

22、ossible, but not often1可能性较小、完全意外Less likely , totally unexpected0.5很不可能、可能设想Very unlikely , is possible to envisage0.2极不可能Highly unlikely0.1实际不可能Practically impossibleE暴露于危险环境的频繁程度。人员出现在危险环境中的时间越多则危险性越大。连续出现在危险环境情况定为10非常罕见地出现在危险环境中定为0.5介于两者之间的各种情况规定若干个中间值如下表:E- frequency to exposed in hazardous env

23、ironment. more time the person is exposed in hazardous environment, the risk is greater. Define the case that is continuously exposed in the hazardous environment as 10 , very rarely exposed in hazardous environments as 0.5; and define a number of intermediate values for the cases between those two

24、cases; the as following table shown:暴露于危险环境中频繁程度frequency to exposed in hazardous environments(E)分数值Value频繁程度Frequency10连续暴露Continuous exposure6每天工作时间内暴露Daily working hours within the exposure3每周一次,或偶然暴露Once a week, or accidental exposure2每月一次暴露Monthly time exposure1每年几次暴露Several times a year expose

25、d0.5非常罕见的暴露Very rare exposureC发生事故产生的后果。事故造成的人身伤害与财产损失变化范围极大所以规定分数值为1100把需要救护的轻微伤害或较小财产损失分数规定为1其它情况数值为1100之间如下表C- accident consequences; since the change range for the accidents caused personal injury and property damage is great, define the score range from 1 to 100; to define the score for the min

26、or injury needed for ambulance or minor property as 1; for other situations, the value is between 1 and 100 , the following table :发生事故产生的后果(C)Accident consequences occurs分数值Value发生事故产生的后果Accident consequences occurs100大灾难许多人死亡A major disaster , many people were killed40灾难数人死亡Disaster , the number o

27、f people were killed15非常严重一人死亡Very serious , one death7严重重伤A serious , serious injuries3重大致残Material , disability1引人注目需要救护Compelling need ambulance5.2.6危险等级划分Hazard classification依据风险值D来确定风险级别而这个界限值并不是长期固定不变在不同时期应根据其具体情况来确定风险级别的界限值以符合持续改进的思想。下表内容可作为风险级别界限值的参考。Based on the risk value D to determine t

28、he risk level, and this valued is not a long-term fixed, at different times, according to their specific situation to determine the risk level value to meet the continuous improvement of ideas. The table contents can be used as the reference risk level threshold.危险等级划分(D)Hazardous classificationD值Va

29、lue危险程度The degree of risk320极其危险,不能继续作业Extremely dangerous and can not continue operations160320高度危险需立即整改High-risk , requiring immediate rectification70160显着危险需要整改Significant danger, require corrective action 2070一般危险需要注意General, need to pay attention20稍有危险可以接受Slightly dangerous , can accept5.2.7根据D

30、值决定危害因素是否为可接受的风险D值在70分以下的危害因素为可接受的危险D值在70分以上者为不可接受的风险并将其划分为三级第三级最重要不可接受的风险须作优先等级鉴定。列为最优先等级。5.2.7 according to D value determine whether risk factors is an acceptable risk or not: D value less than 70 points as the acceptable risk , D value more than 70 points as an unacceptable risk , and divide it

31、into three grade , third grade the most important and unacceptable level risk should be determined the priority, to rank as highest priority level.a第一级320分以上必须立即采取行动。不符合安全法规要求或根据外部团体所关注的问题同时也列作第一级优先评定。a first level : 320 points or more , must take immediate action . Do not meet safety regulatory, or under external groups ' concerns , and also classified as first -class priority.b第二级160320分的列入近期或中期目标指标改善。b Second level : 160 320 points , included in the short or medium-term objectives and targets improvement.c第三级70160分的不立


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