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1、Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum IndustrynIntroductionnFinding oil and natural gas nProducing oil and natural gasnMoving oil and natural gasnUsing oil and natural gasCNPC(中国石油天然气总公司)(中国石油天然气总公司) SINOPEC(中国石油化工集团公司)(中国石油化工集团公司)CNOOC(中国海洋石油总公司)(中国海洋石油总公司) SINOCHEM(中国中化集团公司)(中国中化集团公司)Exxon (埃克森石油公司)(埃克

2、森石油公司) Shell (英荷壳牌石油公司)(英荷壳牌石油公司)Texaco (德士古公司)(德士古公司) Mobile (莫比尔,或称飞马石油公司)(莫比尔,或称飞马石油公司)Gulf (海湾石油公司)(海湾石油公司) British Petroleum (英国石油公司)(英国石油公司)Elf(埃尔夫公司)(埃尔夫公司) ENI Group(埃尼集团)(埃尼集团)Total(法国道达尔石油公司)(法国道达尔石油公司)Chevron (雪佛龙石油公司,即加里福尼亚美孚石油公司)(雪佛龙石油公司,即加里福尼亚美孚石油公司)IntroductionuMajor oil companies in

3、the world uMajor oil organizationIntroductionPetroleum industryUpstream sector(上游)Midstream sector(中游)Downstream sector(下游)IntroductionuThree main components of the industryUpstream sector: more than 1000 exploration and production companies (勘探与生产公司)(勘探与生产公司)as well as hundreds of associated busine

4、ss such as seismic (地震)(地震)and drilling contractors(钻井承(钻井承包商)包商), service rig (修井机)(修井机)operators, engineering firms and various scientific, technical, service and supply companies.Midstream sector: oil and gas pipeline systems that connect producing and consuming areas. Other facilities extract su

5、lphur(硫)(硫) and natural gas liquids(液化天然气)(液化天然气),store oil and gas products and transport products by truck, rail or tanker. Downstream sector: refineries, gas distribution utilities, oil product wholesalers(批发商),(批发商),service stations and petrochemical companies. uThree main components of the indu

6、stryIntroductionIntroductionPetrology 岩石学“Petro-” means “岩石,石油”Petrochemical 石油化工的Petrophysics 油层物理学Petrography 岩相学Petroliferous 含油的IntroductionUnit 1 Introduction to Petroleum IndustrynIntroductionnFinding oil and natural gas nProducing oil and natural gasnMoving oil and natural gasnUsing oil and n

7、atural gasFinding oil and natural gas (1)Exploration-The search for petroleumA trap(圈闭)requires three elements:A porous reservoir rock to accumulate the oil and gas typically sandstones(砂岩),砂岩),limestones(灰岩)灰岩)and dolomites(白云石)白云石);An overlying imperable rock to prevent the oil and gas from escapi

8、ng;A source for the oil and gas typically black waxy shales(含蜡页岩)含蜡页岩).geologist n 地质学家地质学家 geophysicist n 地球物理学家地球物理学家geochemist n 地球化学家地球化学家 paleontologists n 古生物学家古生物学家 遮挡物遮挡物盖层盖层储层储层源岩源岩A井井B井井嘉二嘉二2底底嘉底嘉底阳顶阳顶飞底飞底阳底阳底井漏井漏2008LNT23线叠前偏移剖面(1)Exploration-Seismic surveys(地震勘探)Finding oil and natural g

9、as In a seismic survey, the geophysical (地球物理的)contractors crew lays out a line or several lines of sensitive receivers(检波器), called geophones or jugs(地震检波器), on the ground. Then explosions(爆炸) or mechanical vibrations(机械振动) are created on the surface. The geophones record the energy reflected back

10、as seismic waves from rock layers at various depths. oil zone Finding oil and natural gas (2) DrillingnDrilling process: A revolving(旋转) steel bit(钻头) at the bottom of a string of pipe grinds(磨) a hole through the rock layers. nRig(钻机):There are many different types of rigs. The smallest are service

11、 rigs(修井钻机) mounted on trucks, while the largest are installed on ships or offshore platforms.n :sour gas(含硫天然气) exploration, slanted holes or horizontal drilling(水平钻井).nGeneral rule: the bigger the rig, the deeper it can drill.(2) DrillingFinding oil and natural gas BitDrill rigDevelopment well (开发

12、井)开发井) Production well (生产井)生产井)Exploration well(探井)探井)Horizontal well(水平井)水平井)Directional well(定向井)定向井) Vertical well(直井)直井)(2) DrillingFinding oil and natural gas About 75 workers are directly employed in the drilling of one well, although only four to seven may be on duty at the rig at any given

13、time .The actual number can vary considerably, depending on the type of well being drilled.Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum IndustrynIntroductionnFinding oil and natural gas nProducing oil and natural gasnMoving oil and natural gasnUsing oil and natural gasProducing oil and natural gas (1)Production

14、-Recovering ResourcesAfter drilling has located a reservoir of oil or natural gas, the operating companys production department takes over the task of bringing the resource to the surface. Petroleum is not produced from underground lakes. Rather, oil and gas are contained in the pores and fractures

15、of certain sedimentary rocks(沉积岩) in the same way that water is held in a sponge. In mature producing areas, recovering more oil and gas from old wells is an important job. Producing oil and natural gas (1)Production-Recovering Resources(2) Oil Recovery MethodsPrimary recovery(一次采油)一次采油)Infill drill

16、ing(加密钻井):drilling more wells into the same pool so the oil does not have to travel as far through the rock to reach a wellbore. Directional wells are often used for infill drilling. Secondary recovery(二次采油)(二次采油)Further oil production can be obtained by injecting water or natural gas to maintain re

17、servoir pressure and push oil out of the rock.tertiary recovery(三次采油)(三次采油)Light and medium crude oil :miscible flooding(混相驱).In this procedure, natural gas liquids (ethane乙烷, propane丙烷 and butane丁烷) are injected into special injection wells. When dissolved, these liquids reduce surface tension 表面张力

18、and viscosity粘度 to help release the oil from the reservoir rock. Carbon dioxide(CO2) has also been used for miscible floods. Producing oil and natural gas ) 7 . 3 () 6 . 3 () 5 . 3 ()() 4 . 3 () 3 . 3 (133321443122221244111121413142212133811ADmDACDaADmDACDaDDmDADmDACDaDDmDmDADACDaADACDaDDmDADmDDaADj

19、mDjDajjjDADDDDADDADjmDDamDjDajDADDDDADDCCNNCCNNtCCCNNtCCCNNCNNtCCCNCCNrCrutCCCNCNrCrutC“bi-” means “二,双二,双”bilateral 双边的,双向的双边的,双向的biennial 两年一次的两年一次的binary 二进制的二进制的bisect 平分平分bivalent 二价的二价的bidirectional 双向的双向的bibasic 二元的二元的) 7 . 3 () 6 . 3 () 5 . 3 ()() 4 . 3 () 3 . 3 (1333214431222212441111214131

20、42212133811ADmDACDaADmDACDaDDmDADmDACDaDDmDmDADACDaADACDaDDmDADmDDaADjmDjDajjjDADDDDADDADjmDDamDjDajDADDDDADDCCNNCCNNtCCCNNtCCCNNCNNtCCCNCCNrCrutCCCNCNrCrutC“tri-” means “三,三重三,三重”triangle 三角三角tricone bit 三牙轮钻头三牙轮钻头triennial 三年一次的三年一次的trilateral 三角的三角的triple 三倍的三倍的triplicate 三份三份Triassic 三叠纪三叠纪“quad

21、r-” means “四,四倍四,四倍”quadruplicate 四倍的四倍的 quadrilateral 四边的四边的“quin-” means “五五”quintuple 五倍五倍 quintuplicate 五倍的五倍的Producing oil and natural gas (3)Processing-Making Marketable CommoditiesCrude oil原油, a mixture of liquid hydrocarbonsMarket-ready natural gas, composed mainly of methane, the simplest h

22、ydrocarbon moleculeNatural gas liquids (NGLs)液化天然气, the heavier gaseous hydrocarbons, including ethane, propane and butaneCondensate, liquid hydrocarbons obtained from processing natural gas for market Sulphur, obtained from processing natural gas and transported by truck or train as liquid, pellets

23、 or cakes Some processing facilities are basically just settling tanks for removing sand and water, while others are billion-dollar plants treating large volumes of sour gas (含硫天然气)or bitumen(沥青). Processing facilities separate the raw petroleum into the major products sold by the upstream sector: P

24、roducing oil and natural gas (3)Processing-gas processingThe natural gas purchased by consumers consists almost entirely of methane(甲烷), the simplest hydrocarbon(碳氢化合物). In gas reservoir, however, methane is typically found in mixtures with heavier hydrocarbons, such as ethane, propane, butane and p

25、entanes, as well as water vapor(水蒸气), hydrogen sulphide(硫化氢), which is found in sour gas, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other gases. Almost all of the substances are removed from the gas stream at processing plants located near producing areas. Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum IndustrynIntroductionnF

26、inding oil and natural gas nProducing oil and natural gasnMoving oil and natural gasnUsing oil and natural gasMoving oil and natural gas Transportation-Moving and Selling ProductsPipelines fall into four general categories:uGathering lines(集输管线) move raw oil (原油)and gas from wellheads(井口) to process

27、ing plants and transmission facilitiesuTrunk lines(干线) transport crude oil, natural gas liquids and refined petroleum products to refineries and petrochemical plants, and some trunk lines transport refine products to consumer areasuGas transmission systems carry natural gas at high temperature from

28、producing areas to consuming areas uLocal distribution companies deliver natural gas at low pressure to homes and businesses.Crude oil(原油), gas liquids (液化石油气)and refined products are also transported by tanker(油罐), barge(平底船), railway and truck. Pipelines are the only method used to deliver natural

29、 gas today.Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum IndustrynIntroductionnFinding oil and natural gas nProducing oil and natural gasnMoving oil and natural gasnUsing oil and natural gasUsing oil and natural gas (1)Refining and Petrochemicals-Manufacturing MoleculesPetroleum molecules come in a wide variety

30、of sizes and shapes-string and rings of carbon(碳)(碳) and hydrogen(氢)(氢) atoms. The methane in natural gas is the simplest and smallest. By comparison, the molecules in paraffin wax(石蜡)(石蜡) and asphalt are complex and enormous. These hydrocarbon molecules are sorted, spilt apart, reassembled and blen

31、ded at refineries and petrochemical plants. There, they become part of a multitude of products, from gasoline(汽油)(汽油) to synthetic rubber(合成橡胶)(合成橡胶). Using oil and natural gas (2)A Versatile Energy Source(多用途的能源)The petroleum industry exists because people have become accustomed to the benefits oil

32、 products and natural gas provides benefits like convenient, affordable transportation ,warm homes and thousands of synthetic materials. The production and use of petroleum have altered the way in which we live. Petroleum and products derived from it show up everywhere in our daily lives.In the structure itselfIsolation on wiring polyethylene barriersGlues in plywood 胶合板中的粘合剂 plastic pipesIn the living roomPl


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