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1、中秋节英文演讲稿The Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn is a very imprtant Chinese festival. It falls n the 15th day f August. A few days befre the festival, everyne in the family will help t make the huse clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in frnt f the huse.n the evening there will be a big family d

2、inner. Peple wh wrk far away frm their hmes will try t cme back fr the unin. After dinner, peple will light the lanterns which are usually red and rund. Children will play with their wn ty lanterns happily.At night the mn is usually rund and bright. Peple can enjy the mn while eating mn-cakes which

3、are the special fd fr this festival. They can lk back n the past and lk frward t the future tgether. It is said that there was a dragn in the sky. The dragn wanted t swallw up the mn. T prtect the frighten the dragn away.the mid-autumn festival has all interesting histry. lng ag in ne f the dynastie

4、s f china there was a king wh was very cruel t the peple and did nt manage the cuntry well. the peple were s angry that sme brave nes suggested killing the king. s they wrte ntes telling abut the meeting place and time and put them int cakes. n the 15th day f the 8th lunar mnth every persn was tld t

5、 buy the cakes. when they ate them they discvered the ntes. s they gathered tgether t make a sudden attack n the king. frm then n the chinese peple celebrate n the 15th day f the 8th lunar mnth and eat mn cakes in memry f that imprtant event.when the mid-autumn festival is near, shp windws are beaut

6、ifully decrated. many mn cakes are displayed fr peple t buy. peple send presents such aswine, fruits and mn cakes t their friends and relatives. in the evening f the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they g ut t the garden t lk at the mn. the children run and laugh n the streets.it is believe

7、d that the mn is at her brightest n this night. many pems have been written abut it, and pets are never tired f reading and writing such pems. in chinese literature, the mn f the mid autumn festival has been cmpared t a lking-glass, a jade rabbit, and s n. it seems that chinese literature takes far

8、mre interest in the mn than in the sun.Mid-Autumn Festival is Chinas traditinal festivalEvery year since August 15, is the traditinal Mid-Autumn Festival. At this time a year the mid-autumn, it has been knwn as the Mid-Autumn Festival. In Chinas lunar calendar, the year is divided int fur seasns, n

9、a quarterly basis is divided int Meng, Zhng, Ji three parts, and therefre als knwn as Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-autumn. August 15 The mn is mre than any ther mnths f the full mn circle, mre bright, als knwn as mn evening, Ba Yuejie.This night, peple lking at the sky as jade, such as disk Langlang Ming

10、 mnth, will naturally be lking frward t family reunin. Far-flung pineers, but als t sustenance wn hme and lved nes miss feelings. Therefre, the Mid-Autumn Festival als knwn as Reunin.ur peple in ancient times, Autumn Twilight i mnth practices. Yuzuki, that is, wrship gddess f the mn. In the zhu dyna

11、sty, during the Autumn Festival and the Festival t be held in welcming winter mnths. Set up large incense table, put the mn cakes, watermeln, apples, dates, plums, grapes and ther fferings, including cakes and watermeln is definitely nt small. Watermeln als cut int ltus-shaped. In the mnth, the stat

12、ue will be placed n the mn, the mn in that directin, Candles high burning, the whle family fllwed by wrship the mn, then headed husewife cut reunin cakes. Pre-cut peple wh cunt the ttal number f gd family at hme, in the funt tgether, can nt be cut mre and n less cutting, the size shuld berding t leg

13、end, the ancient Qi ugly salt, pius wrship during childhd n, grw up t superir mrality Ru Gng, but was nt patrnize. A 15-year in August full mn, the Sn f Heaven saw her in the mnlight, feeling her utstanding beauty, queen, after her legislatin, Mid-Autumn wrship n the resulting. Mid-Chang, t beauty k

14、nwn fr, s thanks girls mnth, is willing t seemingly Chang, surface such as Hayue.A: Hell, everyne! I am very glad t share my tpic with yu. Then wed like t talk smething abut Mid-Autumn festival tday. My name is .B: My name is . S, , can yu make sme intrductins abut the Mid-Autumn festival?A: kay. Th

15、e Mid-Autumn festival is a very imprtant Chinese festival. It falls n the 15th day f August. It is a time fr family members and lved nes t cngregate and enjy the full mn, which is anauspicius symbl f abundance, harmny and luck. n the evening there will be a big family dinner. After dinner, peple usu

16、ally taste delicius mn cakes f many varieties with a gd cup f htChinese tea, while children run arund with their brightly-lit lanterns. They can als lk back n the past and lk frward t the future tgether. By the way, d yu knw what the meaning behind this hliday is?B;Mid-Autumn festival prbably began

17、as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythlgical flavr with legends f Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the mn. Accrding t Chinese mythlgy, the earth nce had 10 suns circling ver it. ne day, all 10 suns appeared tgether, scrching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a str

18、ng archer, Hu Yi, succeeded in shting dwn 9 f thesuns. As his reward, the Hether gave Hu Yi theEliir f Immrtality .But his wife, Chang-E drank it. Then she became the Mn Fairy. Thus started the legend f the lady in the mn t whm yung Chinese girls wuld pray and peple wuld sacrifice at the Mid-Autumn

19、Festival.A: Referred t legends, there is anther ne I want t share with all f yu. During the Yuan Dynasty, China was ruled by the Mnglian peple. The king f them was very cruel. An undergrund grup led by Zhu Yuanzhang was determined t rid the cuntry f Mnglian dminance. The mn cake was created t carry

20、a secret message. When the cake was pened and the message read,an uprising was unleashed which successfully ruted the Mnglians. What fllwed was the establishment f the Ming Dn cakes are eaten t cmmemrate this event.B: Ww! Hw clever he is! In my hmetwn lies in the Minnan area, there is a custm in Mid

21、-Autumn Fen-cake gambling. All the game requires are si dice and a china bwl. Just thrw the dice int the bwl and the different pips yu get stand fr different ranks f awards yu will win. The activity was invented by Zheng Chenggng t help relieve hmesickness amng his trps during Mid-Autumn Festival. N

22、w, iamen peple still believe that the persn, wh wins Zhuangyuan in the game, will have gd luck thatyear. And the Mid-Autumn Festival is the secnd imprtant hliday in iamen besides Spring Festival.A: Sunds interesting! The winner f Mn-cake gambling can taste delicius mn cakes! I usually lked frward t

23、the Mid-Autumn Festival during childhd because I culd eat varius tastes f mn cakes. The custm f eating mn cakes appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Ancient mn cake was eaten as a sacrifice (祭品)in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Due t the passage f time, the mn cake has been changed int the Mid-Autumn Festivals f

24、d and gifts. In the enening, family members wrship the mn, and then the husewife cut mn cake by the members f the family. Wh shares mn cake mre averagely, wh will have mre gd luck. B: n cakes. It is believed that the mn is at her brightest n this night. The rund shape f mn cakes symblizes nt nly the

25、 mn but als the unity f the family. By the way, ecept mn cakes, I als hear that in Taiwan, barbecuing meat utdrs has becme a widespread way t celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Different areas celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in different ways, but the wishes f enjying the mn and getting tgether wi

26、th families are the same. As the mn rises, we share it at the same time n matter we are tgether r far apart.A: Thats all. Thank yu fr listening.the mid-autumn festival has all interesting histry. lng ag in ne f the dynasties f china there was a king wh was very cruel t the peple and did nt manage the cuntry well. the peple were s angry that sme brave nes suggested killing the king. s they wrte ntes telling abut the meeting place and time and put them int cakes. n the 15th day f the 8th lunar mnth every persn was tld t buy the cakes. when they ate them they dis


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