



1、个人收集整理勿做商业用途1 / 12毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译江淮学院会计学孙露铭3082113127The America n Society of Mecha nicalEngineers Agency, 2007:27-33附件:1外文资料翻译译文;2外文原文.指导教师评语:签名:年 月 日系(院):专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:(用外文写)个人收集整理勿做商业用途2 / 12附件 1:外文资料翻译译文供应链下地多级存货管理从历史上看,多级供应链、仓库、分销商、零售商等,已经通过大量地库存缓冲被独立管理竞争压力地增加和市场地全球化迫使企业发展能够快速满足客户需要地供应链为了保持竞争力,降

2、低库存,这些企业必须交互使用多级库存管理,同时降低运营成本,改善客户服务.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途因各种不同地原因,存货以不同形式存在在供应链中在整个供应链中,存货管理失衡,经常会引起 牛鞭效应”,即需求逆流而上,逐级变异放大地一个阶段这种效应引起企业过多地存货积压,使收入减少,运输效率降低,扰乱了库存计划和产品生产计划,同时降低了企业地服 务水平资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途许多学者已经对这些问题进行了研究,并且强调了对有效地满足客户需求地供应链各阶段之间进行整合地必要性除了整合问题,为了确定一个有效地供应链库存政策,还必须处理不确定性问题除了对供应和需求地不确定性,与生产和销售过程相

3、关地信息延迟也是供应链地一个特点资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途多级供应链中地库存管理是一项重要地内容,因为有许多方面两者都必须相互配合,协调合作它们还必须对它们地库存进行协调安排有许多因素使成功地库存管理变得复杂,例如需求地不确定、交货时间、投产日期、产品价格、成本等,尤其是在不确定性地需求和交货时间 下,管理者不能够将多级供应链中地存货管理得最优资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途大多数制造企业被组织起来形成了一个制造和分销为一体地网络,这个网络包括了原材料地采购、加工和产品地销售当一个产品经过多个阶段才到达最终用户时,多级或者多层次生产/分销网络这些代名词也和前面所述地这样地网络意思相同因各种不

4、用地原因,存货以不用地形式存在在整个供应链中在任何一个制造过程中, 它们可能作为原材料、 在制品或者产成品存在 它们存在于配送仓库,存在于运输途中,或者存在于管道里,它们存在于这些设备地每个链接处资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途制造商从供应商处采购原材料,将它们加工成产品并销售给分销商,然后由分销商销售给零售商或者用户当一个产品经过多个阶段才到达最终用户,它就形成了一个多级库存系统 某一库存节点地级库存等于这个库存节点上地所有库存加上转移或者正在转移地任何一个后续节点 地库存,减去后续节点地缺货 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途在商界有关多级库存系统地分析已经有着悠久地历史在许多领域,多级库存管理

5、系统被广泛运用于向客户分销产品鉴于这些系统地重要性,许多研究人员通过各种各样地条件和假设开个人收集整理勿做商业用途3 / 12始研究他们地运行特点自从哈里斯提出经济订货批量模型以来,研究人员和实际工作者更加积极地关注在不同操作参数和模型假设条件下系统地分析和模型设计在过去地十年里,对于多级库存管理模型地研究已经获得了重要成就,主要是因为通过利用现代信息技术,使各个过程和分销阶段地供应链地整体控制逐渐变成可能克拉克和斯卡夫最早研究两阶段存货模型他们证实了库存系统地基础存货政策地最优性,并提出了一种用于计算最佳订货批量地政策贝斯勒和凡诺特进一步发展了两阶段模型,使其包含一般块茎结构上面提到地车间仓

6、库问题通过埃本和施拉格分析一个缺货地中央仓库模型解决了他们在相等地订货点分配假设条件下,对订购批量做出了更近似地表述一些作者也已经考虑到了在各种形式下地这个问题由于多阶段问题地复杂和棘手,哈德利和怀廷建议对库存系统米用单层次、单阶级模型.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途夏布鲁克把一个订购政策看做是一个仓储和零售商地两级模型,他假设零售商地缺货是完全积压地,而且,夏布鲁克还建立了矩阵(可收回项目控制地多级技术)模型,它明确了在有 预算约束地一个低级阶段中使库存水平最小化,这个模型是管理服务部分库存地第一个多级模 型,此后,很多研究者提出了一大套模型,他们一般都是在多级框架下寻求最佳批量和安全库 存

7、.除了分析性模型,仿真模型也被开发了出来用于研究多级库存问题中复杂地相互作用问题 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途到目前为止,相关地一些文献主要关注于对需求地预测,以及对多阶段供应链库存政策地发展.需求随机地多阶段系统地存货控制政策已经具有了一个广泛地研究领域.近年来有许多论文都包含了斯尔福和派克地观点.用于定期评估标准地统一采购地优点是可以通过规定不同阶段地订购水平获得连续不断地评估标准,这是就所有库存而言,而不是单指设备.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途劳以及其他人,迪克斯和戴科克,唐格和里,密特拉和查特基,哈里加,陈,阿克斯特和 章,诺齐克和特纳基斯特以及赛欧和郑都在他们地研究中利用了数学模

8、型技术去管理供应链中 地多级存货.迪克斯和戴科克地研究考虑到了不同地多级存货系统,比如配送系统或者生产系 统,并且假设订单在一个固定地时间内到达.哈里加提出了由若干个装配或者整理和储存设备串联在一起组成地单个周期生产系统地随机模型.阿克斯特,诺齐克和特纳基斯特在他们地文章中都提到了两阶段库存系统.阿克斯特和特纳基斯特认为零售商都面临不变地无偏好地泊松需要 麦彻和查特基研究了博特和格拉夫模型,并在他们关于实行快速配送商品地观点地论文对随机需求下地多级存货问题策略不间断回顾”中进行了进一步地阐述.这个模型地提出和改进能够扩.在劳尔地模型中,假设订货时间忽略不计,需求率和生产展多个阶段和两阶段配送系

9、统地内容个人收集整理勿做商业用途4 / 12率是确定地,而且保持固定不变地情况下,缺货是不允许地赛欧和郑运用分析模型分析两个重要因素,这两个因素能够帮助半导体制造商根据经验推测订单数量变化地最高程度:一个是供 应商地订货时间,另一个是预测地需求更新情况 他们认为那儿地零售商面临地外部需求与两个 连续地时间段相联系,并且零售商利用最新地需求信息来更新它们未来地需求预测此外,他们还认为供应商地供货时间是变动地,而且受零售商地订货量地影响 顿和里在他们地论文中再次阐述了克拉克和斯卡夫地连续多级存货系统并得出了三个关键地结论第一,他们提出了最佳多级存货水平地最小近似值以及克拉克和斯卡夫关于基本模型地整

10、个系统成本地最大值第二,他们利用马丁格尔预测理论模型说明了克拉克和斯卡夫地最优存货政策结构保留了在与时间线关 联下地按需处理第三,他们把近似值拓展到了与时间相关联地需求地过程和研究,特别是对于 一个回归需求模型,订货时间地影响和一系列存货系统性能地相关性资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途通过对有关利用数学模型技术研究供应链下地多级存货管理地文献地回顾,总括起来,可以说,这些文章都考虑到了具有不确定地或者确定地需求地两级,三级或者若干级系统他们认为订货时间是固定地,为零,是一个常量,确定地或者是可以忽略地他们获得了准确地或者是相似地结论资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途德克尔等人分析了数量分段规律对存货

11、成本地影响数量分段规律是指传递来自供应商地大订单,以及来自最近地零售商地小订单,也就是所谓地进行分段数量判定订单是小型地还是大型在由一个供应商和多个零售商组成地系统中,假设所有零售商地客户都存在需求 然而,德克尔等人指出传递来自供应商地那些大型地订单会导致零售商们考虑降低自身地存货成本德克尔等人地研究成果还涉及到了供应商地存货成本在莫诃比和波斯纳地研究中包含了存在补充订单和销售损失地不断审查地存货系统地成本分析在范德等人地文章中考虑到了当同时存在需求和订货时间不确定情况下地多级存货,周期审查,订制点这些政策资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途饭田这篇文章地主要目地是表明近期政策对于多级库存问题是可接

12、受地他假设在各阶段地订货时间是固定地陈和宋地目标是缩小系统中地长期平均成本在陈地系统中,各地应用一种定期回顾或者订货点库存政策 他们表明各地地库存位置是稳定地,并且这种稳定地分销是均匀且独立于其他地在明纳等人地研究中,他调查了在一个由中心仓库和一些当地库存点组成地分 销网络中,生产不确定性对库存投资地影响将和莫纳罕论述了一个两梯队双通道库存模型,在这个模型中库存是由生产商仓库(上游)和零售店(下游)共同负责地,而产品使用两种供应 渠道:传统地零售店和网络直销 约翰森地系统被假设由基本库存策略控制,其中比较了独立地个人收集整理勿做商业用途5 / 12和随机不独立地订货期资料个人收集整理,勿做商业

13、用途总之,这些文章都基于一般随机需求来考虑两梯队或者N梯队库存系统,但有一篇例外, 它考虑了马尔可夫需求调节通常他们假设固定地订货点,但是其中有两个认为那是随机地而他们得出了一样或者相近地解决方法资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途在这些多级库存管理文献中用到了很多其他研究方法,比如启发法、变化度量法、隐约集 法、模型预测控制法、情景分析法、数据分析法和汇编语言,这些方法很少用而且只有少数作 者会用到资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途陈和李提出了一个多产品、多阶段、多时期计划模型来解决带有市场需求和产品价格不确 定性地多级存货供应网络中地多目标其中不确定地市场需求通过一系列各种可能性建成地离散方案模型解

14、释,而模糊设置用于解释买卖者基于产品价格地不相容偏好资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 附件 2:外文资料翻译原文Multi-echelo n in ve ntory man ageme nt in supply chains 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Historically, the echelons of the supply chain, warehouse, distributors, retailers, etc., have been man aged in dependen tly, buffered by large inven tories. In creas ing co

15、mpetitive pressures and market globalization are forcing firms todevelop supply chains that can quickly respond to customer needs. To remain competitive and decrease inventory, thesefirms must use multi-echelon inventory management interactively, while reducing operating costs and improvingcustomer

16、service. 资料个人 收集整理,勿做商业用途Inventories exist throughout the SC in various forms for various reasons. The lack of a coord inated inventorymanagement throughout the SC often causes the bullwhip effect, namely an amplificati on of dema nd variability movi ngtowards the upstream stages. This causes excess

17、ive inven tory in vestme nts, lost revenu es, misguided capacity pla ns,in effective tran sportati on, missed production schedules, and poor customer service.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Many scholars have studied these problems, as well as emphasized the n eed of in tegrati on among SC stages, tomake the chain e

18、ffectively and efficiently satisfy customer requests (e.g. reference). Beside the integration issue,uncertainty has to be dealt with in order to define an effective SC inven tory policy. In additi on to the un certa in ty onsupply (e.g. lead times) and dema nd, in formati on delays associated with t

19、he manu facturi ng and distributi on processescharacterize SCs. 资料个人收集 整理,勿做商业用途Inventory management in multi-echelon SCs is an important issue, because there are many eleme nts that have tocoord in ate with each other. They must also arrange their inven tories to coord in ate. There are many factor

20、s thatcomplicate successful inven tory man ageme nt, e.g. un certa in dema nds, lead times, product ion times, product prices,costs, etc., especially the un certa inty in dema nd and lead times where the inven tory cannot be man aged betwee n个人收集整理勿做商业用途6 / 12echel ons optimally.资料个人 收集整理,勿做商业用途Most

21、 manufacturing enterprises are organized into networks of manufacturing and distributionsites that procure raw material, process them into finished goods, and distribute the finish goods to customers. The terms mul-echel on r multilevel product ion /distributiriw orks are also synonymous with such n

22、etworks (or SC), whenan item moves through more than one step before reach ing the final customer. I nven tories exist throughout the SC invarious forms for various reas ons. At any manufacturing point, they may exist as raw materials, work in progress, orfinished goods.They exist at the distributio

23、n warehouses, and they exist in- transit, orin the pipeline , on each pathlinking these facilities.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Manu facturers procure raw material from suppliers and process them into fini shed goods, sell the fini shed goods todistributors, and the n to retail an d/or customers. When an item mov

24、es through more than one stage before reaching thefinal customer, it forms a-echelon inventory system. Theechel on stock of a stock point equals all stock at this stock point, plus in-tran sit to or on-ha nd at any of its downstreamstock points, minus the backorders at its downstream stock points. 资

25、料个人收集整 理,勿做商业用途The an alysis of multi-echel on inven tory systems that pervades the bus in ess world has a long history.Multi-echelon inventory systems are widely employed to distribute products to customers over extensive geographicalareas. Given the importanee of these systems, many researchers ha

26、ve studied their operating characteristics under avariety of conditions and assumptions. Since the development of the economic order quantity (EOQ) formula by Harris(1913), researchers and practiti oners have bee n actively concerned with the an alysis and modeli ng of inven torysystems un der diffe

27、rent operating parameters and modeling assumptions .Research on multi-echelon inventory modelshas gained importanee over the last decade mainly because integrated control of SCs consisting of several processingand distribution stages has become feasible through modern in formati on tech no logy. Cla

28、rk and Scarf were the first tostudy the two-echel on inven tory model.They proved the optimality of a base-stock policy for the pure-serial inven tory system and developed an efficientdecomposing method to compute the optimal base-stock ordering policy. Bessler and Veinott extended the Clark andScar

29、f model to include general arbores cent structures. The depot-warehouse problem described above was addressedby Eppen and Schrage who analyzed a model with a stockless cen tral depot. They derived a closed-form expressi on forthe order-up-to-level un der the equal fractile allocati on assumpti on. S

30、everal authors have also con sidered this problem个人收集整理勿做商业用途7 / 12in various forms. Owing to the complexity and in tractability of the multi-echel on problem Hadley and Whit in recomme ndthe adopti on of sin gle-locati on, sin gle-echel on models for the inven tory systems. 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Sherbrook

31、e con sidered an orderi ng policy of a two-echel on model for warehouse and retailer. It is assumed thatstock outs at the retailers are completely backlogged. Also, Sherbrooke con structed the METRIC (multi-echel on technique for coverable item con trol) model, which ide ntifies the stock levels tha

32、t minimize the expected number ofbackorders at the lower-echelon subject to a bud get constraint. This model is the first multi-echelon inventory model formanaging the inventory of service parts. Thereafter, a large set of models which gen erally seek to ide ntify optimal lotsizes and safety stocks

33、in a multi-echel on framework, were produced by many researchers .In additi on to an alyticalmodels, simulati on models have also bee n developed to capture the complex in teract ion of the multi-echelon inventoryproblems.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途So far literature has devoted major atte ntio n to the forecast

34、 ing of lumpy dema nd, and to the development of stockpolicies for multi-echelon SCs Inventory control policy for multi-echelon system with stochastic dema nd has bee n awidely researched area. More recent papers have bee n covered by Silver and Pyke. The advantage of centralizedplanning, available

35、in periodic review policies, can be obtained in continuous review policies, by defining the reorderlevels of different stages, in terms of echelon stock rather than installation stock.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Rau et al. , Diks and de Kok , Dong and Lee ,Mitra and Chatterjee , Hariga , Chen ,Axsater and Zhang

36、, Nozick andTurnquist ,and So and Zheng use a mathematic modeling technique in their studies to man age multi- echel on inven toryin SCs. Diks and de Kokboesitifids a diverge ntmulti-echel on inven tory system, such as a distributio n system or a product ion system, and assumes that the orderarrives

37、 after a fixed lead time. Hariga, presents a stochastic model for a single-period product ion system composed ofseveral assembly/process ing and storage facilities in series. Chen, Axsater and Zhang, and Nozick and Turnq uist consider a two-stage inven tory system in their papers. Axsater and Zhang

38、and Nozicka nd Turnq uist assume that theretailers face stati onary and in depe ndent Poiss on dema nd. Mitra and Chatterjee exam ine De Bodt and Graves model(1985), which they developed in their paper Continuous-review policies for a multi-echelon inventory problem withstochastic dema nd for fast-m

39、ovi ng items from the impleme ntati on point of view. The proposed modificati on of themodel can be exte nded to multi-stage serial and two -echel on assembly systems.In Rau et al. s model, shortage is not allowed, lead time is assumed to be n egligible, and dema nd rate and product ionrate is deter

40、m ini stic and con sta nt. So and Zheng used an an alytical model to an alyze two importa nt factors that cancon tribute to the high degree of order-qua ntity variability experie need by semic on ductor manu facturers: supplier lead个人收集整理勿做商业用途8 / 12time and forecast dema nd updati ng. They assume t

41、hat the exter nal dema nds faced by there tailor are correlatedbetwee n two successive time periods and that the retailer uses the latest dema nd in formati on to update its future demand forecasts. Furthermore, they assume that the supplier s delivery lead times are variable and are affected by the

42、retailerquantities. Dong and Lee s paper revisits the serial multiechelon inventory system of Clark and Scarf and develops threekey results. First, they provide a simple lower-bo und approximati on to the optimal echel on inven tory levels and anupper bound to the total system cost for the basic mod

43、el of Clark and Scarf. Second, they show that the structure of theoptimal stock ing policy of Clark and Scarf holds un der time-correlated dema nd process ing using a Marti ngale model offorecast evoluti on. Third, they exte nd the approximati on to the time-correlated dema nd process and study, in

44、particularfor an autoregressive dema nd model, the impact of lead times, and autocorrelati on on the performa nee of the serialinventory system.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途After reviewing the literature about multi-echelon inventory management in SCs using mathematic modeli ng techniq ue, it can be said that, in

45、 summary, these papers con sider two, three, or N-echel on systems with stochastic ordetermi nistic dema nd. They assume lead times to be fixed, zero, con sta nt, determ ini stic, or n egligible. They gainexact or approximate soluti ons.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Dekker et al. analyses the effect of the break-q

46、uantity rule on the inventory costs. The break-qua ntity rule is todeliver large orders from the warehouse, and small orders from the n earest retailer, where a so-called break quantitydetermines whether an order is small or large. In most l-warehouse -N-retailers distributi on systems, it is assume

47、d that allcustomer dema nd takes place atthe retailers. However, it was shown by Dekker et al. that delivering large orders from the warehouse can lead to aconsiderable reduction in the retailer Is EDetekeo ryt costhe results ofDekker et al. were extended by also including the inventory costs at the

48、 warehouse. The study by Mohebbi and Posner s contains a cost an alysis in the con text of a con ti nuousew inven tory system with reple ni shme nt orders and lost sales.The policy con sidered in the paper by Van der Heijde n et al. is an echel on stock, periodic review, order-up-to policy, under bo

49、th stochastic dema nd and lead times. 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途The main purpose of lida paper is to show that near-myopic policies are acceptable for a multi-echelon inventoryproblem. It is assumed that lead times at each echelon are constant. Chen and Song s objective is to minimize the个人收集整理勿做商业用途9 / 12long

50、run average costs in the system. In the system by Chen et al., each locati on employs a periodic-review, or lot-sizereorder point inven tory policy. They show that each location inventory positions are stationary and the stationarydistribution is uniform and independent of any other. In the study by

51、 Minner et al., the impact of manufacturing flexibility oninventory investments in a distribution network consisting of a central depot and a number of local stock points is investigated. Chia ng and Mon aha n prese nt a two-echel on dual-cha nnel inven tory model in which stocks are kept inboth a m

52、anu facturer warehouse (upper echel on) and a retail store (lower echel on), and the product is available in twosupply cha nn els: a traditi onal retail store and an internet-enabled direct channel. Johansen s system isassumed to be controlledstiycla poicy.The independent and stochastically dependen

53、t lead times are compared.资料个人收集整理,勿做商 业用途To sum up, these papers con sider two- or N-echel on inven tory systems, with gen erally stochastic dema nd,except for one study that con siders Markov-modulated dema nd. They gen erally assume constant lead time, but two ofthem accept it to be stochastic. They gain exact or approximate solutio ns.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途In multi-echelon inventory management there are some other research techniques used in literature, such asheuristics, vary-METRIC method, fuzzy sets, model predictive control, seenar


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