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1、“对划线部分提问”解题步骤1、 找准疑问词;2、 找be动词,有则放于疑问词后;3、 无be动词,则再找情动,有情动则直接将其放于疑问词后;4、 无be动词,无情动,则再找是否有助动词will,shall,would,have,has,had,有则直接将其放于疑问词后;5、 无be,无情,也无助,则只有借助助动词do,does或did放于疑问词后,且原实义动词形式要还原;6、 变人称:原句中涉及第一人称的人称代词、形容性物主代词、名词性物主代词要变成第二人称对应的人称代词、形容性物主代词、名词性物主代词;同样,原句中涉及第二人称的人称代词、形容性物主代词、名词性物主代词要变成第一人称对应的人称

2、代词、形容性物主代词、名词性物主代词;7、 将原句除划线部分外的剩余部分抄下来。(注意状语从句部分可不抄)怎么找疑问词,方法如下How意:1、怎么样?一般针对adj/ adv 提问;2、怎么做? 一般针对by+doing sth做某事的方式提问;3、怎么去? 一般针对by+交通工具/on +foot等去某地的方式提问eg. 1、I am fine.(对划线部分提问)=> How are you?eg. 3、She goes to Beijing by air.eg. 2、I learned English by listening to English tapes. = > How

3、 did you learn English?=> How does she go to Beijing?8What意:什么?1 、针对事物名称提问2 、针对具体做什么事情提问。eg. 4、My name is Jack. => What is your name?eg. 5、I am watching TV.= > What are you doing?eg. 6、The boy is writing a letter to his teacher in the bedroom.(针对"doing sth ”提问)=> Whatis the boy doin

4、g to his teacher in the bedroom?问:上述例5、例6改后的句中的"doing”从何而来?凡是针对“doing sth ”提问,都要用“doing” 放于 sb 之后。eg. 7、He oftenplays soccer after school.(针对“does sth"提问)=> What does hedo after school?eg.8、She neverplayed computer games after school.=> What did she neverdo after school?问:上述例7、8改后的句中

5、的“ do”从何而来?凡是针对"do / does / did / doing sth”提问,都要用“do”来占位,放在原实义动词或动词短语的位置。注意:只针对“do / does / did / doing sth短语中 “sth”提问,则往往无须用“doing”或“ do”,只需用原实义动词即可。比如说,我们将eg. 6和eg. 7的划线部分变化,答案则变。eg.9、The boy iswriting a letter to his teacher in the bedroom.(只针对 “doing sth”中“sth”提问)=> Whatis the boy writi

6、ng to his teacher in the bedroom?eg.10、He oftenplays soccer after school.(只针对“只针对“does sth "短语中"sth "提问)=> Whatdoes he play after school?类似的变题方式The boy iswriting a letter to his teacher in the bedroom.(针对 "doing sth中“主语”提问)=> Who is writing a letter to his teacher in the be

7、droom?The boyis writing a letter to his teacher in the bedroom.(针对 “doing sth" 中"宾语"提问)=> Whom is the boy writing a letter to in the bedroom?The boyis writing a letter to his teacher in the bedroom.( 针对 “doing sth"中"地点"提问)=> Where is the boy writing a letter to hi

8、s teacher ?When意:什么时候?-针对做某事的时间提问。eg. 11、I have P.E on Monday afternoon. => When do you have P.E ?What time 意:什么时间? 针对做某事的具体时间提问。eg. 12、I usually go to school at 8:00.= > What time do you usually go to school ?=> When do you usually go to school ? 注: When= What timeWho意:谁?-针对做某事的主语提问。eg. 11

9、、I usually go to school at 8:00.= > Who usually goes to school at 8:00 ?eg. 12、She can play soccer. => Who can play soccer ?eg. 13、Mary is my English teacher. => Who is your English teacher ?eg. 14 、 We often go to the movies. = > Who often go to the movies ?注:用who提问的句子中“有 be用be,有情动情,有助就

10、助,无 be无情也无助,则死活不借助”,需根据原句中实义动词的形式判断使用何种时态 和形式,一般现在时态中大多数情况下实义动词用三单形式,也可使用原形。Whom意:谁?针对做某事的接受对象(宾语)提问。也可用 who,但whom更正式。whom 是who的宾格,who针对主语(主格)提问,whom针对宾语(宾格)提问。eg. 15、Our English teacher loves Yaoming very much.=> Whom / Who does your English teacherlove very much ?eg. 16、Our English teacher love

11、s his son very much.=> Who loves Yaoming very much ?(不能用whom提问)eg. 17、Lily is writing a letter to her pen pal.eg. 18、Lily is writing a letter to her pen pal.=> Whom / Who is Lily writing a letter to=> Who is writing a letter to her pen pal考题变通: eg. 19、Lily is writing a letter to her pen pal

12、.eg. 20、Lily is writing a letter to her pen pal.=> What is Lily doing to her pen pal?=> What is Lily writing to her pen pal?Where 意:在哪儿?针对做某事的地点提问。eg. 21 、I will go to Beijing next week.=> Where will you go to next week ?=> Which place will you go to next week ? 注: Where=Which placeWhy意:

13、为什么?-针对做某事的原因提问。(也就是主要针对 because引导的原因状语从句提问)eg. 22、I amlate because I oversleep ( V.睡过头).=> Why are you late?eg. 23、I didn ' t go to school yesterday because I was ill. => Why didn ' t you go to school yesterday?eg. 24 、 I went to Mr. Zhang's office last Sunday because I didn'

14、t pass the exam.=> Why did you go to Mr. Zhang's office last Sunday?注:Why = What for=> What did you go to Mr. Zhang's office for last Sunday?Which意:哪个;哪件;哪种?-用来对限定、特指的人和物进行选择提问。eg. 25 、 That girl with glasses is my sister. => Which girl is your sister?( 注:不是女孩长什么样子 )eg. 26、That red

15、pen is Lily ' s.=> Which pen is Lily ' s?( 注:不是问钢笔的颜色 )eg. 27 、 Those apples in the boxes are fresh. => Which apples are fresh?( 注:不是问苹果的地点 )Whose意:谁的?-针对表示所属关系进行提问。(也就是指问物体的主人是谁?往往是针对形容性物主代词、人名+' s进行划线部分提问)eg. 28、My pen is on the table.=> Whose pen is on the table?eg. 29、Lily &

16、#39; s friend can speak English. => Whose friend can speak English?考题变通:eg. 30(由 eg. 28 来)、My pen is on the table.=> What is on the table?eg. 31(由 eg. 29 来)、Lily ' s friend can speak English. = > Who can speak English?How much意:多少?针对不可数名词的数量多少进行提问;针对物体的价钱进行提问。=> How much do you want

17、to drink?问多少物品:eg. 32、I want to drink some coffee.考题变通:eg. 33I want to drink some coffee.=> What do you want to drink?eg. 34、I want to drink two cups of coffee.=> How many cups of coffee do you want to drink?问多少钱:eg. 35、This T-shirt is fifty yuan. => How much is this Tshirt?=> What is th

18、e price of this Tshirt?eg. 36、Those balls are fifty yuan. = > How much are those balls?=> What is the price of those balls?注: How much is/are= What is the price ofeg. 37、I spent fifty yuan on this T-shirt.=> How much did you spend on this T-shirt?针对可数名词的数量多少进行提问;eg. 38、She paid fifty yuan f

19、or this T-shirt.How many意:多少?=> How much did she pay for this T-shirt?eg. 39、I have four apples.=> How many apples do you have?eg. 40、I sleep nine hours every night. = > How many hours do you sleep every night?考题变通: eg. 40、I sleep nine hours every night. => How often do you sleep ?How of

20、ten 意:多久一次? 针对做某事的频率提问。针对 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom,hardly(ever) ,never等频度副词或像 once or twice a week/month/year; nine hours every night; every day等类似的频度短语进行划线部分提问。eg. 41 、I exercise every day. => How often do you exercise ? 又见 eg.40How soon意:再过多久?- 通常针对用于一般将来时中“ in +时间段”表示“还等多久才去做某事提问”for +时间段"


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