已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外贸英语900句It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. 如果按这个价格买进,我方实在难以推销。 Your price is 25% higher than that of last year. 你方的价格比去年高出了百分之二十五(25%)。 You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up since last year. 您知道从去年以来这种商品的价格上涨了。 You know, the price f

2、or this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months. 您知道,几个月来这种商品的价格上涨得很多。The price for this commodity is US$25 per pound in the international market. 这种商品国际市场的价格是每磅二十五(25)美元。 Shall we fix a time for a talk?我们能定个时间谈谈吗?All right. 可以。I'm a foreign trade worker of the China National Textiles

3、 Import and Export Corporation. 我是中国纺织品进出口公司的业务员。I was assigned to negotiate business with you. 公司委托我和你们具体洽谈业务。 Let me introduce you. This is Mr. White. 我先给您介绍一下,这位是怀特先生。 Not too bad. Thank you.还可以。You must take a rest today and we can talk about our business tomorrow. 今天您先休息休息,业务的事咱们明天再谈。Fine. 好的。A

4、ren't you Mr. Smith from the U.S.? 您是从美国来的史密斯先生吧?。 Yes, I am. 是的。Yes, I am.我就是。I work in the China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation. 我在中国机械进出口公司工作。What's your name, please? 您贵姓?My name is Zhang. 我姓张。 Did you have a good journey? 您一路上还好吧?Our price is reasonable as compared wit

5、h that in the international market. 我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的。 Im afraid I dont agree with you there. 我不同意您的说法。 Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere. 你们的价格比我们从别处得到的报价要高。The Japanese quotation is lower. 日本的报价就比较低。 You should take quality into consideration. 您必须要考虑到质量问题。Thanks. By the way,

6、 do you have any plans for tonight? 谢谢。顺便问一下,今晚有什么安排吗?None whatsoever. I'm at your disposal. 一点儿也没有呢。我得听你安排。Why don't we have dinner together to celebrate the success of our first deal. There is a very nice restaurant round the corner. 咱们一起吃晚饭,庆祝我们的首次交易成功,好不好?附近有一家饭店非常不错。I'd love to! 太好了

7、! Excuse me, are you Mr. Pierre from Paris? 请问,哪一位是从巴黎来的皮埃尔先生?If your price is favorable, we can book an order right away. 如果对方价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 如果你方订货数量大,价格我们还可以考虑。All these articles are our best selling lines. 这些产品都是我们的畅销货。 These patterns are re

8、latively popular in the international market. 这些产品的花色是目前国际市场上比较流行的。 It is difficult for us to sell the goods, as your price is so high. 你们的价格那么高,我们很难以这个价格销售。The price for this commodity has changed somewhat compared with that of last year. 这种产品的价格和去年比有些变化。When can I have your CIF firm offer? 我们什么时候可

9、以得到成本加运费和保险费的实盘?We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning. 我们在今天晚上可以算出来,明天上午交给你方。How long does your offer remain valid? 你们的报价几天内有效?Our offer remains open for 3 days. 我们的报价三天内有效。 Is this your CIF quotation? 你们的报价是成本加运费和保险费的到岸价吗? This is our FOB quotation sheet. 这是我们的F

10、.O.B.价格单。 Are the prices on the list firm offer? 上面的价格是实盘吗? All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation. 单中的所有价格以我方最后确认为准。 I wonder whether there are any changes in your price. 不知你们的价格有没有变化? I think its better for you to quote us your price first. 还是你方先报价吧。 Id like to have y

11、our lowest quotation C.I.F. San Francisco. 希望你们报一个C.I.F旧金山的最低价。 Would you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer? 为了便于报价,能不能请您谈谈你方所需的数量? Can you give us an indication of your price? 请你们先提出一个估计价格吧! The price for this commodity is US$400 per piece CIF San Fran

12、cisco. 这种产品C.I.F.旧金山的价格是四百(400)美元一台。 This is our latest price list. 这是我们的最新价格单。 Our price is highly competitive. 我方价格极有竞争性。 Can you tell me the prices of these goods? 你们是不是报一下这些产品的价格? Would you please give us an approximate idea of the quantity you require. 你们先谈一下大概要订多少。 The size of our order depend

13、s greatly on your price. 我们要订的数量,很大程度上取决于你方的价格。 What is the distinguishing feature of the bulldozer? 这种推土机有什么特点? The bulldozer can be handled easily. 这种推土机操纵方便。 Have you got the one which has an output of 150 horsepower? 你们有没有输出功率是一百五十(150)马力的? We are in a position to accept a special order. 我们可以接受特

14、殊订货。 Will you please let us have an idea of your price? 请您介绍一下你方的价格,好吗? If you hope to introduce some advanced technology and complete plants, we'd like to offer you our help. 你方如果希望引进一些先进技术和成套设备,我们公司可以尽力。 Our corporation is willing to give its help to your economic construction. 我们公司愿为贵国的经济建设尽一

15、些力量。 Do you still insist on your price? 你们仍然坚持自己的价格吗? We readjust our price according to the international market. 我们是根据世界市场的行情来调整价格的。 May I know what particular line you are interested in this time? 你们这次来主要想谈哪些方面的生意呀? Have you read our leaflet? 我们的商品销售说明书您看了吧? What type do you want to order? 你们打算订购

16、哪种型号的呢? We are thinking of placing an order for D6C. 我们考虑订购D6C型的。 What is the total weight of this kind of bulldozer? 这种型号的推土机总重量是多少? The total weight of the bulldozer is 14 tons. 这种推土机的总重量是十四(14)吨。 This is our inquiry. Would you like to have a look? 这是询价单,请您看一下。 We hope that we can do substantial b

17、usiness with you in this line. 我们希望能在这方面和你们大量成交。 Have you got the catalogue for this line? 你们有这方面的样本吗? It is the printed pure silk fabrics produced in Shanghai. 这是上海出产的真丝印花绸。 I think these patterns are quite good. 我觉得这几个品种的花色不错。 We are interested in discussing arts and crafts business with you. 我们希望

18、能和你们谈谈工艺品方面的业务。What particular items are you interested in? 请您谈谈你们对哪些产品感兴趣? We are very much interested in your hardware. 我们对你们的小五金很感兴趣。 What products do want to purchase this time? 您这次来主要想买些什么东西呀? We should like to purchase Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics. 我们想买些上海出产的真丝印花绸。 We may take into consi

19、deration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans only if the conditions permit. 只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。If there is any need, wed like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate. 如果需要的话,我们愿按最优惠的利率向您提供贷款。 Youve made some readjustment in your import and export busines

20、s, havent you? 你们的进出口贸易有了一些调整,是吗? I wonder whether youll go on importing this kind of equipment? 你们是不是不准备继续引进这种设备了? The principle to introduce advanced technology with foreign capital on the basis of self-reliance will remain unchanged. 我们在自力更生的基础上,利用外资,引进先进技术的方针是不变的。Itll benefit us both then. 这样一来,

21、对双方都有利 It is said that you are now beginning to accept both private and government-to-government loans. Is that so? 听说贵国开始接受私人或政府间的贷款了,是吗? The policy in our construction is to rely mainly on our own efforts, so the accumulation of funds is socialistic. 我们的建设方针是以自力更生为主,资金积累是社会主义性质的。 The principle tha

22、t we are insisting on is to take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods. 我们坚持的原则是,我国进口必须根据我国的支付能力。 I wonder whether you need a loan. 你们是不是要求贷款。 Would you give us a brief account about the new practices you have adopted? 你们主要采取了哪些新的做法,能不能给我们简单介绍一下? We have mainly adopted some usua

23、l international practices. 我们主要是采用了一些国际上的习惯作法。 We would very much like to know something about this line. Could you tell us more about it. 我们很想了解这方面的情况,您能具体谈谈吗? We have adopted, for example, payment by instalments. 比如说:分期付款,我们现在可以采用了。 Were very glad that you have such a friendly attitude. 我们对你们这种友好的

24、态度感到非常高兴。We stick to a consistent policy in our foreign trade. 我们的贸易政策是一贯的。 We insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods. 我们坚持平等互利、互通有无的原则。 You have adopted a more flexible policy in your work than before. 你们的一些具体做法比以前灵活多了。 We are trying to get rid of

25、 the over-rigid pratices and adopt some general international pratices. 我们设法消除一些死板的做法,采用国际上通用的贸易方式。 We have adopted a flexible policy in our foreign trade work. 我们在外贸工作中采取了一些灵活作法。 Wed appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation. 洽谈中请您多多关照。Lets hope for good cooperation between us. 希

26、望我们能很好地合作。 I wish a brisk business for you all and a continued development in our business dealings! 祝大家生意兴隆,买卖越做越好! Your health! 为您的健康干杯! It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. Is that true? 据说你们正在实施一种新的贸易政策,不知有没有这回事? This food is a Sichuan speciality. Help y

27、ourself, please. 这是四川名菜,请大家不必客气。 Make yourself at home and eat it while its hot. 大家趁热吃,别客气。 May I ask, what line are you in? 请问,您一向做什么生意? I mainly deal in Chinese crafts. 主要经营中国工艺品。 You can talk the business over with Mr. Wang who is in charge of this line. 具体业务您可以和主管这项业务的王先生洽谈。 Can I reserve a tabl

28、e for eight people? 请预订一桌八个人的酒席。 Do you like to have Chinese food or Western food? 你们要中餐还是西餐? Wed like to have Chinese food and pay ten yuan a head. 我们要中餐,每人十块钱。 Welcome. Please sit down. 欢迎光临,请入席。 Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for us. 你们专门为我们准备了这么丰盛的宴席,十分感谢。 Here is your invitation card. 这是给你们的请帖。 Well meet you at the gate of the hotel at six this evening. 晚上六点,我们在饭店门口等你们。 Thank you for your invitation. 谢谢您的邀请。 Ill certainly come if I have time. 如果有空儿,我一定去。 Is this the service counter of the restaurant? 餐厅服务台吗? Our manager would lik


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