已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、七年级上册知识点、句型总结Unit 21.(p11,3a)call sb at+电话号码:拨打*找某人Please call Tom at 4953539.请拨打4953539找Tom.Unit 33.(p17,3a) thanks for +n/代词/ving : 为什么而感谢 (还可以用thank sb for+名词代词ving) Thanks for helping me .= Thank you for helping me 谢谢你的帮助。.Thank for your invitation.谢谢你的邀请。Unit 4(p23,3a,3b) taketo:把。带到。(把。从近处带到远处

2、) bring.to .:把。带来。(把。.。从远处带到近处)Can you bring your pen to me? 你可以把你的钢笔拿给我吗?(p23,3b)can 为情态动词,后跟动词原形(能,会)Tom can dance.汤姆会跳舞。Unit 5(p25,1a) play+球类:打。play basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccer打篮球打排球打网球踢足球(p27,3a) lets+v(让我们。吧)表示建议,肯定回答常用Good idea/All right/OKLets go shopping.让我们上街购物去吧。 OK.好吧。Unit 6(P31

3、标题)like to do sth喜欢做某事 doing sth 喜欢做某事(常指爱好)He likes playing basketball.他喜欢打篮球。Unit 7(p43,3a) can I help you ?=What can I do for you ? 用于服务性行业,如饭店、商店等。在饭店翻译为“你吃饭吗?”,在商店翻译为“你买东西吗?”。 sth 想要某物he wants a new bike .他想要一辆新的自行车。 want to do sth想做某事Tom wants to go shopping.汤姆想去购物。 sb to do sth 让某人做某事My paren

4、ts want me to study hard.我的父母让我努力学习。to do sth 有钱做某事He cant afford to buy the car. 他没钱买轿车。(p45,3a)cant/couldt afford sth 买不起某物 Tom cant afford the bike. 他买不起这辆自行车。(p45,4) buy sth from sb/某人:从某人某地买某物(buy过去式bought) sell sth to sb 把某物卖给某人(sell 动词-sale名词)(sell过去式sold)He bought a book from the Xinhua book

5、store yesterday. 昨天他从新华书店买了一本书。= The Xinhua bookstore sold a book to him yesterday.Unit 9(p56,2c)I think +句子,我以为。 (否定句)I dont think +句子:我认为。不。(否定转移)I think he is a good student.我认为他是一个好学生。I dont think he is a good student.我认为他不是一个好学生。Unit 10 (p59,1a) play the+乐器 play the guitar/piano/violin 弹吉他弹钢琴拉小

6、提琴 (p61,4)be good with sb 有某人相处很好The teacher is good with the children.这位老师与孩子们相处很好。(p61,4) help sb (to)do sth帮助某人做某事 sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人 (两个句型常常可以互换)He often helps me (to)learn English=He often helps me with English.他经常帮助我学英语。Unit 11(p67,3a) love to do sth doing sth喜欢做某事He loves playing basketball

7、.他喜欢打篮球。 get to +地点;到达He got to Beijing yesterday.昨天他到达北京。(p67,3a). arrive in+大地方 at+小地点(若地点是去掉)Tom got home last week. 上周Tom 到家。(p69,3a) tell sb about sth :告诉某人某事Can you tell me about your weekend?您能告诉我你周末的情况吗?My mother often tells me about my grandfather.我的妈妈经常告诉我关于我爷爷的事情。Unit 12(p75,3a)be busy do

8、ing sth 忙于做某事Hes busy doing the homework.他正忙着做家庭作业。 with sth(有时可互换) =Hes busy with the homework.(p75,3a) be strict with sb 对某人要求严格He is strict with his son .他对他的儿子要求很严格。 in sth 对某人要求严格Tom is strict in his work. 汤姆对哈德工作要求很严格。(p76,3) play with sb/sth 玩。,与。一起玩 Dont play with a dog.不要玩狗。(p76,3)ask sb (n

9、ot)to do sth叫某人(不要)做某事 补充:tell sb (not)to do sth :告诉某人(不要)做某事 My parents often ask me not to be late for school.我父母经常叫我上学不要迟到。七年级下册知识点、句型总结Unit 1(p1,1a)be from+地点=come from+地点:来自。 My pen pal is from Japan=my pen pal comes from Japan.我的笔友来自日本。(p2,2d)live in +地点:住在某地He lives in Beijing now.他现在住在北京。(p3

10、,3b) speak+语言:说某种语言 speak English/Chinese/French/Japanese说英语汉语法语日语(p5,3a) write to sb =write a letter to sb 给某人写信He often writes to his uncle.=He often writes letters to his uncle.他经常给他的叔叔写信。Unit 2(p11,3a)enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事Tom enjoys reading.汤姆喜欢读书。补充:enjoy oneself =have a good time 过得愉快 They enj

11、oy themselves today.他们今天过得很愉快。They enjoyed themselves yesterday=They had a good time yesterday.昨天他们过的很愉快。(p12,3)hope to do sth希望做某事He hopes to visit Beijing next week. 他希望下周去参观北京。 (that)句子:希望 =He hopes(that)he can visit Beijing next week .Unit 3(p16,3)be friendly to sb 对某人很友好The teacher is friendly

12、to us.这个老师对我们很友好。Unit 4 (p21,3a)give sb sth =give sth to sb 给某人某物Please give the book to me =please give me the book .请把这本书给我。(注:若某物的宾语为代词时,不能用give sb sth ,只能用give sth to sb .) 请把它给我。Please give it to me .( ) please give me it . (×)Unit 6(p34,3a) teach sb sth 教某人 Mr Smith teaches us English .斯密

13、斯先生教我们英语。 teach sb 疑问词to do sth He teaches us how to swim .他教我们如何游泳。Unit 7stop to do sth 停下正在做的某事去做另件事Students stopped to have a rest.学生停下来去休息。 doing sth 停止正在做的事,stop talking ,please.请别说了。(p45,3a) remember to do sth 记得去做某事(还未做) doing sth 记得做过某事(已做完)He remembered closing the door.他记得他已关上门。(门已关上)Remem

14、ber to close the door when you leave.记得当你离开的时候关上门(门未关)补充 forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(还未做) doing sth 忘记已做过某事(已做过)Dont forget to call your mother .不要忘记给你妈妈打电话。(还未打)He forgot calling his mother.他忘记已给他妈妈打了电话。(已打过)Unit 8(p47,1a) sth=want sth 想要某物Jim would like a new pen .吉姆香要一支钢笔。 Would like to do sth =want

15、to do sth 想做某事Hed like to watch TV.他想去看电视。 sb to do sth 让某人做某事Id like him to come .我想让他来。Would you like to do sth ?你愿意做。?(用来提出建议)-would you like to go shopping with me ? 你想和我一起去买东西吗? -Yes,Id love to ,but Im doing my homework. 我想去,但是我现在正在做家庭作业。(=Sorry, Im doing my homework.非常抱歉,我正在做家庭作业。)Unit 9(p54,2

16、c)what about (=how about)+n/代词/ving 怎么样?(用来征询意见或提出建议)I like action movies .what about you ? 我喜欢动作片,你哪? What about going out for a walk ?我们出去散散步怎么样?(p54,2c)practice+ving:练习。 He is practicing playing the pinao.他正在练习弹钢琴。(p57,3a )4个花费 1、sb spend +一段时间/金钱 on sth (in )doing sth 某人花费多少时间或金钱做某事2、It takes sb

17、 + 一段时间to do sth :某人花费多长时间做某事3、sb pay 钱for sth :某人花费多少钱买某物4、sth cost sb +钱 :某物花费某人多少钱He spends two hours on his homework ever day. 明天他花费两个小时做家庭作业。= He spends two hours (in) doing his homework every day.= It takes him two hours to so his homework every day.I paid ten yuan for the book .我花10元钱买了这本书。=T

18、he book cost me ten yuan. 这本书花了我10元钱。(p58,3)句型 Its time for sth 是该。的时候了 Its time (for sb )to do sth 是某人该做某事的时候了Its time for lunch.是该吃午饭的时候了。=Its time to have lunch.Its time for us to have an English class.我们该上英语课了。Unit 10(p63,3a)have fun doing sth 做某事很开心Then have fun playing basketball yesterday.他们昨

19、天打篮球很开心。(p63,3a) 感官动词,后面常跟形容词作表语 一感(feel) 二听(listen to ,hear) 三让(have,let,make) sb do sth 其中help sb (to)do sth 四看(see,watch,notice,look) 半帮助(help)I heard him sing yesterday.昨天我听见他唱歌。We often see the girl dance.我们经常看见这个小女孩跳舞。He often helps me (to) learn english.他经常帮助我学习英语。(补充)二听/四看+sb doing sth 听见/看见

20、某人正在做某事I saw him reading .我看见他在读书。I heard birds singing this morning。今天早晨我听见鸟儿在唱歌。23.(p63,3a)decide to do sth 决定做某事He decided to visit his uncle.他决定去看他的叔叔。Would you mind doing sth 介意做某事Would you mind closing the door?你介意关上门吗?Unit 11(p65题目) what do you think of sth ?=How do you like sth ?你认为。怎么样?what

21、 do you think of the movie?= =How do you like the movie ?你认为这部电影怎么样?Its boring.很无聊。(p69,3a)show sb sth =show sth to sb 给某人看某物Please show me your photo=please show your photo to me .请把你的照片拿给我看。Unit 12(p71,1a) be late for school class 上学/上课迟到 He was late for school yesterday.昨天他上学迟到了。(p72,grammar,focu

22、s) have to +v不得不(客观) must+v 必须(主观)He has to get up at 6:00am.(肯定句)他不得不在六点钟起床。Does he have to get up at 6:00am?(一般疑问句) Yes,he does./ No ,he doesnt.He doesnt have to get up at 6:00am.(否定句)他没有必要在六点钟起床。Must I finish my work now ? Yes,you must . No ,you neednt. 八年级上册知识点、句型总结(p4,1b)be good for 对.有好处be bad

23、 for对.有害Running is goog for our health.跑步对我们的健康有好处。Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes 看太多的电视对我们的眼睛有害处。(p5,3b) maybe 大概,可能(放句首) maybe he is a teacher.他可能是一位老师。may be 也许是,大概是(放句中) =He may be a teacher.(p7,图片)whats the matter/the trouble/wrong with sb /sth?某人/某物怎么了?Whats the matter with you ?你怎么了

24、? I have a cold. 我感冒了。(补充)There is sth wrong with sth /sb. 某人/某物有毛病 。There is something wrong with his computer .他的计算机出毛病了。(p15,3a)send sb sth =send sth to sb 寄给某人某物I sent my grandfather a gift yesterday.昨天我寄给我爷爷一件礼物。=I sent a gift to my grandfather yesterday. (p17,3a) think about 考虑(后跟动词用ving )He i

25、s thinking about visiting Beijing next week.他正在考虑下周访问北京。(p17,3a)cant wait to do sth 迫不及待的做某事He cant wait to open the box.他迫不及待地打开了盒子。(p17,3b) finish doing sth 做完某事He finished reading the book.他读完这本书了。(p18,selfcheck) leave for +地点:动身去某地He is leaving for shanghai.tomorrow.明天他将动身去上海。leave地点for 地点:离开某地去

26、某地 He is leaving Beijing for shanghai.tomorrow.明天他将离开北京去上海。(p19,图片) by bike(介词短语,骑自行车) 常与 ride the bike (动词短语,骑自行车) 互换by bus /car/train/taxi/subway乘公交车/轿车/火车/出租车/地铁(介词短语常放在句子后面),可与下面的动词短语互换 take the bus/car/train/taxi/subway乘坐公交车/轿车/火车/出租车/地铁(动词短语)on foot(介词短语,步行) 常与 walk to +地点(动词短语,步行去某地)He goes t

27、o school by bike .=He rides the bike to school.他骑自行车去上学。Tom often goes to work by bus.= Tom often takes the bus to work.汤姆经常乘坐公交车去上班。He goes to school on foot =He walks to school.他步行去上学。(p20,2d)句型:It takes /took sb +一段时间+to do sth :某人花费多少时间做某事It takes him 2 hours to do his homework every day.他每天花费2个

28、小时做家庭作业。(p30,2) the whole+n :全部的 the whole class 整个班 all the +n :所有的 all the students 全部学生(p35,3a) beat 打败(某人/某队/某校/某班等 ) (beat过去式beat) win 赢得(比赛奖品奖金奖杯等) (win过去式won) He beat his brother at tennis .他打网球赢了他弟弟。We won the basketball match yesterday.昨天我们赢了篮球比赛。 We beat Class Two at volleyball match .在排球比

29、赛中我们打败了二班。(p54,2c) start (begin) to do sth doing sth 开始做某事the children started to sing .孩子们开始唱歌。(p55,3a) too +adj/adv to do sth 太。以至于不。so+adj/adv that 句子:如此。以至于。adj/adv enough to do sth He is too young to go to school.他太小不能去上学。=He is so young that he cant go to school. =He isnt old enough to go to s

30、chool. He is so strong that he can carry the box .他是如此的强壮以至于能搬动这个盒子。=He is strong enough to carry the box.take part in (参加运动会,比赛等)join 参加(团体,组织,军队等)He joined the English club last year .去年他加入了英语俱乐部。We took part in the basketball game last week .上个星期我们参加了篮球比赛。(p59,标题) be going to do sth (1)表示将要发生的事或打

31、算、计划、决定要做的事 He is going to visit Beijing tomorrow.明天他将去北京参观。 (2)表示根据目的的迹象即将发生的情况。Its going to rain .天将要下雨。(p67,3a ) hate to do sth doing sth 不喜欢做某事He hates to go shopping .他不喜欢上街购物。(p68,1a) borrow sth from sb 从某人那里借来某物I borrowed a book from the library last week. lend sb sth =lend sth to sb 借给某人某物(l

32、end-lent )He lent me his pen =He lent his pen to me.他把他的钢笔借给了我。 (p68,1a) invite sb to +地点:邀请某人去某地(invite-invitation ) Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事I invited him to sing .我邀请去唱歌。We invited a scientist to our school last week .上周我们邀请一位科学家到我们学校。(p69,3a)take care of =look after 照顾,照料 take good care of =lo

33、ok after.well好好照顾,好好照料We should take good care of the children.= We should look after the children well.我们应该好好照料儿童。(p69,3c)move to +地点:搬家到某地He moved to Beijing last year.去年他搬家到北京。八(下)知识点、句型总结Unit1(P32a)There be +某物/某人+某地某时:某地/某时有某物/某人 一般现在时:There is/are+某物/某人+某地/某时 There are 600 students in our scho

34、ol.在我们学校有600个学生。一般过去时:There was/were+某物/某人+某地某时 = There used to be +某物/某人+某地某时There was a school ten years ago=There used to be a school ten years ago.10年前这里有所学校。一般将来时:There will be + 某物/某人+某地某时 = There is going to be +某物/某人+某地某时There will be a sport meeting next week.=There is going to be a sport m

35、eeting next weeek.下周将有场运动会。 be able to 通过一定努力会干某事 (有人称、时态、数的变化)can +V 能,会 (只有过去式could ) He is able to sing =Hc can sing.他会唱歌。 (P9,2行)seem to do sth::好像 seem( to be)+adjIt seems/seemed that句子:似乎,好像。 He seems ( to be )angry. = It seems that he is angry.他好像生气了。Unit2(p10,1a) argue with sb 与某人吵架He is arg

36、uing with his mother.他正在和他妈妈吵架。(P12,3a)ask sb for sth 向某人要某物He often asks his parents for money.他经常向他的父母要钱。(P15 selfcheck,1) be angry with sb 生某人的气He is angry with me now.现在他生我的气。(P15,selfcheck2) get on with sb 与某人相处 get on well with sb 与某人相处很好I get on well with my classmates.我和同学相处很好。 How do you ge

37、t on with your classmates?你和同学相处怎么样? have a fight with sb与某人打架He had a fight with his classmate yesterday.昨天他与同学打了一架。(P162段1行)find/think it adj to do sth发现/认为做某事是怎么样的 (=find/think it iswas adj to do sth)I found it difficult to finish the work我发现很难完成这项工作。(简单句)=I found it was difficult to finish the w

38、ork. (复合句=主句+从句) Unit3While只能表示一段时间,不能表示时间点,动词为延续性动词1.(P19,2B) While I was watching TV,someone knocked at the door.我正在看电视时,有人敲门 When即可表示一段时间,又能表示时间点While I passed the room,I heard him singing.当我经过那个房间时,听见他正在唱歌。 Unit4(P26,1a)be mad at sb 生某人的气 He is mad with his mother.他生他妈妈的气。 with sth 在某方面有困难(P30,3

39、a)have a difficult / hard time(in)doingsth 做某事有困难 (有时可以互换)She has a hard time with English他学习英语有困难。=she has a hard time (in)learning Englishi(p32,2段) agree with sb 同意(某人的观点、看法等)I agreed with him.我同意他的意见。 Unit5(P38,3a)make a living by 通过。谋生 She make a living by selling books.他通过卖书来谋生。Unit61.现在完成进行时:h

40、ave/has been +ving 表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。这一动作可能刚刚开始,也可能仍在继续,并有可能延续到将来。 Weve been learning English for 7 years.我们学习英语已经7年了。(P49,2) be interested in +n/ving 对。感兴趣Hes interested in playing computer games.他对打游戏很感兴趣。(p50,一段2行)teach sb sth教某人某事He teaches us English.他教我们英语。teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事The teac

41、her teaches us to draw.这个老师教我们画画。teach sb how to do sth教某人如何做某事He teaches me hoew to dance yesterday.昨天他教我们如何跳舞。teach oneself sth = learn sth by oneself 自学He taught himself English=he learned English by himself . 他自学英语 Unit7(p52,图片) mind doing sth?介意做某事 Would you mind closing the door?你介意把门关上吗?(p53,

42、2c) put on 穿上(表示动作) Its cold,please put on your coat.天很冷,请穿上你的外套。 Wear:穿。(表状态) hes wearing a red coat today.今天他穿了一件红色的上衣。 穿戴 dress+人:给某人穿衣 The boy can dress himself.这个男孩可以给他自己穿衣服了。 in +颜色:穿什么颜色衣服(常做定语)The girl in red is my sister.穿红衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。 Unit8(p61,表格)why dont you +v =why not+v 为什么不。 Why dont y

43、ou go shopping this afternoon ? =why not go shopping this afternoon?今天下午为什么不去上街买东西呢? How about +n/代词/ving.怎么样= ( what about ) I like the movie, what about you? 我喜欢这部电影,你呢?What about playing basketball after school?放学后打篮球怎么样?(65,2)rather than 而不是(后跟v/Ving). Would rather do sth than do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事I

44、 will go home to watch TV rather than see this movie.我宁愿回家看电视,也不愿看这部电影。I would rather stay at home than go to a movie .我宁愿呆在家里也不愿看电影。(p65,2)instead代替,而不是(常放在句首或句末,不译出) Its too hot to walk,well go swimming instead.天太热了,我们要去游泳。 instead of +n/代词/ving:代替。而不是。He will go to Japan instead of France.他要去日本而不

45、是法国。 I studied at home instead of going to a movie.我在家学习而不是去看电影。(p66,2段4行)比较级表示最高级than the other+可数名词复数 any other+可数名词单数(用于一范围内一个与余下进行比较)He is the tallest student in our class .在我们班他是最高的学生。= He is taller than any other student in our class. = He is taller than the other students in our class.(在我们班,他

46、与他之外的其他的同学进行比较)shanghai is the biggest city in china.上海是中国最大的城市。= =(p66,3段1行) encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事Our English teacher encourages us to speak English.我们的英语老师鼓励我们说英语。(p67,2行) make friends with sb 与某人交朋友He made friends with foreigners.他与许多外国人交朋友。 Unit9(p68,题目) have gone to +地点 去了某地(还未回来) have

47、been to +地点 去过某地(已回来) -where is Tom?汤姆去哪里了?-hes gone to Beijing.他去北京了。I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京两次。(p70,3a,1段1行) hear of 听说 Have you heard of the book?你听说过这本书吗?hear from sb 收到某人的来信 I heard from my uncle last week.上周我收到我叔叔的来信。 (p70,3a,2段7行)see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(p74,2段4行)have problem/diffi

48、culty doing sth做某事有困难He has problem reading the English book.他读这本英语书有困难。(p74,3段4行)wake up 想来,叫醒 (代词放中间)Please wake me up at six oclock请在六点钟叫醒我Unit101.反义疑问句由陈述句+简短问句构成。如果前面是肯定的,后面用否定形式的问句,如果前面是否定的,后面用肯定形式的问句。回答反义疑问句要遵守一个原则,即无论陈述部分和疑问部分是肯定的还是否定的,肯定回答就用yes,否定回答就用no,不受汉语的干扰。He doesnt like English,does h

49、e?他不喜欢英语,是吗?You have finished the work ,havent you ?你没有完成工作,不是吗?He doest study Japanese,does he ?他不学日语,是吗?Yes,he doe s.不,他学日语/No,he doesnt. 是的,他不学日语。当陈述部分有never,hardly,seldom,little,few,nobody,nothing 等表示否定含义的词时,疑问部分要用肯定形式He has never been to the Great Wall,has he ?他从来没去过长城,是吗?以lets开头时,疑问部分要用shall w

50、e ?例 Lett play basketball,shall we ?以动词原形或dont +动词原形开头的祈使句,疑问部分要用will you例 Open the door,will you ?以let us开头,疑问部分要用will you 例let us do it ,will you ? There is something wrong with the watch ,isnt there? I We (dont )think+句子 需根据从句进行反问。I think he is right,is he ?(根据从句进行反问) I dont think he is right,is

51、he ?(根据从句进行反问)若前面的陈述部分中的单词有否定前缀或后缀(un-,im-等),后面的疑问部分仍用否定形式。He is unhappy today ,is he ?他今天不高兴,是吗?(p80,3a5行)feel like doing sth 想做某事(=want to do sth/would like to do sth)I feel like eating something =I would like/want to eat sth我想吃点东西补充(p58,2段)Its better to do sth最好做某事Its better to read English every

52、 morning.最好每天早晨读英语。(p58,4段2行)allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事He allowed me to use his bike .他允许我使用他的自行车。 新目标英语九年级知识点总结常用单词、词组辨析1.花费 take ,cost, spend , pay sth. take (sb.) +一段时间to do sth. It took (me) 10days to read the book. 她花费10天读完这本书。 sth. cost (sb.) +金钱 The book cost (me) 100yuan.这本书花了我100元钱。 sb. spe

53、nd +时间金钱on sth. She spent 10days on this book.她花费10天读完这本书。 sb. spend +时间金钱 (in)doing sth. She spent 10days (in)reading this book. 她花费10天读完这本书。 sb. pay 金钱for sth. She paid 10 yuan for this book. 她花费10元买了这本书。2. one of +(the+ 形容词最高级)+名词复数形式 :最其中之一 如:Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.上海是中国最大的城市之一。She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受欢迎的教师之一。


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