



1、八年级英语下册第三单元测试题一、翻译下列短语。1. 洗盘子 2. 倒垃圾 3. 叠衣服 4. 扫 地 5. 铺 床 6. 打 扫 起 居 室7.出 去 吃 晚 饭 8.去 看 电 影 9. 为 了10.借 一 些 钱 11.搭 车 12. 去 商 店14. invite my friends to a16.stayout而且 ) I haven t got any money.13. buy some drinks and snacksparty15. use your CD playerlate二、词汇。A) 根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. Throw these ( 垃圾 ) in the

2、 bin.2. I don t want to see the film and (3. I ( 折叠 ) the letter and put it in the envelope.4. There was a terrible ( 杂乱 ) after the party.5. He can t swim. ( 也不 ) can I.6. Could you ( 递 ) me the salt?7. She ( 厌恶 ) the smell of smoke.8. The telephone rang( 在期间 )I was having a shower.9. I tried to fi

3、nd a job in order to ( 提供 ) clothes and food for my family.10. He ( 依靠 ) on you to help him.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Could you please (sweep) he floor?2. You will find several shops in the (neighbor).3. He (develop) the little shop into a big store.4. The streets were littered with (rubbish).5. Could you

4、make your bed and (fold) your clothes?6. Did you receive (fairness) treatment?7. Could you please (pass) me that book?8. Don t do that. It s a (waste) of time.9. The climber (drop) and hurt himself.10. When you re scared but you still do it (anyway), that s brave.三、单项选择。 ( 15 分)1. To protect the env

5、ironment, supermarkets dont free plastic bags forshoppers.A. takeB. showC. provideD. carry2. Paul, could you please the TV? Jim is sleeping now. Sorry. I ll do it right now.A. turn up turning downB. turning upC. turn downD.3. Could you lend me the book you bought last week?A. Yes, here you areB. No,

6、 I can t lendD. A good idea4. Could you finish the task in two days? . I have something else to do these days.A. I could notB. Yes, I think soD. I m afraid not5. Excuse me, could you help me carry the heavy box?C. It s not interestingC. I m afraid soA. Yes, I couldDon t mention itB. It doesn t matte

7、r C. With pleasureD.6. Could I your iPad, Alice?A. lendB. keep Of course. Here you are.C. borrowD. return7. He often borrows money others but he doesn t lend anything anybody.A. from, fromB. to, fromC. from, toD. to,to8. Could you me Mary s telephone number? I want to call her.A. to giveB. giveC. gi

8、vingD.gives9. Every morning, I get up at six o clock, and have a quick breakfast.A. make bedB. make a bedC. make my bedD. makeone s bed10. Could I borrow your car? , I need it. I go to school.A. Certainly, don t B. Sorry, have to C. Certainly, don t have toD. Sure, have to11. Could you help me take

9、it to the classroom? .A. Yes, I couldB. No, I could n t C. Yes, sureD.No, I don t12. Whowill send you to the school, your momor your dad? . I ll go therealone.A. BothB. EitherC. NeitherD. None13. Young people hate chores because it s boring.A. to doB. to doingC. didD. to bedoing 14. Can I your textb

10、ook? I left mine at home.A. borrowB. lend C. keepD. kept15. they live one house with their parents, they should know that everyoneshould do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.A. SinceB. ForC. In order toD. So that四、完形填空。(10分)a Day Care Center do some cleaning. he stays outside club. Linda, Bob

11、What she does isevery afternoon _3_ 2:00 to My son, Bob, is a senior high on one side of the street toAll of my family members volunteer to help others in our _1_ time. Wego to different _2_ to help different people. My wife, Rose, likes children very much. She goes to 4:00. She helps look _4_ child

12、ren and school student. Every Sunday morning, 5 out advertisements for a football's younger _6_, is only ten years old, but she _7 helps people.to walk with my neighbor ' s dog every Saturday morning. My neighbor9 work in the afternoon.has a problem _8_ his legs. I work in a travel agency. I

13、()1. A. spareB. busyB. where()2.A. place()3.A. tillB. from()4.A. atB. for()5. A. giveB. gave()6.A. motherB. sister()7.A. tooB. either()8.A. atB. with()9.A. notB. never()10. A. oftenB. even五、1阅读理解。AC. lessonD. oldC. placesD. countryC. atD.onC. upD. afterC. givesD. givingC. brotherD.fatherC. alsoD.not

14、C. offD.inC. noD.oftenC. everD.moreBut in fact I am _10_ busier every afternoon. I guide tourists to look around our city for free. I like my job.In the doctor s waiting room, sick people are sitting on their chairs. Bob, aschool boy is among them. They all look very sad except Bob. Heis enjoying an

15、 exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor comes in to say he is ready for the next person. Bob jumps up and runs into the doctor' s room."What' s your trouble ?” says the doctor. Before Bob could say a word, the doctor makes him lie down on a bed. "Now, let melisten to yo

16、ur heart. " Bob tries to speak, but the doctor tells him not to say anything.T ll take your temperature. " Bobtries to sit up, but the doctor stops him. After a moment, the doctor says, “Well, boy, you don ' t have a fever. In fact there' s nothing wrong with you. ”“I know there is

17、n ' t, " says Bob. "I just come here to get some medicine for my father.”()1. Bob sits in the waiting room to.A. see the doctorB. wait for the doctor C. read his magazine D. buysome medicine()2. All the sick people look sad except Bob because.A. Bob is too young to worry about anything

18、B.his father isn ' t illbadlyC. he is interested in the magazineD. there is nothing wrong with him( ) 3. It is certain that .A. the doctor is carelessB. there is no nurse in the doctor s roomC. the doctor is warm-hearted D. the doctor takes Bob for a sick person( ) 4. While examining Bob, the do

19、ctor might think that .A. Bob is funnyB. Bob isn t naughty ( 淘气的 )C. Bob is foolishD. Bob is ill badly( )5. WhenBob tells the doctor what he is there for, the doctor might think thatA. he himself is funnyB. he himself is carelessC. he himself is foolishD. he himself is naughtyBEveryone wants to rela

20、x after working or studying for a long time. I have many ways of relaxing myself. Let me tell you some of my favorites.I am a big sports fan, so the usual way I relax is to watch or play many kindsof sports. My favorite is tennis, but I aminterested in all kinds of sports.WhetherI am playing tennis

21、or watching a game on TV, it is exciting to see team members doing their best. It s amazing to see players playing very well. It s true thatplaying sports is not physically( 身体上地 ) “ relaxing ” , but I find it really cool, and a good way of “ relaxing ” my brain after a day s hard work.I enjoy liste

22、ning to music, and I always have some music playing during my free time. I listen to all types, but I enjoy listening to beautiful piano music. Some people can t study while listen ing to music, but for me, I believe I can study better by listening to light songs.Some people choose to relax by trave

23、ling. I don t have a favorite place, butI hear that traveling in Japan is really enjoyable. I like visiting differentkindsof places and eating famous snacks there. I also enjoy sightseeing and seeing how the culture and people change from place to place. 先阅读短文, 然后根据要求答题。6. What s the writer s favori

24、te sports?7. What kind of music does the writer enjoy?8. How many ways of relaxing does the writer give us?9. Has the writer ever been to Japan?10. What is the passage mainly about?六、完成句子。1 . 你能扫地吗? you please the floor?2 . 如果她看到这么乱,她会不高兴的。She be happy if she sees this .3 .我扔下我的包去了起居室。I my bag and w

25、ent to the living room.4 .她没做任何家务,我也没有。She did not do any housework and I.5 .做家务可帮助培养孩子独立。Doing helps to children ' s independence.6 .为了取得好成绩,他们应该把时间花在功课上。They should spend their time on schoolwork to get good grades.7 .如今的孩子过于依赖父母。Children these days their parents toomuch.8 .结果,他经常生病,成绩下降。a, he

26、 often fell ill and his grades dropped.9 .他不知道如何照顾自己。 He had no idea how to of himself.七、书面表达。在一堂英语课上,老师组织全体学生开展有关“做家务活”的讨论。假如下表是你所作的小组讨论记录,请你根据这个记录用英语向全班同学做一个汇报。提示:1.汇报内容:你和同学所做的家务活;你对做家务活的看法;2.词数:80左右;3.汇报的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。NamesHouseworkWu JunClean up roomsJia MeiHelp mother cook dinnerWang PingWas

27、h clothesIDear class,Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work in our group.That' s all. Thanks for listening!八年级英语下册第三单元测试题参考答案一、翻译下列短语。1. do the dishes 2. take out the rubbish 3. fold the clothes 4. sweep the floor 5.make the bed 6. clean the living room 7. go out for dinner 8. go to

28、 the movies 9.in order to 10. borrow some money 11. get a ride 12. go to the store 13.买一些饮料和零食14.邀请朋友们来派对15.用你的CD播放器16.在外面呆到很晚二、词汇。A)根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. rubbish 2. anyway 3. folded 4. mess 5. neither 6. pass 7. hates 8. while 9. provide10. dependsB)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. sweep 2. neighborhood 3. developed 4. rubbish 5. fold 6. fair 7. p


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