1、张家港市国家卫生城市逾期复审专题汇报材料之八病媒生物防制工作汇报张家港市城乡环境卫生指导中心年四月张家港市地处东经120 21 57" 720 52 '北纬31 43 12" -32 02 z位于长江下游南岸,北滨长江,南近太湖。全市总面积998.48 平方公里,其中陆地面积为 785.55 平方公里,属北亚热带南部湿润性气候区,气候温和,雨水充沛,很适合鼠、蟑、蚊、蝇等病媒生物繁衍生息。我市病媒生物防制工作在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在全市人民的积极参与下,取得了一系列优异成绩。1988 年被评为苏州市灭鼠先进城市,1990 年被评为苏州市灭蟑先进城市,1993
2、年被评为苏州市灭蝇先进城市,1995 年被评为灭蚊先进城市。2005 年顺利通过了苏州市组织的灭鼠、灭蟑先进城市复检考核, 2006 年顺利通过了灭蝇、灭蚊先进城市复检考核。2010 年 11 月,我市又通过了江苏省爱卫办组织的灭鼠、灭蟑先进城市考核验收。我们始终将病媒生物防制工作作为巩固国家卫生城市、国家卫生镇和省级卫生村创建成果的重要内容常抓不懈。近几年着力在城乡一体化落实和提升上下功夫,进一步拓展了创建内涵,使我市防制工作呈现了规范化、制度化、科学化的良性运行态势,始终有效地控制住了相关病媒生物密度,为保障人民群众身体健康,对提升我市卫生文明形象起到了重要的作用。现将近几年来我市病媒生物
3、防制工作汇报如下:一、病媒生物防制组织网络得到了进一步得到了完善市城乡环境卫生指导中心作为病媒生物防制工作的协调管理机构,加大了联系沟通力度,充分发挥相关部门的作用。市疾病预防控制中心作为病媒生物防制的业务指导部门,定期开展对市区各街道、社区、单位人员的培训,每年定期举办一期 500 余人参加的培训;杨舍地区爱卫办作为市区病媒生物防制工作具体ocusing onways and means of improvi ng andupgra(stations) andthe Townshi p ofgrid a ccountabilitymeding w ork,furtherdevel opmen
4、tof"three to split". (A)fullygrasp "nocha nisms must be stri ctly in a ccorda ncew ith the new reg ulatoryre一 I_一 . . _ .optimization park environme ntntation ",building demolition,modifiuna uthorise d" created. The t ownshi p"no unauthorised"quirem ent s,effective
5、impleme ntation ofthearea ofresponsi一.- - -" T >1 一- I - cation, use" combinati on. Demoliti on ist he mea nsa nd pcreated theexistingbilityofthe new id purpose builtis.buil ding "onehousehold, onedocument"surveya nspecti ons,suppre ssoin, demoliti onw orktoe.I. - .一 - 一o a dh
6、ere to thebuilding demolished,ndfile storage w orkmust be unconditiona la ndfull coverage. Main corri dorlea ding to t he town (road, river)village,theCentral built -upareaofthe tnsure t hatthe new"zero t olerance".Second,publi csecurity, water,ele ctricit y,water, oceans andfisherie s, to
7、uri sm collaboration, marketsupervision departments一. - .- - _-. _I一一 一_|_ . III._.1|_ _.一1_|com binati on ofconstructionand demolitionwaste, demoli shed with combine d efforts to improvethe scientificlevel ofthree tosplit; second,wemustpay attenti ont o"three toown on bot hsidesmust beto creat
8、ea "no should strictly e nforcet heillegal."IL _ I split" a nd "five hundre d"and"no unauthorisegal construction of disand "fivewatertreatmentof disdpovsilallagofe"r.elevaItment","three ofthefoursiAccordingto "fivehundred villages" created
9、antprovisionsofthe reg ulations,effective fulfilme -"-I- .- II J一一des",the sha ckDistricttransformation,and shantytowns,villages,old houses,reconstructi on ofold plant, expand create, upgradi ng create sfiles,thereal"no una uthorise d village"create d intot he benefit ofthe peopl
10、e ofverygood thing.(B)tostrictlymanagecountas unaut hori sed contr ols. Promoti ng the "new" controlw orktomovet he ce nterofgravity, managementmeasures to t hefront,a nd ear nestly pipesnt of responsibi lities,particul arlyin ele ctricity a nd water suppl y,and ot her unit s maynotbe new
11、illegalbuildings t o supplywatera nd electri citysuppl y. While m ore regulati on to prevent personal privacyviolations.Illi cit trading i n illegal constructionin the Ministryof publi cse curity se ctorto strictly from theblow. T hree isto createadditionaloffencereportingsystem ofincentive- - 一. 一
12、一 一 一_ _.一 _- JL . . .I L- - - - . . -I 一- - . 一一 .一 一 一一 . L ._.一 一 . 一 一 _一 I _ . I II 一一一. 一 L 1 I - .一.一.-一nd danger ous ol droom tra nsformationand "tworoadsides", se rieswork organic combine d up,a ctivedo River,a nd al ong demoliti onw ork, a nd manpow eradva ncevi llagein t he,a nd
13、 old re sidentialdemolitionworkconditi onsand liveenvironme nt;threet oput"threemodified asplit"as traditional low,and small,and bulk industrystructeffectively.Astri ctnewunauthorise d netw orkresponsi bility. S ector ssucha sland,housing a nd basicstationsAccording to building la wandcove
14、rsan are aofnature ,toreporttimely degreedivide. I . . d- II - . I - 1ofimportant initiatives t o caught,speedupadva nce i ndustry Park, ef fective管理机构,加强对所属单位的监督检查;市容环境管理处消杀服务所作为市区防制工作的职能部门,现有专职人员10 名,具体负责病媒生物密度监测及有关单位的病媒生物防制工作,督导各单位防制工作的落实;各街道、各单位还有专兼职除害员560 余名,具体负责各自的防制工作,初步形成了工作层层落实、部门密切配合、上下联动、
15、齐抓共管的良好局面,防制网络形成了横向到边、纵向到底的格局。二、病媒生物防制工作得到了进一步加强为切实保证对病媒生物的消杀效果,我们狠抓关键环节,突出重点,综合防制,标本兼治,切实提高了病媒生物防制工作效果。1 狠抓环境治理。我们始终把环境整治作为病媒生物防制指标达标的一项治本之策,坚持城市建设与环卫基础设施建设协调发展,狠抓环境综合治理。一是 持续开展环境综合整治。近年来我市累计投入近30 亿元用于实施大气污染防治三年行动计划、乡镇污水管网建设三年规划、化工行业整治三年计划的环保“ 333 ”工程,全市生态环境质量得到明显改善。城区绿化覆盖率达到 45.5% ,人均公共绿地达13.3 平米。
16、 二是 加强卫生基础设施建设。市镇两级用于农村改厕补贴的资金累计达430 万元,全市卫生户厕普及率达99.8% 。 。三年来,全市农村共新建垃圾收集房7407 座、农村公共厕所133 座,采购并投入使用的封闭式自装自卸垃圾清运车113 辆,市财政按照30% 的比例投入专项补贴金额达3000 余万元。对减少病媒生物孳生起到了积极的重要作用。2 狠抓专兼职除害专管员队伍建设。病媒防制工作是一个系统工程,必须发挥广大人民群众的力量。充分发挥各单位专兼职除害专管员的桥梁纽带作用,对扩大病媒生物防制工作广度和深度有着十分重要意义。市城乡环境卫生指导中心、疾控中心不定期对全市各部门、各单位专兼职除害专管员
17、的开展业务培训,使他们基本掌握了用药方法、综合防制措施和相关标准,初步发挥了他们的桥梁作用, 有效提高了全市病媒生物防制工作的群众认知度,同时也进一步提高了全市病媒生物防制工作的科学防制水平。三、病媒生物防制管理得到了进一步强化County nongban, flood,thr ee to onedownto furtherplay aleading catchtotal, integrated aorkahe ad,to create hig hlights.T hird deployment, implementationofseven,then itin cadres work perf
18、ormanceofthe ring, waterllence-oriented.n thetest implemeI ntation ofthe Gover nor.Roleplay t一.I - - J .Party membersand cantation.dresatalllevelheGover nor gott-I. IAlllocalities a nd departmentsms must adheretothebaton, foragriculturalaherural,waterustbe convi ncedthatgoal s,goi ng all out,musteri
19、ngnd ruralfocus and"five water treatment","threetosplit"work,refine imprcontr oland theJapanese pulle d agrass -roots,"putspirit,w orktogethertdownthe shelf,leaneoensure that thi syear's objeove asse ssmentmethods andevaluatictivescarry outtasks,attheforefront.First,wemo
20、n system,anchmark model. Fccurate assessment.our,wemuststreuststrengthen the leaderCombi nedwit h"dareplangthen propagandaimplementatishipto implement.Departments atalllevely, tree benchmark" style buildiutilizatios shoul d always w orkand rural"fivewatertreatment"dit,micro-bla n
21、d gainfirsthaogging ,new me dia,minindexperie nce of supe rvision, in particular,to-_LI_ _ _ J.I 一一 一一一一.ng,summarizi ng, goodstrengthe n thefocuson t n responsibility,main lea der personally, leadersarrehe "long" sig ns"go left","names"suchas supervipublicityw orkin th
22、e countrysi de and"fivewater treatment","threetosplit" advancedmsion,urge d alllevels l ongeron duty in pl . . .1.1 L -.一 .I. Iodel s, point to gatherpositive energyfortheace.on pre ssuree stablicommunity to see tshed hierarchicala ccountabilithe result s ofour wssment,t opromote
23、-.I _y,and work togetherto prorkintime,i ncrease publihabit s,stimulati ng powe,smua ng powe r. rcawarene ss, participatir.Thir d,we must stre ngthe n implementati一 ._ILd _IL. .一onrates, satisfactionand support.Playgongqionstyle.Departmengfu,amasstoimplements atalllevels toworganizati on antation.or
24、kin r uralareas and "fivendgrass-rootssuchas schools,病媒生物防制管理是个系统工程,必须遵循其科学性开展工作,必须对病媒 生物的生态习性、季节消长等因素充分考虑, 进而采取相应管理组织方法、 技术 防制措施,才能取得比较好的效果。根据病媒生物的消长规律,特别是在某一病媒生物繁衍高峰前夕,适时进行突击性消杀工作,能取到事半功倍作用,这是我们这几年通过国家卫生城市复查 所得出的经验。为此我们全面规划,主要抓好了以下3个突击性工作:一是周密 部署好每年春、秋两季化学灭鼠工作。此项工作城乡联动,统一时间、统一药物、 统一标准、统一方法、统一
25、培训。每年春冬灭鼠药使用约10000公斤,同时还利用物理方法:鼠笼、鼠夹2万多只,做到药械并举,使市区鼠密度总体上控制 在不足危害程度;二是每年4月份爱国卫生月。此月气温回升,是蚊蝇的第一个 繁殖季节高峰,我们动员全社会力量,全方位进行环境整治清理,使蚊蝇孳生场所得到进一步控制;三是每年适时开展2次灭蚊灭蝇突击周活动:在蚊蝇繁殖高 峰季节,由杨舍地区爱卫会牵头,市区各单位、各街道、各居民按照要求统一行 动,市区投放捕蝇笼约2.5万只,各类消杀药物约3.5吨,进一步控制了蚊蝇密 度。长效管理工作的落实是病媒生物防制工作的一个十分重要的环节。 在近几年 的强化病媒生物防制长效管理工作中主要体现在以
26、下 6个方面:一是垃圾处理密 闭化。市区严格落实垃圾封闭式管理:即垃圾(单位或居民)垃圾收集房垃圾中转站垃圾填埋场。短几阡来随着市民生活水平不断提高、城区不断扩大,垃圾收集难度也越来越大,但市政府将此项工 作作为民心工程,增加投资,改善垃圾运行条件,使市区垃圾处理运转正常;二 是农贸市场鸡鸭加工销售点实行水冲式、蔬菜实行净菜上市;三是屠宰场、饲养 场、皮毛收购站统一迁移至城郊,相对集中管理;四是因菜集中加工管理;五是 防制设施与市政建设同步考虑,我市在下水道、害井等设计时充分考虑了防鼠设 施,更有利于我们的病媒生物防制工作。六是扩大防制辐射防护区域,随着城乡一体化建设大步推进,市区面积逐年递增
27、,因而病媒生物防制的防制范围也必须 相应延伸,同时适度向外延伸辐射,起到了一定的缓冲作用。通过采用科学规范 nd impr ove del a achi- d e. .-.met ngta w n.Fve f-y tigw-kae a- to hg h”s T hid -p"et -p - e simpeave to steg esponsibly a nd -pr . - the mechasms a.imp - en-in.Al bca1 a nd nce.that go- alouu, musenw oesuethatear'so bjeclv- cay .ut tas
28、ks, a F_t we must str.gth." leader Dpames at aleves should aways w or a. rural "ve w_r fame", 1._ tsi" in a> -por-t po-in, a. anonsii ly, main persona、leaders aresed a.-yes of bi- rank trasmas e a- . unt.i! y . wk oksm, a cnc.ed tmpeme.". - to ute ply a ea dng ach total i
29、ntegatd a roe of al k nns i s "lng",一. "nspect" t .ejy full ther bi- s form- te ag alvey . umn'e-nd, - muus sengten te es mplme Reply t he Gve nor and ruua focus ad "ie waer teament" wk, o-e ase onsstm, a _r_ asesment. y teebe ma -e budng fie f_ta nd - pee n-of sue
30、sgns、o et, "amel" lupevson, uge d al sl . nge on duy in pl ae.Trougte suer,-me "is r.Thid - mus st onsye. Deame ns at al e t w ok i r u- aes ad "ie wae tramet", "hrre to sli" asta.ing cmpeea.i >s lage onrs wrk r _nfl ad te Japannse p - aworkuu, t. nig, dve. and
31、_e cton of -.T up, is t ece -n-o"-Pa" m - bes ad ca d_ a - l s mus w_r cnt ol ad te Japa ne_ pu.d a garot- "u down the sel, lane d" pr-m-c stye the s. ofp-y be.ncmak mooel F ouu, - muus se ng mpeme."on. cedi,mico bl o.ig, new me ng wor dead f-e w_r te_e", "tee tsi&
32、quot; -一dm enegcmmun。t se t he r_ul ori.ei ss 一<. Ply gongqngu, a mas roos -a s scools,3 optimization park e nvironme nt的管理方法,辅以相应的技术措施,始终使我们的病媒生物密度较好地控制在较低水平。四、病媒生物防制机制得到了进一步保障市城乡环境卫生指导中心每年对全年病媒生物防制工作进行部署,同时综合经济、 环境等因素进一步完善修改相关工作方案,提高工作规范化、制度化水平。规范科学的管理又促进了我市整个病媒生物防制水平的提高。近几年的防制工作, 主要通过以下7 个方面机制
33、来得以保障。一是 专题考核机制:杨舍地区爱卫办每季对市区各系统、各部门、各单位进行卫生综合考核,为此在每季考核时将病媒生物防制指标达标内容纳入其检查内容,此内容与单位双文明单位挂沟,通过此专题考核,引起系统、部门、单位主要负责人来关注、重视防制工作;二是监督检查机制:市卫生监督所代表国家卫生行政部门承担公共场所、食品饮食行业卫生监督工作,其防制设施到位本身也是这些公共场所、食品饮食行业卫生单位必须要达到的标准,因此卫生监督部门无论是在许可准入时还是经常性监督时,都将防制工作作为监督内容,达不到要求的,责令其限期改进,强制的法制监督促进了病媒生物防制工作规范化;三是 日常监测机制:杨舍地区消杀服
34、务站作为市区的病媒生物害密度监测机构,在市疾控中心指导下,按照国家卫生城市相关标准和江苏省卫生厅、江苏省爱国卫生运动委员会关于病媒生物密度监测方案对市区鼠、蝇、蚊、蟑螂等病媒生物密度系统地、定向地、有代表性地进行监测, 及时将监测结果反馈给有关管理部门,加予分析,对于超过规定指标的区域、单位进行综合分析,采取有效措施,及时控制超标;四是 公开举报机制:为有效控制病媒生物密度,近几年来根据市区特点,推行举报制度,举报电话向市民公布,凡某一地区、某一单位有病媒生物危害或骚扰市民正常生产和生活的,及时向市容环境管理处消杀服务所举报,市容环境管理处消杀服务站及时派员进行调查处理,直至其消除危害或干扰;
35、五是 舆论导向机制:通过新闻媒体,公布病媒生物防制工作成绩突出单位,同时曝光防制工作不力的单位,对于问题严重单位除通过媒体曝光以外,还要追究其主要领导和分管领导的责任,促进其整个防制水平平衡协调发展;六是 防制药物筛选机制:根据防制药物(器械)新进展,根County nongban, flood,thr ee to onedownto furtherplay aleading catchtotal, integrated aorkahe ad,to create hig hlights.T hird deployment, implementationofseven,then itiofthe
36、 ring, waterllence-oriented.n thetest impleme I ntation ofthe Gover nor.Roleplay t一.I - J .Party membersand cantation.dresatalllevelheGover nor gott-I. IAlllocalities a nd departmentsms must adheretothebaton, foragriculturalaherural,waterustbe convi ncedthatgoal s,goi ng all out,musteringnd ruralfoc
37、us and"five water treatment","threetosplit"work,refine imprcontr oland theJapanese pulle d agrass -roots,"putspirit,w orktogethertdownthe shelf,leaneoensure that thi syear's objeove asse ssmentmethods andevaluatictivescarry outtasks,attheforefront.First,wemon system,anch
38、mark model. Fccurate assessment.our,wemuststreuststrengthen the leaderCombi nedwit h"dareplangthen propagandaimplementatishipto implement.Departments atalllevely, tree benchmark" style buildiutilizatios shoul d always w orkand rural"fivewatertreatment"dit,micro-bla nd gainfirstha
39、ogging ,new me dia,minindexperie nce of supe rvision, in particular,to-_LI_ _ _ J.I 一一 一一一一.ng,summarizi ng, goodstrengthe n thefocuson t n responsibility,main lea der personally, leadersarrehe "long" sig ns"go left","names"suchas supervipublicityw orkin the countrysi d
40、e and"fivewater treatment","threetosplit" advancedmsion,urge d alllevels l . . .1.1 L -.一odel s, point to gatherongeron duty in plpositive energyfortheace.on pre ssuree stablicommunity to see tshed hierarchicala ccountability,and work togetherto prr d,we must stre ngthe n impleme
41、ntationrates,satisfactionand support.Playgongqionstyle.Departmengfu,amasstoimplements atalllevels toworganizati on aorkin r uralareas and "fivendgrass-rootssuchaocusing onways and means of improvi ng andupgra ding w ork,furtherdevel opmentof"three to split". (A)fullygrasp "nouna
42、uthorise d" created. The t ownshi p"no unauthorised" created theexisting buil ding "onehousehold, onedocument"surveyandfile storage w orkmust be unconditiona la ndfull coverage. Main corri dorlea ding to t he town (road,river) village,theCentral built -upareaofthe t own on b
43、ot hsidesmust beto createa "no unauthorise dvillage".Accordingto " five hundredvillages" created a nd shantytowns,villages,old houses,reconstructi on ofold plant, expand create, upgradi ng create sfiles,thereal"no una uthorise d village"create d intot he benefit ofthe p
44、eople ofverygood thing.(B)tostrictlymanagecountas unaut hori sed contr ols. Promoti ng the "new" controlw orktomovet he ce nterofgravity, managementmeasures to t hefr ont, and ear nestly pipes effectively.Astri ctnew unauthorise d netw orkresponsi bility. S ector ssucha sland,housing a nd
45、basi cstations(stations) andthe Townshi p ofgrid a ccountabilityme cha nisms must be stri ctly in a ccorda ncew ith the new reg ulatoryre quirem ent s,effectiveimpleme ntation ofthearea ofresponsi bilityofthe new i nspecti ons,suppre ssoin, demoliti onw orktoe nsure hatthe new"zero t olerance&q
46、uot;.Second,publi csecurity, water,ele ctricit y,water, oceans andfisherie s, touri sm collaboration, marketsupervision departmentsshould strictly e nforcet heillegal construction of disposalofrelevantprovisionsofthe reg ulations,effective fulfilment of responsibi lities,particul arlyin ele ctricity
47、 a nd water suppl y,and other unit s maynotbe new illegalbuildings t o supplywatera nd electri citysuppl y. While m ore regulati on to prevent personal privacyviolations.Illi cit trading i n illegal constructionin the Ministryof publi cse curity se ctorto strictly from theblow. T hree isto createadd
48、itio naloffencereporting systemof incentives.According to building la wandcoversan areaof nature ,toreporttimely degreedivide dreportgrade,effective afterthe removalofcertain i ncentives. (C) integrated implementation ",buildi ng demolition,modification, use" com binati on. Demoliti on ist
49、 he mea nsa nd purpose builtis. o a dhere to thebuildi ng demolished, com binati on ofconstructionand demolitionwaste, demoli shed with combine d efforts to improv ethe scie ntificlevel ofthree to split; second,wemustpay attenti onto"three to split" a nd "five hundre d"and "
50、fivewatertreatment","three ofthefoursides", the sha ckDistricttransformation,and danger ous ol droom tra nsformation and "tworoa dsides", se rieswork organic combine d up,a ctivedo R iver, and al ong demoliti onw ork, a nd manpow eradva ncevi llagein t he,a nd old re sidenti
51、aldemolitionwork,toimpr oved masses housingconditi onsand liveenvir onme nt;threet oput"threemodified asplit"as traditi onal low,and small, and bulk industryst ruct ure transformationupgradeofimportant i nitiatives t o caught,spee dupadva nce i ndustry Park, effectiveoptimization park e nv
52、ironme nt据张家港市的实际情况,使用高效低毒(或无毒)复配药剂、适时变更防制药物(器械) ,一方面力尽降低药物对昆虫抗性,另一方面从经济、药物残留等因素加予综合分析,并且明令禁止使用国家停用药物;七是 经费保障机制:对于防制经费本着谁受益谁承担的基本原则,对于各单位防制的所用费用由各单位自行解决,而对于公共环境部分(绿地、河边等)由政府财政给予解决,市政府每年拨款 35 万元经费,为开展我市病媒生物防制工作提供强有效的资金保障,确保防制工作顺利进行。我市的病媒生物防制工作取得的成绩,离不开各级领导的重视和关心,离不开上级相关部门专家的精心指导。我们将进一步健全并落实长效管理机制,继续大胆探索并实践病媒生物防制运作新机制
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