1、 New Zealand New ZHistory , politics and EconomyContentsGeography, Land and EnvironmentThe New Zealanders and Maori CultureENatural beautyhot springsocean and seasbeacheshills and mountainsplantsKiwi 国树:国树:银蕨银蕨国鸟:国鸟: K1. Geography, Land and Environment1. Geography, Land and E1)Geographic features:b.
2、Twomainlandmasses:thenorthislandandthesouthisland;a. Alonggroupofislands;c.SeparatedbyCookStraitLand area: 270500 square TheNorthIslandisknownforitsactivevolcanicmountainsanditshotsprings.RTheSouthIslandhastheSouthernAlpsalongitswestcoast,withMountCook(3754m)thehighestpoint,whichliesinthecentreofthe
3、southernAMount Cook is the tallest mountain in New Z Capital city: Wellington In terms of population (423,000 pop), it is New Zealands second largest city. 2) CIt is the cultural, commercial and cosmopolitan centre of the AucklandAuckland: the: the largest largest city ,it is home to almost city ,it
4、 is home to almost a thirda third of all New Zealanders. (about 1.3 million of all New Zealanders. (about 1.3 million pop.). pop.). Christchurch:thelargestcityintheSouthIslandwithapopulationof320,3) ClimateNewZealandisathalfwaybetweentheequatorandtheSouthPole,ithasatemperateislandclimate. Itstempera
5、turesseldomfallbelow0Corrisingabove30C.SeasonsareoppositetotheNorthernHemisphere. Summer (January - March) Winter (July - September) 4) Unique faunaKKakapo A large flightless Tuatara 斑点楔齿蜥斑点楔齿蜥2. The New Zealanders and Maori Culture2. The New Zealanders and Maori Culture1) Population: 3.84 million 8
6、0% European descent 15% Maori - the indigenous people of New Zealand; 2) Official Language: English and Maori3) Main denominations: Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, Roman C4) The Maori creation story5) M6) The HA rugby union scrumThe All Blacks perform a 7) Protocols (Kawa) a. funeral b. 8) Maori
7、Arts and CWhakairo - CImage: Te Arawa Maori WKia oraWelcome to New ZealandKia ora means welcome in New Zealand - and when New Zealanders touch noses, theyre offering peace, friendship and This is an introduction to New Zealands unique indigenous peoples, the Maori. This picture illustrates the Maori
8、 greeting. It is believed that when Man created his mate out of earth, he breathed life into her through her nose. When Maori press noses together they are sharing their breath of life. Kia ora您好您好 Kia ora tatou大家好大家好 Tena koe向您问好(问候一个人)向您问好(问候一个人) Tena koutou向大家问好向大家问好 Haere mai欢迎欢迎 Nau mai欢迎欢迎 Kei
9、 te pehea koe近来可好?近来可好? Kei te pai好好 Tino pai很好很好 Haere ra再见再见 Ka kite ano下次再见(再见)下次再见(再见) Hei konei ra回头见回头见3. History , politics and Economy3. History , politics and Economy Polynesian Maori arrived around AD1000and 1200 . Englishman James Cook began extensive surveys of the islands in 1769. He sa
10、iled around the whole coast and explored the country. Ceded sovereignty to Queen Victoria in 1840 Land wars between 1843-1872 ended with defeat of native peoples Became independent constitutional monarchy in Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi HerMajestyQueenElizabethIIofNewZealandwearingherNewZealand
11、honorsHelenClarkPrimeMinister Beehive,Parliament BuildingsTheNewZealandParliamenthasonlyonechamber,theHouseofRepresentatives,whichusuallyseats120MembersofParliament(MPs).SixoftheseareMaoriMPs,whorepresentMaorivotersonly. Majorpoliticalparties:Labour Party(50 seats) National Party (48 seats) Minorpol
12、iticalparties(inParliament):ACT New Zealand (2 seats) Green Party(6 seats) Jim Andertons Progressive Party (1 seat) Mori Party (4 seats) New Zealand First(7 seats)United Future (3 seats) EconomyEconomyAuckland,theeconomiccapitalofthecountry,withtheSkyTowerinthebackground.Tourism,forestry,horticultur
13、e,fishingandmanufacturinghavebecomeincreasingimportantsectorsintheeconomyinrecentyears.Thetertiarysectoristhelargestsector(67.6%ofGDP)secondarysectoron27.8%primarysectoron4.7%One New Zealand Dollar coinAgricultureplaysanimportantroleinNewZealandseconomy,althoughindustryemploysmorepeople.Inthepast,th
14、eagriculturalsectoremphasizedonsheepraising,nowadaysthissituationhasbeenchanged.Theagriculturalsectorbecomesmorevaried,includingsuchadditionalenterprisesasdairying,forestry, In the past, the agricultural sector emphasized on sheep raising, dairying forestry horticulture1) A New Zealands farms tend t
15、o be family business. Farmers have their own land. Farming in New Zealand is highly mechanized. Because almost two thirds of farmland is so rugged that it cannot be fertilized or sown by tractors. So farmers use aircraft to spread fertilizer and seeds from the 2) Oversea tradeNewZealandlivesbytrade.
16、Thedomesticmarketislimitedowingtoitslowpopulation.Inordertodevelopthenationseconomy,theymustthinkglobally.NewZealandisheavilydependentontrade-particularlyinagriculturalproducts.Exportsareequaltoabout20%ofGDP4. Education4. Education1) Early childhood educationEarly childhood education includes Kinder
17、gartens, play centers and care centers (Ages 3 - 5).2) Compulsory education systemPrimary and Secondary education is compulsory for students between the ages of 6 and 16. Most children in New Zealand start school when they are five years old. Types of SchoolsPrimary (age5-11)Intermediate ( age1113)S
18、econdary school( age1316) 新西兰名牌大学排行榜新西兰名牌大学排行榜1、奥克兰大学奥克兰大学 University of Auckland2、奥塔哥大学奥塔哥大学 University of Otago3、坎特伯雷大学坎特伯雷大学 University of Canterbury4、惠灵顿维多利亚大学惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria University of Wellington新西兰第二类大学排行榜新西兰第二类大学排行榜1、奥克兰理工大学、奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology2、林肯大学林肯大学 Lincoln University3、梅西大学梅西大学 Massey University4、怀卡托大学怀卡托大学 University of W1.New Zealand is mainly composed of two islands in the Pacific Ocean.2. The highest peak in New Zealand is Mount Cook, which lies in the centre of the Southern Alps.3. Agricu
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