



1、五年级上册英语期末考试卷及答案(共100分)一、选出与其他单词不同类的词。(12分) ( ) 1. A. fantastic B. super C. lost D. nice ( ) 2. A. plants B. tulips C. violets D. bluebells ( ) 3. A. sometimes B. often C. always D. else ( ) 4. A. high B. low C. fast D. gift ( ) 5. A. happy B. nice C. tired D. fine ( ) 6. A. camera B. notebook C. pen

2、 D. dictionary二、用英文写出下列单词。(10分)1忘记_ 2规则_3道路_ 4说_5大象_ 6狮子_7熊猫_ 8家庭_9好笑的_ 10. 强壮_三、选择最佳答案填空。(20分) ( ) 1. _you tomorrow at the gate of the bookshop. A. Seeing B. See C. Sees ( ) 2. The train will leave here at half _ nine_ Monday. A. on, on B. past, on C. by, in ( ) 3. Are they going to get there by sh

3、ip _ by bus?A. with B. or C. for ( ) 4. I'd like to _ with you. A. speak B. tell C. talk ( ) 5. When _ school start in the morning in Canada? A. is B. do C. does ( ) 6. We will get to Zhuhai at _ six o'clock the next afternoon. A. near B. about C. beside ( ) 7. They look tired, _ they? A. do

4、n't B. will C. are ( ) 8. I take music lessons in Children's Palace_ every afternoon. A. at B. on C. 不填 ( ) 9. My brother usually goes to school_ foot. A. on B. to C. by ( ) 10. _the girl _ with her friends? A. Do, live B. Does, live C. Does, lives四、给下列句子选择相应的场景。(12分)A. You mustn't shout

5、 (喊) in the library. B. You mustn't water the flowers.C. You mustn't pick the oranges. D. You mustn't fly a kite here.E. You mustn't play football here. F. You mustn't walk your dog here.五、看图,请根据图的内容用适当的单词填空。(12分)1. Don't _ things at the goat. 2. Don't feed the . 3. My fa

6、vourite animal is the . 4. The _ is dangerous. 5. He _ the goat after lunch every day. 6. He is going to the _. 六、根据上下文和首字母的提示将短文补充完整。(10分) The zoo is an interesting place (地方). You can see many a_ there, some are big and dangerous, some are s_ and cute. There is a z_ in our city. It is very big. I

7、go there q_ often. I l_ the monkeys there. They are so f_. Some monkeys can r_ a bike. Some monkeys can even (甚至)play the piano. It's really interesting. Bananas are their favourite food, but I can't f_ them bananas. That's the zoo rule. Animals are our f_. We should (应该) be nice to them

8、. Some people litter in the zoo, some people t_ things at the animals. That is not right.七、读短文,判断文后的句子内容与对话内容是否一致。如一致写“T”,否则写“F”。(12分)My uncle is 27 years old. He lives in Guangzhou. He likes travelling. He usually travels by train. "On a train, I can talk to people and enjoy the view (风景) outs

9、ide (在外面) the windows, "he says. My uncle has many friends in different (不同) cities. When he travels, he can always stay at a friend's. His friends like travelling too. When uncle is in Guangzhou, he always has friends from other (其他) cities. They stay with my uncle and visit different plac

10、es in Guangzhou.( ) 1. My uncle is a young man.( ) 2. My uncle likes travelling.( ) 3. My uncle usually travels by train.( ) 4. My uncle thinks trains run fast, so he travels by train. ( ) 5. When my uncle travels, he travels with his friends.( ) 6. Uncle's friends stay at uncle's house when

11、 they visit Guangzhou.八、读对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(12分)Yongxian: Hi, Xiaoling.Xiaoling: Hi, Yongxian.Yongxian: There is a toy show in Guangzhou Art Museum. Would you like to see it?Xiaoling: Yes, I'd love to. When will we go there?Yongxian: What about tomorrow morning?Xiaoling: That's fine. Let's

12、 meet at the gate of the museum at 9:00.Yongxian: I usually get up very late on Saturday morning. Let's meet at 10:00. Xiaoling: OK. How can we get there?Yongxian: The museum is near my home. I will go there on foot. You can take a bus.Xiaoling: Which bus?Yongxian: I think you can take a No.451

13、bus. It goes to Guangzhou Art Museum.Xiaoling: Yes, there is a No.451 near my home.( ) 1. Yongxian and Xiaoling want to see the _ in Guangzhou Art Museum. A. flower show B. toy show C. children's play( ) 2. Yongxian and Xiaoling are going to see the show_. A. this afternoon B. tomorrow morning C

14、. tomorrow afternoon( ) 3. Tomorrow is_. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday( ) 4. Yongxian and Xiaoling are going to meet at_. A.9:00 B.9:30. C.10:: B. um. _00( ) 5. Yongxian is going to the museum_. A. on foot B. by bus C. by taxi( ) 6. Xiaoling is going to the museum_. A. on foot B. by bus C. by taxi【参考答案】一、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A二、1. forget 2. rule 3. way/road 4. say/speak 5. elephant 6. lion 7. panda 8. family 9. funny 10. strong 三、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B四、1. F 2. B 3.


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