已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、仓储保管合同Warehousing Service Agreement甲方:诺思罗普格鲁曼斯伯利航海贸易(上海)有限公司地址:PARTY A: Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine Trading(Shanghai) Co.,ltd.ADDRESS:出自于中国最大的资料库乙方:大连特易捷国际物流有限公司地址:大连路970号9号楼709室PARTY B: Dalian Top Easy International Logistics Co., Ltd.ADDRESS:位于_ (以下简称甲 方) ,和位 于 出自 于中国最大的资料库_ (以下简称乙方),就甲方在上海的货物仓

2、储业务,签订以下合同。(Hereinafterreferred to as Party A)and Dalian Top Easy International LogisticsCo.,Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Party B), on the principle ofequality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation,make and conclude the following contractual agreement:第一条(储存货物的品名、规格、包装)1、货物品名:2、包装

3、:1.Description of goods to be stored:出自于中 国最大的资料库第二条(业务范围,责任)1、甲方责任1、 甲方未按国家或合同规定的标准和要求对储存 货物进行必要的包装, 造成货物损失的, 由甲方负 责。2、甲方应当向乙方提供必要的货物验收资料,如 未提供必要的货物验收资料或提供的资料不齐全、 不及时、所造成的验收差错及贻误索赔或者发生货 物品种、 数量不符合合同规定时, 乙方不承担赔偿 责任。2、乙方责任乙方应按照合同规定的包装、外观、货物品种、 数量对入库货物进行验收。 如果发现入库货物与出 自于中国最大的资料库合同规定不 符,应及时通知甲方。乙方未按规定的

4、项目、方法 验收发货,或验收发货不准确而造成的实际经济损失,由乙方负责。货物在储存期间,由于保管不善而发生货物灭 失、短少、污染、损坏的,乙方负责赔偿损失。如 属包装不符合合同规定或超过有效储存期而造成 货物损失的,乙方不负赔偿责任。2.Obligation of both PartiesParty A shall be liable for the improper packaging of goods that failsto meet the requirements of related National Standard and/orstipulation of this agree

5、ment. Party B shall not be responsible forany inspection mistakes incurred.Party B must inspect goods before putting goods into storage andinform Party A immediately when any discrepancy and damageshappen.Party B shall not be liable for any loss or damage toProducts stored in the Warehouse, however

6、caused, except for lossor damage to such Products caused by or arising solely from failureby Party B, its agents or employees, to exercise such care in regardto them as a reasonably careful person would exercise under likecircumstances, and for which Party B shall be legally responsible.第三条(业务指令)1、对

7、于甲方发出的业务指令,乙方应本着负责的态度,如实执行。2、上述指令原则上以书面形式发出, 应包括品名、 数量、 记号、价格等内容及提请乙方注意的事项等。出自于中国最大的资料库物流仓储配送公司标准仓储合同中英文对照版】 (3. Placing the orderParty A shall place the order in written form which includes commodityname, quantity, mark, and necessary notice for Party B to implement.Party B shall accomplish the tas

8、ks for Party A abide to this agreementwith due diligence.第四条(通知义务及协助盘点)1、乙方原则上须以书面形式,向甲方报告出入库数量、 及在库状况等。2、甲方在认为必要的情况下,可要求乙方在场,盘查库 存的货物。4.Party B shall provide inventory report in written to Party A as per therequirement of Party A. If necessary, Party A could join the cycle count ordo the cycle coun

9、t himself with Party Bs accompany.第五条(不可抗力)由于不能预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止或避免的 不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同履行或约定的条件履行 时,遇有不可抗力事故的一方, 应立即将事故情况通知对方, 并应在7天内提供事故详情及证明文件。5. Force MajeureIf any Force Majeure happens, the Party involved must inform the otherParty immediately and provide Party A the details and written evidencewith

10、in 7 working days.第六条(保密义务)乙方在依照本合同进行业务操作过程, 所得知的一切有 关甲方业务的情况,均不得泄露给第三方。6. ConfidentialityDuring discussion, signing and execution of this agreement, both of twoparties agree to keep strictly confidential of the information obtained formthe other party and the other information requiring other party

11、cosnfidentiality on the basis of the contract or due to the legal reason,which includes but not limited to all kind of business secrets such asclient information, market information, business proposal and plan, andfinancial data. None of the two parties shall disclose such confidentialinformation to

12、 the third party that is unconcerned to this agreement.第七条(费用)甲方应当为乙方向其提供的服务,按照附件规定的标准支付 费用。7. ChargesParty A shall pay Party B for the Services, the charges and ratesspecified in Appendix, hereto attached and herein incorporated byreference.第八条(通知、付款)乙方完成相关业务后,于当月底结算并在翌月10日前 向甲方发出以人民币结算的该月付款通知。甲方将通

13、知付款 的金额,可以现金支付、支票支付或者转帐方式汇入乙方指 定帐户中。美元与人民币按照换算。支付日期原则上定为 _ 以前,汇款手续费由甲方承担。8. PaymentParty A shall pay RMB to Party Bs account by_ that business occurred. Theexchange rate between USD and RMB is_.Party A shall pay all the bank handling charges.Party A can pay cash or check to Party B. Payment can also

14、 bedelivered through wire transfer to Party Bsnominated bankaccount.第九条(合同解除)1、甲方或乙方违反本合同规定的事项时,另一方可以立即解除 本合同。2、在合同履行期间,任何一方因要解除本合同,需在三个月前 以书面形式通知另一方。9. Either party may terminate this Agreement due to the other partys default. During the valid term of this agreement, any one partyshall terminate th

15、is Agreement must inform the other party in written3 months ahead of the termination date.第十条(权力义务的禁止转让) 甲方或乙方在事先未经另一方书面同意前不得将本合同权利义务转让给第三方。10Party A or Party B is prohibited to transfer the rights and liabilitiesof this agreement to the third party if not get grantedin written with each other.第十一条(

16、诚信原则)经济发生巨大变化、 或对本合同未列入的事项产生异议 时,除根据当地法规外,应本着甲乙双方的诚意妥善解决, 如无法解决,则委托相关仲裁机构仲裁。11. Settlement of DisputeAll difference of opinion and disputes arising hereof shall, throughamicable negotiations, be settled by two parties hereto. Should,through negotiations, no settlement be reached, the two partiesagre

17、es that the case in question shall be submitted to the ChinaInternational Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee ShanghaiBranch for arbitration. The award of the arbitration shall be final andbinding upon the two parties.第十二条(有效期限)本协议有效期自2008年10月日起至2008年12月31日止12.Effective TermThis Agreement shall commence on thedayof_ and shall continue in full force and effect until the31st DEC. 2008.第十三条 本合同一式二份,甲乙双方签名盖章后,各持一 份。13.The agreement has two copies. Party A and Party B has onecopy sepa


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