已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Cinderella, fighting!进击的灰姑娘Scene one(In Cinderellas bedroom.)场景一(仙度瑞拉的房间)Cinderella: Somewhere over the rainbow way up high (全亮)仙度瑞拉:Somewhere over the rainbow may up high (歌词)Father: May I come in, my dear Cinderella?(音效:敲门声)(knock at the door)父亲:我可以进来吗,亲爱的仙度瑞拉?(敲门)Cinderella: Sure, papa.(stands up

2、 and goes straight ahead to unlock the door)仙度瑞拉:当然可以啦,爸爸!(站起,走去开门)Father: What are you doing there?父亲:你在做什么呐?Cinderella: Im designing new shoes for your company. I have a dream that one day I will take charge of designing shoes to fill moms old position! I have a dream that one day I will be a famo

3、us shoe designer! I have a dream that one day I will find my true love!仙度瑞拉:我在为您的公司设计新鞋子呀!我梦想着终有一日,我能代替妈妈为你的公司设计新鞋!我梦想着终有一日,我能成为举世闻名的鞋类设计师!我梦想着终有一日,我能凭借自己的努力寻获对的人。Father: My good girl! Today is your birthday. Happy birthday! I am sorry that I can only celebrate your birthday stealthily. I hope you w

4、ill like these presents.(gives a beautiful dress and a box of accessories to Cinderella)父亲:不愧是我的乖女儿!对了,今天你生日,生日快乐啊!真的很抱歉,我只能偷偷摸摸地为你庆祝生日。希望你会喜欢这些礼物。(把一套漂亮的礼服和一盒首饰给仙度瑞拉)Cinderella: Thank you, papa! Im really into them!(takes the presents)仙度瑞拉:谢谢爸爸!我很喜欢呢!Father: Well I have something upset to tell you

5、I have to go on a business trip. Beware of your stepmother. Hide these presents lest your two sisters snatch them away. (embrace Cinderella) 父亲:好吧我有一个坏消息要告诉你:我要出差了。提防你的后妈!把礼物都放好,别让你两个姐姐给搜刮走了。(父亲走向仙度瑞拉并拥抱她,深情地对她说)Cinderella: I will. Take care, dad! (farewell)仙度瑞拉:我会的。爸爸,保重!Scene two( In Cinderellas b

6、edroom. )场景二(仙度瑞拉的卧室)Narrator: Next morning. Cinderella is designing new shoes.旁白:第二天早晨。仙度瑞拉正在设计新鞋。Step mother: Get up! Such a waste of space!(音效:命运交响曲)(Rushes into the room. Pulls Cinderellas quilt away.)后母:起床!你这个蠢货!(冲进房间,一把拉起坐在凳子上的仙度瑞拉)Cinderella: Whats up?(Get up)仙度瑞拉:怎么了?(站起来)Step mother: Get ou

7、t of the room right now! Just go to the kitchen to cut firewood!后母:立马给我滚出去!还不给我去厨房砍柴?Cinderella: But?仙度瑞拉:这是?Step mother: Golly! Who do you think you are! Since your father has gone on a business trip, so you have to obey me!后母:天哪!你以为你是谁啊?现在你爸出差了,你就必须服从我的命令!Older sister: Oh! This dress is so gorgeou

8、s! It must be designed for me!(Open Cinderellas wardrobe and takes out the dress which father has given to Cinderella)大姐:噢!这条裙子太漂亮了!这简直就是为我量身定做的!(打开了仙度瑞拉的衣柜,拿出了父亲送给仙度瑞拉的裙子)Younger sister: Wow! These accessories are exquisite! Im sure they are made for me!(take out the box from the wardrobe)二姐:哇!这些首饰

9、太精致了!我肯定它们是为我而存在的!(从衣柜里拿出了一个首饰盒)Cinderella: No! You cant!(tries to get back her birthday presents)仙度瑞拉:啊!你们不能这样啊!(打算抢回她的生日礼物)Older sister: Whats this! It looks so stupid!(Takes up Cinderellas designing drafts and tears them apart.)大姐:这都是什么东西啊?看起来那么蠢!(拿起仙度瑞拉的设计图纸,然后把它撕掉)Younger sister: Yeah!(Join old

10、er sister.)二姐:就是嘛!(加入到大姐的撕纸行列)Cinderella: You can take away all of my stuff, but not my dream! If anyone do it, I will fight against him desperately! (音效:巴掌声)(Goes to slap the older sister.)仙度瑞拉:我允许你抢夺我的所有,但这里面不包括我的梦想!如果有人意图摧毁我的梦想,我会让她付出沉重的代价!(企图扇大姐巴掌)Step mother: How dare you! Piss off right now! (

11、全暗)(grabs Cinderella and slaps her)后母:你敢这样做!马上给我滚出去!(一把拽过仙度瑞拉,并甩了她一巴掌)Scene three(In the living-room)场景三(在客厅)Narrator: Three days later. (全亮)旁白:三天后Step mother: I have just received the invitation letter from the palace that the prince will hold a dance party to pick out a lady to be his wife.(carry

12、a letter, walking into the living- room from the door)后母:我刚刚收到来自皇宫的邀请函,王子在后天回举行一个舞会,并从中挑选一位女子当他的王妃!(后母手持一封信,从另一扇门走入客厅。)Older sister: That must be held for me! I am as elegant as Audrey Hepburn, as fashionable as Lady Gaga, as sexy as Angelina Jolie, as lovely as AngeleBaby. The prince deserves me!大姐

13、:那个舞会肯定是为我举办的!我,奥黛丽·赫本般优雅,Lady Gaga般时髦,安吉丽娜·朱莉般性感,Angela baby般可爱!我,值得王子拥有!Younger sister: Idiot! You are so superficial that I dont even tell others that youre my sister. Im sure the party is my time to shine. I am as smart as Condoleezza Rice, as versatile as Emma Watson, as intelligent a

14、s Hillary Diane, as brilliant as Marie Curie. With such an IQ, I am the right lady for the prince.二姐:白痴!我简直就不敢告诉别人,这肤浅到不行的蠢货是我姐!我敢肯定这场舞会的举办,只为等待我的粉墨登场。我,像前国务卿赖斯那么聪慧,像艾玛·沃森那么多才多艺,像希拉里那么睿智,像居里夫人那么聪明!坐拥如此IQ,我敢说我就是王子的真命天女。Cinderella: May I go仙度瑞拉:我可以去Step Mother: Certainly not! You have lots of hou

15、sework to do, dont you?后母:当然不可能啊!你有很多家务要干?不是吗?Older sister: Absolutely not! You are not only short, but also dirty, arent you?大姐:绝对不可能呢!矮就不说了,你还那么脏,不是吗?Younger sister: Entirely not! You are so ordinary, arent you? (全暗)二姐:完全不可能啦!你比路人甲还要普通,不是吗?Scene four(Two days latter, in the garden)场景四(两天后,在花园里)Nar

16、rator: In the evening. 旁白:到了晚上。Cinderella: Oh, its true. I have neither the most charming appearance, nor the noblest upbringing. I am not qualified for the prince. (追光)仙度瑞拉:确实如此。我既没有倾国倾城的美貌,也没有登门入室的教养。我确实配不上王子Fairy: But you are kind and industrious. You protect little mice from being attacked by ca

17、ts, help your mother make shoes, and design shoes in your own style!(音效:挚爱)仙女:但是你既善良又勤奋。你保护老鼠,使它不被猫攻击。你帮母亲设计鞋子,而且是设计属于你独特风格的鞋子!Cinderella: But. I suppose that any other girl would do that like me. Im still ordinary.仙度瑞拉:但是我觉得其他妹子也会像我这么做吧?我还是很平庸Fairy: No. Few girls are willing to strive for their dre

18、ams, they dont even know what dream is. But you have a dream and keep pursing it persistently. I know you have been working hard to be a shoe designer.仙女:不啊!很少女孩会愿意为自己的梦想而奋斗,她们甚至根本不知道梦想是什么。但是你不同,你一直在追梦!我知道你想成为一名鞋类设计师呢!Cinderella: Who are you? How do you know. (全亮)仙度瑞拉:你.你是谁?你怎么会知道Fairy: I am a fairy

19、 who favor those good girls like you. I can offer you a ceremonial dress, accessories and a carriage. But I wont offer you shoes, for I hope that you can wear the shoes you made to pursue your Mr. Right. (pat on Cinderellas head tenderly)仙女:我是守护像你这样的女孩的仙女呀!我可以赐予你豪华的礼服,首饰和马车。但我不会为你提供鞋子,因为我希望你可以穿着自己设计

20、的鞋子去追寻你的真命天子。Narrator: The fairy turns the fallen leaves into a ceremonial dress, turns the dirt into accessories, turns the pumpkins into a carriage and turns the mice into horses.(音效:魔法音)旁白:仙女将树叶变成礼服,把尘埃变成首饰,把南瓜变成车,把老鼠变成马。Fairy: You should remember that all the things I provide to you by magic wil

21、l turn back into their original shapes. Therefore, you must leave the party before 12 oclock.(音效:江南style)仙女:你要记得我用魔法变给你的所有东西都会变回它们原本的样子。所以,你一定要在12点之前离开舞会。Cinderella: OK (全暗)仙度瑞拉:没问题。Scene five(At ball held in the palace)场景五(在皇宫的舞会上)Older sister: I have already said that I must be the most attractive

22、 at this party, indeed! No wonder so many young guys eyes are fixed on me. Even Im not the princess, I will be the wife of other royals. (全亮)(音效:G大调小步舞曲)大姐:我早就知道我肯定是舞会上最魅力四射的一个,难怪有那么多富家子弟盯着我看。即使我做不了王妃,我肯定也会嫁给他们中的一个。Younger sister: Stupid! Who cares about being the wife of other royals or rich men? I

23、m just keen on being the queen in the future. Otherwise, it will waste my high IQ.二姐:没志向!谁会愿意屈身嫁给他们做妻子。我只对成为将来的皇后感兴趣。不然,那该这多浪费我的才智啊!Other guests: Wow! (all the people gaze at Cinderella) (追光)(音效:港姐进行曲)其他宾客:啊(仙度瑞拉缓缓地进入会场,所有的宾客都被她身上那种与众不同的美丽所折服)Herald: Your majesty, she is so fascinating! Let me check

24、 who she is! (全亮)侍从:殿下,她太销魂了!让我帮你查一下她是哈!Prince: Oh god, what a lovely and elegant angel! May I have the honor to dance with you, my fair lady?(Talk to himself. Then walk to Cinderella.)王子:上帝啊!她简直就是天使!(王子一边从心里由衷地诉说着自己的爱慕之情,一边走向仙度瑞拉。)请问我可以与你共舞一曲吗?Cinderella: My pleasure.仙度瑞拉:这是我的荣幸。Older sister: Who i

25、s that girl? I have never seen her before! How can she be more beautiful than me? It cant be the truth! (音效:Tango舞曲)大姐:这女的是谁啊?我怎么从来没见过她!她怎么会比我还漂亮啊?不,这肯定是逗我玩的!Younger sister: According to my rational analysis, she must be the daughter of the goddess of wisdom. She may be the only one who is wiser tha

26、n me!(音效:小苹果)二姐:根据我缜密的分析,她肯定是智慧之神的女儿。估计这世上就只有她比我聪明了!Step mother: She looks familiar, but I cant recall who she is(音效:G大调小步舞曲)后母:我怎么觉得她很眼熟啊,可惜我想不起她是谁。Narrator: The prince dance with Cinderella all day long. It is nearly 12 oclock.(音效:钟声)旁白:王子一整晚都在跟仙度瑞拉跳舞,时间也在一分一秒的流逝。快12点了Cinderella: I am glad to danc

27、e with you, but I have to leave, or I will(turn back to look at the clock, and then run away hastily)仙度瑞拉:我很高兴今晚能和你共舞,可是我现在必须离开,否则我会(她转过头看向身后的钟,便飞快地冲向大门离开了)Narrator: The prince run after Cinderella to catch her, but he can only pick up one shoe Cinderella left.旁白:王子紧跟着仙度瑞拉追赶出去,却发现她的身影早已消失不见,只剩下她的一只鞋

28、子。Prince: The shoe is so special. I will find her with this shoe. (全暗)王子:她的鞋子是如此独特精致,就算试遍全国,我也要找出鞋子的主人,找到我心中挚爱。Scene six(In the Cinderellas home)场景六(在仙度瑞拉的家里)Narrator: The herald started to find Cinderella with the shoe she left, and he at last came to Cinderellas home. (全亮)旁白:侍从带着仙度瑞拉留下的鞋子开始搜寻她的芳踪,

29、最后他来到仙度瑞拉家里。Herald: All young ladies should try on this shoe.侍从:所有的年轻女士都要来试一试这只鞋子。Older sister: Oh! It must be mine! Let me have a try!大姐:噢!这是我的鞋子!让我试给你看!Narrator: Obviously, older sisters foot is too small to fit the shoe.旁白:很明显,大姐的脚太小了,这只鞋子不适合她。Younger sister: It is my turn! How smart I am! I have

30、 put my big feet into a pot of cold water to shirk them.(whisper)二姐:到了啦!聪明如我,我把脚放到冷水里泡了一下,让我的脚缩小了一点呢!(嘀咕道)Narrator: However, younger sisters foot is still too big to fit the shoe.旁白:可是,二姐的脚还是太大了,这只鞋子并不适合她。Herald: Any other girls?侍从:有其他的女孩子吗?Step mother: No. All are here.继母:没有了,都在这儿了。Cinderella: That

31、 shoe belongs to me. I have another one. I am the girl you are looking for! (enter the living-room, wearing dirty clothes)仙度瑞拉:鞋子是我的,我有另外一只,我就是您要找的人呢!(穿着肮脏的衣服走进客厅)Herald: Oh goodness! It fits!侍从:天呐!她穿得下耶!Narrator: The herald is so happy that he escorts Cinderella to the palace immediately. (全暗)旁白:侍从领着仙度瑞拉,屁颠屁颠地往皇宫里赶。Scene seven(In the palace) 场景七(在皇宫里)Prince: Yes! My ideal lady! Would you marry me? (全亮)(音效:My destiny)王子:你!就是我的真命天女了!你愿意嫁给我吗?Cinderella: Although I love you too, I want to chase my dream of being a shoes designer. If you are real


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