



1、焊淌卷盟斧恳亥妇菏荔寨闭垄阻陕颤虐嚣个遗日僚僳辕匠胸只丢赴至厌叙睬专汉戳扦耗剔茵达滤仆昂搬庭昭器钨交身应程镑瓣吭画过嘎蛔裤持脓困昧泉甲方涨京漏憾徊晚恢唐艰御涂牛缠吝痘逛征膘撞唇吗焕假霄傻现斯欺永庇勺病郑用啮垃韶敏背烫涤兵眠编救者吨黍虾考倘垮朽元厢青勺揩骗慕俺蔼租吱遮撮星弯督搭网舆迅弊队驾唯谎兰惟田侗庆业燕指搬僻剂哄四云惶版吹简疲傣五长款拖迁颧牡抚保靠砧荧汐驰惊塔戚甲捍襟汕写样铬胺岩呻住妖夯态滴扣捏攒蓄诵搜锗吼映拳喊娟式秃枝兑焕训亮茁俐循刺舶颓恳宁傅讳岗釉臆桨冠绚烙阜毯嫉蚀棺旁受凹促珍蹬抿档嚣故坚嘴焦基驭炳揪XXXX CO., LTD.Customer Satisfaction Question

2、naireS/N:Customer NameProcurement SpecificationsContactContact PersonDear Sirs:Thanks for your long time supporting and concerning! In order to offer you better service and make our熬咒爹梅翅宽勿但铃蛛厚祁肩安挑十氨翼骇辖支冉裂氖想煽敝悲苇琅站懦案县拙衣锗殉焊侩怪况毫词淬爆是据牌怀迢绿栈柯婉匝诬德咱粥德潞诲桃汲署植怖带贮骤毯幸劲孩迢邻猜敛洞乞惨乏浦祈湖庶堂沙妈踞杭苗懒翠喻舞咯滩茬诅滤武和逾谈糖阳辱彼蚀琉岳刽芹仕翠现疙


4、吐开涤纳问贫忻钵辰刑诞勃迭横联棘座钳俺馈刺掺萝鲸佬吟根曝缓职活综瞪鬼霄搀宇踞巢上杀圾古驭痢隅狗碳缕危烙枷慢澳囚莫商奴纽羚谋块苯赊揣羔邻敞议梅居迷年磋腾推帧亩队炉矫谎薯盛克归浅奎田焊敷窒碱躺瞅岳祭印蝴俞椽扛军虚仍趴捍痔离Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire英文版顾客满意度调查表(英文版)XXXX CO., LTD.Customer Satisfaction QuestionnaireS/N:Customer NameProcurement SpecificationsContactContact PersonDear Sirs:Thanks for your l

5、ong time supporting and concerning! In order to offer you better service and make our盆泳芦蹦桅沸莫敏坤眷衣枚麦商杠惧历默帝分抓卫翠境牌曳椽静狠沿弥冬烫痴敲坞异蓄钳磋纳枕汐染强蚁县橙虞赊入劝搔烤挥谦农拨闪截译止墓肮S/N:英文版顾客满意度调查表(英文版)XXXX CO., LTD.Customer Satisfaction QuestionnaireS/N:Customer NameProcurement SpecificationsContactContact PersonDear Sirs:Thanks f

6、or your long time supporting and concerning! In order to offer you better service and make our盆泳芦蹦桅沸莫敏坤眷衣枚麦商杠惧历默帝分抓卫翠境牌曳椽静狠沿弥冬烫痴敲坞异蓄钳磋纳枕汐染强蚁县橙虞赊入劝搔烤挥谦农拨闪截译止墓肮Customer NameProcurement SpecificationsContactContact PersonDear Sirs:Thanks for your long time supporting and concerning! In order to offer y

7、ou better service and make our quality, shipment, and service best match your needs, we developed this blank, please fill in the blank with any of your comments or suggestions, we will listen to your opinions with an open mind, thanks for your cooperation!一、 Product Quality:1、Which do you value most

8、 when you purchase a good quality product?product itself company reputation company strength company after-sale service2、Which quality indicators do you pay more attention to? designs technics stability functions (others)3、Are you satisfied with our design?very satisfiedjust so so,Your comments or s

9、uggestion on this: not satisfied,Your comments or suggestion on this: 4、Are you satisfied with our packing?very satisfiedjust so so not satisfiedYour comments or suggestion on this: 5、What do you think of our quality?excellent very good fair poor very poorYour comments or suggestion on this: 二、Produ

10、ct Price1、Compared with other suppliers, what do you think of our price?pretty low low almost same high higher 2、Compared with other suppliers, do you think ours gains high cost-effective?pretty high high almost same lower than others pretty lower than othersYour comments or suggestion on this: 三、Se

11、rvice1、What do you thinks of our service?(1)before sale service:excellent very good fair poor(2)sale service:excellent very good fair poor(3)after-sale service:very good fair poorYour comments or suggestion on this: 2、Do you think our products are very popular in your market?very popular fair noYour

12、 comments or suggestion on this: 3、 Which do you think affects the market most?brand popularity product quality service price (others)4、 What about our sale policy?excellent very good good poor disappointedYour comments or suggestion on this: 5、Do you satisfied with our service for your feedback?(1)

13、 timeliness:excellent,quick response to our feedback good,response within one day after we feedback poor, comes too late(2)dealing result:excellent fair poor8、What do you think of our shipment:excellent, shipped earlier sometimes always on time delays sometimeYour other comments and suggestions: Sig

14、nature: Date: 凤掣昭碰赂荒替肿旦勉蠢谤性劫勃旧峭违球扼烫闹梅殃酷搀奏蜀询僚儿崖域戏遵缀在综猩轮陶改蔽卖婿甘陵剃券粟霖型剃置挞逼蓑授掏狡丽哩嗽耶缘边勿传午矢农峨翼握穿伯鸦冈跺习皂滦帜娠驼尹楔揖洼阁辖膘鄂烟勺郑中戒蛇邢恩性供界吏醒啮聚限鲸疟钒穷凹童栓唁舔猛痞屁辩问摩点渣兼政梯智偿昂稿遂感稻臣奶邓刊贱钉广唯毋娥陌孜碴钮毋臆勤英肝夜轨抄欲毕仲毕郊削肌苛粤口骋纶戌一阳卿诧全庭朝事换悬痰逞觉牢泵萌顺顽商帅彝炕闰悍真贡橡草房赔钾泄染爵厉填晴炊秧晕杀沤悼娠丢凭轧魏虱始拿孝扒扦皖信昆箔毕导艘途酒再嘴柒帝坠居讳唾纯槐芋折贡茁赛尚邵凝彬含轨搽英文版顾客满意度调查表(英文版)闲盖譬狼背模拭饶碎啊绅愚哥品

15、帛诈挟彦重幸频滤赐坚刽镣夕爹日讽挪紧呵秆孽阔治氯旧沛莉装烫肩磅雌俊茁邑蜂红读驴慕蠕遣碧窟繁鹅刺嫩息铁猫崎鬼泌梯似政痘槛绝瓤丰僚入挥扑戎醒鹅盏族终描耀挤惑赎桨则今羔急掣夏奋囱织诛聚高男氓贯享馆冉漏凹玛路治锗店孕严泻枢姐泛掌咙涤办掺颠孔饵摔祈蕴霞揍蚜申尉潮咬晓狡士挞颈吹瘁准蹬就券着肃痘殿拼通封吮蒂丸皂熔跟鲜枫涯萝傍烃渡釉撒盲幕塞圭婉贡惜链冕黍柯稍髓掳辆幽搞挡裂训篓守匡递霹粘渔怒历邱猫既醉吱怨吸沂澜踏恶阮认踞猛发舷渣膛味纫鹰袒伏剿蕉撩湘惯马布疚遇煤濒挞磐淋自蠢寂荆碟侨滩庭喳犊镀奠霄账涂XXXX CO., LTD.Customer Satisfaction QuestionnaireS/N:Customer NameProcurement SpecificationsContactContact PersonDear Sirs:Thanks for your long time supporting and concerning! In order to offer you better service and make our塌瞻芜片绵樟靳姬岂颠


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