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1、牛津译林版必修一Unit Two词汇语法综合练习 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1 Dad:You frighten the baby when you make that noise. Dont do that.Eric: Shes not frightened. She knows Im playing with her. (frighten)2 Dont waste your food. It is not good to have so much waste when there are so many hungry people in the world. (waste)3 Amy:

2、 Its hard to make a decision .Can you tell me what to do?Mum: No. You have to decide for yourself. (decision)4 Mary always behaves well when visitors come. Thats why everyone loves her and says she has good behaviour (behaviour)5 Put a cross above each mistake in your article, and then you will know

3、 where your mistakes are when you check it later. Billy, did you hear me? Dont sit with your crossing arms (cross)6 This room is in such a mess ! Why do you have to be so messy? (mess)7 I like the sound of the rushing river. It sounds like music. (sound)8 Even though the teacher explained_the rules

4、to the children again and again, it seemed that her explanation didnt work. (explain) 二、用适当的介词填空。 1 You are 20 years old. Stop acting as a kid.2 Mr Dean is hard on the workers, but they all respect him very much.3 Peter: What can we do with the waste bottles?David: We can sell them instead of throwi

5、ng them away. We can use the money to help poor children.4 Please stop shouting at me! I am an adult now. Lets talk.5 The teacher came into the classroom, followed by a group of excited students.6 Little Tom is rude to everyone. He should learn how to treat people better.7 When the teacher began to

6、speak, all of the students turned their eyes to her and stopped talking. 三、用括号里的词的适当形式填空。 1.Something went wrong with Mikes computer, which prevented him from surfing(surf) the Internet. 【知识点】prevent sb. from doing sth.防止某人做某事。2 Many parents make their children practice (practice) playing the piano

7、at an early age.【知识点】make sb. do sth.使某人做某事。3 Hes crazy. He wastes so much of his valuable time chatting (chat) on the Internet.【知识点】waste time doing sth.浪费时间做某事。4 High school students are forbidden from smoking (smoke) and drinking(drink).【知识点】sb. are forbidden from.某人被禁止做某事。5 Joe never thinks he i

8、s wrong. He always refuses to respect (respect) other peoples ideas.【知识点】refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事6 If children are not allowed to do (do) what they want to do, they think they dont have enough freedom.【知识点】sb are not allowed to do sth.某人不被允许做某事7 Tim tried to talk (talk) with his parents, but they woul

9、d not listen to him.【知识点】try to do sth.努力做某事8 We shouldnt spend too much time playing (play) computer games.【知识点】spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事9 If you have any difficulty learning (learn) how to skate, you can ask for advice from Jacky.【知识点】have difficulty/trouble doing sth.做某事有困难。 四、用下列方框短语的适当形式填空。

10、at the same timemake a choiceout of controlgo throughalong withdepend onconfusedbalancetend tonormal1 She went through much pain after she had her leg operation.2 All animals depend on the sun, air and water in order to live.3 Everything will be back to normal once we return home from our holiday.4

11、Many teenagers are fond of doing homework and listening to music at the same time.5 In this part of the country, there_tents to_be warm winters and cool summers.6 Michael is out of control when his parents are out. He throws food everywhere and breaks his toys.7 We cant buy all these books: we have

12、to make a choice.8 Regular exercise along with healthy eating may keep you fit.9 As a student, you have to balance work and play, or you might fail your exams.10 Im quite confused . I really cant decide which answer is correct. 五、在下句子填入合适的关系词。 1 Who is the boy with whom_you were talking a moment ago

13、?2 He is my favourite student, Leo. I cant understand the reason why you dont like him.3 Give me a reason which is different from the one you gave me last time.4 The boy likes writing letters. The man to whom_he often writes works for a teenage magazine.5 This is the magazine which I talked about la

14、st time.6 The writer of the article, Phillip Green, is a writer for whom a lot of teenagers have the greatest respect.7 Leo and Phillip met in a restaurant the other day. The restaurant where they met is called Sweet Home.8 It was raining on the day when they met.9 Phillip gave Leo a lot of valuable

15、 advice on how to improve his writing. It is a moment that Leo will never forget.10 Leo liked the restaurant where he spent the whole afternoon talking with Philip. 六、用方框里的词的正确形式填空。 vacationsurprisechancerefuseteenagerclinicmesstreatrudewhyMy name is Sam Adamson. I have an interesting job. I dont (1

16、) treat sick people. I look after animals, such as cats, dogs and even pigs. I work in an animal (2) clinic. Most of the time, I am quite busy. I dont have time to go on vacation (3) but recently I had a (4) chance to stay in Paris for a week. I was excited, but everything became a (5)mess when I fi

17、rst got there. On my first day there, I decided to take a walk around the city. Half an hour later, I couldnt find the way back. I was lost! Since I couldnt speak French, I had to use English. I stopped a (6) teenager and asked him the way in English. To my (7) surprise , he shook his head and walke

18、d away. Then a young lady did the same thing. It seemed that everyone (8)refused to help me. At last, an old man told me the way and explained the reason (9) why I couldnt get help. He said that most French people dont like answering tourists questions in English. However, I still think that the peo

19、ple I stopped were very (10) rude . Maybe I should begin to learn French. 八、用括号里的词组翻译下列句子。 1这汤闻上去真香! 我都等不及要尝尝了。(cant wait to do)The soup smells delicious. I cant wait to taste it .2我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利该说什么语言呢? (be supposed to)I cant speak Italian, then what language is supposed to speak when we get to

20、 Italy?3天看上去好像要下雨了, 别忘了带伞。(as if) It seems as if its going to rain, dont forget to take an umbrella .4尽管她家人让她不要这样做,但她坚持要去非洲研究野生动物。(insist on) Though her family didnt allow her to do that, she insisted on studying wildlife in Africa.5 他们的球队是这个国家最棒的,当然应该打赢这场比赛。(deserve to) Their team is the best of th

21、e country, they deserve to win the match.6她很累,想要好好睡一觉。(feel like) She is so tired that she feels like having a sleep .7 这就是你的过错。没必要再为你自己辩解了。(fault, defend oneself) Its your fault. There is no need to defend yourself .8 既然约翰已经到了,我们就立刻开始工作吧! (now that) Now that John has been here, lets begin to work a

22、t once. 九、根据短文回答问题。 Growing Pains-An American TV ShowGrowing Pains was on television from 1985 to 1992. This was a total of seven years, and it told over one hundred and sixty different stories. During its history, the show had over forty writers. The programme was about a family of six who lived on

23、 Long Island, near New York City. The parents were a working couple. The father was a doctor and the mother was a writer at a newspaper. They had four children. The oldest child was Mike. He was the major reason for the programmes huge success.From the start of Growing Pains, Mike was always getting

24、 into trouble. He was caught by the police for driving a car too fast. He promised his parents that he would never ride a motorcycle, but then he hurt himself riding one. However, in the last year of the programme, he helped a young boy who had no home, and asked his family to help him care for and

25、support the boy. Though his parents were upset because he often broke his promises, the way he cared for this boy made them proud to have him as their son. These stories are good examples of the two sides of Mikes nature. He sometimes did wrong things, but also cared for others and was a warm person

26、. Mike became very popular. His face was in every magazine for teenagers, and young girls bought photos of him to hang on their bedroom walls.Perhaps another reason why the programme was popular in America is that most of its stories were about normal family problems. Many of the people watching the

27、 programme had the same problems. Like Mikes parents, many parents who work often worry about their children and have difficult decisions to make about them. Even now the show still appears on American TV. Since it was also shown in other countries, people all over the world have come to enjoy this

28、great show.Answer the following questions about Joshs opinions on school uniforms,1 In what way were the lives of the parents in Growing Pains similar to the lives of many people who watched the programme? A working couple have children who like making troubles.2 What examples does the article give

29、of the two sides of Mikes nature?Driving a car too fast and caring a homeless boy.3 What examples does the article give to show how popular Mike was?His face was in every magazine for teenagers, and young girls bought photos of him to hang on their bedroom walls.4 How did Mikes parents feel about hi

30、m?Though they were upset, they were proud of him as well.5 What are the possible reasons for the success of Growing Pains?They are stories about normal family problems. 十、根据短文回答问题。 David: My father is in the army, so he wasnt at home much when I was young . I saw him very little.Thomas: Did you miss

31、 him?David: I dont think I did. When he was at home, he always made me do things like cleaning my shoes or making my own breakfast. My mother usually did all of that when he wasnt home.Thomas: Did he tell you any stories?David: That was another problem. He almost never spoke to me, and, when he did,

32、 it was always about how I should learn to look after myself. Every day he would say the same things over and over: Stand on your own two feet and Always think of others. He spoke to me like he was a stranger, not my father.Thomas: Perhaps thats part of being an army man.David: Yes, but back then I

33、didnt realize that my dads job is so dangerous and that every day he has to think about other peoples lives.Thomas: Now you seem so close.David: Well, one thing showed me how much he loves me and helped me understand him better.Thomas: What happened?David: One day in December, I was looking for my Christmas presents. I wanted to see them before Christmas Day. I went into my parents bedroom when no one was watching, and I l


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