侧钻水平井钻柱摩阻力分析 - 图文-_第1页
侧钻水平井钻柱摩阻力分析 - 图文-_第2页
侧钻水平井钻柱摩阻力分析 - 图文-_第3页
侧钻水平井钻柱摩阻力分析 - 图文-_第4页




1、 STUDY O N A L IGHT CEM ENT SL URRY SY STEM AND ITS APPL ICAT I O N IN GAS M IGRAT I ON AREA by M a Ka ihua, J iang X iangdong, L ifeng, L iuw ei Abstract L ow fo rm a tion p ressu re gradien ts and active ga s m igra tion ex ist in sou thern Songliao B a sin of N o rthea st Ch ina, slu rry lo ss an

2、d annu la r ga s channeling frequen tly take p lace du ring cem en ting. A new cem en t slu rry system LDAM is develop ed and app lied in th is a rea. T he m a in additive is po lym er la tex w ith ligh tw eigh t m a teria l being ho llow ed m icro sp here, it is com p a tib le w ith A P I C la ss A

3、 cem en t. T he new system exh ib its advan tages a s low flu id lo ss, sho rt tran sition ti m e, good . rheo logica l p rop erties and adju stab le den sities, etc. F ield u ses have been successfu l Subject head ing ligh tw eigh t cem en t channeling p reven tion w ell cem en ting resea rch A NEW

4、 PRACT ICAL M ETHOD FO R ANALY S IS O F W ELL BO RE STAB I L ITY by J in Yan, Chen M ian Abstract W ellbo re stab ility is very i m po rtan t fo r fa st and safe drilling. T h is p ap er esti m a tes the advan tages and disadvan tages of conven tiona l m ethod fo r w ellbo re stab ility ana lysis an

5、d its on site u se, and p resen ts a m o re p ractica l m ethod fo r w ellbo re stab ility p rediction and po st- drilling ana lysis on field. T h is m ethod u ses sta tistics in com b ina tion w ith drilling logs and son ic logging da ta, to disclo se the tendency of w ellbo re stab ility. It is be

6、neficia l fo r determ in ing su itab le and safe m ud den sity in drilling. Subject head ingho le stab iliza tion son ic logging m a them a tica l sta tisticsda ta m ethod ANALY S IS O N THE FR ICT I O NAL FO RCE O F D R I LL STR ING IN S I D ETRACKED HO R IZO NTAL W ELL by H uang T ao , Xu Ye, L u

7、Yongm ing, W an B anglie Abstract F rictiona l fo rce is the dom inan t facto r tha t influences drilling op era tion and li m its the fu rther reach of ho rizon ta l section. T h is p ap er p resen ts a new m odel fo r p redicting frictiona l fo rce of drill string in sidetracked ho rizon ta l w el

8、l, w ith the w ellbo re ela sticity and the effect of p ip e jo in ts taken in to con sidera tion. T he th ree- m om en t equa tion fo r drill string con stra ined by ela stic w ellbo re, a s w ell a s the num erica l so lving m ethod is a lso crea ted. T he resu lts show tha t such facto rs a s W O

9、B , ho le cu rva tu re, ground ela sticity, drill string stiffness and length, and friction coefficien t betw een drill string and w ellbo re can a ll affect the m agn itude and distribu tion of friction fo rce, in w h ich ho le cu rva tu re is a m o st distinctive facto r fo r . T h is m ethod cou

10、ld be u sed fo r frictiona l fo rce ana lysis in sho rt to m edium radiu s ho rizon ta l w ells, sidetracked ho rizon ta l w ell and a s a reference to field drilling p ractice. Subject head ing sidetrack ing ho rizon ta l w ellfrictiona l fo rce m a them a tica l m odelela sticity bo reho le drillp

11、 ip e jo in t ana lysis A NEW SPACER FL U I D FO R A I D ING THE RUNN ING O F LO GG ING INSTRUM ENTS TO LOCAT I ON by Zhang H ao , W u Shou jiang, Zhu H ua ishun B a i L iangqing Abstract It is frequen tly occu rred tha t logging in strum en ts fa il to run to the requ ired dep th after cem en ting,

12、 cau sed by the changes of drilling fu id p rop erties and m ud con tam ina tion becau se of poo r sea ling of drill p ip e rubber p lug. T h is in tu rn requ ires drifting and rep ea ted logging, leading to co st rise and additiona l p rob lem s. A new sp acer flu id, H Y - 100 is develop ed, w h i

13、ch m a in ly con ta in s a su sp ending agen t m ade of ca tion ic po lym er. F ield u ses in 704 w ells in H uabei, D aqing, . and J ilin o il fields w ere successfu l Subject head ingcem en ting electric logging drilling flu id cem en t slu rry sp acer A STUDY O N THE NEW M ETHOD O F FO RM AT I O

14、N PO RE PRESSURE AND FRACTUR ING PRESSURE PRED ICT I ON by T ian J un, L i J iangzhong, Yang Sh ihu i,W ei Fangyou AbstractT he p rediction of fo rm a tion po re p ressu re and fractu ring p ressu re is u sua lly ba sed on logging da ta and seism ic . T h is p ap er p resen ts a new m ethod by da ta

15、 p rocessing, how ever, little direct and reliab le da ta is ava ilab le fo r w ildca t w ells u sing of CYT da ta, w h ich cou ld be conven ien tly ob ta ined th rough ea rth m agnetic field m ea su ring, to determ ine the litho logy bounda ry and hydroca rbon reservo ir dep th. Its fea tu res and

16、app lica tion s a re in troduced. Subject head inggeom agnetic field info rm a tion po re p ressu re fo rm a tion b reakdow n p ressu re EFFECT O F PRESSURE D RO P IN HO R IZO NTAL W ELL O N FL U I D FLOW IN NEAR IT by L iu X iangp ing, J iang Zh ix iang, J iang R uyi, L iu X iange Abstract T h is p

17、 ap er estab lishes a m odel si m u la ting the flu id flow ing tow a rd o r in the ho rizon ta l w ell ba sed on the con sidera tion of the effect of p ressu re drop in the ho rizon ta l w ell, thu s ha s p rovided a necessa ry m ean s fo r reservo ir engineer . T he ca se ana lysis indica tes: w h

18、en the p ressu re drop is o r p roduction engineer to p redict the flu id flow in nea r ho rizon ta l w ell seriou s in the ho rizon ta l w ellbo re, even if the single p ha se o il flow is p resen ted in the reservo ir o r in the w ho le w ellbo re, the IPR cu rve is never a stra igh t line, bu t a cu rve. T he m o re seriou s the p ressu re drop , the m o re cu rving the single p ha se o il flow IPR cu rve is. Fo r the reservo ir w ith bo tto


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