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1、Monday, May 30, 20161TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC论坛认证,EMVCo,GSMA TS.27NFC认证移动支付最新要求Agendal NFC论坛认证最新要求l EMVCo最新要求l GSMA TS.27的NFC认证移动支付最新要求2TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.3TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.1 NFC论坛认证最新要求NFC简介NFC(Near Field Communication)顾名思义就是一种近距离通信的技术从应用模式上分NFC卡模拟、点对点三种模式。卡模拟模式通常又被

2、称为被读模式,终端可以模拟成为一张普通的非接触卡被POS机,此模式下通常是继承了现在广泛使用的应用,例如、公交卡等,以NFC、门禁卡作为载体并发挥在网络、多媒体、人机交互方面的优势。4TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC操作模式NFC DeviceNFC Peer-to-Peer ModePeer File SharingNFC Card Emulation ModeMobile local Payment Public Transport Access Control IdentificationNFCer/Writer ModeSmart Object acc

3、ess5TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC TechnologiesNFC-A(ISO 18092/14443 A)(Miller)编码曼彻斯特( Manchester)编码NRZ-L 非归零电平编码曼彻斯特(Manchester)编码NFC-B(ISO 14443 B)NFC-F(ISO 18092)6TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.关于NFC Forum论坛 NFC论坛简介英文全称:Near Field Communication Forum成立于2004年,是一家非性行业截至目前,拥有超过200家会员公司 论坛宗旨通过开发基于标

4、准的规范、确保各个和各项服务之间的互操作性、鼓励使用 NFC Forum 规范来开发,并向全球市场讲解 NFC 技术,从而推动近距离无线通信技术的使用。论坛的成员公司目前正在制订模块NFC化和体系结构的规范,以及互操作性无关性服务提供、发现和性能的协议。7TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC认证测试对象 模块所有带NFC功能模块。所有使用NFC技术作为连接方式的 具体如:窝蜂式、平板电脑、耳机、音箱、智能手环、多功能外设等。8TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC各层标准之间的9TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,

5、.NFC认证版本Test Release 2015-AAuthorized for use in Certification: June 201510TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.Implementation ConformanceStatement (ICS) & Instructions(Version 1.0.12)Analog Implementation ConformanceStatement (ICS) & Instructions(Version 1.0.03)Implementation eXtra Information for

6、 Testing (IXIT) & Instructions(Version 1.0.11)Analog Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (IXIT) & Instructions(Version 1.0.06)Implementation Test Plan(Version 1.0.06)Analog Implementation Test Plan(Version 1.0.04)Summary Test Report Template(Version 1.0.09)Analog Summary Test Report

7、 Template(Version 1.0.08)NFC Forum测试项目 The Test Case Category List (TCCL) is an important document that lists all the NFC Forum Test Cases and the current status of each. Depending on the status of a test case, it must be included in Certification Testing for an Implementation Under Test (IUT). Alwa

8、ys ensure that the most recent version of the TCCL is used when submitting a product for NFC Forum certification.NFCForum_TestCaseCategoryList_v2.12 TCCL v2.12 Nov, 201511TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC天线测试位置要求Reference position 1 is for Poller 0, Listener 1.Reference position 2 is for Poller 3, L

9、istener 3.Reference position 3 is for Poller 6, Listener 6.12TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC测试位置分布13TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.测试结果判定 Z=0mm plane It should pass 3/5p or more including (0,0,0) as mandatory point. Three points must be arranged in the triangular top. AND Z=5mm plane It should pass

10、 6/9p or more including (1,0,0) as mandatory point. Do not contain Fail Point in a block of at least six pass points.14TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.NFC认证流程NFC Forum的认证只对内部成员开放。换句话说,如果想做NFC Forum的认证,就必须成为NFC Forum的会员。并且,NFC Forum的会员分为5等,分别为Sponsor, Principal,Associate,Implementer和Non-profit。若是处于为了作为

11、NFC商品Implementer的等级要求。 客户需熟悉认证流程文档,给的认证,则最低要满足的做定位。后,完成相应的PICS表格及在准确的评估了PIXIT表格填写。的选择测试。数据及费用提交。完成测试后,则可上传测试结果到论坛。同时客户交付论坛审核费用。取得。15TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.测试费用16TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.FeeAmount (US $)Payment DueCertification Fee$2,000Upon registration to certify a newimplementation.Cer

12、tification Fee to Add a New Name for an Existing Certified Implementation$425Upon registration to list a Certified Implementation in the Certification Register again under a new name, as per Section 10.1 of the NFC Forum Certification Policy.Certification Fee for a Re-branded Product$600Upon registr

13、ation to certify a re- branded implementation, as per Section 10.2 of the NFC Forum Certification Policy.测试费用17TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.FeeAmount (US $)Payment DueCertification Fee for Inheritance of Test Results from an aly Certified Product1800Upon registration to certify a partly inherited i

14、mplementation, as per Section 10.3 of the NFC Forum Certification Policy.Certification Mark License Fee1000Upon acceptance of the NFC Forum Certification Mark License Agreement. This is a one-time fee per registered organization.NFC 商标旧图标新图标18TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.19TA Technology (ShangHai)

15、Co.,.陆20TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.Test LabContactApproved ForTA Technology (Shanghai) Co.,.No.145, Jintang Rd Tangzhen Industry Park Pudong Shanghai 201201Zhihui Liu General Manager+86-21-50791141-8026Digital Protocol AnalogLLCP and SNEPTelecommunication Technology Labs, Academy of Telecommunica

16、tion Research, MIIT LabsBuilding B No.52, Huayuan North RoadHaidian District100191Liang Zhu+86 10 62304633(phone)+86-10-62304793(fax)Digital Protocol LLCP and SNEPAnalog21TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.2 EMVCo最新要求EMVCo组织 2000年由国际三大Visa共同发起制定的转移的技术标准,是基于组织Europay、MasterCard、卡向智能IC(集成电路)卡的金融支付标准,以有效防范、

17、跨国金融诈骗等各的JCB,American Express从诸如制作和使用假、。种高科技的金融银联,Discover后相继加入.,22TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.EMVCo认证 EMV标准目的是在金融支付系统中建立卡片和终端接口的统一标准,使得在此体系下所有的卡片和终端能够互通互用,并且该技术的采用将大大提高支付的安全性,减少行为。 EMV组织统一了level1电气层的认证测试。至于level2,不由EMV,而是需要通过VISA等组织的测试认证。VISA制定了VSDC 标准,MasterCard 制定了M/Chip 标准,JCB制定了J/Smart 标准,英国制

18、定了Ukis 标准, 联也有PBOC标准。银Level 1 analog : defines the RF interface (field strength,load modulation,s, .)Level 1 digital : defines the protocol interface(retransmissions,s, error management)Level 2 : checks the good operation of the debit / credit application23TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.EMV Contactle

19、ss Level 1 Test Equipment-an EMV TEST PCD,-an EMV TEST PICC,-an EMV TEST CMR (Common Mode Rejection). CMR is to form a signal switching and conditioning unit for the test bench.24TA Technology (ShangHai) Co.,.Operating Volume-Operating Volume of a PCD is 3- dimensional space for which specification imposes requirements on the magnetic field HOV (Operating Field).-The position of the PICC is represented by the quadruplet (r, j, z, q), where r and j represents the coordinates of the centre of the PICC horizontal t


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