







5、关键词:非言语交际,跨文化交际山东师范大学硕士学位论文AbstractHuman communication covers two forms:verbal and nonverbalVerbalcommunication is commonly regarded嬲the most important,efficient,powerfulmeans of communicationThus, much attention has been given to the researchon verbal communication and much stress has been 1aid on

6、the verbal form ofintercultural communication, while nonverbal means of human communication isoften ignoredHowever, in faceto-face communication the bulk of information is sentand received through nonverbal channelsThis suggests that nonverbalcommunication also plays a vital role in human communicat

7、ionHowever, the systematic research on nonverbal communication from theperspective of intercultural communication in our country has not gone far althoughsome scholars have done some workTherefore,the aim of this study is to explore theCultural differences in nonverbal communication between China an

8、d America,Based on culture and communication theories,applying contrastive and analyticmethod, this research intends to study the nonverbal communication between Chinaand AmericaThe materials for contrast and analysis are collected from nonverbalcodes of daily use and related authentic worksThe most

9、 basic,familiar and importantnonverbal codes used in Chinese and American daily communication are the objectiveof this researchThe active study is based on five categories of nonverbalcommunication, namely body language,paralanguage,time language,space languageand objectives of languageAbundant exam

10、ples are provided for the study and sometypical cases serve for the detailed analysis SO as to offer valid and convincingdescriptionsCulture and communication, although being two different concepts,are directlylinkedThey are so inextricably bound that some anthropologists believe the terms al evirtu

11、ally synonymousHall(1 976:1 4)stated:”Culture is communication andcommunication is culture"On one hand, culture is learned, acted out,transmitted,and preserved through communicationOn the other hand, communication isdependent largely On the cultureWhether we use verbal 01"nonverbal languag

12、e in山东师范大学硕士学位论文cross-cultural interaction, Our listenerscultural background influences the meaningthey attach to what they hear or seeWhen cultures differ, communication practicesmay also differ111e main social and cultural reasons for nonverbal differences are discussed inthis paper, which can be

13、summarized as the follows:(1)culture and history(2);collectivism VSindividualism(3);highcontext culture VS10w-context cultureCollectivism is at the core of China SO it is a high·context cultureIt pays attention tointerpersonal togetherness and harmonyHowever American culture is centralized onin

14、dividualism which pays attention to interpersonal apartness and independence and itis a low-context cultureThese cultural differences between Chinese and Americansresult in different sets of nonverbal communicationThrough contrastive analysis and detailed discussion, this study has proved thatcultur

15、al differences in nonverbal behaviors between Chinese culture and Americaculture chiefly manifest themselves in two aspectsIn the first place,different gesturesor movements carry different cultures can indicate the same message,whereas thesane gesture or movement has different meanings in different

16、culturesSo,we mustpay attention to the differences of nonverbal behaviors between native and targetlanguage and make proper use of them in intercultural communicationnew significance of this exploration is evidentFirstly, we realize that indeveloping studentscompetence of intercultural communication

17、, the perception ofnonverbal communication and the awareness of nonverbal difference are essentialSecondly, in our language teaching nonverbal communication should be stressedInfact,nonverbal communication has been almost completely neglected in the teachingof both native and foreign languages for a number of historical reasonsThus,this study aims at arousing readersawareness of the importance ofnonverbal communication and their due interests in the differences between Chineseand American non


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