



1、DATE:Jun. 19 2009Locati on:Meeti ngTerry ZhouMi nu tes:Chi na South Risk Preve ntio nMeeting MinutesParticipa nts:Stepha ne NithTiger ShiAndy YuArthur GaoSteve n FengJas on TangStone XuClark HeSamuel HuangTerry ZhouIn vitee:Tony MaSubjectsResp on sible& Due Date1. Review Last Meeting Minutes1.1

2、March Lethal Points Flash CheckingJason TANGMost stores have fini shed remodeli ng the defects found in March FlashSteve n FENGCheck ing, except:Immediately- Push-lock issue of WXYL Store has not bee n solved due to supplierAll RPSmissi ng.Stone XU- Protective Net issue of GZWG Store un solved due t

3、o Ian dlord'All RPSdisagreeme nt.ImmediatelyJas on TANG should send no tes to Rachel ZHU and copy to Mr. Stepha neAll RPSNITH to solve the push-lock issue.Before July 10Steve n FENG should go to local lawyer to solve the autowalk protect ion netSteve n FENGissue.Immediately1.2 Loss Work Shop1.2.

4、1 Top 200 High Risk Items Control Project Impleme ntatio n StatusAll Stores in Sha nghai, Guan gzhou and She nzhe n have started Top 200impleme ntatio n.For Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Hefei and Zhejia ng Fujia n Regi on have laun chedwith one trial store in each city.1.2.2 Garbage Room Chipboard SlotSto

5、ne XU will prepare a PPT prese ntati on for garbage room chipboard slot sta ndard as best practice and send to all RPS for refere nee.1.3 Large Scale Promoti on Safety Man ageme ntAll RPS must send official email to relative commercial divisio ns to make sure large scale promotion information will b

6、e easily notified.1.4 EPS Quality Impleme ntati onAll RPS have finished checking EPS Quality except Jason TANG who still has one more store to con firm.All RPS should stamp on store EPS manual after confirmation.Mr. Stephane NITH re-emphasized that EPSh Quality of all store must be confirmed by RPS

7、himself before July 10.1.6 RPS Organ izer BookMost RPS does not properly have the orga ni zer book ready yet.Steven FENG will re-send his format to all RPS.2. Safety2.1 June Lethal Points Flash Check ing Results and Puni shme ntThe Risk Prevention Manager of the store which has twoRED CARD 'will

8、receive level-2 warni ng letter (in writte n). The RPS and Store Man ager concern will also receive level-1 warning letter (in writte n)Level2-War ned Risk Preve nti on Man ager:- Sim on SHEN of Shan ghai Wuning Store.- Calvi n BAO of Shan ghai Wanli Store.-Luke CHEN of She nzhen Hon gli ng Store.-

9、Rambo LIU of Don ggua n Cen tury Plaza Store.- Mark ZHANG of Kunming Yunfang Store.Level1-Warned RPS:- Stone XU of She nzhe n, Kunming & Don ggua n Regi on.- Tiger SHI of Shan ghai Regio n 1.All the warning letter of above RPM should be fax to Mr. Stephane NITH right after sig ned.All Lethal Poi

10、nt defects should be remodeled before July 15.For the special case of NBQQ Store and KMLQ Store, the deadli ne will beJuly 30th.2.2 BV Lethal Points Checking ResultsAll Lethal Point defects found in BV FFS Audit should be remodeled before July 30th.For KMLQ Store, before June 30 th.2.3 Emerge ncy Ev

11、acuati on Door SealClark HE will be in charge of propos ing supplier and draft sta ndard procedure of the emerge ncy door seal.Zhejia ng & Fujia n Regi on will be the trial spot of this project.All RPSAll RPSImmediatelyAll RPSBefore July 15 thStone XU &Clark HEJuly 30thAll RPSBefore June30 t

12、hStone XU before June30 th.Clark HEBefore July 30 th3. Security3.1 Top 200 High Risk Items Con trol Status3.1.1 Top 200Tony MA will send again the final version of Top 200 standard and procedure to all RPS and Snow WANG.The Top 200 project should be officially started to implement in all regions byT

13、ony MA & all RPSAll RPSJuly 2009All RPS &RPMJuly.3.1.2 Cycle Cou nt Follow-upAll RPS and RPM should collect the loss differe nee betwee n after/before Top 200 was impleme nted, especially the unknown loss through follow-up the cycle count.All RPM should strictly follow the cycle cou nt of To

14、p 200 high risk items to make sure all the security staff 100% respects the sta ndard and procedure.All RPS and RPM will be responsible for the reliability of the Top 200 cycle count.3.1.3 Loss Mappi ngTony MA will send the loss mapping information to all RPS today.All RPS should update and feedback

15、 the in formati on to Tny before June 30th.Tony should summarize all the in formati on by July 3.3.2 Recei ving Yard Loss Examples and Man ageme nt Leakage Steve n FENG has briefed loss example of RCY in Guan gzhou.Steve n FENG will summarize the practices and create PPT prese ntatio n to in troduce

16、 the soluti on before July 15.Clark HE will also create PPT presentation to introduce the receiving stamp man ageme nt procedure.3.3 An ti-theft and Bonus ProcedureAll RPS should freque ntly check store theft reports by himself.Clark HE will send an ti-theft bonus procedure to Stone XU.也Stone XU sho

17、uld re-summarize the new an ti-theft procedure before July 15 and impleme nt it in Shen zhe n & Kunming Regi on (especially in Kunmin g).3.4 New Fire Fighti ng Mon thly Checki ng Versio nDen ise HE and Mr. Joh nson MAO have revised the F-F mon thly check ing version. Snow WANG should send the ve

18、rsion to all RPS immediately. All RPS should be resp on sible to give suggesti ons, modificati ons and feedback to Mr. Stepha ne NITH before Ju ne 25.Tony MA & allRPSBefore June30 thTo ny MA July 3rdSteve n FENGBefore July 15 th Clark HEBefore July 15 th All RPSImmediately Clark HEImmediately St

19、one XUBefore July 15 th All RPSBefore June25 th4. Huma n Resource4.1 Warni ng letter man ageme nt and follow-upSnow WANG should follow-up the status about how many valid warni ng letter of each RPM & RPS and share these status with H.R. Departme nt.This job should be done before July 30th.4.2 Fi

20、re Fighti ng Man agers Tran sferDue to division structure changing, the transfer of all current F-F managers should be fini shed before end of August 2009.4.3 Pote ntial City Man ager Can didates ProposalAccordi ng to Mr. Stepha ne NITH 'requestAll RPS have proposed the pote ntial city man ager

21、can didates in his regi on:Shanghai Region 1: Jonny RAOSha nghai Regi on 2: Roger LUJia ngsu Regio n: Sam PENG, Frank TUAn hui Regio n: Jim XU, Bixin FUZhejia ng & Fujia n Regi on: Tony QINGuan gzhou & Zhuhai & Fosha n & Haikou Regi on: Eddie XUShen zhe n & Don ggua n & Kunmi

22、ng Regi on: Vaca ncy4.4 Trai ningAll RPS should check store 'regular training situati on especially those stores with low trai ning freque ncy. All RPS should make sure to rei nforce the regularSnow WANG & all RPSBefore July 30th.All RPS Before end ofAugust 2009 All RPSAll RPS ImmediatelyAll

23、 RPS Within July and AugustAll RPS and Store BOM ImmediatelyAll RPS Immediatelytrai ning programs to all staff in store.All RPS should go to regional trainer concern to apply forTime Management 'training and P4 system training '.All RPS should finish these two training programs within July t

24、o August.All Store RPM, RPA and team leader should all take TOP 3 project trai ning.4.5 Store F-F DrillAll RPS should ensure all stores (CCU, H.O. included) in your region will reach the SOP requirement of 3 F-F drills per-year.5. Man ageme nt5.1 May Dashboard An alysisAn alyz ing Chi na East &

25、South Risk Preve nti on May Dashboard score.- EPS Miss ing rate in most stores are above qualified.But there are still 2 unacceptable EPS missing rate in Jiangsu: SZEC 15% Missing Rate.WXBL 29% Missi ng Rate.- Clos ing rate and by-passtimes un acceptable situati on:SHGB: 23% Clos ing rateSHBS: 32 by

26、-pass times-Night Alarms- 7 stores still have alarm times more tha n 10:2 stores in Shanghai Region 1 (SHWN, SHBS)1 store in Shanghai Region 2 (SHNF)2 stores in ZJ&FJ Regio n (FZBL, XMMF)1 store in Jian gsu Regio n (WXBL)1 store in An hui Regi on (MHFCJ)All RPS should check the store with un acc

27、eptable dashboard scores by himself to find the fact. All RPS should feedback the explanation and action pla n aimi ng at these low scores to Mr. Stepha ne NITH before June 29.5.2 Store In dicators Follow-up Board In troducti onJas on TANG will prepare the PPT prese ntati on to share the store dashb

28、oard as a best practice.All RPS should give suggesti on and feedback revised versi on to Jas on and Mr. Stephane NITH.5.3 Log Book and Briefi ng BookDuri ng recent store visit paid by Mr. Patrick DUPART and Mr. Stepha ne NITH's, much low quality using situation of log book and briefing book were

29、 found.Steven FENG will standardize the log book and briefing book format and send to all RPS before June 23 rd.5.4 Store Visit Report FormatAll RPS should standardize the format of their store visit report in order to follow the procedure sent by Mr. Stepha ne NITH on June 2.Such as:- Defect descri

30、pti on with corresp onding pictures- Action/Remodeli ng result with corresp onding pictures.- En tire report in both Chin ese and En glish5.5 Store RPM Ma nageme nt Book FormatClark HE will send store RPM man ageme nt book sample vers ion to all RPS. All RPS should give suggestion and have it revised, feedback to Clark HE and Mr. Stepha ne NITH before Ju ne 30 th.All RPS Before June29 thJason TANG & all RPSBefore Juneth30Steve n FENG Before June2


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