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1、Unit 11 Alex Wants to Be a Pilot Part Listening and Speaking一、教材依据Unit11 “Alex Wants to Be a Pilot” Part Listening and Speaking二、设计思想(一)教学策略依据新课标的教学理念,遵循以学生为中心,以兴趣为支点,以交际为目的原则,主要运用任务驱动、合作互动、情景体验、交流评价等教学策略,把单词、句型和会话的教学,学生的操练、交流和合作,以及师生间、生生间的共同评价,融为一体,达到了话题、语言、功能、结构、任务和评价的有机结合。(二)总体设计意图:以激活学生对未来职业梦想的憧

2、憬为基础,通过任务的布置、方法的引导、多中形式的展开,使学生轻松自如地掌握本课的内容,能够谈论自己与他人的职业并表达自己或他人将来想从事的职业选择及理由陈述。(三)教学对象分析本课的教学对象为初一年级的学生,他们活波好动,喜欢尝试新事物,既好奇又好强,表现欲强;学习英语的热情高,擅长模仿,长于形象思维,乐于表演。有强烈的与他人合作、交流的意愿。 知识技能方面,学生们已经有了一定的英语基础,掌握了一些职业的词汇表达及相关的询问职业的基本句型。三、教学目标1.知识目标1)听懂并掌握与职业有关的词汇:tour guide, pilot , scientist2)熟练使用和应答what,where ,

3、why引导的特殊疑问句询问职业。2.能力目标1) 听懂并掌握有关职业的对话,并掌握一定的听力技能和技巧。2) 谈论自己与他人的职业。3) 能够谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述理由。3.情感、态度、价值观目标 通过完成各种教学任务,使学生从小树立正确的职业观,明白行行出状元的道理,并拥有自己的职业理想。四、教学重点、难点及课时安排上述三个目标中,知识目标是教材的重点,能力目标是难点。情感目标渗透在整个教学过程中,通过拓宽教材,教导学生从小树立正确的职业观,拥有自己的职业理想。教学时数:一课时五、教学资源及媒体设计1. 教学资源包括小闹钟,奖杯等实物,以及有关人物职业的图片及相关卡片(自制),

4、此外还有多媒体教学课件。2. 媒体设计此多媒体课件用于完整的一节课,可根据学生的理解程度和教学需要自由控制演示速度。本课件运用PowerPoint将文本、图像、动画,声音等多种媒体技术集于一体,以其丰富的表现力,使教学内容变得更为通俗易懂;交互功能的运用提高了教学的深度和广度,增加了学生的学习主动性。课件设计和制作精细、美观、明了,使用方便,符合初中生的特点。主页突出教学主要步骤,设置主目录7项,可随时随意点击任意目录打开你所需要的一页,也可随时点击Back图标退出。上一屏与下一屏设计成翻页式,可以任意挑转,增加课堂教学的灵活性。六、教学过程教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1W

5、arm Up( 1 min )1.Sing the greeting song.2.Introduce the competition regulation.Sing the song.Listen carefully.真挚的问候,拉近师生距离。小脑钟记分制评价形式的引入,既使学生们意识到了时间的宝贵,又增强其集体荣誉感,激励他们合作竞争,与此同时调动其高涨的热情和学习兴趣。Step2Revisionand lead-in(3 mins )1.A chant.(Round 1)T:Oh,dear guys, do you like chant?Ss:Yes.T:Lets enjoy a cha

6、nt together.After chant it , please try to tell me “What is it about?”.附:What do you do?Im a teacher,teacher,teacher.Whats your fathers job?He is a worker, worker, worker. What is your mother?She is a doctor, doctor, doctor.T:Its about the job(occupation).So today well go on learning something about

7、 the job.(板书)Unit11 Alex wants to be a pilotPart Listening and SpeakingIdeal jobChanttogetherandanswerthe question.歌谣的选用,为本课的教学奠定了良好铺垫,既在不知不觉中使学生复习了相关的职业及其询问的句型,又自然地引出了课题。教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图2. A match (Round 2)“How many kinds of jobsdo you know?”T:Introduce the rules.Time: 20 Seconds.Group member:Say t

8、he jobs one by one.Group Leader:Write and count the number you got. Attention:Dont repeat others answer.Try to say the jobsas many as possible in the limited time.学生们对所学职业头脑风暴,在小组协商后,默契配合,脱口而出相关职业,为小组赢得时间。此活动,既调动了学生原认知,激发思考的热情,又积极调动了课堂气氛,增强小组合作的集体意识。Step3Pre-listening( 4 mins )1.Matching Game(Round

9、2)Match the words with the pictures in groups.T:Introduce the rules.After the students finish it, help them check their answers.2.Learn the new words. (Round 2)T:Teach the new words:tour guidepilot(板书)Read ,matchandsay.Readandlearn认读是本课教学的一个重点,故此以小组为单位进行图片与单词匹配游戏,发挥小组学习的优势,使学生资源共享,感知词汇,加深理解。Step4Whi

10、le-listening(20mins )1.Activity 1:Part 1 Ex. 2 (Round 5)Listen and number the pictures.Let the students talk about the pictures and answer the question.Listen and number and then check the answer.2.Activity 2:Part 1 Ex. 3 (Round 7)Listen and choose T or F.Let the students predict. Whats Yang Lins fa

11、thers job?Whats Lin Lis mothers job?Let them choose T or F.Read after the tape.Let the students work in pairs.Asking the jobs Your parents haveDiscussand answer the questions.Listenand choosetheright number.Predict,and choosethe answers,Readandacta dialogue.图片的讨论有助于学生对题目的理解,易于把握。预测环节的引入,有利于学生听力能力的不断

12、培养。根据学生的心理特征,一定的模仿还是必要的。它可以训练学生的语音、语调、语感,为下一步教学做好铺垫。教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step4While-listening(20mins )3.Activity 3:Part 1 Ex. 4 (Round 8)Listen and fill in the blanks.Let the students predict the main idea about the dialogue individually. Listen and fill in the blanks.Let the students read the dialogue a

13、nd explain some difficult words.Let the students work in pairs and act out the dialogue.Predict the answers.Listen and fill in the blanks.Readandact out the dialogue in pairs.听和说是为了培养学生听的习惯。 由预测信息到感悟词汇,再到词汇输出,而后到对话展示,层层递进,使听的能力达到了有效的训练。Step5Post-Listening(13 mins )1. Let the students work in pairs a

14、nd talk about the ideal job. (Round2)T:Who want to help me ?I want to know “what does Lei Li want to be in future?”S1:He wants to be a pilot.T:What do you want to be when you grow up?S1:I want to be.T:Oh, I know .And who is your partner .I want you to ask your partner“ what does he/she want to be in

15、 the future?”Lets do pair work.2.Summarize with the students.(Round 4)T:Now,lets invite Li Lei again.He is in trouble now.He dont know how to ask these questions, so he needs our help.Lets try to help him.If I want to know your fathers job,I may say:1.What does your father do ?2.Whats your fathers j

16、ob?3.What is your father?If I want to know where your father works, I may say:Where does your father work?(板书)If I want to know Yang Lins ideal job, I may say:What do you want to be in the future/when you grow up?I want to be.And the reason.Why do you want to be ?Because I think.Your parents idea.Wh

17、at do your parents want you to be?They want me to be .Why do your parents want you to be ?Because they thinkAnswer the questions and do pair work.Summarize thesentences and makesome notes.和伙伴的对话练习,为后面小调查的开展做好了铺垫。通过情景的创设使功能句的引出自然真实,易于学生理解和接受。小伙伴李雷的问题引入,创设了一个情景,使知识的梳理,顺理成章。通过一系列问题的设置,使知识的梳理形成了网络。教学步骤教

18、师活动学生活动设计意图Step5Post-listening(13 mins )3. Enjoy the song “I have a dream”with the students. (Round 1)T:Boys and girls,Li Lei are quite grateful to us.So he wants to send us a beautiful .Lets enjoy it together. 4. Help the students make a survey.(Round 5)My good friends ideal job. (见附表1)T:Dear guys,

19、 everybody has a dream, and what are your good friends ideal job? Lets do a survey.5. Discuss with the students.(Round 1)How can we make our ideal job come true?T: How can we make our ideal job come true?Ss: Work hard.T:Yes, you are right.If we have our ideal job,we must do a lot of things for it .I

20、f you want to be a painter,you must draw many pictures.But you should remember “Nothing in the world is too difficult if you put your heart into it. ”.I hope your dream will come true.Enjoy the song.Makea surveyand fillin the form.Discuss.歌曲的展现,给同学们创设了一个遐思的空间,同时也引导他们追求高尚的道德情操,健康的职业理想。通过调查任务实现“learni

21、ng by doing ”的教学理念,培养学生语言综合运用的能力。不论是调查还是讨论,学生的学习情绪都处于高峰期。利于其创造力的无限发挥。在讨论的同时,使思想教育融入课堂,使学生意识到人的一生中要有理想导航,但他的实现要靠我们一步一个脚印踏踏实实地努力奋斗,要起于行,而勿言之。Step6Evaluation(3 mins )1.Finish the evaluation table with the students.(Round2)(见附表2)2.Find out the winner group.(Round 1)Evaluate themselvesand the groups.Say

22、the righttime ontheclock.学生评价表的设置,为教师更好地了解学生对该课的参与和掌握情况,提供了有效的帮助,并为下一步的教学服务。借助小闹钟进行优胜的评定,对获得优胜的小组提出表扬,对失利的小组进行鼓励,注重情感鼓励的渗透。Step7Homework(Round 1)1.Desigin a poster and display the things you have learned in class.(The new words and the sentences about the ideal job) 2.Write a short composition according to the survey.(50 words)Finish the homework课堂上大量的语言输入为学生的语言输出做好了准备,对好朋友的访谈,也使大家有了强烈的写作欲


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