1、工程名称中国人和解放军第89医院经济适用房交底部位主体填充墙工程编号日 期2013-11-16交底内容:砌加气硅砌块墙本技术交底适用于一般工业与民用建筑,蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙砌 筑工程。本工程是中国人和解放军第 89医院经济适用房,加气混凝土砌 块的图纸设计要求:1 .各种填充墙内通长设置2?6500与混凝土柱墙间均设置的 2?6500的锚拉筋搭接,搭接长度不小于400。墙高超过4M时要在墙中 设置200X180连梁,主筋4?10环筋?6200。2 .填充墙GZ除平面所示外,悬挑头位置、外墙转角位置、墙长超过 层高2倍的墙中位置,截面墙宽 X200,主筋4根?10 ,环筋?6200。3 .过梁
2、采用1级过梁。4 .门洞口小于240的门跺用混凝土浇筑,窗洞口小于 200的墙跺用混 凝土浇筑,卫生间周边900mm高、小于1200高女儿墙(采用MU10烧 结煤研石石专)。5 .正负零以下砌筑砂浆为 M7.5水泥砂浆,其余为M7.5混合砂浆,砌 筑要求按标准图 蒸压加气混凝土砌块建筑构造L10J125施工。6 .有防水要求的房间墙下四周均做混凝土翻沿 120高C20硅。lecricty li nes, equipmet in.ecion* f-dhd-n i - -ry 9, an -n-smoio repe let, a -i ng. appi a s-t wed. 10 liveon c
3、ampus - members mus by re - dy tie "househodL of g_ in sCool s to ,p<y ate roof,os ng fe ussue- be and -nu- te si s t eg u_y Ce ck, Ie Ce . w o_s mus be cetie d, stcy ly opeOinopelon, g takand Sove s ty of 15 m_s, t prevent acients 3, the used by g wShe - - gala.、. pig eementay -hool "c
4、h 206 Xi- -ay sCoolpi ne S opes -oud ng 0e, malgeme nt - 1 teches a nd s.-nt* t he surud ng ._ of Ie “ool gve中国人和解放军第89工程名称交底部位主体填充墙e.ily li nns, e_i pmet i nseli ons fudhd-n i te * an ope. i-ndesmosuio r.e let a wiing appl als s .ot -10 lieon -mpus a- membes mus led by dy tie "hooseod.se of g_
5、 in slool s to ma r prpe - , p" a. roof,.s ng fe slu. be -.id, and anua te sisuevs s t eg u_y le .,teee . w o-s mus be leie d, stily" opeainopeaton, g_ tak and so. s_y dsa of 11 m_s, t prevent alients 13, te -e. by g rrguainswshe d ui r lu Ja pig eementay uhool.lh 206 Xa ng Li Ja sloolpi n
6、e s opes lu.oudng -ey mang-e nt systm 1 telhes a nd suuents t he surud ng ara of te ihool gve2013-11-16医院经济适用房工程编号一.材料要求(1)蒸压加气混凝土砌块,一般规格为 600X240X240、600 X 240 X 200、600X240X120、600X240X 100 (mm)的加气混凝土砌块。其强度:当干密度为500kg/m3时,等级为MU3,当干密度为700kg /m3时,等级为MU5。设计规定的其它干密度和强度等级的蒸压加气混 凝土块,质量应符合部颁标准及蒸压加气混凝土砌块(
7、JC315 82)的各项指标要求。(2)水泥:325#及其以上的普通硅酸盐或矿渣硅酸盐水泥。砂子:中砂,含泥量不超过 5%,过5mm孔径筛。(3)聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(107胶),混凝土预制块,木砖,锚固铁板(75 X50X3mm) 0 60 10钢筋,铁扒钉(0406),小木楔等。2 .主要机具(1)搅拌机,后台计量设备,5mm筛子、手推车、大铲、铁锹、刀 锯、镂漕工具带齿刃、手摇钻、线锤、托线板、小白线、灰桶、铺灰铲、 小锤、小水桶、水平尺、砂浆吊斗及垂直运输工具等。3 .作业条件(1)现场存放场地应夯实,平整,不积水,码放应整齐。装运过程In or ode,pre ligtiiate a lo
8、re lina lentea pol - satslool rues adrrg uains, on ts - es 'h_Hy growl, e_ .、 一 lnnuig t ha nainal (pr . > nsip peopes Gve nm et sal not loncal te anta e nts 8, slooliopery is not is event or mi- .L > . L - . . I .-e nt 4 一 ,on dUy systm, a_ I . _ Ll. on -ys.nspell ons on a eg ula ba sis f
9、udb-h and mprovetL . . 一 . Lhide igru. T hehha d ta lhert o te ea deship tem i sresonsbl e for, ountai- sstm.2,uhool mont hy su nt kowe dge aout saey ld a>n, ld atey ad hel p. 5, segteni ng telhes -mora e du in, m abl s a ded l dl ov, improVig e inqulUtk obbere te st u nts-ppy 101g i. lhange s a
10、ay tme ad tkepe -luriula ntvis, allislulls ie s ty i nfasul ue iy unnsae ally to mmIda- epar and ddmolton t I esu e ta tales a nd st udens wr、l ean, lie <e.i .-he talr- k .be. 6un. or deame ns -es-et Stretprop. lpaein te bain* - enhanne ie eyad te le ad pron; s_et r uand.sappaa port -idet to a e
11、allr dig to t he l o londt ons, mae t I e manng emet . m. 1, t. . . I _ _ I L. . . . . .I. _ _.I n sould be dvesiid ite formy -1,iducain" s-e ns of s per 一 so" Ie tagetd.nsei nid at on. 3, the - al sme. - r . l. L I. hool - rh uner te eIdesi.IL . . _. . . . . . . . . I L . . IHe .一,.I.l &g
12、t;.ll dent wtin a hour of ld atof Prdet seurh wrk e. . . l L . _ r . . . l . l .I te r, enue saey ad eow t I e,r nt, esue ea . . 11 . .h e la desi va uus; se ngghen te e in, mangeseee ses i is had t eIminae mmida m cl a. ._ Looed, and r.old td_e l ose s" prin*llviis i n sloos tI e 11a pepes Gov
13、enmeo ensue normal ealigorder re .onme for _ . l l . >nt, <d_aton, and ue of law selisCool - eI n. 9, te sloole yeaeshi ashoul d m Cehe pima i s te re son of slool saey. L-.- L -L . . w >Ik the itened Cose cntal and disr I polle stai ons, la nvasi ng lupport fom tepie .non slool sanal wal s
14、, reaii I g wls ponds raiig s ha I dai s dors W o , stara -nt- meaures, no corpora puismet aid Ivet corpora puinue s ad faiies ae -e ad rel able Song Lin Xiag Liu Japig e ntay uhool barude nt ou of teI .16sngLi.noto lay on -e”y sse .一.I. . 一.三三a01三三:hmWn.sl'oWlffa Cre linalce . te slooly it ddyt
15、-dy manrif:rasis lonset Wihou organzt on. Wihou te audens reort mjr aevewig iemey systm. 1 stedeame nts may ogai._ .I.hoe slool Allordz lpaein ie fgtng,ds_e el e ad s on - hoos ieSe-ieeve ofsould <d_aepig 0n po f表GT技术交底记中国人和解放军第89工程名称交底部位主体填充墙医院经济适用房工程编号日 期2013-11-16轻拿轻放,避免损坏。并尽量减少二次倒运。(2)根据墙体尺寸和
16、砌块规格,妥善安排砌筑平面排块设计,尽可 能地减少现场切割量。根据砌块厚度与结构净空高度及门窗洞口尺寸切实 安排好立面、剖面的排块设计,避免浪费。(3)砌加气混凝土块的部位在结构墙体上按+1000mm标高线分层划出砌块的层数,安排好灰缝的厚度。在相应的部位弹好墙身门洞口尺寸 线,在结构墙柱上弹好加气混凝土墙的立面边线。标注窗口位置。(4)砌筑前应做完地面垫层,加气墙根部先砌好三层实心砖(200高),或做成混凝土带。(5)门洞两侧可浇注成钢筋混凝土小立柱,作为边框,也可以在砌 筑同时按规定间距摆放混凝土预制块,用来固定门框。(6)砌墙的前一天,应将加气混凝土墙与结构相接的部位洒水湿润, 保证砌体
17、粘结牢固。(7)遇有穿墙管线,应预先核实其位置、尺寸。以预留为主,减少 事后剔凿,损害墙体。(8)按照设计要求预先在结构墙柱上每 1m左右焊好预留拉结钢筋。四.操作工艺中国人和解放军第89工程名称交底部位主体填充墙医院经济适用房工程编号日 期2013-11-16口层处理十 阚加气混凝土甲 7|砌块与门窗口联接|砌块与楼板联(1)基层处理:将砌筑加气混凝土墙根部的砖或混凝土带上表面清 扫干净,用砂浆找平,拉线,用水平尺检查其平整度。(2)砌加气混凝土块:1)砌筑时按墙宽尺寸和砌块的规格尺寸,按排块设计,进行排列摆 块,不够整块时可以锯割成需要的尺寸,但不得小于砌块长度的1/3(600 x1/3m
18、m)。竖缝宽20mm,水平灰缝15mm为宜。当最下一皮的水平灰 缝厚度大于20mm时,应用豆石混凝土找平层铺砌。砌筑时,满铺满挤, 上下丁字错缝,搭接长度不宜小于砌块长度的1/3,转角处相互咬砌搭接。双层隔墙,每隔两皮砌块钉扒钉加强,扒钉位置应梅花形错开。砂浆 标号按设计规定。2)加气墙与结构墙柱联接处,必须按设计要求设置拉结筋。设计无 要求时,竖向间距为500mm左右,埋压2。6钢筋。埋直平铺在水平灰缝 内,墙内不小于70mm。3)墙体应有可靠的拉结。一般每 500mm的高度预留2。6钢筋伸入 墙内,平铺在灰缝内作为拉结。当墙的高度大于 4m时,应按设计规定做lecricty lines,
19、equipmet in.ecion* f-dhd-n i - -ry 9 an -n-smoio repe let, a -i ng. appi a s-t wed. 10 liveon campus - members mus by re - dy tie "househodL of g_ in sCool s to ,p<y ate roof,os ng fe ussue- be and -nu- te si s t eg u_y Ce ck, Ie Ce . w o_s mus be cetie d, stcy ly opeOinopelon, g takand Sove
20、 s ty of 15 m_s, t prevent acients 3, the used by g wShe - - gala.、. pig eementay -hool "ch 206 Xi- -ay sCoolpi ne S opes -oud ng 0e, malgeme nt - 1 teches a nd s.-nt* t he surud ng ._ of Ie “ool gveIn or atechingode, p-e cig, e a core Ubn- ce ntea pol - scoolrues adrrg -ins, on tSuS_eS ' h
21、haty g-wt, e nnuig t ha nainal (pr ope-y: is not IS nt or minSip peopes Gove nm et Sal not conical acde nt 4 , baUos ae on dUy systm, ab-h and .proventL- nts 8, sc001to scooli nspect ons on a eg ula ba ss found hidei n -* and igl_. T hehha d ta chert o te ea deship temi s resonsbl e for, acountaily
22、ss.,(chool monthly nt kowe dge .outsaey ld . a>n, atey ad hel p. 5, segteni ng teches -mora educain, abls a ded caedl ov, impr oVig e _cain_aly obbere te st uuents-ppy colg ca change s a ay t.e ad tkepe -curiula ictVis, aOIsncls ie saety i nfasuc ue - cuiy unnsae acm to mmidbaey epar and ddmolton
23、 t I esu e ta taces and st udens wrk l ean, lie -I n sould be dveslld ite formy -e,Idu - infr sntie meaure s, no corpora pusmet aid cvet corpora pui-e ns of c_ s per-1k soud Ie ta .nue s adfaiies ae -e ad rel able Song Lin Xiag Liu Jasme _e nt ou of te. I I. .IL.pig eme ntay .hool barc .16sngLisca n
24、oto cay on -e”, sse .一.I. . 一.in i talr- k "- be. unis or deame ns -es-et Stretprop. cpaeinte bain* - enhance ie - ey eyad te . ad pr三三a01三三:hhesucude.;lffnsei n <d_» on. 3, the - tal sme. - r . l. L I.a Cre cinalce . te scooly it d"t d" manr;二:. Sc0 01s.一,.I.l >.s conset W
25、ihou organzt on. Wihou te audens reort mjr acc dent wtin a hour of <d-»eveWig ie - eys tm、stedeame nts may ogai._ .I.hoe scool Accordon; s_et r uanddsappaa port ccidentto a e cpaein ie fightng, ds_er el e ad s on - hoos ieSevieever-of sould ed_pig 0n po f表GT技术交底记中国人和解放军第89工程名称交底部位主体填充墙医院经济适用
26、房工程编号日 期2013-11-16钢筋混凝土拉带。填充墙长度大于 5m时墙顶与梁应有可靠拉结,确保墙 体的整体稳定性。(3)砌块与楼板(或梁底)的联结:楼板的底部(或梁底),应预留 拉结筋,便于与加气混凝土墙体拉结。当楼板或梁底未事先留置拉结筋 时,先在砌块与楼板接触处涂抹粘结砂浆, 用力挤严实,每砌完一块用小 木楔(间距约600mm)在砌块上皮紧贴楼板底(或梁底)背紧,用粘结 砂浆填实,灰缝刮平。或在楼板底(梁底)斜砌一排砖,以保证加气混凝 土墙体顶部稳定、牢固。五.质量标准(1)保证项目:1)使用的原材料和加气混凝土块品种,强度必须符合设计要求,质 量应符合蒸压加气混凝土砌块(JC31异
27、82)标准的各项技术性能指标, 并有出厂合格证。2)砂浆的品种标号必须符合设计要求。砌块接缝砂浆必须饱满,按 规定制作砂浆试块,试块的平均抗压强度不得低于设计强度, 其中任意一 组的最小抗压强度不得小于设计强度的 75%。3)转角处必须同时砌筑,严禁留直槎,交接处应留斜槎。(2)基本项目ecticy lines, e-ipmetinsecions fud hidlen i n tme fr 9, an ope.st., i ca nde s mosuit o repel et a Wring appl aces is . ot d 10 l-on campus a- membes mus ed
28、 by -miles tie " hooseoduse of g_ in scool s to ma - r p.per - , p" a. epls roof, .s ng fe scuiy. be -lied, and anua te sisue s t eg u_y ce .,tecaee . w o_s mus be ceriie d, sticy ly operlonoperlon, g<s tak and so. s y dsa . ce of 11 mees, tprevent acidents 13, te ences ca used by ig ie
29、s y reguOons wishe d ui riag I iu Ja pigeementay Ichool"ch," Xia ng Li Ja scoolpi ne s opes .oud ng -ey mangement sysem 1 teches a nd suuents t he su.ud ng aea of te .hool g -ul On te SeHna.ddeheOWani notein":.: Japig e.tmhewayrscoo1”d.,Ichool wok a te soulL . _ I _ . ._.I .ch,06 iagL
30、iuJiaon t t hesa Ionmeof s - y managmetsystm ogai'in acvt-bee n taces a nd -nts t dawa:.;:.;二mtuspg .:;: he 二eo.;mas::二deopp.o nt3, pi soudas <geid uponCrect onal cee <geid t impl -et a or acvt - es pay ate i.pct-a Drecorof te Fd-» on Buraes migas fom rua -as fr exmp.ha d hae a .e cfc
31、reson. biiy pay aeof <cc dent s d-ent stuaipesns ae,physcal mac. Roue |aons reore d scoolofca sa ctvitesl ocat on, ie d su<ey s.ou d be dvace4 ev ey day beorescoo” . L . I .dexa n the st sc001to cmpywttches emi nd s ude nt.ppy at _.y 5, .oud eI -LI. _ _ . . . L _.hcle .aey e-i- esducae sudes t
32、epairs. 5 - c a .ning pulc工程名称中国人和解放军第89医院经济适用房交底部位主体填充墙工程编号日 期2013-11-161)通缝:搭接长度不宜小于砌块长度的1/3,转角处相互咬砌搭接。 不得出现通缝。灰缝均匀TL2)接槎:砂浆要密实,砌块要平顺,不得出现破槎、松动,做到接 槎部位严实。3)拉结筋(或钢筋混凝土拉结带):间距、位置、长度及配筋的规格、 根数符合设计要求。位置、间距的偏差不得超过一皮砌块,在灰缝中设置, 视砌块的厚度而调整。(3)允许偏差项目:见表2 35。加气混凝土砌体允许偏差表表2 - 35项次项目允许偏差(mm)检验方法1墙面垂直5用靠尺及线坠检查2
33、墙面平整度8用2m靠尺塞尺检查3轴线位移10尺量4水平灰缝平直10拉通长线用尺量nd s o-e saey dsa of 15 mees, t prevent acients 3, Ie -re -e. by g -"- ins,-she d ui "-on.”a.、Ja pigeementay ichoolbach 206 sCool pi ne s opes -oud ng -ley mang-e nt s- 1 teches a nd s.-nt* t he su.ud ng ara of Ie -ool g -e.cy li nes, e_i pmet i nseC
34、i ons fou.hd-n i -9, an ope. -n-smosuio repel let, a -i ng appi a Slot d.10 liveon campus .- members mus by re - dy tie "ho oduse of g- in sCool sto ma - ,p. ate roof,.s ng vave .e .reu. be and anua te si s t eg u_y Ce., the-ee . w o-s m- becetie d, stcy ly opeOinopelon, g ta”Ul Otecoos scuos.e
35、nUna.ddee0;.9:n: .",.'.: Japig e.”he=rscool”d. 2, ichool wok a te soulL . _ I _ . ._.I .ch 206 on t t hesa Ionmeof s " manaets - tm ogaizatin acviisbewle ntaces and sude nts, to daw<ge Cmmitees fr ex-pl, ha-ebiiy pay ateof icc dent s, ,ent -iphyscal mac. Route 3aons reorte d scoolo”
36、0 0at on, ae d -y s sou4, i day beorescool, ea Lches emi nd s u-s, ppy ate a, _y I, soud educae studets tsc 001to cmpy wt<ehcle saey e-i -esnig pu.表C1-3技术交底记工程名称中国人和解放军第89医院经济适用房交底部位主体填充墙工程编号日 期2013-11-16(10m以内)5门窗洞口宽度±5尺量6门口高度+ 15-5尺量7外墙窗口上下偏移20以底层为准用经纬仪或吊线检查六.成品保护(1)门框安装后施工时应将门框两侧+ 300600高
37、度范围钉铁皮保 护,防止施工中撞坏。(2)砌块在装运过程中,轻装轻放,计算好各房间的用量,分别码 放整齐。搭拆脚手架时不要碰坏已砌墙体和门窗口角。(3)落地砂浆及时清除,收集再用。以免与地面粘结,影响下道工 序施工。(4)设备梢孔以预留为主,尽量减少剔凿,必要时剔凿设备孔梢不 得乱剔硬凿损坏,可划准尺寸用刀刃镂划。如造成墙体砌块松动,必须进 行补强处理。七.应注意的质量问题(1)碎块上墙。原因是施工搬运中损坏较多,事前又不进行粘结, 随意将破碎块砌墙,影响墙体的强度。应在砌筑前先将断裂块加工粘制成e.cy li nes, e_i pmet i nseCi ons fou.hd-n i -9,
38、an ope. -n-smosuio repel let, a -i ng appi a Slot d.10 liveon campus .- members mus by re - dy tie "ho oduse of g- insCool sto ma - rproper e,p. ate roof,.s ng vave .e .reu. be and anua te si s t egu_y Ce., the-ee . w o-s m- becetied, stcyly opeOinopelon, g takand Sove s ydis-nce of 15 m_s, t p
39、revent acients 3, the . used by g s wShe - uti IU . pig eementay .hool "ch 206 X- ng Li -ay sCoolpi ne S opessdng eyma.- e ntsysem 1 teches a nd s.-nt* t hesuroud ng ._ of Ie .hool go -u On te CoossCu*,enHna.ddehe OroandaSsng.ni .",.'.: Japig e.”he=rsCoolMad. 2, IChool wok a te soulL . _ I _ . ._.I .ch 206 maysCool eaon t t hesa Ionmeof saey
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