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1、小学英语英语第一册教学设计Module 1Unit 1PurposeKnowledge aim: To learn to introduce names.Abilityaim: To train them to say hello to their friends andintroduce with“?m Ideological aim: To improve the students?basic English aboutgreetings.Mainpoints: The way of greetings : I?m .Difficult points: To introduce happi

2、ly and convincingly.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masksTeaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. I?mvery happy to teach you English this term. Speaking English isa piece of cake. Please remember that. Let?s s

3、ay “Hello ” toeach other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立 )T: (教师边挥手边走向学生。 ) Hello, my dear children!S: Hello!T: Do what I do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声 )S: ( 在教师的指导下模仿 )T: It?s interesting to speak English. Sit down, please.T: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩 ) Hello! Lovely girl!S: Hello!T: Good gir

4、l! Say it like this, please! It?s easy to speak English.T: (朝向另一男孩 ) Hello! Cool boy !S: Hello!T: Good boy! See, it?s easy. Le?ts try again.( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼 )T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Whocan try?( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音 洪亮)T: Then say“hello” to your neighbors an

5、d your friends. Youcan go out of your seat and move around the classroom.S: (学生自由活动问好 )T: You did a good job!Step Two: New courseT: Next I want to know your name. How do you introduceyour name then? Listen! I?m Ellen. ( 说三遍 ) Please sayhello to me.(Some excellent students can answer like the followi

6、ng)S1: Hello, Ellen.S2: Hello, Ellen.T: Hello! Your name, please?S2:I?m Tom.T: Hello, Tom. Your name, please?S3: I?m Mike.T: Hello, Mike.S3: Hello, Ellen.T: Well done. Now please practice. Say hello and your name,then l?esthave a race. ( 给学生一分钟时间练习 )T: LetS try to say that: Hello, l?m .(板书)Team by t

7、eam,and one byone. (以小组为单位,计时开始 )S: Hello, l?m.(学生一一进行自我介绍)T: You are terrific. Team One is the winner.Step Three: Knowledge extensionT: Now let?s play a game. Do what l do. 教( 师边做动作,边说,学生学做 )Stand up, stand up. Sit down, sit down.Stand up, sit down. Sit down, stand up.Hands up, Hands up. Hands down

8、, hands down.Hands up, hands down. Hands down, hands up.Hello, hello, say hello. Goodbye, goodbye, say good bye.Hello, hello, say hello. Goodbye, goodbye, say good byeT: Eyes front, try your best to say it while you are doing it.S: (学生试图边说边做动作 )Step Four: ConsolidationT: Next l?ll introduce four chi

9、ldren to you. Please listen! Whatare their names? ( 展示 四个头饰)T:(教师放 CDrom 两遍 )OK, what?s this boy?s name? Tom?S: No, Sam.T: Right. Smart girl. And what?s this girl?s name? Lisa?S: No, Amy.T: Good. Clever boy. And who is she? Yuanyuan? Dandan?S: No. Lingling.T: Yes, right. Her name is Lingling. And wh

10、o is he? Qiangqiang?Liangliang?S: No. Daming.T: Yes, his name is Daming. Well, le?ts know them again. Hisname? Ss: Sam.T: Her name?Ss: Amy.T: And her name?Ss: Lingling.T: His name?Ss: Daming.T: Fantastic. Following we?ll study and play with them for thiswhole term. Please remember them and make good

11、 friendswith them. Next open your English books and read the texttogether. 学( 生看图像并跟读,强调指读 )T: Please practice for a while.S: ( 学生自己练习指读 )T: At last who can introduce yourself in English as much as youcan.S: ( 展示自我介绍 )Step Five: Sum up and homework.T: Today we learnt how to greet and introduce. You

12、all did agood job. Please introduce yourself into the mirror at home.And read the text five time. It ?s time to say goodbye. Let?ssing a song and say goodbye with each other. 最( 后唱再见歌结束 )Unit 2PurposeKnowledge aim: To learn to say“how are you?”.Abilityaim: To train them to say hello with another way

13、.Ideological aim: To improve the students?basic English aboutgreetings.Main points: The way of greetings : “How are you? I?m fine,thank you.” Difficult points: Ask and answer fluently.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorderTeaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Good morning,

14、 my dear babies. Nice to see you again. Hello,Kate.S: Hello, Ellen.T: Hello, Mike.S: Hello, Ellen.Step Two: New courseT: Your name, please.S: I?m Tom.T: Hello, Tom. Good morning.S: Good morning, Ellen.T: Well done. That?s another way to say hello in the morning.Let?s learn to say. Morning ( 说三遍 , 然后

15、学生跟读 )T: Let?s practice. Good morning, Sam. ( 挥手,微笑,大声 )S: Good morning, Ellen.T: Now say good morning to your neighbors.S: (Practice for a while)T: Good children! Now please watch the projects and listencarefully, what are they talking about? ( 看大屏幕 )T: What did you hear? Hello? Good morning?S: No,

16、 How are you?T: Good boy! What?s this in Chinese?S: 你好吗?T: Right. 一般是指对你熟悉的朋友问好,主要是问身体状况怎么样?T: How do you answer it?S: I?m fine. Thank you.T: What does it mean?S: 我很好 , 谢谢。T: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation.S: ( 模仿跟读 )T: You did a good job! Now open your English books. Le?tspo

17、int and say. S: ( point and say)Step Three: Knowledge extensionT: Look at the picture at page 4. Le?ts act.DialogueI:A: Hello, I ?m.B: Hi, I ?mA: How are you?B: I?m fine, thank you.A: Goodbye,B: Goodbye,Dialoguen:A: Good morning,.B: Good morning.A: How are you?B: I?m fine, thank you.A: Goodbye,B: Go

18、odbye,S: 分小组表演。Step Four: ConsolidationT: Next let?s sing a song and do the actions. Please read thelyrics first.Hello, hello, how are you? I ?m fine. I?m fine and hello to you.Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye,goodbye to you.T: ( Play the tape recorder) Please try your best to lear

19、n to singtogether.S: ( Sing loudly and friendly, and do the actions)Step Five: Sum up and homework.T: Today we learnt how to greet and introduce in another way.You all did a good job. Language is colorful. So please practiceeveryday. Practices make you perfect. It?s time to saygoodbye. Let?s sing a

20、song and say goodbye to each other. (最后唱再见歌 结束)Module 2Unit 1PurposeKnowledge aim: To learn to have a conversation aboutgreetings.Abilityaim: To train them to act.Ideological aim: To improve the students?basic English aboutintroductions.Mainpoints: The way of introductions : “How are you,Amy? I?m fi

21、ne. And howare you ? I?m fine, too. Thank you.”Difficult points: To act the conversation.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masksTeaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ellen.T: How are you, Kate?S: I?m fine. Thank you.Step

22、 Two: New courseT: Please say hello to these friends.拿头饰 Sam, Daming, AmyandLingling)S: ( 带头饰表演 ) How are you, Amy?T: I?m fine. And how are you, Sam?S: I?m fine, too. Thank you.( 教师引导学生用这种形式来回答 )S: How are you, Daming?T: I?m fine. And how are you, Lingling?S: I?m fine, too. Thank you.T: Please say“H

23、ow are you?”like this with your neighbors.(出示大屏幕 )A: How are you,.?B: I?m fine. And how are you?A: I?m fine, too. Thank you.S: (学生自由练习 ,然后分组展示)T: Look! Sam and Daming are boys. Amy and Lingling are girls.They are boys and girls.(强调 boys and girls)Team 1, please stand up.S: ( 第一小队的学生起立 )T: They are b

24、oys and girls. Team 2, stand up, please.S: ( 第二小队的学生起立 )T: Are you boys and girls?S: Yes.T: Sit down, please Team 1 and Team 2.Team 3, boys, hands up.S: (Boys, hands up)T: Team 4, girls say“How are you?”S: ( Girls are saying it.)T: Good morning, all of you, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Ellen.T: G

25、ood children. Do you want to try to be an English teacher?Look, she isMs smart. You can be her now. Please remember her name:Ms Smart.Read after me. 三( 遍 )S: Ms SmartT: (把头饰戴在一学生头上 ) Are you Ms Smart?S: Yes,I?m Ms Smart.T: Say good morning to the boys and girls.S: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Go

26、od morning, Ms Smart.T: Who can come to the front and act?Ss: I can, I can.T: Yua nyuan, please. Liste n and repeat what she says.放 录音)S:( 听音跟读 ) Good morning, boys and girls. I?m Ms Smart.Ss: Good morning , Ms Smart.( 分别叫 2-3 名学生表演 )T: Do you know? This is Ms Smart?s first English class. Listenand

27、watchit. What happened? ( 看大屏幕 )T: Is this boy?s name Ming?S: No.T: What?s his name?S: Daming.T: Yeah, Ms Smart called the wrong name. He is not Ming. Hisname isDaming. Yes?S: Yes.T: So the other boys and girls all laugh, Ha, ha ,ha. ?Ist funny.Please open your English books and learn to say.S: (学生模

28、仿跟读)Step Three: Knowledge extensionT: Look at the pictures and le?ts act it out.S: (以小组为单位,带头饰,分角色表演 )Step Four: ConsolidationT: Next let?s sing a song and do the actions.T: ( Play the tape recorder) Please try your best to learn to singtogether.S: ( Sing loudly and friendly, and do the actions)Step

29、 Five: Sum up and homework.T: Today we have known Ms Smart. And you acted an Englishteacher in class. Are you happy? You are wonderful in class.But I hope you are great at home, too. Believe me! You canspeak English well at school and at home. I have to saygoodbye to you. Bye-bye, boys and girls.S:

30、Goodbye, Ellen.Unit 2PurposeKnowledge aim: To learn to say“What?s your name?”.Abilityaim: To train them to ask someon?es name.Ideological aim: To improve the students?basic English aboutintroductions.Main points The way of introductions : “WhatS your name?I?m ” Difficult points: Speak and act fluent

31、ly.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, a clock.Teaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Ellen.T: How are you today?S: I?m fine. And how are you?T: I?m fine, thank you.Step Two: New courseT: (手持一个钟 ) Look, what?s this?S: A cloc

32、k.T: Wow, clever boy. It?s nine o?clock in the morning now. Look,It ?s not nine. It?s one o?clock in the afternoon. Do youunderstand the word“afternoon”?S: 下午T: Well done. Let?s learn to say afternoon ( 说三遍 , 然后学生跟读 )T: Let?s practice. Look, it?s one o?clock in the afternoon. Goodafternoon, boys and

33、 girls.S: Good afternoon, Ellen.T: Good afternoon, Tim.S: Good afternoon, Ellen.T: Now say good afternoon to your neighbors.S: (Practice for a while)T: You are great! Now please watch the projects and listencarefully, who is the man? ( 看大屏幕 )T: Is he Mr liu? (重读 Mr.)S: No.T: Is he Mr Wang?S: No.T: I

34、s he Mr li?S: Yes.T: Right. He is Mr Li. Read after me. Mr Li. ( 三遍 )S: ( 学生跟读 )T: Lily, say good afternoon to Mr Li, please.S: Good afternoon, Mr Li.T: Good girl. Shasha, say it again.S: Good afternoon, Mr Li.T: You did a good job! Oh, this girl, excuse me, wha?ts yourname?S: I?m May.T: Hello, May.

35、S: Hello, Ellen.T: Please say good afternoon to Mr Li.S: Good afternoon, Mr Li.T: Oh, this boy, what?s your name?S: I?m John.T: How are you, John?S: I?m fine. And how are you?T: I?m fine, too. Thank you. Please say good afternoon to MrLi.S: Good afternoon, Mr Li.T: That?s a secret. How do you ask so

36、mebod?ys name? Whocan tell me softly near my ear?S: (小声在教师耳边说 ) What?s your name?T: Sorry, I can?t hear you. Louder, please.S: ( 学生稍微大些声 ) What?s your name?T: What?s wrong with my ears? I can?t hear you clearly.Louder, louder, please.S: (全体学生大声说 ) What?s your name?T: Wow, my ears. Wha?ts wrong with

37、you? I can hear you.Please ask your neighbors like this loudly.S: (学生练习 )T: Now open your English books. Let?s point and say.S: ( 学生指读 )Step Three: Knowledge extensionT: Look at the picture at page 8. Le?ts act.DialogueI:A: Hello, I ?m. WhafS your name?B: Hi, I ?m . What? your name?C: Hi, I?m . What

38、?s your name?D: .Dialoguen:A: Good after noon. I?mB: Good afternoon. I?m A: How are you?B: I?m fine. And how are you?A: I?m fine, too. Thank you.B: Goodbye, A: Bye-bye.S: 分小组表演。Step Four: ConsolidationT: Next let?s sing a song and do the actions. Please read thelyrics first.Good morning, Sam. How ar

39、e you?I?m fine, tha nk you. Andhow are you? T: ( Play the tape recorder) Please try yourbest to learn to sing together. S:( Sing loudly and friendly, anddo the actions)Step Five: Sum up and homework.T: Today we learnt how to ask name. You all did a good job.Speaking English is a piece of cake. Work

40、hard and study hard.It?s time to say goodbye. Let?s sing again and say goodbye toeach other. (最后唱再见歌结束 )Module 3Unit 1Purpose:Knowledge aim: New words: door, window, blackboard, bird.New sentences: Stand up! / Sit down! /Point to !Abilityaim: 1. Help the students can understand theorders: “Stand up”

41、/“Sitdown.”/ “ Pointto! ”and can do thecorresponding responses and actions ofthem clearly.2. Help the students not only can say“ window,door bird blackboard”inEnglish but also can read the words ofthem.Ideological aim: Improve the students?self-confidenceMain points: New words: door window blackboar

42、d and bird.Instruction phrases: Stand up! Sit down!Point to !Difficult points: Let the students can be clear about thesethree instruction phrases “ Stand up. Sitdown. And Point to!”and try to use themexpertly in the daily life.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, pieces ofpaper, cours

43、eware Teaching process:Step One: Warm up*Before the class, I divide the class into 3 groups. And tell themif they have a good job.They will get a beautiful card. and they can stick it on their wall.Greeting:.T: Shall we begin our English class?S: Of course. Let?s begin.T: Good morning, boys and girl

44、s.S: Good morning, Tracy.T: How are you today?S: I?m fine. Thank you, and you?T: I?m wonderful. Sit down please.Free talk.Around the class, I talk with the individual student using thesentencesthat we have learned such as “Good morning! Howare you today? Are you happy today? What ?syour n ame?与学生贴近的

45、互动的交谈,不但可以轻松地营造民主、和谐、宽松的教学环境,还 充分体现学生是课堂教学的主体在拉进师生距离的同时也使学生获得兴趣感、参 与感、期待感和满足感.Sing a songT: You are great, now lets sing a song. Ok? And Whe n yousing it, you can perform the actions. And I will find out thebest one. Let ? look who isthe music star! Are youready?One, Two, Go!(I play the courseware.)

46、(The stude nts sing and do the acti ons that they like. AfterthatI?l choose the best one. And say)T: you are the best. You can get a prese nt ()and youcan stick it on your wall.Step Two: RepresentationT: Oh, this team has got a present! The other teams dor? benervous! You have many chances. Now look

47、 here, I will flysome sentencesand words quickly, and you?d better tell uswhich sentence or word you can see. Ready? The first one iscoming. ( I fly Cards of “” quickly. If no one can seeit clearly, I will fly iton ce more.)S1: Good morning. Good morning!T: Let? look. Is he/she right? Great, you are

48、 right. You can get it,and you can stick it on your wall.(Review the sentences “Hellb Hi! How are you? I?m fine.Thank you! Sam, Amy, Lin gli ng, Daming in the same way)从形式上讲,通过这个”比眼力的游戏”,不但可以营造英语学习的气氛,激发学生 的学习兴趣,更重要的是它使学生的注意力从相对分散的歌曲表演中,迅速集中到课堂上来,在无意识下的情况下快速的进入学习状态.从内容上讲这样的复习方式,可以带领学生从热身阶段的听说交流练习,递进

49、到了对句子和单词的认读能力培养,避免了单纯的温故,而是在故有的基础上做到了拓展,以最有效的方式提高了课堂效率.Step Three: New courseA. New senten ces: “ Stan dp! Sit dow n!”(I will fly the sentence ” Sta nd up” Maybe no one can readit. So I will be excited and say.)T: Oh, This time I am the winner. I can read it. Stand up!(I read and do the actions; hel

50、p the students know the exactlymeaning of stand and up )T: Read after me please. (The stude nts read after mesometimes. TheI?l choose some stude nt read it in dividual)T: I am the winner so I will write it on the blackboard. ( Here, Iwill accentuate blackboard” because its our new wordstoday.)T:I sh

51、ow the cards of Stand up” and say: do you want to getthis one? I will give it to the best team. Now let us have acompetition. The team which I point will stand up and readthis senten ce. Let look which team is the best. Ready one,two, go.(At last I will choose the best one and allow them to stick it

52、 onthe wall.)I will be very sad. And say:T: Now there is only one prese nt in my hand, ?s the last chanee, are you ready?S: yes.I fly the sentence “Sitdown!” and if no one can read it. I willread it and tell the students that it is the opposite sentenceof“ standip!” becauseI use this sentencein ever

53、y class, sothey have know the meaning of it.T: I am the winner, so read after me please!Sit down! ” “S: Sit down!T: I can write it on the blackboard, too. Do you want tochallenge me?S: Yes.T: Ok, this time let? look who can read it fast and clearly. I willread sit and you will read dow n”.The n we r

54、ead it le?s lookwho is faster.(The first, I must to win. The second time, I will lose. And I willchoose the faster stude nt.)T: He is very fast. Do you want to challenge him?At last choose the fastest one and give the cards to him.T: Oh, you are so clever. You have got so many prese nts. Iproud of y

55、ou!So! My smart kids, I will play a game with you. Do you want toplay with me?S: Yes.用起立和坐下这两种肢体语言讲解 Stand up.和 Sit down.边说边做边领读,帮助学 生理解和记忆。在这两句话的操练中避免了单纯的机械操练,而是采用竞赛的方式,调动学生的积极性,使学生不但敢于说,更勇于说,便被动学习为主动学习.B. New senten ces: Point to!”T: I say: point to good morning! You n eed to repeat and pointto th

56、e card of Good morning. (I write point to on the boardand do the acti ons and help the stude nts to know theexactly meaning of it.)T: Point to Good morning! / How are you?/ I?m fine./ Daming/Lingling/ Amy.T: After some times I say: point to the door.以活动的为线, 体现学生的好动性和以动求学的语言观。 在本阶段,以活动为主,学生通过动作来进行操练,

57、让他们在玩中学,在学中玩,使他们多感官参与教学, 以提咼学习效率,变有意识地学习语言为无意识地习得语言。C. New words: door/ win dow/ blackboard/bird ”(Maybe some student cannot point to the door. I will help themto find the door and write it on the blackboard.)T: Look, this is a door. Read after me please, door. door, door,T: Then I point to the door

58、 and say the sentence” Point to!”and help the students complete the whole senten ce.S: the door!T: I also can go to the door and say the sentence” Go to !”and help the students complete the whole senten ce.S: the door.T: I also can say the sentence: close the door. open the door.touch the door. ( wh

59、en I say these senten ces I must to do thecorresp onding acti ons)Teach the words window ” blackboard in the same way.按照以教师为指导, 体现教师的辅助性和以学为主的教学观的教学原则,在本阶 段,采用直接输入的方法,利用教室内的桌椅、门窗等实物及卡片等进行直观教 学。通过指认实物来学习新单词 door,window blackboard 及短语 Point to,C. New words: bird/”T: Now lets play a guessing game ok?T:

60、 I will show a part of the picture and you guess what it is?I will show the part of dog/ cat/ ,at last I will show the picture ofbird. And have them guess it.T: Teach the word bird. Let the student read it and write it onthe board.T: I?m a little tired. are you tired? Now stand up, and say achant with m


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