



1、Unit Three 第三单元My weekend plan 我的周末计戈U你打算在自然公园做What are you going to do in the nature park?什么?Im going to draw some pictures. 我要画画。What about you? 你呢?Im going to look for some beautiful leaves.我要找些漂亮的叶子。Mike is going to see a film. 迈克要看电影。John is going to buy his favourite comic book.约翰要买他最喜爱 的连环画。唔

2、,这周末我做什么呢?Hmm, what am I going to do this weekend?A Lets try 试一试Its Saturday morning.星期六早上,Sarah is on the phone with Mike.萨拉在和迈克打电话。Listen and circle. 听,然后圈出。Hi, Sarah.嗨,萨拉。Good morning, Mike.早上好,迈克。Today is so warm.今天很暖和。Lets go swimming.我们去游泳吧。Sorry, I cant.对不起,我不能去。I have to do my homework now.我

3、现在必须做作业。B: OK.好吧。What about this afternoon?那今天下午呢?No, I cant.也不行。Im going fishing.我要去钓鱼。1. Can Mike go swimming today?迈克今天能去游泳吗?2. Why or why not? 为什么?Lets talk 谈话Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow?明天你打算做什么?Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson.我要上美术课。Mike: What are you going to do in your less

4、on?你们课堂上要做什么?Sarah: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我彳门要到人民公园画画。Mike: Sounds great!听起来很棒!Im going to see a film tomorrow.我明天要看电影。Sarah: Have a good time! 玩得高兴!Mike: You too.你也是I have to do my homework now.我现在必须做作业了。Bye.再见。Sarah: OK. Bye. 好的。再见。What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomo

5、rrow? 迈克和萨拉明天要做什么?Lets learn 学习Sarah: What are you going to do today?你今天打算做什么?Chen Jie: Im going to see a film.我要去看电影。visit my grandparents看望爷爷奶奶see a film 看电影take a trip 旅行go to the supermarket 去超市B Lets try 试一试John is on his way home. 约翰在回家的路上。He sees Amy.他看到了艾米。Listen and answer. 听,然后回答。Amy, wher

6、e are you going? 艾米,你要去哪儿啊?Im going to buy some fruit. 我要去买一些水果。Nice! Im going to buy some ice cream. 太好了 !我要去买冰激凌。Do you like ice cream?你爱吃冰激凌吗?不,是给我表弟杰克的No, its for my cousion Jack.1. What is Amy going to do?艾米要做什么?2. Is the ice cream for John?冰激凌是给约翰的吗?Lets talk 谈话My cousin Jack is going to visit

7、 me next week.我表弟杰克下周要来看我。Thats nice.太好了。Where are you going?你们要去哪儿?Were going to the cinema.我们要去电影院。Were going to see a film about space travel!看部有关太空旅行的电影。Cool!酷!I have lots of comic books about space.我有许多太空方面的连环画。When are you going? 你们什么时候去?Next Wednesday.下周三。Why not go on Tuesday? 为什么不周二去呢?Its h

8、alf price then!那时候半价!Really? Thank you! 真的?谢谢你!Where are John and Jack going next week?约翰和杰克下周要去哪里?Lets learn 学习Jack: Where are we going?我们要去哪儿?John: To the bookstore.去书店。Im going to buy a new comic book.我要买本新的连环画。dictionary 字典comic book 连环画word book单词本postcard 明信片Read and write 读和写Sunday星期天Dear Dia

9、ry, 亲爱的日记,Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.明天是中秋节。My family are going to get together and have a bigdinner.我们要全家团聚,吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭。My aunt is going to make mooncakes.我姑妈要做月饼。My grandma will tell us a story about Change.我奶奶要给我们讲嫦娥的故事。Robin and I are going to read a poem.我和罗宾准备朗诵诗歌。This is our poem:这是我们的诗歌:F

10、 is for family. F代表家庭。We will all be together tonight.今晚我们团聚一起。A is for autumn. A代表秋天。It is the autumn season.现在是秋季。M is for moon. M代表月亮。我们吃月饼,讲We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.有关月亮的故事。I is for I. I代表我。I am so happy today.今天我很快乐。L is for love. L 代表爱。We love Mid-Autumn Festival.我们爱中秋节

11、。Y is for you. Y代表你。You can be together with your family too!你也可以和家人团聚在一起!Tips for pronunciation发音小提示Listen, clap and repeat. 听,拍手,跟着读。lesson 课程dinner晚饭;正餐tonight 今晚tomorrow 明天Lets check 检查Listen and tick. 听,然后打勾。1. Hi, John. 嗨,约翰。What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?Not much.没什么。Im just going

12、 to do myhomework and buy a postcard tomorrow morning.我明天上午要写作业,然后买明信片。And you?你呢?Im going to see a film tomorrow afternoon.我明天下午要去看电影。Great!太棒了 !Can I go, too?我能一起去吗?Question:问题:What is John going to do tomorrow morning?约翰明天上午要做什么?2. Amy, did you see my new comic book? 艾米, 你看见我的新连环画 了吗?Im going to

13、read it this evening.我今晚要看。Oh, it looks good. 哦,这书看着不错。Can I read it after you?你看完后能给我看吗?Yes, I can give it to you tomorrow.可以,我明天给你口巴。OK. Thanks.好的。谢谢。Question:问题:What is the boy going to do this evening?男孩今晚要做什么?3. Im going to the bookstore to buy a new dictionary.我要去书店买一本新字典。Oh, when are you goin

14、g? 哦,你什么时候去?This afternoon.今天下午。The bookstore isnt open this evening.书店今晚不开。Question:问题:Where is the boy going?男孩要去哪儿?我要买牛奶和报纸4. Im going to buy some milk and a newspaper.Where are you going to buy them? 你去哪儿买?Im going to buy them at the small shop near the post office.我去邮局附近的小商店买。Really?真的?Im going

15、 to buy a postcard there.我要去那儿买明信片。Can I go with you?我能和你一起去吗?Sure.当然可以。Lets go together.我们走吧。Question:问题:What is the woman going to buy?女子要买什么?Listen again and fill in the blanks.再听一次,然后填空。1. Hi, John. 嗨,约翰。What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?Not much.没什么。Im just going to do myhomework and b

16、uy a postcard tomorrow morning.我明天上午要写作业,然后买明信片。And you?你呢?Im going to see a film tomorrow afternoon.我明天下午要去看电影。Great!太棒了 !Can I go, too?我能一起去吗?Question:问题:What is John going to do tomorrow morning?约翰明天上午要做什么?2. Amy, did you see my new comic book? 艾米, 你看见我的新连环画 了吗?Im going to read it this evening.我今

17、晚要看。Oh, it looks good. 哦,这书看着不错。Can I read it after you?你看完后能给我看吗?Yes, I can give it to you tomorrow.可以,我明天给你口巴。OK. Thanks.好的。谢谢。Question:问题:What is the boy going to do this evening?男孩今晚要做什么?3. Im going to the bookstore to buy a new dictionary.我要去书店买一本新字典。Oh, when are you going? 哦,你什么时候去?This aftern

18、oon.今天下午。The bookstore isnt open this evening.书店今晚不开。Question:问题:Where is the boy going?男孩要去哪儿?4. Im going to buy some milk and a newspaper.我要买牛奶和报纸。Where are you going to buy them? 你去哪儿买?Im going to buy them at the small shop near the post office.我去邮局附近的小商店买。Really?真的?Im going to buy a postcard the

19、re.我要去那儿买明信片。Can I go with you?我能和你一起去吗?Sure.当然可以。Lets go together.我们走吧。Question:问题:What is the woman going to buy? 女子要买什么?C Story time 故事时间What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?Im going to learn how to swim. 我要学游泳。OK. Ill teach you. 好的。我来教你吧。Please dont disturb me. 请别打扰我。Im learning to swim.我在

20、学游泳。How can you learn to swim without going to a pool?不去泳池你怎么能学会游泳呢?Come on.快来。Lets go to the swimming pool.我们去游泳池吧。No! Im afraid of water. 不!我怕水。Just jump in!只管跳进去!Catch this.抓着这个。Practise and you will learn. 练习,就能学会。Help! Help! 救命!救命!Just try.试一试吧。This way . This way . 这样这样OK, now can you do it? 好

21、的,现在你会了吗?Oh, its easy. 哦,很容易的。We should always remember: 我们要牢记:Learn by doing.实践才能学会。”Songs in each unit单元歌曲Unit 3 第三单元What are you going to do?你要做什么?Im going to walk on the moon!我要到月亮上行走!Hooray! Hoorray! 万岁!万岁!Im going to walk on the moon!我要到月亮上行走!Hooray! Hoorray! 万岁!万岁!When I grow up,当我长大了,Ill wal

22、k on the moon.我要至U月亮上行走。When I grow up,当我长大了,Ill walk on the moon.我要至U月亮上行走。What are you going to do?你要做什么?Im going to be a solider!我要当一名 士兵!Hooray! Hooray! 万岁!万岁!Im going to be a solider!我要当一名 士兵!Hooray! Hooray! 万岁!万岁!Ill be a solider.我要当一名士兵When I grow up, 当我长大后,Ill be a solider.我要当一名 士兵。What are

23、you going to do?你要做什么?Now its your turn.现在该你唱了。Im going to walk on the moon!我要到月亮上行走!Hooray! Hoorray! 万岁!万岁!Im going to walk on the moon!我要到月亮上行走!Hooray! Hoorray! 万岁!万岁!When I grow up,当我长大了,Ill walk on the moon.我要至U月亮上行走。When I grow up,当我长大了,Ill walk on the moon.我要至U月亮上行走。What are you going to do? 你要做什么?Im going to be a solider!我要当一名 士兵!Hooray! Hooray! 万岁!万岁!Im going to be a solider!我要当一名 士兵!Hooray! Hooray! 万岁!


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