1、英语课堂用语(二)6课堂活动(Classroom activities) (41)Start!Start now (42)Everybody togetherAll together (43)Practise in a groupPractise In groupsIn groups,please (44)Get into groups of threefour (45)Every body
2、60;find a partnerfriend (46)In pairs,please (47)One at a timeLets do It one by one (48)Now you,pleaseYour turn(Students name) (49)Next,pleaseNow you do the same,please (50)Lets act
3、Lets act outdo the dialogue (51)Who wants to be A? (52)Practise the dialogue,please (53)Now Tom will be A,and the other half will be B (54)Please take(play)the part
4、of (55)Whose turn is It? (56)Its your turn. (57)Wait your turn,please (58)Stand inlineLine up (59)One by oneOne at a time,please (60)In twosIn pairs (61)Dont speak out (6
5、2)Turn around 7请求(Request) (63) Could you please try It again? (64) Could you please try the next one? (65) Will you please help me? 8鼓励(Encouraging) (66)Can you try? (67)Try,
6、please (68)Try your bestDo your best (69)Think it over and try again (70)Dont be afraidshy 9指令(Issuing a command) (71)SayRead after me,please (72)Follow me,please (73)Do what
7、do (74)Repeat,pleaseRepeat after me (75)Once more,pleaseOne more time,please (76)Come here,please (77)Please come to the frontCome up and write on the blackboardchalkboard (78)Come and
8、write It on the blackboard (79)Please go back to your seat (80)In English,please (81)Put your hand up,pleaseRaise your hand,please (82)Put your hands down,pleaseHands down,please (
9、83)Say itWrite it in ChineseEnglish (84)Please take out your books (85)Please open your books at pageFind pageTurn to Page (86)Please answer the questionquestionsPlease answer my
10、160;qllllst1On(s) (87)Please read this letterwordsentence out loudPlease readout this letterwordsentence (88)Please stop nowStop now,pleaseStop here,please (89)Clean up your deskthe classroom,please (
11、90)Its cleanup timeTidy up your deskthe classroom (91)Put your things awayClean off your deskPick up the scraps (92)Clean the blackboard (93)Plug in the taperecorder,please (94)Put
12、 the taperecorder away (95)Put the tap,In its boxcassette (96)Listen and repeat (97)Look and listen (98)Repeat after me (99)Follow the words (100)FastQuickly!Be quick,please (101)Hurry!
13、Hurry up,please (102)Slow down,please (103)Slowly (104)Bring me some chalk,please 10禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning) (105)Stop talkingStop talking now,please (106)Dont talkEverybody quiet,please (107)Dont
14、60;be silly (108)Settle down 11评价 (109)Good,thank you ( 10)GoodVery goodGod jobGood workGood example (111) A good answerNice work (112) ExcellentGreat!Well doneVery goodI like the way y
15、ou (113)Thats Interesting! (114)Dont worry about ItNo problem (115)OK!Thats OK (116)I dont think so (117)Thats not quite right,any other answers?Thats closeThats almost right (118)Not
16、160;quite,can anyone help himher?try again (119)A good try 12布置作业(Setting homework) (120)For todays homework (121)Practise after classPractise at home(122)Say it out loud,before you write
17、60;It down (123)CopyPrintWrite each word twice (124)Remember(Memorize)these wordssentences (125)Learn these wordsthese sentencesthis text by heart (126)Do your homeworkDo the next lessonDo the new work 13下课(Dismissing the class) (127)Hand
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