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1、英语课堂教学用语(Classroom English)1. Beginning class 开始上课l Stand up, please. 起立!l Sit down, please. 请坐下!l Lets start now. / Lets begin our class / lesson.让我们开始上课。l Lets get ready for class. 准备上课。l Have you got everything ready for class? 你(们)做好上课的准备了吗?2. Greetings 问候l Hello, boys and girls / children. 同学们好

2、!l Good morning / afternoon, class / everyone / boys and girls. 早上好 / 下午好,同学们。l How are you today? 你(们)今天好吗?3. Checking attendance 考勤l Is everyone / everybody here / present? 所有人都到齐了吗?l Whos absent / away? 谁缺席了?l Why is he / she absent today? 他 / 她为什么缺席?l Try to be on time. / Dont be late next time.

3、 下次别迟到。4. Asking the student on duty 向值日生提问l Whos on duty today? Whos helping this morning / today?今天(早上)谁值日?l Could you clean the blackboard, please? 请你擦一下黑板,好吗?l Whats the date today? 今天是几号?l What day is it today? 今天星期几?5. Reviewing the lesson 复习功课l Lets review our lessons. 让我们开始复习。l What did we l

4、earn last lesson? 上一课我们学了什么?l Who can tell me what we learnt today? 谁能告诉我,今天我们都学了些什么?l What did you learn today? 今天你们学了些什么?不断更新中,Welcome back!4宣布(Announcing)(20)Lets start workingLets beginstart a new lessonLets beginstart our lesson(21)First,lets reviewdo some review(22)What did we learn In the las

5、t lesson?(23)Who can tellremember what we did In the last lesson yesterday?(24)Now were going to do something newdifferentNow lets learnsomething new(25)We have some now wordssentences5提起注意(Directing attention)(26)Ready?Are you ready?(27)Did you get there?Do you understand?(28)Is that clear?(29)Any

6、volunteers?(30)Do you know what to do?(31)Be quiet,pleaseQuiet,please(32)Listen,please(33)Listen carefully,please(34)Listen to the tape recorderthe recording(35)Look carefully,please(36)Look over here(37)Watch carefully(38)Are your watching?(39)Please look at the black-boardpicturemap(40)Pay attenti

7、on to your spellingpronunciation6课堂活动(Classroom activities)(41)Start!Start now(42)Everybody togetherAll together(43)Practise in a groupPractise In groupsIn groups,please(44)Get into groups of threefour(45)Every body find a partnerfriend(46)In pairs,please(47)One at a timeLets do It one by one(48)Now

8、 you,pleaseYour turn(Students name)(49)Next,pleaseNow you do the same,please(50)Lets actLets act outdo the dialogue(51)Who wants to be A?(52)Practise the dialogue,please(53)Now Tom will be A,and the other half will be B(54)Please take(play)the part of(55)Whose turn is It?(56)Its your turn.(57)Wait y

9、our turn,please(58)Stand inlineLine up(59)One by oneOne at a time,please(60)In twosIn pairs(61)Dont speak out(62)Turn around7请求(Request)(63)Could you please try It again?(64)Could you please try the next one?(65)Will you please help me?8鼓励(Encouraging)(66)Can you try?(67)Try,please(68)Try your bestD

10、o your best(69)Think it over and try again(70)Dont be afraidshy9指令(Issuing a command)(7)SayRead after me,please(72)Follow me,please(73)Do what do(7)Repeat,pleaseRepeat after me(75)Once more,pleaseOne more time,please(7)Come here,please(77)Please come to the frontCome up and write on theblackboardcha

11、lkboard(78)Come and write It on the blackboard(79)Please go back to your seat(80)In English,please(81)Put your hand up,pleaseRaise your hand,please(82)Put your hands down,pleaseHands down,please(83)Say itWrite it in ChineseEnglish(84)Please take out your books(85)Please open your books at pageFind p

12、ageTurn to Page(86)Please answer the questionquestionsPlease answer myqllllst1On(s)(87)Please read this letterwordsentence out loudPlease readoutthis letterwordsentence(88)Please stop nowStop now,pleaseStop here,please(89)Clean up your deskthe classroom,please(90)Its cleanup timeTidy up your deskthe

13、 classroom(91)Put your things awayClean off your deskPick up the scraps·(92)Clean the blackboard(93)Plug in the taperecorder,please(94)Put the taperecorder away(95)Put the tap,In its boxcassette(96)Listen and repeat(97)Look and listen(98)Repeat after me(99)Follow the words(100)FastQuickly!Be qu

14、ick,please(101)Hurry!Hurry up,please(102)Slow down,please(10)Slowly(104)Bring me some chalk,please10禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)(105)Stop talkingStop talking now,please(106)Dont talkEverybody quiet,please(107)Dont be silly(108)Settle down11评价(109)Good,thank you( 10)GoodVery goodGod jobGood workGoo

15、d example(111)A good answerNice work(112)ExcellentGreat!Well doneVery goodI like the way you(13)Thats Interesting!(114)Dont worry about ItNo problem(115)OK!Thats OK(116)I dont think so(117)Thats not quite right,any other answers?Thats closeThats almost right(118)Not quite,can anyone help himher?try

16、again(119)A good try12布置作业(Setting homework)(120)For todays homework(121)Practise after classPractise at home(122)Say it out loud,before you write It down(123)CopyPrintWrite each word twice(124)Remember(Memorize)these wordssentences(125)Learn these wordsthese sentencesthis text by heart(126)Do your

17、homeworkDo the next lessonDo the new work13下课(Dismissing the class)(127)Hand in your workbooks,please(128)Time is up(129)The bell is ringing(130)Theres the bell(131)There goes the bell(132)Lets stop here(133)Thats all for today(134)Class is over(135)Good byeByeSee you next time一、开始课堂教学(Beginning the

18、 lesson)Now, who can remember what we did last lesson?Well, can any of you tell me what we practised last time?OK, l want a student to tell us what we learned/read about/used lastlesson.Remember?Do you remember these pictures?We used the pictures and the cards, didn't we?We practised a talk abou

19、t sports, right?Let's go over it again.Let's read the sentences once more.What about having another practice?How about revising them once more?二、宣布教学计划 (Announcing the teaching pIan)first/first of all/and then/later (on)/after that/finally/by the end of-.- etc.one. . /two. /three. /four.'

20、;Practise a dialogueLearn something nowDo some read ing / w rit ing / note tak ingHave some conversation practiceDo some role playin a few minutes/half way through the lesson/when we've finished. /nearthe end of the lesson/at the end of the lessonif we have enough time/if time permits/if there&#

21、39;s time/perhaps we mayspend a few minutes on.By the end of the lesson you'll be able to talk about agreements anddisagreements.You'll have learnt how to give people advice.You'll have had practice in writing a letter asking for help.You'll be able to use the present perfect tense f

22、or checking up.三、组织课堂教学(Getting organized)Would you move your chairs in (up, back, etc. ) ?Could you three move your desks forward l please?Will you both move your table this way please?Would you mind straightening the chairs please?Do you mind moving back a bit?Will you make a bigger space here?Cou

23、ld you possibly arrange yourselves to make a group of 3 (4 , 6, 8, etc.) ?If you could arrange yourselves to form a group of 5. -.Please would you arrange your chairs in 3 (4, 5 t etc- )?Would you find the handouts we were using last week please?Could you get out the polycopies you had last time ple

24、ase?Will you take out the worksheets you began yesterday please?Let's find the passage we were reading last lesson.Put your other books away, please.No others! That's all.We don't need these pictures. Will you put them away?Not that book. The other one. Yes, the red one.Ready ! Now we ca

25、n start.Haven't you brought yours? Well, you'll have to share with your neighbour.Have you lost yours? Well, you may share with Li Lei.Haven't you got yours? Forgotten? Well, you should use mine, but don'tforget next time.I have some papers to give out now.I have some new books to gi

26、ve out today.Here are some worksheets to hand round.Will you please give these sheets out, Han Mei? Thanks.Please pass these papers back (round, along), please.Take one and (then) pass them on.They're for you to keep.You may have them to keep.I want the materials back please.I want them back at

27、the end of the lesson.You must give them in again, so please don't write on them. OK?Please can you clean the blackboard/the whiteboard/the board?Would you mind cleaning the board, please?Just clean this half.Leave that section.We still need this part.Just clean that bit.Don't clean that sid

28、e.Not this hit.Only that part.Just that section. Thank you very much.Could you clean the top left-hand corner, please?Will you clean the bottom right-hand corner, please?Please rub of f the yellow words on the left at the top-Would you please rub off the drawings on the right at the bottom?Rub every

29、thing off, please-Leave this on, please.四、举例(Giving examples)1. 以速度区分You should use-ing form here, like.(入慢速度)I love playing football."2. 以重复来区分You will have to use 'but' when you express this idea, now listen to thesentence:I love swimming but I don't like swimming in winter.'

30、(停顿,再读一遍)3. 以重读来区分We ought to use the form 'have done.' such as (加强重点部位的读音力度)'Have you finished that job yet?'4. 以手势来区分五、谈论课堂环境 (taking about physical conditions)Don't you think it's too hot in here?Isn't it rather cold in here?Please can you turn the fan on?Would you min

31、d switching the air condition or on? Then we'll be able tokeep cool.I'm afraid it's too dark in here. Can you work alright? Can you seealright?Don't we need that light(s) on?Wi1l you open the shutters?Oh, it's much too untidy for us to study in.Please tidy up, will you?Please wou

32、ld you go and ask someone to fix the light?Will you fetch someone to see to the cooler?.六、使用教学工具与设备 (Using aids and instruments)Will you fetch the wall charts of Lesson 65?Can you bring me those sets of flash cards of 'food and drink' ?We need a flannel board.Now, I've got some folders o

33、f cue cards.Please could you stick the picture up here?Let's find the sticky tape to fix the chart up.Is that alright? Straight? High enough? Can you all see it?Wil1 you give me the scissors? They are to cut these out with.Will you take them down?I'm going to collect the cards in now and put

34、 them away.七、使用电教设备(Using electrical equipment)Will you possibly plug the tape recorder in for me?Oh dear. It's too loud, what must you do then?(S: Well, I have to turn the volume down. )I'm afraid it's not loud enough. You'd better turn it up a bit.What's wrong with the recorder

35、? Will you check the plug is in/the switchis on/the mains supply?It won't work. Can you check the plug is in?I can't get it to work.Now, wait a minute. Let's find the right place on the tape.Shall we go back and play it again?Did you catch that? That seemed to be a bit fast- We'l1 go

36、 back and listenagain, Ready?Check it is rewound, back to the start.Wind the tape on to the empty spool.Set the counter to O00 at the beginning of the tape.T: Now, let's talk about some pictures. We'll need the O. H. P., that is,the overhead projector. Do you know how to make it work? (教师指引出

37、投影仪的英文名称 )S: Electricity.,T: Well, do l need to switch it on first or plug it in?Ss: Plug in.T: Plug it in, good. Can you say that? Come on ! You have. everyone.Ss: You have to plug it in-T: Good l Well, l've plugged it in. Now what?Ss: er-. You have to switch it.T: Switch it on t on Everyone! Y

38、ou have.Ss: You have to switch it on.T: That's it. Now I'll adjust the mirrors. oh dear, the picture's upsidedown ! How silly !lt's too bright'It's not bright enough.It's not clear enough.It's out of focus.Let's adjust the focus.八、进行分组活动(Dividing the class up)(1 )

39、 Choral(2) Individuals(3) Teams(4) PairsI want all of you to answer the questions. (Choral)I'd like just one person to continue the sentence. (Individual)I want this part to correct the sentence. (Team)Now let's play the dialogue out in pairs. (Pair)For this, I'm going to divide you down

40、 the middle.Now I'll divide you in half.Whose go is it? Not yours- You be quick!It's group 6 first. Now you. Quickly! That's it.It's your turn second.It's their go third.We'll score on the board and we'll see which team wins.I want you to work in groups.In fours. /In grou

41、ps of four'Turn round and face your neighbour.You haven't anyone to work with, have you?What about joining in with them?九、布置作业 (Setting homework)At home tonight, practise the exercise on page 9.At home this evening, not now, revise this dialogue.You are going to compose a piece of writing ab

42、out today's topic in yournotebooks and give it intomorrow morning.For homework, l want you to finish this piece of work.Before next lesson you must go over what we've just learnt from unit 12.It must be done by next lesson.The piece of writing must be completed by next time I see you/this ti

43、menext week.十、 结束课堂教学(Ending the lesson)One or two more minutes, just complete the task you're doing and thenwe'll stop-. Now time is up. We'll stop now. You've done enough of that/enoughpractice at that-Most of you have done that better than last time.I want to collect your papers n

44、ow please.I'd like to take in your last lot of homework.Please will you give it/pass it up to the end of the row?Put your work on my desk as you leave.Thank you, everyone. Well done.Could you see all the library books are returned, everyone, please?Before you all leave, would you check that all

45、the books are put away?Li Ming, it's your job today to clean the board/collect the readersin/make sure it's all tidy forthe next class.l have some announcements to make be fore you go. Could you listen,please?一、打招呼(Greetings)Good morning, class.Good afternoon, class 4.Good morning, everybody

46、.Good afternoon, everyone.Good morning, boys and girls.Good afternoon, children.How are you all today?Are you all well this morning?打招呼之后,可以增加一两句(Beginning a chat)Well, did you have a good weekend?Well, did you enjoy the holiday?Well, what did you do yesterday evening?Tell me what you did at the wee

47、kend?谈谈学生衣着发型也可以:Oh, you've got a new dress on. It's very nice.Oh, you've got a new hair style.二、考勤(Checking attendance)1点名Right ! I'm going to call the row.OK ! Listen while I call your names.Now ! I'll take the register.Quiet f now, please. Listen while I see if you're all

48、here.2问缺席情况Now ! Let's see who's absent.Right ! Let's see if anyone's away.Is anybody absent?Is everybody here?3. 关照新生Oh, are you new?OK, are you a pupil?You have just come to this class (school), haven't you?Where do you come from?What's your name?Do you like the school?Welc

49、ome to our class.4. 谈缺勤原因Where's Wang Hai?Does anyone know where Li is?Can anyone tell me where Liu has gone?Who knows when he will be back?Han Meimei is ill today, isn't she?5. 关照病愈者You were absent for three lessons last week.Did you catch a cold?Oh, I'm sorry.You'll catch up l won&

50、#39;t you?Don't worry.You've been absent for days, haven't you?You were away last lesson, weren't you?' What was the matter?Why were you away?Are you better?How are you feeling now?Do you feel better?Well, Jane, ask your friends to help you.OK, you'd better ask your neighbour

51、 to tell you what we've done.Come and see me after the lesson, OK?三介绍Now, let me introduce myself.I'll just tell you a bit about myself.My name is., spelt.I've been teaching in the school for 1O years.I come from Shanghai.I worked for a newspaper until last year.And what about you?Will y

52、ou introduce yourselves?四开始谈话T: I went to the Summer Palace (引出话题)Yesterday. Did any of you go?No?. Well, (无人回答,问某一学生)What did you do, -. er. Zhang Hong.Zhang:. er. I-. - er. -. in home. (学生响应断断续续)T: Oh, you stayed at home. (“搭救“说话的学生 )Zhang: Yes, I stay at home.T: OK, you stayed at home. (暗中纠正时态)Wh

53、at did you do then?Zhang:. TV.T: Oh, you watched television 9 didn't you? Which programme?(继续问下去困难,可就此打住 )有关用语还有:Tell me what you did 1ast night.Will you te11 me a bit about your weekend?Could you tell us more about the programme?How did you like yesterday's party?五建议 (Suggesting)Let's g

54、o through the text.Could you open your textbook and find Ex. 5 on page 45?Could you take out the cards?Will you all think of some questions to ask each other?Will you get together in groups and discuss the idea?Try to think it out for yourself.Let's work out how you could plan your piece of writ

55、ing.Now you've answered all the questions in full. You need to say a bit moreabout that.You'd better get that right.六提起注意 (Directing students' attention)Quiet, now, please. Let's work in pairs.Will you face the people in front of you?Fine. Look again carefully.Are you ready to listen

56、?Are you all listening? OK, then.Now then something new! Let's change the topic.That was quite good, let's do it once more.七请求(Making polite requests)Could you possibly plug the cassette player in for me?Can you check the switch is on?Will you go and fetch some chalk?Will you find the wall c

57、harts?Has anybody seen the stick/tape/drawing pins?Please could you put it up here?Please would you mind cleaning the board?八指导 (Giving instructions)1. 纠正语音You'd better listen again.Will you listen carefully?Now listen to the sound a:.Not a , like this - you try.Don't forget it's not a in and.Now listen. There's something different, What's different? Listen.2. 启发思路Suppos


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