



1、新概念英语2 Lesson 37 The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 I. 语法与词汇知识 1. The Olympic Games should be _ every four years. A. heldB. holdC. tookD. take 2. I shall lend the novel to _ comes first. A. whoB. whoeverC. whomD. whose3. Simon enjoyed nothing but listening to _ music. A. aB. theC. anD. / 4. Simon doesnt doub

2、t _ he is able to finish the work on time. A. whetherB. thatC. whyD. when 5. Three thousand books _ to the national library as a gift. A. is offeredB. has offeredC. are offeredD. have offeredII. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. cleverest, in, our, Jerry, by, the, student, is, far, class_. 7. I, to,

3、 for, here, ask, came, advice, you_.8. kind, turn, the, enough, would, be, to, off, TV, you_?9. try, yourself, speak, and, make, understood, slowly, to_.10. in, do, the, you, about, accident, know, the, anything, village_?III. 阅读理解In 1959, mankind sent up its first satellite (人造卫星), without men in i

4、t, which circled the earth only outside the atmosphere (大气圈). In 1969, a large three-man spaceship traveled safely to the moon. There it landed the first human beings on the soil of a strange world and then brought them back.Scientists have been using the following three tests to find out how well p

5、eople can live in space. First, they tested astronauts (宇航员) on the earth under conditions like those in space. Second, they sent mice and dogs into space to see whether they could live there or not. Finally, they sent people into space. 11. Man sent up the first satellite without _ in it.

6、     A. men        B. mice           C. dogs      D. cats 12. In _ a large three-man spaceship traveled safely to the moon.     A. 1959      B. 1969  

7、 C. 1979      D. 1989 13. How many tests could be carried to find out how well people live in space?     A. One      B. Two   C. Three      D. Four 14. In the second test, scientists sent _ into space

8、 to test they could live or not.     A. astronauts and dogs         B. astronauts and mice     C. dogs and cats       D. mice and dogsIV. 翻译 15. in four years time_ 16. a great many people_ 17. outside the capital _ 18.

9、immense stadium_ 19. Olympic City_ 20. 小孩总是盼望春节。 Children always _ _ _ the Spring Festival. 21. 汤姆在今年年底就要回英国了。 Tom will return to England _ _ _ of this year. 22. 今年运动会将在新的大型体育馆举行。 The sports meeting will be held in the new _ _ this year. 23. 这位著名的作家完成了一部新小说。 This famous writer _ a new novel. 24. 这个剪

10、纸是我姐姐设计的。 This paper-cut is _ by my sister.新概念英语2 Lesson 38 Everything Except the Weather 唯独没有考虑到天气I. 语法与词汇知识 1. Last summer, we all went to the seaside _ Terry. A. butB. andC. exceptD. excepts 2. No sooner had Alice arrived at London _ he visited Big Ben. A. whenB. thanC. whichD. then 3. If the wea

11、ther were fine, they _ for a swim. A. would goB. will goC. would have goneD. have gone 4. I am afraid I _ no time to stay here. A. getB. giveC. haveD. take 5. He wasted a lot of food since he ordered _ than he could eat. A. lessB. fewerC. muchD. more 6. Not only the students but also their teacher _

12、 know about it. A. do notB. does notC. am notD. are not 7. Tony forgot Susans birthday, so Susan complained _ this. A. forB. withC. aboutD. to 8. Simons left leg was badly hurt when he was knocked _ by a car. A. inB. downC. ofD. out 9. Not until a week later _ Annie learn the bad news. A. doB. doesC

13、. didD. do not 10. We dreamed of _ to the space by spaceship. A. traveledB. travelingC. to travelD. travelII. 完型填空A woman works in a factory and _11_ her pay at the end of _12_ week. One Saturday she got her pay and counted the _13_. Suddenly she found that it was wrong: there were five pounds _14_

14、than she should get. She _15_ the money in her pocket and said nothing _16_ others. A week went by and it was pay day _17_. But this time there were five pounds less instead. She was so angry _18_ she went to see the boss. The boss said to her. "Didn't you _19_ there was a mistake last week

15、?" But she explained: "For one mistake, I can _20_ my eyes, but for two mistakes, no, I cannot.” 11. A. getB. getsC. gotD. would get 12. A. theB. aC. anD. / 13. A. peopleB. dateC. paperD. money 14. A. muchB. manyC. moreD. none 15. A. putB. puttedC. has putD. had put 16. A. withB. toC. forD

16、. by 17. A. againB. tooC. ever D. even 18. A. andB. thatC. when D. what 19. A. listenB. noticeC. proveD. become 20. A. sendB. borrowC. open D. shut III. 翻译 21. live in_ 22. settle down_ 23. get a shock_ 24. return to_ 25. think of_ 26. 尽管汤姆来看电影,但他还是心不在焉。 _ _ Tom came to the cinema, his mind was absent. 27. 因为外面刺骨的寒冷,


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