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3、r to a falling liquid film J ASME J Heat Transfer, 1996 , 118 : 626 633 5 氯碱工 李学斌 影响降膜蒸发器中成膜原因分析J 2001 , ( 6 ) : 20 21 业, 6 上海: 陶尧森 蒸汽压缩制冷机用的降膜蒸发器M 2000 上海交通大学出版社, 7 阮并璐, 刘广彬, 赵远扬, 等 制冷系统中水平管降膜式 西 安 交 通 大 学 学 报, 蒸发器 内 部 流 动 数 值 模 拟J 2008 , 42 ( 3 ) : 318 322 作者简介: 张宁( 1985 ) , 男, 河北乐亭人, 硕士, 助教, 研 究方
4、向: 制冷与低温技术。 收稿日期: 2012 02 29 ; 修回日期: 2012 03 20 布置的情况下, 中间开设蒸汽排气通道对蒸发器内 气流影响很大。 在单一布液器中气体速度较大, 因此导致在蒸 发器中下落的制冷剂液体受气流扰动较大 , 出现局 部管阵干燥现象。 双布液器中间蒸汽出口承担较大排气量 , 蒸发 管产生的蒸汽与滴落的制冷剂产生冲击 , 产生不均 匀的流场, 中部管阵干蒸, 而且较少的管阵布置, 减 少蒸发换热面积。 由于蒸发器下部满液式蒸发管沉浸在制冷剂 液体中, 所产生的蒸汽量较为集中, 而中间开孔布 液器将中间蒸汽通过中间排气口疏导出去 , 使液体 分配较均匀。中间开孔
5、布液器更为合理, 能够达到 以上两方面的要求, 有利于蒸发器内部整体流场的 优化设计。 参考文献 1RIBATSKI G, JACOBI A M Falling film evaporation on 2012 年第 5 期 ( 总第 356 期) 2 ENERGY CONSERVATION 节 能 檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾殧 檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾殧 Energy Conservation( Monthly) Sponsor: Liaoning Provincial Institute of Science and Technology Information Publish
6、er: Energy Conservation M agazine Publishing House Chief Editor: JIN Na Address: No 8 , Hunnan 2 Road, Shenyang hightech inShenyang City , Liadustrial development zone, oning Province, China Post Code: 110181 Simulation on the inner flow of different distributors in the falling film evaporator with
7、horizontal tubes ZHANG Ning, SHAO Xue ( Liaoning Technical College of Construction, Liaoyang 111000 , China) Abstract: The inner flow of the falling film evaporator w ith horizontal tubes using tw o phase flow model VOF in Fluent is simulated Three structures of distributors are posed The inner flow
8、 of falling film evaporation is analyzed respectively The fig of gasliquid phase, velocity cloud map and XY Plot are obtained The results show that the vapor is discharged by vapor outlet w ith middle vapor outlet distributor, the large heat transfer area is necessary It is likely that the falling f
9、luid flow is optimized It can provide refrigerant is w ell distributed, some theoretical references for deep research w ork as to system design and project apply in refrigeration Key words: horizontal tubes; falling film evaporators; distributor; numerical simulation 檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾殧 Abstract: On the ba
10、ckground of advocating green ideas and building low carbon society , colleges and universities should be the pioneer of low -carbon life To build a low carbon campus, w hich should be established on the basis of the original model of colleges, and regard the campus as a system then to research its m
11、aterials input, output and recycle Besides, it should choose the carbon dioxide emissions as an indicator to assess the operations of campus system at present At meantime, build a sound environmentfriendly management system and put forw ard targeted recommendations on improvement measures In this pa
12、per, regard Central South University ( CSU ) as the economic system , combining Material Flow Analysis and Carbon Footprint Theory , calculate the original carbon dioxide emissions of CSU about material and energy in input, output and recycle, then build the CSU low carbon campus system w ith specif
13、ic recommendations Thus contributing to a campus of low carbon and sustainable development Key words: low -carbon campus; carbon footprint; low -carbon campus; management system ; sustainable development Abstract : Wet membrane humidifying technology evolves from direct evaporative cooling technolog
14、y on the theoretical basis of heat and moisture exchange, w hich plays a significant role in civil and industrial production Metal filler takes advantages of prevention from fire, dust and corrosion and these prevail in engineerings most This article established the mathematical model of metal fille
15、r w etmembrane humidifier, carried out the theoretical analysis and numerical solution On the base of theoretical analysisthe article canprovide the basis for design of mental filler w etfilm humidifier Key words: w et membrane humidifying ; humidification performance; theoretical analysis; numerica
16、l solution 檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾殧 CONTENTS May 2012 Vol 31 , No 5 Total Issue No 356 Research of lowcarbon campus model of Central South University CHEN Baoyu, ZHANG Siyu, ZHANG Ye, et al ( Business school, Central South University, Changsha 410083 , China) 19 Performance analysis of aircooled heat p
17、ump system based on the solution desiccant cooling SHANG Xin, BAI Zhongquan, GAO Zhiguo ( School of Thermal Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101 , China) Abstract: In order to conquer the shortage of air-cooled heat pump system w ith cooling dehumidification, such as the apparatus
18、dew point need to undercooled and reheated, difficult to temperature is too low , adapt to changes in the proportion of sensible heat, latent heat, energy can not be stored, a new aircooled heat pump system , based on the solution desiccant cooling , is proposed According to a construction project i
19、n Jinan, pow er consumption reduced by 12 3% compared to cooling dehumidification airconditioning systems Research indicates that the new system has many distinctive advantages, reduce air conditioning dehumidification energy consumption, use of renew able energy , reduce the consumption of highgrad
20、e energy , easy for a long time lossless energy storage The solar desiccant dehumidification, proven to be an ideal alternative option to handle the latent load in the air conditioning system w ith remarkable energy savings Key words: solar collector / regenerator; solution desiccant; air-cooled heat pump; energy conservation 9 Analysis of humidification performance of metal filler wetmembrane humidifier WANG Wei, LIU Nailing, FANG Dabing, et al ( Shandong Jianzhu UniversitySchool of Thermal Jinan 250101 , China) Energy Engineering, 25 The simulation analysis of passive solar houses wit
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