已阅读5页,还剩38页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1M11.be enthusiastic about.对.热心2.the enthusiasm for sth. 对.的热情3.the enthusiasm in sb. 某人心中的热情4.inform sb.of sth. 通知某人某事5.keep sb. informed 让某人知道6.a piece of information(u.) 一条信息7.follow the instructions/directions 按照说明(书),服从指示8.under sb's instruction(u.) 在某人的指导下9.the attitude to/towards sth.(doi

2、ng sth.). 对(做).的态度10.sb. be impressed by/with sth. 某人对.印象深刻11.sth.leave/have/make an impression on sb. .给某人留下印象12.What impressed sb. most is. 给某人印象最深刻的是.13.What is your favorite(adj.) subject? 你最喜欢的课程是什么?14.Of all the subjects, English is my favorite(n.).在所有的课中,英语是我最喜欢的。15.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓

3、励某人做某事16.be fluent in English=speak English fluently=speak English with fluency 英语说得流利17.be similar to. 与.相似18.be similar in. 在.方面相似19.be amazed to do sth./by /at sth. 对(做).感到吃惊20.cover an area of 占地面积为.21.We will cover the game live on Saturday afternoon. 我们将在周六下午现场报道比赛。22.cover an expense 支付费用23.c

4、over three miles 行走了三英里24.This history book covers a period from 1775 to 1960. 这部历史书涵盖了1775到1960 这段时间。25.I have covered 50 pages of the book. 这本书我已经读了50页了。26.have a word with sb. 与某人交谈27.have words with sb. 与某人吵架28.get in a word 插话 29.nothing like 完全不像30.something like 有点像.,大约31.introduce sb. to sb.

5、 把某人介绍给某人32. introduce sth. into sp. 把.引进某地33.in other words 换句话说34.They say that.=It's said that. 据说35.look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望.(做).36.make progress(u.) 取得进步1M21.be patient with sb.对.耐心2.be patient of sth. 忍耐某事3.have(no)patience with. 对.有(没有)耐心4.with patience 耐心地5.be serious about.对.认

6、真6.You can't be serious 你不是当真吧7.be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格8.be strict in sth. 在某事上要求严格8.appreciate doing sth./sb's doing sth. 感激(某人)做某事9.I would appreciate it if. 如果.我将感激不尽10.admit sth./doing sth./that. 承认(做了).11.admit sb. to sp. 允许某人进入某地12.respect sb. for sth. 因为.而尊重某人13.have/show respect f

7、or sb. 尊敬某人14.in this respect 从这一方面15.in respect of/with respect to. 就.而言16.give sb's respects to sb. 向某人转达某人的问候17.make sure of sth. 查明某事18.make sure that. 确信/保.19.result from. 由于20.result in.=lead to =cause=contribute to. 导致21.make progress 取得进步22.keep doing sth. 一直做某事23.do well in. 在.方面表现好24.t

8、his is true of./the same is true of. .也是如此25.have problems/trouble/difficulty with sth. 在.方面有困难26.tell jokes 讲笑话27.sb. agree with sb. 某人同意某人的观点28.sth. agree with sb.适合某人eg: The food here doesn't agree with me.这儿的食物不适合我。29.sth. agree with sth. .与.相符eg:What he said didn't agree with what he di

9、d.30.prefer to do sth rather than do sth(prefer doing sth to doing sth.) 比起做.来更喜欢做.31.a couple of 两个,几个32.fall asleep 入睡33.make a mistake 犯错34. a live(adj.) program 直播的节目35.broadcast the match live(adv.) 现场直播比赛36.that's settled 就那么定了。37.Have you got that? 明白了吗?38.Would rather do sth. than do sth

10、.宁愿做.不愿做.39.It's up to you. 由你决定。1M31.in the distance 在远处2.from/at a distance 从远处,稍远些3.keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持距离4.be distant from=be far away from. 离.远5.abandon oneself to. 某人沉溺于.6.abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事7.abandoned farms 废弃的农场7.be expert in. 精通.的8.frighten sb. into doing sth. 威胁某人做某事9.fri

11、ghten sb. out of doing sth. 吓得某人不做某事10.be frightened to do sth. 不敢做某事11.be short for. 是.的缩写12.allow sb. to do sth.(sb.be allowed to do sth.)允许某人做.13.allow doing sth.允许(别人)做.eg:We don't allow smoking here.=We don't allow people to smoke here.=People aren't allowed to smoke here.14.take of

12、f 起飞,脱下,成功,休假,模仿,离开15.refer to 参考,查阅,指的是,提到16.get on/get offf 上车/下车17.more than 多于,非常,不仅仅18.not. any more/not.any longer/no more/no longer 不再19.all the time 一直,总是20.be good at sth. 擅长某事21.at a speed of. 以.的速度plete(v.) the work 完成工作plete(adj.) success 完满的成功24.attend the opening ceremony/school/sb. 参加

13、开幕式/去上学/照顾某人25.attend to sth. /sb. 处理某事,倾听某事,为某人服务26.out of date 过期27.historical events 历史事件28.organize an event 组织活动/比赛29.see the sights 观光30.a common sight 常见的景象31. have a good view of. 好好地看看.32.the first time 第一次(做连词,连接两个并列句)(the second/third. time,every time,next time.)eg:I fell in love with the

14、 city the first time I came here.我第一次来这个城市就爱上了它。33.for the first time 第一次(作时间状语)(for the second/third.time)eg:I came to the city for the first time.我第一次来这个城市。34. pass a law 通过一项法律1M41.do/carry out a survey 进行调查2. from the suburbs 来自郊区3.be fortunate to do sth. 幸运做某事4.have bother(n.) with sth. . 方面有麻烦

15、/问题5.bother(v.) about doing sth./with sth.=bother to do sth. 费心做某事6.bother sb. with sth. 用某事麻烦某人7.the approach to sth/doing sth. (做).的方法8.the approach to sp. 通往.的路9.with the approach of . 随着.的临近10.starve to death 饿死11.in exchange(for.) 作为(对.的)交换12.exchange A for B 用A来换B13.put up 建起,举起,张贴,提高,提供,留宿某人/

16、留宿在某地14.go up 上升,增加,被建起,攀登15.make it 赶上,取得成功,能参加,活下来/挺过来16.get away from 摆脱,离开17.pay back 报答,归还18.survive sth. 从.中幸存下来19.make contact with sb.和某人取得联系(表动作)20.lose contact with sb.和某人失去联系(表动作21.be in/out of contact with sb. 和某人保持/失去联系(表状态)22.can/can't afford sth./to do sth. 能/不能买得起.(能/不能 做.)23.so

17、far/till now/up to now 到目前为止(与现在完成时态连用)24.It remains to be seen. .尚不确定eg: It remains to be seen whether she'll be fit enough to play in the final. 她是否适合参加决赛 尚不确定。25.That/It sounds good/great! 听起来不错26.be popular with sb.受某人欢迎27.be proud of.=take pride in. 为.感到自豪28.regular visits 定期的拜访29.sb.be tal

18、kative 某人是健谈的30.be filled with sth. 充满了.31.be in poor health 身体不好32.as a result 因此33.have no idea of . 对.一无所知34.the quality of. .的质量35.lead/live a . life 过着.样的生活36.live with sb. 和某人生活在一起。live with sth.容忍,承受.(eg:live with pressure 承受压力)37. a great/good many books 许多书38.sth. remains to be done .有待被.1M

19、51.draw /come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 得出结论2.be on stage 在舞台上(演出)3.go on the stage 当演员4.go through a stage 经历人生的一个阶段5.with the aim of doing sth. 为了.6.sth. be aimed at sb.=sth.be intended/meant for sb. 某物是针对某人的,某物是为某人所用的eg:The program is aimed at a teenage audience. 这个节目是针对十几岁的观众的。7.sb. aim to

20、 do sth. 某人打算做.8.react with sth.与.起反应9.react to sth. 对.有反应10.react against sb./sth.反对.11. the immediate reaction to sth. 对.的立刻的反应12.a piece of equipment(u.) 一件设备13.equip sb. /sth.with sth. 某人带着某物,用.来配备.14.balance sth. with sth. 使.与.保持平衡15.put sth. in order 按顺序放.,使. 整齐16.be supposed to do sth.被期待做.,

21、应该做.17.e into existence .开始存在18.in existence 现存的19.keep . out of. 不让.入内20.set up 建起,创立21.order sb. to do sth.=order that sb.( should) do sth.命令某人做某事22.teach sb. a lesson 给某人个教训23.keep away from sth.=keep off sth. 远离.24.a mixture of . .的混合物25.two-thirds of the earth's surface 地球表面的三分之二26.scientif

22、ic experiments 科学实验27.at the bottom of. 在.的底部28.add A to B 把A 加到B 上29.add to difficulty(trouble,happiness)增添了困难(麻烦,快乐)30.add up sth. 把.加起来31.add up to. 共计为.32.predict the result 预测结果33.go ahead 继续,前进,(口语)可以,做吧34.It's your turn 轮到你了35.the lastest equipment 最新的设备36.make a discovery 做出发现37.used to

23、do sth. 过去常常做某事38.be used to doing sth.现在习惯于做某事39.win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖1M61.sb.have/get access(n.) to. 有接近/享有.的权利/机会2.sth. be accessible(adj.) to sb. 某物可为某人利用的/获得的/进入的3.log on/off 登陆/ 注销4.design to do sth. 打算做某事5.sth. be designed for sb. =sth. be meant/intended for sb.=sth. be aimed at sb.6.by

24、design 故意地=on purpose7.have design on sth. 对. 有不良企图8.concentrate on.专注于.9.without permission 未经许可10.ask for permission 请求许可11.permit/allow sb. to do sth.12.sb. permit/allow doing sth.13.weather/time permitting 如果天气/时间许可的话14.be independent of sb. 不依靠某人的15.go down 下降,沉没,落下,被吞下,(灯光)暗下,变差e up with sth.

25、提出,想出,拿出, 赶上17.from that moment on 从那时起18.lie in/consist in.在于.19.may/might as well do sth. 不妨做某事20.sth. consist of sth.=sth. be made up of sth.=sth. be composed of sth. 某物由.组成pared with/ to sth./sb. 与某物/ 某人比起来22.click on sth. 点击.23.the source of information 信息来源24.as well 也25.be/become known/famous

26、 as. 作为.而出名26.at the moment=nowadays=at present 现在27.from that moment on 从那时起28.within five years 在5年之内 (in five years 在五年之后)29.in my opinion=as far as I'mconcerned=from my perspective 在我看来30.point out sth. 指出.31.sth./sb. be expected to do sth. .被期待/预计做.32.Whatcan I do for you? 你要买什么?33.wrap sth

27、. up 把.包起来34.If you need any help, don't hesitate to call us. 如果你需要帮助,一定要给我们打电话。35.a series of . 一系列的.36.pay by credit card 用信用卡付款37.be known/famous to. 为.所知38.be known/famous for. 因.而出名39.on average 平均来说2M11.go/be on a diet 节食2.have a good diet 吃得好3.sth./sb.be fit to do. . .适合.eg:The water here

28、 is fit to drink. He isn't fit to be a teacher.4.sb. be fit for sth. 某人能胜任.eg:I am not fit for the job.5.fit in 适应,处理,应付,相处(fit in with sb. 和某人相处) 6.fit out 装备7.fit with. 与.协调8.suit sb. down to the ground 非常适合某人9.be anxious about sth.对.焦虑10.be anxious for sth. 渴望得到.11.be anxious to do sth. 渴望做.1

29、2.in pain 痛苦地13.spare no pains 不遗余力14.hold one's breath屏住呼吸15.be out of breath 上气不接下气16.an insurance company 保险公司17.be fit=be healthy 健康的18.have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食19.take in 吸收,理解,欺骗,改小,包括,收养20.That/It couldn't be better 不能再好了(最好)21.put sth. into. 把. 投入.22.be connected with.=be related to.

30、和.有关23.two hours' exercise 两个小时的锻炼24.have/get toothache 牙痛25.translate sth. into English 把.翻译成英语26.head towards sp.朝.地方走去27.eye(v.) sb. anxiously 焦虑地注视着某人28.at least 至少29.have/catch a cold 感冒30.feed(fed,fed) A with B=feed B to A 用B 来喂 A 31.sth. feed on sth.( 动物)以.为食32.be fed up with sth. 厌烦.33.

31、contribute to sth./doing sth.引起,促成34.be off work 休假35.until recently 不久之前(和一般过去时态连用),直到最近(和现在完成时态连用)36.lose weight 减肥37.put on weight 增加体重e out 出版,出现,开花,(真相)为人所知,结果是39.anything like that类似的事情40.That's terrific! 太棒了!2M21.take drugs 吸毒,吃药2.sth.be addictive 某物令人上瘾的3.sb.be/become/get addicted to sth

32、. 某人对某物上瘾的(做非谓语时用addicted to.)4.be in danger 处于危险5.give sb. an injection 给某人打针6.be in connection with . 与.有关7.give sb. treatment 给某人治疗8.sb. recieve treatment 某人接受治疗9.the treatment for sth. 对.的治疗10.be under treatment 在治疗中11.It's my treat (n.)我请客12.treat (v.)sb. to sth. 请某人吃.13.treat (v.). like/as

33、.把.当做.来对待14.be well treated/be badly treated 受到好的/不好的对待15.treat(v.) sb. with sth. 用.给某人治疗16.cure sb. of.治好某人.病17.put/place a ban(n.) on sth/doing sth. 下令禁止(做).18. ban(v.banned,banned) doing sth./sth. 禁止(做).19. ban(v.) sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做.20.affect(v.) sth./sb.=have an effect (n.) on sth./sb. 对

34、.有影响21.participate (v) in sth. 参与到某事22.distract sb's attention 分散某人的注意力23.as a result of sth./doing sth. 作为(做).的结果24.cause deaths 导致死亡25.break into sp. 闯入某地 break into tears/laughter/songs 突然哭/笑/唱起来26. break in 闯入,插话27.drug addict 吸毒上瘾的人28.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物29.take/follow sb.'s advi

35、ce 听从某人的建议30.break the law =be against the law 犯法31.I couldn't agree more. 我非常同意32.You can't be serious. 你是开玩笑吧。33.That's a good point.=That's right. 说得对。34.set a date 定下日期35.count to. 数到. 36.breathe in/out 吸入/呼出37.make a list of .列出.的清单38.develop new interests 培养新兴趣39.delay(v.) doin

36、g sth. 推迟做某事40.without delay(n.) 迅速地41.increase by 30% 增长了30%42. increse to 1000 增长到100043.up to 共计,达到,胜任,捣鬼,由某人决定44.go through (多义)2M3pose a poem/music 写诗/作曲2.be composed of 由.组成pose oneself 使某人平静下来4.have a genius for doing sth. 擅长做某事6.a direct(adj) flight to New York 直飞纽约的航班7.a direct answer(adj)

37、直接的答案8.direct (v.) sb. to sp. 给某人指去.地方的路9.direct (v.)sb. to do sth.=direct that sb.(should) do sth. 命令某人做某事10.The film was directed (v.) by Frank. 电影由Frank 导演。11.lose one's mind 丧失理智12.lose one's temper 发脾气13.lose one's way 迷路14.lose heart 灰心 15.lose face 丢脸16.a lost(adj.) child= a missi

38、ng(adj.) child 一个失踪的孩子17.sb.be lost in. 专心致志于., 在地方迷路(做非谓语时用lost )18.have a talent for sth. 在.方面有天赋19.a man of many talents 一个多才多艺的人20.be on tour 在巡回演出21.have an influence on.对.有影响(通常指好的,潜移默化的影响。)22.under the influence of. 在.的影响下24.break the record 打破记录25.set/create/make a record 创造记录26.hold the rec

39、ord 保持记录27.mix sth with sth. 把.和.混合28.mix up sth. 混淆.29.mix business with pleasure 把工作和娱乐相结合30.change sth. into. 把.变成., 把.翻译成.31.change /exchange A for B 用A 换B 32.change/exchange sth. with sb.和某人交换某物33. of all time 有史以来34.for all time 永远35.go deaf/bad/hungry/crazy/sour/red/grey. (go 表示向不好的状态变化或者颜色变化

40、)36.split up 拆散,把.分开37.no way 没门38.fall in love with sb./sth. 爱上.(表示动作)39.be in love with sb. 与sb. 相爱(表示状态)40.It's cool! 太棒了!2M41.the scene of the crime/accident 犯罪/事故现场2.on /at the scene 在现场3.a happy/peaceful scene 幸福的/宁静 的场景4.the music /political scene音乐/政治领域5.be buried/caught alive 被活埋/活捉6.st

41、h. come alive .开始活跃/精彩起来7.observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人在做某事8.observe the law/tradition/agreement. 遵守法律/习俗/协议等9.face/accept reality 面对现实10.sth. become a reality .成为现实=sth. be realised=sth. come true11.in reality =in fact 实际上12.can't stand sth./doing sth./sb. doing sth. 无法忍受/经受.13.tell by sth. 从.中判

42、断14.put on 穿上,开动,播放,假装,上演,增加(体重),提高(价格)15.take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事16.adopt an idea/plan/method. 采纳想法/计划/方法.17.adopt a child 收养孩子18.adapt (oneself) to sth/to doing sth. 适应(做).19.sth. be adapted for sth. .被改编成.20.destroy sb's confidence/hope 毁掉某人的信心/希望21.sth. be destroyed by the earthquake/fire

43、. .被地震/大火等严重毁灭22.don't change a thing 不要做变动23.a series of. 一系列的.24.stand still 站着不动25.stand by 袖手旁观,做好准备26.tell sth. apart 区分.27.tell sb. of sth. 告知某人某事28.consider doing sth. 考虑做某事29.sth. be considered (to be)/(as). .被认为是.30.What do you make of it?=What do you think of it?=How do you like it?=Ho

44、w do find it? 你认为它怎么样?31.be well-known/be better-known/be best-known 著名的/更著名的/最著名的32.be fond of sth./doing sth. 喜欢.33.attempt to do sth. 企图做某事=make an attempt to do sth.=make an attempt at doing sth.34.succeed in sth./doing sth. 成功于做某事=be successful in doing sth.35.put off sth./doing sth. 推迟.36.You&

45、#39;ve got it right 你是对的37.I'm not half as good as you 我还不及你的一半好38.There's an exhibition on 现在有个展览39.Thanks for the compliment 谢谢夸奖40.give/pay sb. a compliment 称赞/恭维某人41.happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事42.sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上2M51.orbit(v.) the earth 绕地球飞行=make orbits(n.) of the earth 2.congra

46、tulate sb.on sth. 祝贺某人某事3.offer sbs congratulations on sth. 表达某人对某事的祝贺4.go aboard(the plane/the train/the ship) 上(飞机,火车,船)5.on board 在(飞机,船,火车)上6.board (v) the plane(the train/the ship) 乘坐(飞机,火车,船)7.at home and abroad 在国内外8.historical events历史事件9.a historic building历史性的建筑10.a belief in sth.方面的信念11.s

47、b.hold a belief that. 某人相信.12. believe sb. 相信某人的话13.believe in sb. 相信某人的品质或能力14.several pieces of evidence(u.)几条证据15.book/film review书/影评16.in space/go into space 在太空/去太空17.take photographs of. 给.拍照18.in total 总共=in all19.home and international news 国内外新闻20.carry the news. 刊登新闻。21.I don't believ

48、e a word of it! 我对此一个字都不信!22.now that=since 既然23.a five-day visit 五天的访问24.sb. be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事26.sth. be delightful (物)令人愉快的25.It is (high/about)time that sb. should do sth./did sth. 是某人该干.的时候了26.With time going on=As time went(goes) on 随着时间的推移27.sb.work out sth. 计算出,制定出,理解28.sth. work

49、out . 成功,.算下来为.29. sb. work out 某人锻炼/健身30.by land 由陆地(去)31. on land 在陆地上32.be content with. 对.满意33.take on 呈现,从事34.take over 接管35.at all costs/at any cost 不惜一切代价36.cost (cost,cost)sb. sth. 花费某人.钱,使某人丧失.eg:His driving after drinking cost him his life.他酒后驾车要了他的命。37.reply to. 回复.38.sb devote oneself/ti

50、me/money/ energy to sth./to doing sth.某人将.投入到.(做.)39.sb. be devoted to sth./to doing sth. 某人致力于做. (做非谓语时用devoted to.)40.How come 为什么,怎么会.呢?eg:How come you were late this morning?=Why were you late this morning?2M61.argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事2.argue that. 主张,认为3.entertain sb. to sth.=trea

51、t sb. to sth. 用. 款待某人e out 出版,出现,开花,结果是,真相大白5.care about 关心,在乎6.care for 喜欢,想要,照顾7.sth. be beyond expression . 无法表达8.sb. stars in the film=the film stars sb.电影由某人主演9.tell of sth. 讲述.10.take place 发生,举行11.express in words 用语言表达12.from time to time=once in a while=every now and then=now and then=at ti

52、mes=occasionally=sometime偶尔,有时13.fall in love with sb. 表示动作 爱上某人14.be in love with sb. 表示状态 与某人相爱15.be set in. 背景设置在.(做非谓语时用set in)16.show(have)/lose interest in sth. 对.有/失去兴趣17.with interest 有兴趣地18.the pulic interest 公共利益20.sth. interest sb. 某物使得某人感兴趣20.as far as sp.远到.地方21.as far as sb be/sth be c

53、oncerned 就.而言22.play the part /role of. 扮演.的角色23.at the end of the road 在路的尽头24.a short space of time 一会儿25.What's on TV this evening? 今晚电视上演什么?26.Good for you! 你做的很好!27.It is generally agreed that. 人们普遍同意.28.fight against. 反对.29.be at war 处于战争中30.a time of great suffering(n.苦难) 一段非常痛苦的时期e across 偶尔遇到e about 发生How did it come about that you were late this morning?=How come you were late this morning?=Why were you late this morning?3M11.face south/north 向南(向阳)/朝


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