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1、五年级英语下册知识要点总结Module 1 SeasonsUnit 1 Whats your favourite season?一、基本知识1.colourful/winter/either/autumn/ski/plant/camp/go camping/go skiing2. Something that is colourful has bright colours or a lot of different colours.The flowers are colourful. People wear colorful clothes.3. I really love spring.-Y

2、ou can use really to emphasize a statement. 4.Summer is the best time for swimming.二、重点分析1. I dont like summer and I dont like winter,either.- When one negative statement follows another, you can use either at the end of the second one to indicate that you are adding an extra piece of information, a

3、nd to emphasize that both are equally important. Don't agree, but don't argue either.三、难点解剖1.prefer: If you prefer someone or something, you like that person or thing better than another, and so you are more likely to choose them if there is a choice. Does he prefer a particular sort of musi

4、c?. I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics. I prefer to go on a holidayI would prefer him to be with us next season.四、延伸拓展1.either: (1)(两者之中)任一的 You may go by either road. (2).(两者之中)每一方的;每一的He had a bag in either hand.(3)代词 pron. 1.(两者之中)任何一个 I don't agree with eithe

5、r of you on these issues.(4)连接词 conj. 1.(通常与or连用)或者 Either you or your father must see this young man today. She is coming either today or tomorrow.(5)副词 ad. 1.(用在否定句中)也,而且;根本 If you don't go, I won't eitherUnit 2 Its the middle of winter 一、基本知识1.middle/classmate/Australia/answer/China/tooto

6、/if2. He is visiting me for the summer holidays.-You use for when you state or explain the purpose of an object, action, or activity.3.Our summer is from December to February.4.I see now.- If you see what someone means or see why something happened, you understand what they mean or understand why it

7、 happened. Oh, I see what you're saying. Now I see that I was wrong.= understand5.Whats like()?6.Im sure+句子二、重点分析1.middle: (1) The middle of something is the part of it that is furthest from its edges, ends, or outside surface. Howard stood in the middle of the room. (2) The middle of an event o

8、r period of time is the part that comes after the first part and before the last part. I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear a tapping on the window. It was now the middle of November, cold and often foggy.三、难点解剖1."sothat"有"如此程度,以致"而 "tooto"则有"如此程度以致不

9、能 "的意思。故此在 "tooto"后不须再有否定字眼,若不,就有双重否定的情况出现。如: (×) The box is too small not to hold all these things. () The box s too small to hold all these things.四、延伸拓展1. 关于季节的谚语(1)April showers bring May flowers. 四月雨带来五月花(2)If winter comes, can spring be far behind?冬天来了,春天还会远吗(雪莱)(3)April sh

10、owers bring May flowers. 四月雨,五月花(4)If bees stay at home,rain will soon come.If they fly away ,fine will be the day. 蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹(5) A snow year, a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年(6) 秋海棠:elephant ear/夏令营:summer campModule 2 PlansUnit 3 We are going to have an English test一、基本知识1.plan/test/date/Why?/be going to /forget

11、/important/month/museum/Meeting/open day/farm/second/third/fifth/eighth/ninth2.Whats the date?3.Isnt that Mikes birthday?4.Is there anything else important this month?5.visit the museum/have a sports meeting/go to school open day/visit a farm二、重点分析1.在英语的日期表达中,表示某日一般使用序数词,其缩写通常为:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th30

12、th 如:Feb. 5 or Thursday,February 5, or the fifth of February.表示第几十几时,用几十的基数词形式加上连字符“-”和个位序数词形式一起表示。 如: thirty-first , fifty-sixth ,seventy-third ,ninety-ninth三、难点解剖1. be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别: (1). be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如: He is going to write a letter to

13、night. He will write a book one day. (2). be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。 He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He will be twenty years old. (3.) be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如: She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour.四、延伸拓展1.节日英语:春节 Spring F

14、estval 除夕New Year's Eve 正月lunar January 初一the beginning of New Year 清明节Ching Ming Festival(Tomb-sweeping Day) 中秋节Mid-Autumn Day (Chinese Festival) 5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother's Day) 6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father's Day) 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festi

15、val) 农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day) 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan一、基本知识1.have a good time/travel/mountain/climb/mountain climbing/beach/noon2. You use for to say how long somet

16、hing lasts or continues. For a few minutes she sat on her bed watching the clock.3.early in the morning4. If you fly somewhere, you travel there in an aircraft. He flew back to London.5.go for a picnic/go mountain climbing/go shopping/have a three-day holiday6.all day/at noon/the next day/Friday eve

17、ning/next Sunday/tonight7. If you have a free period of time or are free at a particular time, you are not working or occupied then.She spends her free time shopping. I am always free at lunchtime.8.I cant wait to do9.Im sure二、重点分析1.travel: (1) If you travel, you go from one place to another, often

18、to a place that is far away. We are going to travel to Hong Kong tomorrow.Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here.(2) If you travel the world, the country, or the area, you go to many different places in the world or in a particular country or area.(3) Someone's travels are the journ

19、eys that they make to places a long way from their home. He also collects things on his travels.三、难点解剖1. lovely: (1)If you describe someone or something as lovely, you mean that they are very beautiful and therefore pleasing to look at or listen to. (mainly BRIT) You look lovely, Marcia. He had a lo

20、vely voice. a lovely old Chinese gardens.= beautifu l(2)If you describe something as lovely, you mean that it gives you pleasure. (mainly BRIT mainly SPOKEN) Mary! How lovely to see you!. It's a lovely day. What a lovely surprise! = marvellous, wonderful (3)If you describe someone as lovely, you

21、 mean that they are friendly, kind, or generous. (mainly BRIT) Laura is a lovely young woman. She's a lovely child. = delightful四、延伸拓展1. Travel broadens the mind.旅游开阔眼界。2. 羊城八景:云山叠翠-Baiyun Mountain(白云山) 古祠留芳-Chen Jia Ci(陈家祠) 越秀新晖-Zhen Hai Lou(镇海楼) 天河飘绢-East Train Station Square(火车东站广场) 莲峰观海-Ocea

22、n view at the Lotus Hill(莲花山上的海景) 珠水夜韵-Day and night cruise along the Pearl River(珠江日夜航游) 五环晨曦-Guangdong Olympia Stadium Center(广州奥林匹克运动中心) 黄花皓月-Huang Hua Gang 72 martyrs Cemetery(黄花岗72烈士公墓)Module 3 InvitationUnit 5 Would you like to go with?一、基本知识1.would/Would you like?/nothing/sound/gate/a.m./cool

23、/Oh dear?/problem/No problem/match/centre/supermarket2.What are you doing this Saturday?3.That sounds great!4. You use should when you are saying what would be the right thing to do or the right state for something to be in. I should exercise more.5. You can use dear in expressions such as oh dear&#

24、39;, dear me', and dear, dear' when you are sad, disappointed, or surprised about something. Oh dear, oh dear.' McKinnon sighed. You, too.'6.Im sorry but7.No problem. 没问题 /没关系 /不客气8. Someone or something that is funny is amusing and likely to make you smile or laugh. I'll tell yo

25、u a funny story.二重点分析1.plan: (1) A plan is a method of achieving something that you have worked out in detail beforehand. (2)If you plan what you are going to do, you decide in detail what you are going to do, and you intend to do it. We plan to leave Guangzhou on Monday. plan for the future. I m pl

26、anning a trip to the West Coast.(3) If you have plans, you are intending to do a particular thing. I'm sorry,' she said. I have plans for tonight.'2.Make an invitation: (1)Would you like to come to?/Shall we have a ?/Do you want to come to ?(2)Good idea!/Thats OK/Thats great/Id like to,b

27、ut Im busy/Id like to,but I have something else to do三、难点解剖1.sound: (1) A sound is something that you hear.the sounds of children playing.(2) When you are describing your impression or opinion of something you have heard about or read about, you can talk about the way it sounds. It sounds like a won

28、derful idea to me, does it really work?.2.maybe: (1) You use maybe to express uncertainty, for example when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe.(2) You use maybe when you are making sug

29、gestions or giving advice. Maybe is also used to introduce polite requests. Maybe we can go to the movies or something. Wait a while, maybe a few days. = perhaps四、延伸拓展1. People sometimes say It's nothing' as a polite response after someone has thanked them for something they have done. Thank

30、 you for the wonderful dinner.'It's nothing,' Sarah said. I'll be on my way. I can't thank you enough, Alan.'It was nothing, but take care. = don't mention itUnit 6 See you at the party一、基本知识1.Id like to/invite/special/surprise/begin/arrive/call2.If you are coming, please

31、 call me on 4442-2211.- If you call someone, you telephone them. 3. If you invite someone to something such as a party or a meal, you ask them to come to it. She invited him to her 6th birthday party.4. To begin to do something means to start doing it.Snow began falling again. = start stop5. When a

32、person or vehicle arrives at a place, they come to it at the end of a journey. Fresh groups of guests arrived.二、重点分析1. special: (1)Someone or something that is special is better or more important than other people or things. You're very special to me, darling. special guest (2) Special means dif

33、ferent from normal. normal2.邀请信结语:(1)See you at(2)Thanks.(3)Look forward to seeing you (4)Hope to see you soon.三、难点解剖1. surprise: (1)A surprise is an unexpected event, fact, or piece of news.I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland!.(2)Surprise is also an adjective. Baxter arrived her

34、e this afternoon, on a surprise visit.(3) N-UNCOUNTSurprise is the feeling that you have when something unexpected happens.You mean he's going to vote against her?' Scobie asked in surprise.To my surprise, I find I like it.(4) If you surprise someone, you give them, tell them, or do somethin

35、g pleasant that they are not expecting. Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes.四、延伸拓展1. If you look forward to something that is going to happen, you want it to happen because you think you will enjoy it. He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister. If

36、 you say that someone is looking forward to something useful or positive, you mean they expect it to happen. Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales.2.begin: (1) You use begin to mention the first thing that someone says. Professor Theron,' he began, I'm very

37、 pleased to see you'. He didn't know how to begin.(2) When something begins or when you begin it, it takes place from a particular time onwards. The problems began last November.Module 4 TravelUnit 7 We will go by train一、基本知识1.by/train/leave/exciting/island/taxi/America/American/Australian2.

38、Do you have any plans for?3.go travelling=travel4.How will you go there?5. If you leave a place or person, you go away from that place or person.7.Take the first turning on the right.二、重点分析1. 乘坐交通工具的表达方法:(1)用“by交通工具名词”表示交通方式。此时交通工具的名词只能用单数,不能用复数,也不能被冠词或物主代词等限定。如:by bike,by bus,by car,by train,by shi

39、p,by plane(2)用“by交通路线的位置”来表示交通方式。如:by land,by water,by sea,by air(3)用“in(on)交通工具名词”。此时交通工具名词前必须有冠词、名词所有格形式或形容词性物主代词等限定词修饰。其用法与“by交通工具名词”相似。He often goes to school on a(his)bikeDon't come here on in the ship We go there in a car( 4)用“take a(the)交通工具名词”表示交通方式。如:take a bus,take a train,take a ship,

40、take a plane;但“骑自行车”要用 ride a bike来表示。(5)表示“步行去某地”,可用下列两种句式: (1)go to 某地 on foot注意:on foot不可说成 on feet,on a the my foot,by foot等。(2)walk to 某地。如He walks to school every day He goes to school on foot every day 三、难点解剖1.excite: (1) If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthu

41、siastic. I only take on work that excites me(2) If something is exciting, it makes you feel very happy or enthusiastic. The race itself is very exciting. = thrilling四、延伸拓展1.常见问路指路句型:(1)1.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to? 2.Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to? 3.Where is ? 4.How can I

42、 get to ? 5.Do you know the way to ?6. Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office?(2)1.Take the first turning on the right.2. Go down this way, and turn left at the firt crossing,and you 'll find is right there, on your left.3. Its on Road.4. Just follow this street two block

43、s.5、Take the No 5 bus here, and get off at the next stop.6、Go down this street, and turn to the left at the first crossing.7、It's about five minutes' walk.8、Go down the road and you'll come to a bus stop.9、Go this way about 5 minutes. When you come to a lane, turn right.10、It's next

44、to the hospital.11、It's over there.12、Go straight ahead about 300 metres.13、Keep straight on for two blocks.14、Keep going until you see a big white building on your left.15、It's about half an hour's ride. Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing一、基本知识1.trip/excited/hotel/on foot/take a walk/aro

45、und/lake/street/underground2. A trip is a journey that you make to a particular place. a trip to somewhere3. drive: (1)When you drive somewhere, you operate a car or other vehicle and control its movement and direction. (2)If you drive someone somewhere, you take them there in a car or other vehicle

46、. His daughter Carly drove him to the train station.二、重点分析1. walk: (1)When you walk, you move forward by putting one foot in front of the other in a regular way. She turned and walked away. They would stop the car and walk a few steps. When I was your age I walked five miles to school. (2) A walk is

47、 a journey that you make by walking, usually for pleasure. I went for a walk. He often took long walks in the hills.2. around: To be positioned around a place or object means to surround it or be on all sides of it. To move around a place means to go along its edge, back to your starting point. She

48、looked at the papers around her.三、难点解剖1.excite- exciting-excited:(1) If something excites you, it makes you feel very happy, eager, or enthusiastic.If something excites a particular feeling, emotion, or reaction in someone, it causes them to experience it. It did not excite his interest.=arouse(2) I

49、f something is exciting, it makes you feel very happy or enthusiastic. The race itself is very exciting.= thrilling 主语是物或事 eg This movie is so exciting. (3)If you are excited, you are so happy that you cannot relax, especially because you are thinking about something pleasant that is going to happen

50、 to you.主语为人较多 e.g. she's so excited about the upcoming holiday.2. The underground in a city is the railway system in which electric trains travel below the ground in tunnels. Metro  =  大都市   e.g.  Metro Toronto  = 多侖多大都會subway  =  Underground  =   地鐵

51、       全北美稱呼地鐵为 subway  , 英国稱之为Underground.He crossed London by underground.四、延伸拓展1.foot: (1)英尺(foot)是基本单位,foot 在英文里是脚的意思。这真是非常形象:一个古时候 的北欧白人农民在用自己的大脚丈量土地:一脚挨着一脚,一个大脚印就是一英尺. (2)十三世纪初期,英国尺度紊乱,全国没有统一的标准,为全国贸易( trade )往来带来了很多麻烦。仅尺度上带来的民事纠纷就使英国皇室大为苦恼,他们先后召开了 10 余次大臣会议商讨此事,商量来讨论去始终确定不

52、下来一个统一的标准,曾在大宪章上签字的约翰王便愤怒地( angrily )在地上踩了一脚,然后指着凹陷下去的脚印对大臣们庄严宣布:“ There is a foot, let it be the measure from this day forward. (这个脚印让它永远作为丈量的标准吧!)” 现在的大英博物馆中还珍藏着用膨胀系数很小的合金制成的长方形框子、空心部分即为英王御足( The Imperial Foot )的标准长度。因为英王穿着鞋,所以,一英尺大约是三十厘米,标准长度为:30.48厘米。(3) A straight foot is not afraid of a crooke

53、d shoe. 身正不怕影子斜Module 5 SafetyUnit 9 Be careful一、基本知识1.safety/careful/kid/hurt/get hurt/must/cut/yourself/watch out/fall down/dryBad/fan/feed/dangerous/sharp/get sick2.Its time to 3.Be careful.=You must be careful.4.Watch out: (1)If you tell someone to watch out, you are warning them to be careful,

54、because something unpleasant might happen to them or they might get into difficulties.= look out (2) You can say Take care' when saying goodbye to someone.4.fall down=fall5.Let me help you do sth.6. If something is dry, there is no water or moisture on it or in it. When something dries or when y

55、ou dry it, it becomes dry. Wash and dry the lettuce.7.Great work.=Well done=Good job.8. You can refer to a child as a kid. (INFORMAL) They've got three kids. All the kids in my class could read.二、重点分析1.Cooking can be fun. (1) You use can to indicate that something is true sometimes or is true in

56、 some circumstances.(2) You refer to an activity or situation as fun if you think it is pleasant and enjoyable and it causes you to feel happy.It could be fun to watch them.You still have time to join in the fun.2.You may cut yourself.(1) You use may to indicate that something will possibly happen o

57、r be true in the future, but you cannot be certain.We may have some rain today. I may be back next year.(2) A speaker or writer uses yourself to refer to the person that they are talking or writing to. Yourself is used when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same person as the subject

58、 of the verb. 3. You say Come on' to someone to encourage them to do something they do not much want to do. (SPOKEN) Come on Doreen, let's dance.2 CONVENTION You say Come on' to someone to encourage them to hurry up. (SPOKEN)三、难点解剖1.get hurt: (1) You use get with adjectives to mean becom

59、e'. For example, if someone gets cold, they become cold, and if they get angry, they become angry.(2) If you hurt yourself or hurt a part of your body, you feel pain because you have injured yourself. He hurt his back in an accident. If you are hurt, you have been injured. His classmate asked him if he was hurt. If you hurt someone, you cause them to fe


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