1、废物描述Waste Characterization目 的: 识别和描述工厂里产生的所有废弃物。Purpose:To identify and characterize all waste generated within a site.范 围: 可应用到所有的运营工厂。Scope:Applicable to all operations.技术指引:Technical Guideline:A必须满足所有的法律法规。All applicable laws and regulations shall be followed.B其他。In addition: 1工厂应该识别每一种产生的废物,相关信息
2、必须存档并不断更新。The site should identify each type of waste generated. This information should be documented and kept current.2一旦废物被确定,对于废弃物是否被控制应加加以描述。描述中应包括废弃物产生过程的知识、生产商说明书及实验分析。Once a waste has been identified, a characterization should be made as to whether the waste is regulated or controlled. Chara
3、cterization can include knowledge of the process that generated the waste, manufacturer specifications or by laboratory analysis of the waste. 3所有的废物表征必须完整存档,并以年为基础进行更新。All waste characterizations should be fully documented and updated on an annual basis.定 义: Definitions废物就是工厂在运营过程中,产生的被指定为需要丢弃、处理或者
4、回收的液体、气体或固体副产品。举例如常用的车间废弃物、化学废弃物、使用过的包装材料等。:"Wastes" are by-products of operations that are in a liquid, gas or solid state, that are destined for disposal, treatment or recycling. Examples are general plant waste, chemical waste, used packaging material, etc. 参 考:References:污染防治Pollution
5、Prevention目 的: 减少和消除工厂废物的产生,达到保护自然资源的目的。Purpose:To reduce or eliminate the generation of waste at sites and to conserve natural resources.范 围: 适用所有的运营工厂。Scope: Applicable to all operations.技术指引:Technical Guideline:A必须满足所有的法律法规。All applicable laws and regulations shall be followed.B其他:In addition: 1每
6、个工作场所应该对废物进行评估,以确定废物及产生废物的活动和原材料。每种废物每年都必须量化。Each site should conduct an assessment to identify waste and activities and materials which may contribute to this waste. Each waste should be quantified annually.2每一个工作现场都应该进行相应的评估,以确定减少和消除废物流的机会。确定保护自然资源的机会。实现这些确定的机会就成为发展的书面目标。Each site should evaluate
7、the assessment to identify opportunities to reduce or eliminate waste streams. Identify opportunities to conserve natural resources. Written goals should be developed for those opportunities identified.a目标应该分解到数字化的具体任务(如:镑/年,加仑/月,减少率等)。The goals should set specific numerical targets (i.e. pounds per
8、 year, gallons per month, percent reduction, etc.) b目标至少每年要做一次评审。The goals should be reviewed at least annually.3厂务需要对每年的既定目标和所取得的成就进行评审和记录。产品率将用于计算厂务所取得的进步。The facility should measure its progress toward goals annually and document its achievements. A production index may be used in the calculation
9、 of the facility's progress.4污染防治技术指引的所有要素应该在工作现场的书面污染防护计划中加以明确描述。计划应该描述为了达到既定的目标而采取的污染防治和减少的途径。All elements of this Pollution Prevention Technical Guideline should be described in a written site specific Pollution Prevention plan. The plan should describe what prevention and reduction methods t
10、he site is using to achieve its goals.定 义: Definitions:自然资源包括能源、水、原材料(如:办公用品、化学品、包装材料等)。"Natural Resources" includes energy, water, raw materials (e.g. office supplies, chemicals, packaging materials, etc.)防治和减少途径包括资源减少、循环再利用程序、回收行为和其他可以减少和消除污染物产生的目标程序。"Prevention and reduction method
11、s" includes source reduction, recycling programs, reclamation activities and other types of programs targeted at reducing or eliminating the generation of pollutants.“生产指数” 当年产品数量与基准年产品数量的比率。"Production Index” A ratio of production in the current year divided by production in the baseline
12、year.“量化”用定量分析或工程学评估的方法对对废物流或者废物流的组成做的数字化的测量方法。"Quantified" A numerical measurement of the waste stream or the components of the waste stream using either a quantitative analysis or an engineering estimate.“降低污染源” 包括任何可以降低污染源的废物的行为(例如化学品的替换、去除或工艺的改变)。"Source Reduction" includes a
13、ny activity that reduces a waste at the source (e.g. chemical substitution or elimination, process changes).废物就是工厂在运营过程中,产生的被指定为需要丢弃、处理或者回收的液体、气体或固体副产品。举例如常用的车间废弃物、化学废弃物、使用过的包装材料等。"Wastes" are by-products of operations that are in a liquid, gas or solid state, that are destined for disposa
14、l, treatment or recycling. Examples are general plant waste, chemical waste, used packaging material etc.“废物流”包括废气排放、污水处理和废弃物(有害和无害废弃物)。"Waste Streams" include air emissions, effluent discharges, and waste (hazardous and non hazardous).空容器的管理Empty Container Management目 的: 提供空容器的调用程序,避免污染的容
15、器的混用。Purpose:To provide a program for routine disposition of empty containers that shall prevent the misuse of contaminated containers.范 围: 适用所有运营工厂以及全球附属机构。Scope:Applicable to all operations. and its wholly owned subsidiaries worldwide.Technical Guideline:A 必须满足所有的法律法规。All applicable laws and regul
16、ations shall be followed.B其次,空容器的现场管理程序应该包含以下部分:In addition, site programs for managing empty containers should include the following:1管理空容器的操作规程建议应该包括以下部分:Recommended practices for managing empty containers which should include the following:a现场容器的再利用。Reuse of the container on-site; b把容器返回给供应商再利用。S
17、hipping the container back to the supplier for reuse; c容器的离场后的循环使用。Off-site recycling of the container; d不能再利用的空容器在丢弃前需要进行相应的统计或报告。Rendering the container unusable prior to off-site disposal.2用垃圾掩埋法对空容器的丢弃是最不值得考虑的管理实践。容器一旦被确定使用垃圾掩埋法丢弃,必须在离场丢弃前进行统计报告,并做最大化的净化处理。Disposal of empty containers in a landf
18、ill should be considered the least desirable management practice. Containers that are destined for landfill disposal should be rendered unusable prior to off-site disposal and decontaminated to the extent practicable.3在任何情况下,以前没有储存过有害化学品的容易不可以赠于或卖给职员或其他人。No container which previously held hazardous
19、chemicals should be given or sold to an employee or any other person under any circumstance.4重复使用的空容器应该存放在特定的区域,该区域可以是空容器避免暴露在风雨下,同时也避免暴露在因疏忽而泄露的容器残留物中。Empty containers stored for reuse should be kept in an area which protects the containers from damage due to exposure to the elements and protects t
20、he environment from inadvertent exposure from container residue.定 义:Definitions:“空”的前提条件是:"Empty" is a condition when:a不超过25cm(英寸)的残留物留存在容器中。no more than 2.5 centimeters (one inch) of residue remain on the bottom of the container, b 不超过容器乘满时总重量3%的残留物留存在容器中。 其他当地对空容器的法律法规也同时使用。no more than
21、three percent by weight of the total capacity of the container remains in the container. Additional definitions of empty may apply depending on applicable local laws and regulations.“空容器”是指任何在运输和产品操作过程中储存有害化学品的容器。"Empty container" refers to any shipping or product handling container that f
22、ormerly contained a hazardous chemical. “有害化学品”是指任何对身体和健康有危害的化学品。"Hazardous chemical" refers to any chemical which is a physical hazard or a health hazard. References:有害废物的现场存储和操作On-site Storage and Handling of Hazardous Waste目 标: 从有害废弃物从产生到离场处置的正确操作和储存。 Purpose:To properly handle and stor
23、e hazardous wastes from the time the waste is generated until the time it is removed for off-site disposal.范 围: 适用所有运营工厂以及全球附属机构。此技术指引不适用卫星堆积物区域。Scope:Applicable to all operations. and its wholly owned subsidiaries worldwide. This Technical Guideline does not apply to satellite accumulation areas.技术
24、指引:Technical Guideline:A 必须满足所有的法律法规。All applicable laws and regulations shall be followed.B.工作现场的有害废物,从废物的产生到离场处理都应该正确操作和储存。Sites should properly handle and store hazardous wastes from the time the waste is generated until the time it is removed for off-site disposal. 每一个工作现场按下面的方法执行:Each site shou
25、ld implement the following:1在工作现场,任何时候不可以堆放没有标记的有害废物容器。每一个有害废物都必须有正确的标记,或在放入废物的时候做明确的标志。There should be no unlabeled containers of hazardous waste accumulated on-site at any time. Each container of hazardous waste should be properly labeled or marked at the time the waste is placed into a container.
26、a废物的描述。Description of the waste;b以往储存的数据。The date that storage began; c其他法规要求的识别。Additional identification as required by regulatory authorities.2乘放有害废物的容器应该保持一个相对无凸出、花边修饰、铁锈或者其他已经退化迹象的条件。Containers holding hazardous wastes should be maintained in good condition relatively free of bulges, dents, rus
27、t or any other sign of deterioration.3容器应该与所储存的性质一致。Containers should be compatible with the material being stored in them.4除非放入或移走有害废物,其他时间一律不允许打开容器。Open containers are not to be permitted at any time, except when adding or removing hazardous wastes.5在操作和储存过程中,必须确保不会发生容器泄露、溢出或者使容器损坏。Containers shou
28、ld be handled and stored in a manner that should not cause leakage, spills, or damage to the container.6工厂应该设立一个专门的用于有害废物现场储存的区域,以便有害废物的离场处理或回收。储存区域应该具备:The site should use a dedicated on-site storage area for the storage of hazardous wastes prior to shipment off-site for disposal or reclamation. Th
29、e storage area should:a必须在室内,有顶棚或者其他保护措施,以避免雨水。Be located indoors, or covered (with a roof) and protected from the elements and/or other means for storm water;b对于液体储存,应该在防化学品涂层处理的地板上有一个体积足够大的构件,其容积是最大容器容积的110%。For liquid storage, have a chemical resistant coated floor which should be constructed of
30、a compatible material of sufficient size to contain a spill equivalent to 110% of the largest container stored;c必须配备与之相关的防火和泄露处理的应急设备。Have suitable fire fighting and spill response equipment readily available.7容积超过或等于55加仑或者200公升的容器不允许堆放超过两层。如果鼓状圆桶不可以堆叠,可以放到货架或者托盘上。Containers having a capacity greate
31、r than or equal to fifty-five U.S. gallons or 200 liters, in the storage area, should not be stacked more than two high. Drums may be stored on shelves, or pallet racks, at any height if they are not stacked.8 储存化学性质相反的废物的容器在储存区域按计划区别存放,以确保一旦放生泄露,不至于废物发生混合。可以使用物理结构或者设备对不同性质化学品的区域进行隔离。The containers
32、in the storage area should be arranged to separate incompatible wastes so that in the event of a spill, incompatible wastes should not mix. Appropriate physical structures or devices for segregating incompatibles can be utilized9有害废物储存区域至少应该每周检查,并对检查结果进行记录备案。Hazardous waste storage areas should be inspected at least weekly. These inspections should be documented.10适当的过道,可以方便检查和容易使用容器
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