1、基础写作图表类、观点分析类图表作文多以说明文和议论文为主,要求考生根据所给的图表、数据及标题进行分析、研究,阅读其中的文字和说明,弄清各种信息之间的关系,提炼和确定出文章的中心思想。注意:1)图表和数据内容不必全部描述。2)善于抓住总的规律,趋势,归纳增减率。 3)时态:特定时间用过去时。经常出现的情况或自己的评述用一般现在时。词汇积累:1. 数据类型:table(表格), chart / graph(图表), figure (数据)2. 数据:1/2 _ 1/3 _ 3/4 _ 75% _一半_ 大多数/大部分_固定词组:one quarter 1/4; one in/out of ten
2、1/10; the rest 13% = the13% left; a majority of, a minority of)3. 数据动向:(1)上升go up to; climb to; increase to; rise to; jump to 1)这个城市的人口迅速增长到2亿5千万。The population of this city has been increasing sharply to 250 million. 2)1993年至1994年间增长迅速,1995年去到5百万。There was a rapid increase between 1993 and 1994, an
3、d the number jumped to five million in 1995. (2)保持没变remain; stay the same每月的火灾数量保持一样。The number of fires in each month remained the same. (3)下降fall to; go down to; decrease; drop to; decline; 1)与1998年比较,高峰的百分比下降了30%。In comparison with that in 1988, the percentage of peak points decreased by 30%. 2)南
4、美的游客数量有轻微的上升,而欧洲的游客量轻微下降。The number of South American travelers increased slightly and the number of visitors from Europe declined slightly. 4. 观点表达(1)支持:agree to do; are in favor of/ approve of /support the idea of doing(2)反对:disagree to do; are against / object to / oppose doing 句型积累:1. 调查主题、对象、人数
5、就 主题 在 多少对象 进行了一次调查1) We did/ made/carried out/conducted a survey among + 对象on/ about + 主题2) A survey on/ about + 主题has been done/ made/ carried out/ conducted among+ 对象 翻译:(1) 上周,我们就“谁是你的偶像(idol)”,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查。_(2) 最近,我们以“2012年中学生的春节(Spring Festival)活动(activities)”为题,在368名中学生中进行了一次调查。_(3) 最近我们对
6、200名学生(男女各半)的未来择业作了一次抽样调查。_(4) 上周,你在高三级全体同学中就 “是否同意循环使用旧课本”的问题做了个调查。_2. 数据结论(1) 表格显示,许多人假期出国旅游。The table shows that/ From the table we can find out that a great number of people spent their holidays traveling abroad. (2) 我们从表格知道,比率从1993年的38%下降到2003年31%。As we can see from the graph that the rate drop
7、ped slightly from 38% in 1993 to 31% in 2003. (3) 与男孩比较,女孩对聊天更感兴趣。Compared with the boys, the girls show more interested in chatting.练习:手机:cell phone数据结论:_职业学院:vocational college 出国留学:study abroad中学毕业生去向示意图数据结论:_问题类型学习焦虑逆反心理缺乏交往睡眠不足缺乏锻炼视力不佳比例704030805070中学生健康问题的调查表数据结论:_(a): Number of TV watchers (b
8、): Number of film goers数据结论:_数据结论:_3. 倍数表达(1) 玩游戏机的男孩的数量比女孩多得多。The number of the boys playing games is much larger than that of the girls.(2) 根据图表可知,数量是1995年的10倍。According to Chart, the number was ten times as many as that in 1995. (3) 数量比去年翻了一倍。It doubled the number of last year.(4) .is equal to th
9、at of. 与 一样多牛刀小试(一)你在高三级的同学中就 “是否同意循环使用旧课本”的问题做了个调查,请根据下表写一篇报告,并谈谈你的观点。不同意见支持 (68%)反对 (32%)理由1.可节省自然资源,节约开支1、教材内容经常更新2. 一些西方国家经常这样做2. 很多同学在书上做了笔记高三级的同学:the senior 3 students 循环再用旧课本:recycle the used text books自然资源:nature resources 开支:expense 西方国家:western country教材内容:the content of text book 笔记: note
10、_(二)最近,我们以“2012年中学生的春节活动”为题,在368名中学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:【写作内容】 请根据以上内容使用5个句子写一份调查报告。内容包括: 1.调查问题及调查对象;2.主要活动; 3.感受及原因;4.期望。 亲戚:relatives 压岁钱:lucky money_(三)假设你于4月23日的“世界读书日”(World Reading Day)在你所在的学校进行了一项阅读习惯调查,以下是其中的一项调查结果。请用英语写一篇短文,说明相关内容及结果等。A.买书阅读 B.网上下载或在线阅读 C. 从朋友处或图书馆借阅 D. 学校阅览室阅读【写作内容】调
11、查内容及时间;问题:阅览室的使用率(use rate)不高;建议:(1)延长阅览室的开放时间;(2)书店送书到校,方便学生购买。【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。网上下载:download e-book 在线阅读:read online图书馆:library 阅览室:reading-room_参考范文:(一)I have done a survey among the senior 3 students to find out their opinions on recycling the text books. The result shows that 68% of the st
12、udents are in favor of it, because many western countries do so all the time. Whats more, by recycling the text books, a lot of nature resources and expense can be saved. However, there are till 32% of them who oppose it. They hold the view that the content of text book change so frequently that the
13、 used books can not be recycled every year. In addition, most of the books are marked with notes by the last user, which may affect their reading.(二)Recently we surveyed 368 middle school students on how they spent the 2012 Spring Festival. 30% said they spent most of their time with their parents v
14、isiting relatives and friends while 25% went traveling with classmates or parents. 45% of all those surveyed indicated that they just stayed at home to do homework. When asked how they felt about the Spring Festival, most said they enjoyed it because of the holiday and lucky money they got, but some
15、 felt unhappy because the amount of homework they were given left little time for fun activities. Many students expressed the hope that next year they will have less homework and more free time.(三)On World Reading Day, we carried out a survey about the reading habits of high school students. Accordi
16、ng to the survey, 45.75% of the students read books they buy and 8.5% of them download e-books or read online. 35.75% of the students borrow books from friends or the library and 11% of them read in the school reading-room. From the survey we can see that the use rate of the school reading-room is n
17、ot high enough. We suggest that its opening hours be extended and meanwhile bookstores be invited into the school to make it convenient for students to buy books.巩固练习:1. 吴川的人口迅速增长到125万。_2. 女性吸烟的人数急剧上升。_3. 调查显示,支持循环再用旧课本的人数从436人上升到895人。_4. 数据表明,与2010相比,想出国读书的学生人数增加了15%。_5. 去年粮食产量(the grain output)比19
18、78年增加了20。_6. 2008年奥运会过后,北京的游客量轻微下降。_7. 今年,教师的工资(salary)锐减。_8. 在文科生(students of art)当中,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。_9. 汤姆工作很出色,所以老板给他加了一倍工资。_10. 喜欢看电视的人越来越来,而喜欢看书的人却越来越少。_11. 今年,工厂的产量维持不变。_12. 上周,我们就学生的零用钱(pocket money)的消费方式对全校的学生进行了一次调查。_13. 调查显示,87%的中学生从不做家务。_14. 据报道,超过一半的中学生表示有学习焦虑(learning anxieties)。_15. 在被调查的350名学生当中,62%表示反对周末上课。_16. 图表显示,大部分的学生都喜欢做运动,因为通过做运动可以自我放松。_17. 与在学校阅览室阅读相比,更多的大学生选择在线阅读。_18. 最近,我们对60位同学(男女各半)进行了关于上网目的的调查,结果发现男生和女生上网的目区别很大。_19. 上月,我们公司以35岁以下的人群作为调查
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